5636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. A PRIL 26, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. H. R. 11676. An act to ratify and amend an agreement with the Indians of the Crow Reservation in Montana, and making appro­ TUESDAY, .April 26, 1904. priations to carry the same into effect; The House met at 12 o'clock m. H. R. 13850. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. ~~Y N. CouDE...~, D. D. Heaney; The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ H. R. 8925 . .An act granting an increase of pension to John proved. Wea'"er; ANTHRA.OITE OO.A.L T.RUST. H. R. 1851. An act granting an increase of pension to David T. !.Jr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I call up the privileged resolu­ Towles; tion, House resolution No. 283, which I send to the desk and .ask H. R. 9256. An act granting an increase of pension to Enoch to have read. Stahler; The Clerk read as follows: H. R . 6758 . .An act making appropriations for the payment of R esolved, That the Attorney-General of the United States is requested. in invalid and other pensions of the United States for the fiscal year so far as it is not incompatible with lJUblic interest, to inform the House of ending June 30, 1905, and for other purposes; Representatives whether any investif5ation was ever had at his suggestion, H. R. 12044. An act to authorize the establishment of a life­ or by the Department of Justice at t ne sn~gestion of anyone else, of the so­ called "anthracite coal trust," consisting of the anthracite-carrying railroads saving station at or near Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw Point, 1\-lichi­ doing an inter.;;tate business, whether any r eport was ever made of said in­ gan; vestlga tion, and, if so, to send to the House of Representatives the report -and H. R. 15195. An act authorizing the construction of a wagon, all :I:a.pers and documents and information bearing upon the same. toll, and electric-railway bridge O)er the Missouri River at Lex­ The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolution. ington, .Mo.~ Mr. JENKINS. Mr. 'Speaker, I will aak the gentleman from H. R. 13014. An act to authorize the appointment of road over­ Mississippi [Mr. WILLIAMS] how much time he desires-if he de­ seers and to create roa"l districts in the district of Alaska, and for sires any? other purposes; Mr. VlLLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I do not think H. R. 14590. An act to authorize the courts of county commis- . thei·e will be any desire on this side .of the House to debate the sioners of Houston and Dale counties, Ala., to construct a bridge resolution, and I merely wish to express the hope that it will pass across the Choctawhatchee River between Houston and Dale the House. counties: Ala.; Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker I call for a vote. H. R. 15165. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolution. across the navigable waters of t. Andrews Bay; and The question was taken, and the resolution was agreed to. H . R. 13262. An act to confinn the title to lots 3, 4. and 5, in SE..."l' ATE BILlS REFERRED. square No. 979,in Washington, in the District of Columbia. Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, Senate bills of the following titles KORTHER...~ SECURITIES OASE. were taken from the Speaker's table and referred to their appro­ Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I now call up House resolution priate committees as indicated below: 284., which I send to the desk and ask to have read. S. 3G84. An act to place David Robertson, sergeant, first class, The Clerk read as follows: Hospital Corps, on the retired list of the United States .Army-to .Resolved, That the Attorney-General is requested, if not incompatible with the Committee on Military Affairs. the public .interest, to inform the Honse whether any criminal proseeutions S. 2896. An act for the Telief of Joseph Crow-to the Commit­ have been instituted by the Depa.rtment of Justice against the individnals or corporations who were adjudged recently by the Supreme Oourt of the tee on Claims. United States, in the Northern Securities case, to be guilty of having "riola.ted S. 36. An act to reimburse John Waller, postmaster at Monti­ the laws of the United States by entering into unlawful combinations in r e­ cello, N.Y., for money expended in carrying the mail-to the straint of interstate commerce, and to send to the House all papers and docu­ ments and other information bearin~.upon a.ny prosecutions .inaugurated or Committee on Claims. about to be inaugurated in that behau. MESSAGE FROM THE SE.L~.A.TE. Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I call for a vote. A message from the Senate, by Mr. PARKINSO~, its reading The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolution. clerk, announced that the Senate had agreed to the report of the The question was taken; and the resolution was agreed to. committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the 'two On motion of Mr. JE!IXINS, a motion to reconsider the votes by Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R.14826) which the foregoing resolutions were passed was laid on the table. to amend the homestead laws aa to certain unappropriated and unreserved lands in N ebra8ka. SUPPRESSION OF A. BILL. The message also announced that the Senate had ·agreed to the Mr. HILL of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I find that there was amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 2382) introduced yeste1~day by the gentleman from Mi sissippi [Mr. providing for the resurvey of certain townships in Routt and Rio WILLliliS] ..a bill which I think intrenches very strongly upon Blanco counties, in the State of Colorado. the privileges of the House. I presume the bill was introduced The message also announced that the Senate had passed the fol­ unwittingly by him, not knowing the contents. It contains an lowing resolutions: elaborate argument upon the bill itself, .M.d the precedents of the Resolved, That the business of the Senate be now suspended that oppor­ House indicate that that should not be done. I ask his consent tunity may be given for tributes t-o the memory <Jf Hon. C:H.ARL.Es W. and the unanimous consent of the House that the whole edition TH011PSON, late a Member of the House of Representatives from the State of Alabama.. of the bill be suppressed and withdrawn from the files of the doc­ Resolved, That as a. mark of respect to the memory of the deceased and in ument room. recognition of his able and faithfUl _public services the Senate, at the conclu­ Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I have not read sion of these exercises, will stand adjourned. R esolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the Rouse the bill. I introduced it by request. I do not know what is in it. of Representatives. I took it for granted it was simply the old Cowdon outlet-theory Resolved, That tlm Secretary send a copy of these resolutions to the family bill, which has been introduced in the House so often. I ask that of the deceased. the matter go over until1 may have an oppol'tunity of examining S. 280. An act to establish an assayofficeatPortland, Oreg.; and ancl see if there is objection to the request of the gentleman from S. 285. An act to divide the State of Oregon into two judicial Connecticut [Mr. HILL] . districts. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi [Mr. WIL­ The message also announced that the Senate had agreed to the LI.A.MS] asks unanimous consent that the matter go over until he amendments of the Bouse of Representatives to the joint resolu­ has opportunity to examine the bill. Is there objection? [After tion (S. R. 67) providing for the printing of Senate Document a pause.] The Chair hears none. No. 240, relating to the beet-sugar industry in the United States. Mr. HILL of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, of course it is under­ ENROLLED BILLS SIG~'"ED. stood that the edition of the bill will be withheld and not gi'"en Mr. WACHTER, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, .re­ out from the document room meanwhile. ported that they had examined and found truly enrolled bills of The SPEAKER. Without objection, it will be so ordered. the following titles; when the Speaker signed the same: There was no objection. H. R . 12220. An act making appropriations for the naval serv­ .A.Mlli'WING HOMESTlllD LAWS AS TO CERTAIN UNA.PPROPRllTED ice for the fiscal year ending June 30, 190:5, and for other .Pur­ .ll\'1> m~VED L.Al\~ I!- NEBRASKA. poses: and Mr. LACEY. Mr. Speaker, I call up the conference 1·eport H. R. 4570. An act to provide an American register for the to be found on page 5814 of the RECORD, being the R ECORD of steamer Beaum.ont. April 25, 1904, on the bill (H. R. 14326) to amend the home­ IDiROLLED BU.1..S PRESID\~ TO THE PRESIDENT FOR IDS .A.PPROV A.L. stead laws aa to certain unappropriated and um·eserved lands in Mr. WACHTER, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ Nebraska, and move the adoption of the report. ported that this day they had presented to the President of the The SPEAKER.
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