01 2010 PRIO REporT 01 2010 Media Narratives, Media Narratives, Politics and the Politics and the Cyprus Problem Cyprus Problem Peace Research Institute Oslo Media, politics and the Cyprus Problem are the sided legitimacy or status superiority, stereotypical main themes of the present study. Through analy- positions of the own side’s good intentions and the sis of Greek and Turkish Cypriot television news other’s wrong doings dominate. Media Narratives, Politics and the Cyprus Problem bulletins and newspaper editorials and leading arti- cles, the study seeks to establish media approaches The mediated world is composed of various pairs and positions on important issues so as to better of ‘us’ and the ‘other’, community or group in the understand their work, role and functions. The other or the own community; there is an empha- study analyses practices and positions related to the sis on dualities, with the ‘other’ being the prob- Cyprus Problem, the solution, matters of identity, lem because of its negative attributes. Most often, the ‘others’ and the European Union, the authori- one side’s or a third party’s acts and decisions will ties and the political forces. This attempt to ascer- be seen as simply connected to their good or evil tain the underlying values that guide news selection nature, thus portraying it as an ally or as foe. and content will provide a clearer picture of how the media interacts with or influences society. The framing of news and representations shows divergent perceptions of the core of the Cyprus The study of sample data from late 2002, 2007 and Problem and consequently of how a solution can July 2008 has revealed that, along with some dif- be reached. ferences, the two communities’ media have com- mon features and practices; these are sustained Changes in power or the general atmosphere have over time irrespective of the general context. While limited effect on media coverage and stances. On the media perspectives and positions of the two most issues media practices and positions feature sides may differ, in many instances they all obey stability and continuity. the same or similar principles. The question remains open; can the media articu- On most issues the media promote the official late a discourse that deviates from the official or selection and interpretation of events or those of dominant discourses sustaining antagonism and different elite groups, based on affinities with their conflict, in order to promote peace as a superior own views and positions. High dependency on offi- good? cial news sources, in particular of the Turkish Cyp- riot media, leads to disseminating the content and The report can be ordered from: structure of the official discourses. PRIO Cyprus Centre, PO Box 25157 www.studiosju.no design: 1307 Nicosia, Cyprus When reporting on core aspects of the Cyprus Problem and the status of the two sides there The report can be downloaded from: is little or no differentiation on either side; one- www.prio.no/cyprus Christophoros Christophorou Sanem Şahin Peace Research Institute Oslo ISBN: 978-82-7288-323-1 Synthia Pavlou Instituttet for fredsforskning Peace Research Institute Oslo Biographical Notes CHRISTOPHOROS CHRISTOPHOROU is the SYNTHIA PAVLOU completed her studies in research coordinator and editor of this report. He Communication and Mass Media at the National studied Education in Nicosia and Paris and Polit- and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2001, ical Science in Athens and Lille (France), where and was awarded a Master degree in Contem- he obtained his Ph.D. After years as a press and porary European Politics from the University of information officer, he served as the first Director Bath in 2006. She has worked for a newspaper, of the Republic of Cyprus Radio and Television a magazine and a television station, and has also Authority. He has participated in media expert been involved in several bi-communal activities. groups at the Council of Europe and other Euro- In 2002, she participated in a seminar on Jour- pean organizations; he continues as an external nalism and Conflict Resolution in the framework expert for the Council of Europe on media and of a bi-communal program for young Greek- elections, and regulation. He has created a data- Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot journalists in Wash- base on Cyprus elections (www.eklektor.org) and ington DC; the following year she was employed is the author of books and articles on elections by the NGP “HasNa Cyprus”, as coordinator of a and political behaviour, demography, the press bi-communal group of journalists who promote and other issues. He is assistant professor of peace through organizing conferences and semi- Communications at the University of Nicosia. nars. She has also worked at ANT1 TV channel. SANEM SAHIŅ is a media researcher. She earned her Master and Ph.D degrees from the University of Westminster in London in the field of journalism and media studies. For seven years she taught journalism and media-related courses at Eastern Mediterranean University. Prior to her academic career she worked as a journalist. Her research interests are journalism, media and identity; nationalism and the media’s role in con- flict resolution. Media Narratives, Politics and the Cyprus Problem CHRISTOPHOROS CHRISTOPHOROU SANEM ŞAHIN SYNTHIA PAVLOU PRIO Report 1-2010 Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Hausmanns gate 7 PO Box 9229 Oslo NO-0134 OSLO, Norway Tel. +47 22 54 77 00 Fax +47 22 54 77 01 Email: [email protected] Web: www.prio.no PRIO encourages its researchers and research affiliates to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals and book series, as well as in PRIOʼs own Report, Paper and Policy Brief series. In editing these series, we undertake a basic quality control, but PRIO does not as such have any view on political issues. We encourage our researchers actively to take part in public debates and give them full freedom of opinion. The responsibility and honour for the hypotheses, theories, findings and views expressed in our publications thus rests with the authors themselves. © Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the copyright holder(s). ISBN 978-82-7288-323-1 Cover design: www.studiosju.no Production: Action Global Communications TABLE OF CONTENTS A NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY.......................................................................................................IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................................................V MEDIA AND POLITICS IN CYPRUS, CHRISTOPHOROS CHRISTOPHOROU ....................................................1 WAITING FOR THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE EUROPEAN UNION (OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2002) ..............................................................................................11 THE GREEK CYPRIOT PRESS IN 2002, SYNTHIA PAVLOU ...............................................................13 THE TURKISH CYPRIOT PRESS IN 2002, SANEM ŞAHIN ................................................................31 CYPRUS ON A NEW COURSE, (SEPTEMBER 2007 – JANUARY 2008)...........................................49 THE GREEK CYPRIOT PRESS IN 2007-2008, SYNTHIA PAVLOU ......................................................51 GREEK CYPRIOT TELEVISION IN 2007-2008, SYNTHIA PAVLOU ......................................................71 THE TURKISH CYPRIOT PRESS IN 2007-2008, SANEM ŞAHIN .......................................................89 TURKISH CYPRIOT TELEVISION IN 2007-2008, SANEM ŞAHIN .....................................................107 NEW EFFORTS – CAUTIOUS HOPES FOR A SOLUTION (30 JUNE – 3 JULY 2008) ......................123 THE GREEK CYPRIOT PRESS IN JUNE-JULY 2008, SYNTHIA PAVLOU.............................................125 GREEK CYPRIOT TELEVISION IN JUNE-JULY 2008, SYNTHIA PAVLOU .............................................139 THE TURKISH CYPRIOT PRESS IN JUNE-JULY 2008, SANEM ŞAHIN..............................................149 TURKISH CYPRIOT TELEVISION IN JUNE-JULY 2008, SANEM ŞAHIN ..............................................161 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................169 GREEK CYPRIOT MEDIA CONCLUSIONS, SYNTHIA PAVLOU ...........................................................169 TURKISH CYPRIOT MEDIA CONCLUSIONS, SANEM ŞAHIN .............................................................177 DISCUSSION AND FINAL CONCLUSIONS, CHRISTOPHOROS CHRISTOPHOROU........................................181 APPENDICES........................................................................................................................189 APPENDIX I - BRIEF NOTES ON GREEK CYPRIOT MEDIA, CHRISTOPHOROS CHRISTOPHOROU ...............189 APPENDIX II - BRIEF NOTES ON TURKISH CYPRIOT MEDIA, SANEM ŞAHIN .....................................191 BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................................................193 A NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY he “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)” is not recognised by the international community except by Turkey. Cited or other references to the “TRNC”, its institutions or Tofficials is done acknowledging this position of the international community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS he authors would like
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