nw—w g'pg'Wi'pOT^^ *&• THE CRANFORD CITIZEirAND , DECEMBES G, 1951 JPage Twenty and Mrs. Gladys Johnson repre- day; at the home of Mrs. %. peratures. Also, the stores, haye houetted^^ainst a blue sky arid . y Dohlmar. -. '(?§ : been grouped so that all family SpeaKers f or insigrti^Of the seventeenth engengii- sented tije council at t^ie official BtlplltklII 'W ^wts^dcondT 8«lf fillip: days were celebrated-at,. the for all members, of the family, gpirJohn H. M. Dualey, director was received by the titizen • and may-Tanisand staff, at Union For- Chronicle this \Veek from_P*c. ever Council^ 122, Union last.niglit. meeting. Mrs. Carolyn,Gibbs was •••* drugs, sporting goods, toilet arti- it the Union County Board of chairman. " . .^ ,, cles, household, supplier —in fact -hosen Freeholders, will speak be- Donald. G. Albans. son of Mr. ^nd Past coiihcilors' club met Mon- almost everything which the fam- !ore the Adult Schooj of Eduea- Mis. Thomas A. Albans of 42 Wall -ion course on new Jersey Tuesday SITvvC, stop shopping. '.; >r < ; v .tight,' '.'.•••,•• ':. •.'•'. ••• .••••' Pfc. Albans and four other Cran- CoiniMuters Presenjt The same thorough-going scien- His topic ivilj be "A Study of ford youths are stationed. iinBaum- To Retiring Engineer; tific planning has gone into the de-Historical Basis bf Legal Aspects i r,1 Germany. ' V sign and. equipment of the individ- New Jersey's Law." ' . A note on the card. wishes "ai, 48 Years With CRR ual stores by ttdward Clothes, Food H. M. Fischer, chaif'mari of thevery happy holiday" to all the KENULWORTH •n Things vcr ^.(T.,-,..,, i^.w ir^;. F'iir "W'T ' d** Cranford.Wanning Poai'd. u ill ad people "bacK m tirantora." f^l day morning at the Cranford rail- Wilbur Rogers, Sun Ray . Drugs, dress the "Our Community" couise w- 1 A|t>uns said the 'boys from the, No. 47 rojd station just before 7:54 when Kinney Shoes, Cooper 'Furniture, on the subject, "\#hat, Thfc • Plan- tovynship often, get. together arid XRAKFORD. NEW JERSEY; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 36 Pages — FIVE CENTS Jersey Central's big .commuter Lubbell's Sporting Goods, Open ning TBoard Mearts io Your Com- read the Chronicle, and though the whew!! 1 —— Train 818 pulled out for Jer.sc> View Cleaners, Gulf Oil, Saunders munity.'r Iri the class last: week, papers arc a month old. wheiTthey To Judge Christmas City -- - Bake Shop, and the others' who.".yfill" Mayor George E; Ostorheldt out- them, they "sure get a kick out cGliirtock Instead" of heading directly for be •repres'ented at 4he center.' In ined,. Iong-ran"gcr~t6whsh1p plans. of ^^k how the folkks back homh e Decorations Tuesday An Honor None Of Us their customuiy seats abonid Un- every instance the major purpose Township Committeemari Clarence are, doing; Judging' in the Cranford Business fiiiflcler has been on conserve the time and ii Fritz . was. originally • scheduled already 111 popular fiver, many customers hur- Association's annual Christmas ried to the head end, thine to shake energy of customers,; provide a :o speak. • ' ' oSeek decorations "contest will be held the ha»d of the enjjiner who for widev easy-tb-lobkrat choice of Next week. \^ill mark the' close. Election^ Ywle Party •.;. May.'Sue- 1 \ejn» had piloted th«m safely to merchandise and generally to make it the 10-week eourses , which at- For D of A Wednesday next Tuesday-it • was announeetf >OftS and from work -^ and to present shopping a pleasure nstead of atracted a retordibreaking 'regjstra- this week-by Pcesident Robert M. chore, ' '"".""• '-...•' 7 A full schedule, including elec- him with a scroll Containing Jjernard J. (Barney) Sweeney or 11-A Sylvester street, tioh of 582: in .its third '"year of ; : Ol ofllcers,. a_Christmas party, Crane'. .'.. .. "'••.^ '. ' '•- •' ', "<if -their-namcs. iperatioh,- •;.--..-—'—J.—^-^,—A ..Judges-wilt be Assistant Prose- Club's Wreath-making Special Committee For Bernard J.'(Barney) Sween- '•'Jersey City after.Vs'y years with Jersey Central Lines, leans.frorti Three Initiated TV Student questionnaires were dis- and a revealinli g partty are ont hthe Gets Unexpected Boost itfaei ey of II-A Sylvester street, was the cab of his engine us J. S. L«pts of 50& Springfield avenue tributed Tuesday night, Results of agenda for Wednesday's meeting of gifts big and little—r I Finance Chairman cutor C7 K. Sellers, TLeslie Crump: Coutracior. Questioiiszz Offers Suggestions _ _ present's- liim with a•.Iwind-leftere'trscroll he designed in recognition : and' MrsrMsrgaret^ OssmatT.^" -v- Help- for the Cranford Oarden- nukng hs last run .as-engineer, on of the"event.- "Shafcihg Jus" hiinflf Is, Miss Loraihe Werner of. fill ' Rainbow for Girls v tabulated replies will be an- Harry t>. Johnson Council, * d and new* ^^ r—--"--r-« I First 3-Year— For Improving Areas 818, and whon his day's work was ounced, Mrs. Charles Redden, ^ ,\ • •., V . Cointmittee's Denial Club's wreath^making venture this. Orchard street,"i,• ri'rn'Iy commuter on.Mr. Sweeney's train. Albert B^vferly Paffrath, Mildred Welte Plaques willbe awarded in three year came from an unexpected done at 7 o'clock that evening; ho director; said, »— slaughters of America, \- . as Trustee Nine recommendations for .the Roselle' Park; fireman', stands in the engine.at the right. and Jean Bannort, were initiated classes^-open, reteail and service. Of Dwelling Periiiits quarter this week.-- • ^ hunt' up his cap for good ~ after Mrs, Elizabeth Stanford and I John, H. McClintock of 32.7 Wai- improvement and regulation—ol- Into Azure Assembly 40,- Order of The Cranford Trust: Comsiay Refusal of the Township Com- , Mus. Wilmar F. Whitescarver, •48"4 yenr^of railroading-' her committee will haVe charge of A ayenut, who is completing his present public parking areas "and , 1 j at the. Roselle Golf Club, adjoining Rainbow for Girls,- following the which last year retired the plaque mittee to grant three buildings A locomotive engineer since No- Pfc. Alhaiis in Germany arrangements, ..for*- the meeting. st •three-year term' on th«r Board member of the club, found acquisition of new, ^sreas are. con-* ' New Ro!*ell<- Shopping j.the, shoppiAjj center, at Which he regular meeting ^.Tuesday at the in the open division, has donated — permits to the.G & H Construction vember 28, 1012, Barney Sweeney Councilor Mrs^ Minnie Anderson a tree surgeon a Willing aiide in tained in "the report, of a spe- - will be host to the distinguished Sends Yule Gree|iiigs tootn 10 -— 15 alden St., cran Education, will seek reelection a hew placjue which will' bi^ placed lompany may lead to litigation ran trams to mid from. Cranford, Tuesday Masonic Temple, supplying her with blue spruce for cial committee appointed : several •j;ues,ts _ Following the luncheon the A gaily coiored Christmas eWd» \vill preside. the annual school election on in competition this year. unless a conference can be arranged his home town, for some MO years, The Roselle "Shopping Center, f Receiving the majority degree eaturing a picture of a skier sill- Deputies Mrs, Charlotte Le Due ,, February 13, it was wreaths and garlands slated f(or. months ago to study the advisa- '• group will move over to the cen- to iron out the differences, Kein Lyons Veterans Hospital. ' • 1 and for the last ten years had been 1 were: Caryl Ann Bollenbach, rncd last i>ight. bility of creating. a parking au- Vow,. 'Jersey's newest, and most ter for the Hag raising which I:::::::;:::;:::::::: U!:K:SS::HH:::H'lH:HK&U!Ka::'::U:H£^ & Scotch of Union, attorneys for thority in Cranford. The report,: engineer on 8J& He started raij- Louise Brbiiherbergl;'' Barbara Kai- There, now are two candidates iri The pile of evergrjien tops in hir modern,- at Wood avenue and Rari= mark the formal opening;. • ser; , Evelyn Montag, Janet Rudolph, the construction firm; advised the yard will be taken to Cleveland submitted to the Township Com- loadmg as .m engine hostler at ie field for the three vacancies, committee in a communication an. road, will be operted. Tuesday •Planned after exhaustive studies Ruth Sconfield and Sally- Anh School, before 10 .a. m. Tuesday, mittee Tuesday 1 night iby Finance Somervillc on May-2fi;'1903, .and tyrliri E. Taliaferiro hiyittg an- JTuesdayaiifiht.u^_,, .... • ' v ,\vai_pLOin<}teJ to fireman three lyith jmprc'ssi-ve ceremonies int and "research.- the center and theYates. ,. • .••...•'-.••.• - ••• ••- ,,••" where some SO"'club members-will Commissioner^" F.~"Pr "Andersen,^ r KJuncedJfast_weeltLthat-^ie would: The attorneys, said that their chairman of the.special committee, >cJrs Liter lie-presence <Jf~T:nrtc^nrnif^ccuntj iiuiivi3^^~slort\s. 1inc"6rp&rate Ofe Refreshments followed the meet- •tnm'them into wreaths for use at 4 reelection, ftichard J. Kaul, client had applied for permits to was referred to committee of the Amonii Ihe commuters to wjsh oincinls, the 'mayors''.'of RosellcJ m',,st modem features to' make' ' ; the veterans' hospital.'Coffee Will ing,' •' •.. ....:' . .'.". .. •• ..• • president, whose term • also build dwellings in Wall street,. 53 whole for study. v . him well at Cianford was Harry and, surrountlina communities, and shopping comfortable and conven- be served with a box luncheon. $-' •iy-fr-il CiOIIRI^IETS jipircs next year, '^^'-ahn.o.uticed Cranford Tcrr.ace and at ..Mansion .',• ' •({• • leading city planning and retail ient, hi addition to ample free Mrs.E. A. Cruikshank, chairman •••jp'TJ"" -E, Yerkes. 36 West Holly street; the Katiie would fetirc? at'.the concliii Terrace and Elm street, and While not recommending, trallfc •experts. Announcement of tlje parking spiu£fi»_the_££nter provides Mumps Prevalent war _ services, recalled that mana- loii-otJiis^prfis.edlJ:fir.ni,,^ __,_ they appeared to" be in tablishment of a parking imthorfty.- jjef.
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