Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 10-4-1973 The rsinU us Weekly, October 4, 1973 John T. Fidler Ursinus College Kitt urT ner Ursinus College Elizabeth Tibbitts Ursinus College Joseph Van Wyk Ursinus College Cynthia Fitzgerald Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Fidler, John T.; Turner, Kitt; Tibbitts, Elizabeth; Van Wyk, Joseph; Fitzgerald, Cynthia; Lavelle, Ann; Whaley, Richard; Van Wagoner, Elsie; Morgan, Eva; Geist, George; Ludwig, Helen; and Fegely, Jeff, "The rU sinus Weekly, October 4, 1973" (1973). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 1. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors John T. Fidler, Kitt urT ner, Elizabeth Tibbitts, osJ eph Van Wyk, Cynthia Fitzgerald, Ann Lavelle, Richard Whaley, Elsie Van Wagoner, Eva Morgan, George Geist, Helen Ludwig, and Jeff eF gely This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1 mhr lltrsinu5 mrrkly Volume LXXIII THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1973 No.1 Freshman Class En~rgetic; Open Dorm Extention Refused, Frosh Cuts Limited to 6 By JOE VAN WYK Weekly (put it in any campus mail Brings New Atmosphere to U. C. By now it's common knowledge box or drop it off at the office, that for this year freshmen are Born. 01) we will be glad to print it next week. By KITT TURNER and limited to six cuts per course per BETH TIBBITTS semester and that President Pettit Cut Policy has refused to agree to a liberaliza­ Freshman Orientation started In the Faculty meeting last June tion of the open Dorm policy for Saturday, September 15, with one 7 it was felt that the lack of class the College. Some students were of the biggest and most enthusias­ attendance especially on the part outraged and indignant that these tic fres'hman class Ursinus has of the freshmen had become a changes were made over the sum­ seen in a long time. Dick Gaglio, problem. Theref()re it was our fac­ mer when they didn't have the op­ Sue Benner, Jeanne Crondall, Ed ulty who initiated this change of portunity to protest them. They Knowles planned the activities with J)"olicy. Dr. Storey in an article felt that the administration had a big emphasis on squads. This 'l eX't week will explain the reason­ s-truck anobher blow at student year's squad leaders were caught 'ng behind this move. At this point morale by formulating without up in the activities as the squads it will be enough to clear up some reason crazy rules designed to played football and went to the of the misconceptions people have frustrate the student, slowly driv­ other activities. The first activi­ about this new rule. First of all ing him to the breaking point. One ties were squad meetings and din­ it applies to freshmen only; this might think that I am now making ner by squads. This was f()llowed does not mean that the freshmen by a short Central ,Co-ordinating a mockery of a serious problem­ of this year who will be the sopho­ not so, but to listen to some people Committee meeting and an outdoor mores of next year will still be sub­ for their explanation of the situa­ concert featuring talep-ted Upper­ ject to this rule. Once a student tion sounds as paranoid as mine. classmen. Girls living in the Quad has become a sophomore he is en­ had particularly good seats while Before we storm the Administra­ titled to unlimited cuts as is any the action went on there. After­ tion 'Building let's be cautious and ()ther upperclassman. Also this wards many freshmen seemed to fully assess the situation. To do policy is experimental, it is for discover the Student Union as a this we must ask if perhaps the this year only unless the faculty great place to go. Administration did indeed have a votes to extend it. It is rather Sunday's activities were more of good reason for taking the stands clear cut and self explanatory, so an academic nature. I.D. card pic­ that they have on these two issues. if any students have misgivings tures were taken (if you were look­ This is a question that students about the rule please see page four ing for anyone Sunday they were seldom admit, let alone ask, for of the Drsinus College Rules and Photo by Mike Werner probably standing in a long line). even in the asking i,t compromises Customs. After brunch the new students met Nothing marks the beginning of another academic year at Ursinus t heir stand. None the less, the College like Convocation. Photo shows faculty preparing for this Weekly being a level-headed, ob­ Open Dorms their faoulty and pre-professional time-honored event. advisors. Following those meet­ jective student publication, felt The USGA last spring felt that ings there was a C.C.C. meeting Monday morning was registra­ hundred people could fit into the that it should present the Admin­ it was time for a liberalizing of that discussed pre-registration and tion but after standing in line all gym). Music was provided by istrative point of view, as well as the Open Dorm Policy so they vot­ for the lucky one hundred eighty, morning everyone worked off frus­ AD OM, one of the best groups to the students'. Since this is our ed to ask President Pettit to grant a talk about C.M.P. trations by playing football and play at U.C. ever. first issue of this year and it is a an extension having open houses at That evening the students ate taking a short walk to Walebe's. But with Wednesday classes be­ physical impossibility to canvass both male and female dormitories dinner in faculty homes. It was a That night our future Olympic gan and the freshmen settled into t.he entire student body for anyone oO n both Friday and Saturday great way to meet professors on Champs took to the pool as the the Ursinus pattern. A few la-ter issue and since the Administra­ nights. The following- lebter was an informal basis, even to see a Freshman class took a communal activities were the trip to the F&M tion's position could be gotten in t he reply -that t he USGA received: professor in jeans. bath (with suits). game on the 22nd, and on the 28th a single after noon, we decided to Mr. David K. Zimmerman, Pres. That night the freshmen took Tuesoay the girls had the Big a Mixer at ILehigh. Color Day is do them first. But we are interest­ Ursinus Student Govt. Ass'Oc. ed in how the students feel about over the gym. It was not surpris­ and Little Sister Appetizer. In t he October 3 and class elections are 1406 Old Mill -Road ing to see volleyball teams of twen­ afternoon the freshmen had a in Wismer Auditorium from 6:30 these issues, therefore if anyone Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 19610 ty-five. The gym was filled t o ca­ ohance to meet the administration to 8 :30 on Thursday the fourth. who is so inclined will express his pacity and everyone had a ball. at the President's Recept ion. That The Class of 77 is a large and views in a letter addressed to the Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Afterwards the Union sponsored night all students attended the enthusiastic class. If they keep The request of the Ursin us Stu­ the movie "Butch Cassidy and othe Back to Scho()l Dance in T.G. Gym their momentum going they will dent Government Associat ion to Sundance Kid." (who would have believed that five really keep things hopping at U.C. grant the continuation of the open Professor dorm policy has been thoroughly discussed and it is the unanimous 'Opinion of those entering into the Bomberger Hall Finally Opens Publishes discussion that by no means should The Reverend Dr. William B. any extension in the present policy Williamson, professor of philoso­ be made. phy at Ursinus is aubhor of "One­ The current privileges were of­ After Lengthy Renovations ness: Ephesians on Church Unity," fered to the students with the clear published this month by CSS (Cler­ understanding that the Men's Cam­ A major face-lifting of the old­ gymen's Serviees and Supplies) pus Council and the Women's Cam­ est building on the Drsinus Col­ Publishing Co., Lima, Ohio. pus Counci-l would exercise every lege campus has been completed at He also is head of the depart­ care to see that the rules of the a cost exceeding $600,000; comple­ ment of religion and philosophy at Oollege were supported not only tion and dedication is slated for Ursinus, and rector of the Ohurch during open house periods but at Founder's Day, this fall. of the Atonement, Philadelphia. all other times in order to demon­ Bomberger Hall, built in 1891, His book is a group Bible s-tudy strate that s-tuden<ts were capable with distinctive Romanesque archi­ of the biblical concept of the unity of exercising the degree of respon­ tecture, will again house -the Col­ of the Christian church.
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