![Vba 22001100 VVIICCTTOORR CCHHAAMMPPIIOONN CCUUPP BBRRIIDDGGEE FFEESSTTIIVVAALL](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NEWSLETTER AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION INC. EDITOR: Stephen Lester NO. 142 MARCH 2010 Approved for Print Post S65001/00163 ABN 70 053 651 666 round to go Oz2 needed a 20-10 win to reach the quarter-finals. They drew 15-15 and came 13th. On this deal from the Oz Players vs Zimmerman wo world-class teams fought out the final match, we benefitted from an undisciplined pre- T of the 15th NEC Cup in Yokohama in early empt: February. They were the two favourites, Lavazza, East deals, EW vulnerable Maria Teresa Lavazza, Norberto Bocchi, Agus- l A K 9 8 6 5 4 tin Madala, Giorgio Duboin, Antonio Sementa, k5 Guido Ferraro, with Massimo Ortensi coach and jA 10 2 Zimmerman, Pierre Zimmerman, Fulvio Fantoni, iQ J Claudio Nunes, Cezary Balicki, Adam Zmudzin- ski, Franck Multon. There were 48 teams, whit- l Q 7 l J 10 3 tled down to eight, Swiss-style, and included star k8 7 2 k10 6 players from the Netherlands, Bulgaria, China, jK Q 9 8 5 j7 6 4 3 Canada, England, Korea, Sweden, USA plus iA 6 4 i10 7 5 3 the winners of the World Youth Teams. In the l 2 qualifying, Zimmerman came first and Lavazza kA K Q J 9 4 3 second. jJ iK 9 8 2 West North East South Multon Del’Monte Zimmerman Bach Pass 1k Pass 1l Pass 4k Pass 4NT Pass 5 l1 Pass 6k All Pass 1. 2 Key Cards + kQ. West North East South Klinger Fantoni Mullamphy Nunes Team Lavazza Pass 4k All Pass Two teams from Australia were invited, Oz Play- 12 tricks are routine, and so that was worth 11 ers, Ashley Bach - Ishmael Del’Monte, Matt Mul- IMPs lamphy - Ron Klinger and Oz2, Peter Gill - Paul Gosney, Sartaj Hans - Tony Nunn. Oz Players qualified fourth, including a 15-15 draw against Lavazza, a 19-11 win over Zimmerman and only one loss (4-25 vs Netherlands). In the quarter- finals the Netherlands chose us and again had a huge win, by 78 IMPs. Oz2 beat the Bulgarian All Stars 21-9 and the Chinese Women 24-6, but did not get a chance to play against Lavazza or Zimmerman. With one Another 13 IMPs came on this deal: Board 26 was probably the finest in the final: West deals, NS vulnerable West deals, all vulnerable l A 9 7 l A Q J 10 2 kQ J 8 2 k5 2 jQ J 8 3 2 jK Q 5 3 i8 i8 2 l --- l K 8 6 2 l K 8 7 4 3 l 9 5 k7 6 4 3 kA 5 kA 10 9 kJ 8 7 6 4 jA 6 jK 10 9 7 4 j10 8 7 j9 6 iK Q 10 5 4 3 2 i9 i10 7 iQ J 6 4 l Q J 10 5 4 3 l 6 kK 10 9 kK Q 3 j--- jA J 4 2 iA J 7 6 iA K 9 5 3 Both tables reached 6j with no opposition bid- West North East South Multon Del’Monte Zimmerman Bach ding. Nunes tried to ruff out clubs, and then went 1i Pass 1k1 4l for the ruffing spade finesse. He lost to kA and Pass Pass Dbl All Pass lK. At the other table, Bocchi received a trump lead, which he won with the ace, and finessed lQ. 1. Shows spades. Then came lA, spade ruff (bad news), iA, iK, We welcome repor ts Given the vulnerability, South assumed that East club ruff, spade. East discarded a heart, and so had psyched the spade response. East had not, but South could ruff low, leaving this ending: on major ABF events. South still came home with 10 tricks for +790. l J k 5 2 If accepted, we pay West North East South j K Q Klinger Fantoni Mullamphy Nunes i--- $100 for articles not 1i Pass 1k1 Pass l K l --- published elsewhere 2i Pass Pass 2l k A 10 k J 8 7 Pass 3i2 Pass 3k j 8 7 j 9 All Pass i--- iQ E: [email protected] 1. Shows spades. l --- 2. Good hand in context of bidding. k K Q 3 j J I would have assumed South’s 2l was to play, i9 and so it was strange that NS played in their 4-3 South led kK and West was stymied. If he took fit, down one, rather than their nine-card fit. kA and returned a trump, the last trump would In the 64-board final Zimmerman led 47-4 after squeeze East in hearts and clubs. If West ducked 16 boards. The second set was 40-40, but 47-14 kK, South could score three more tricks via the to Lavazza in the third set narrowed the gap to black suit ruffs. 101-91. Lavazza gained more ground in the last East needed to ruff in on the fourth spade. Now session and with one board left, it was Zimmer- South would be left with j4 in the above ending. man 127, Lavazza 126. On the last board Lavazza West can then take kA and return a heart. When collected 3 IMPs from +400 vs. –300 to win by South wins and ruffs a club or a heart in dummy, 2 IMPs. West can ditch lK and score a trump trick. The tournament is thoroughly enjoyable and Copy Deadline very well run by Tadashi Yoshida, with Richard for Issue No 143, May 2010, the deadline is: Grenside heading the directing staff and excel- April 26, 2010 lent Daily Bulletins by Richard Colker and Barry Late submissions will be held over until Issue 144, Rigal. It would be an attractive initiative if the July 2010, at the discretion of the Editor ABF were to sponsor a team to the NEC Festival, Email: [email protected] perhaps one of the Australian national teams. Ron Klinger 12 %ULGJH&UXLVHZLWK$QQH:HEHU XQLTXHLWLQHUDULHVIURP RQERDUGWKHSUHPLXPPV3ULQVHQGDP &UXLVH2QH QLJKW(XURSHDQ6DPSOHU/RQGRQWR5RPH 6HSWHPEHU &UXLVH7ZR QLJKW$QFLHQW6SOHQGRU5RPHWR$WKHQV 6HSWHPEHU²2FWREHU &UXLVH7KUHH QLJKW$QFLHQW/DQGV'LVFRYHU\/RQGRQWR$WKHQV 6HSWHPEHU²2FWREHU 'HVLJQHGWRH[SORUHWKHUHPRWHFRUQHUVRIWKHZRUOGLQHOHJDQFHDQGVW\OH WKHPV3ULQVHQGDPLV+ROODQG$PHULFD·VPRVWLQWLPDWHVKLS$FFRPPRGDWLQJ MXVWSDVVHQJHUVVKHJLYHVJXHVWVWKHIHHORIDFODVVLF\DFKWZLWKWKH VSDFLRXVQHVVRIDFUXLVHVKLS7KHPV3ULQVHQGDPRIIHUVPDQ\FR]\DUHDVLQ ZKLFKWRILQG\RXUIDYRXULWHVSRWPRVWRIKHUVWDWHURRPVIHDWXUH FRPPDQGLQJRFHDQYLHZVDQGPDQ\KDYHSULYDWHYHUDQGDKV <RXUFUXLVHRQO\SULFHJXLGHLQ$XVWUDOLDQ'ROODUV &UXLVH2QH²/RQGRQWR5RPH 6WDWHURRP 3ULFH ,QVLGH 2QUHTXHVW 2XWVLGH ZLQGRZ 9HUDQGDK &UXLVH7ZR²5RPHWR$WKHQV 6WDWHURRP 3ULFH ,QVLGH 2QUHTXHVW %ULGJH 2QERDUGDFDUGURRPKDVEHHQDOORFDWHGWRRXUJURXSIRUWKH FUXLVH%ULGJHJDPHVZLOODOZD\VEHVFKHGXOHGZKHQWKHVKLSLVDWVHDDQG 2XWVLGH ZLQGRZ DGGLWLRQDOJDPHVZLOOEHSURYLGHG ODWHDIWHUQRRQRUHYHQLQJDORQJWKHZD\ 9HUDQGDK &DW$$ $OOVWDQGDUGVDUHZHOFRPHDQG\RXGRQRWUHTXLUHDSDUWQHUDV $QQHLV DOZD\VDYDLODEOHWRSOD\<RXFDQSOD\DVPXFKRUDVOLWWOHEULGJHDV\RX &UXLVH7KUHH²/RQGRQWR$WKHQV ZLVK1RQSOD\LQJEULGJHIULHQGVRUUHODWLYHVDUHDOVRYHU\ZHO FRPH 6WDWHURRP 3ULFH $ERXW\RXU%ULGJH'LUHFWRU+RVWHVV $QQH:HEHUWKHSRSXODU ,QVLGH 2QUHTXHVW SURSULHWRURIWKH*UDQG6ODP%ULGJH&HQWUHLQ&DQEHUUDKDVHVFRUWHGD QXPEHURIYHU\VXFFHVVIXOEULGJHKROLGD\V+HUWULSVLQFOXGHVX FK 2XWVLGH ZLQGRZ GHVWLQDWLRQVDV+DZDLL/RUG+RZH,VODQG1RUIRON,VODQGDQG+ DPLOWRQ 9HUDQGDK &DW$$ ,VODQG$QQHLVYHU\IDPLOLDUZLWKRYHUVHDVFUXLVLQJKDYLQJRU JDQLVHGDQG HVFRUWHGEULGJHKROLGD\VWR&DQDGD$ODVND7XVFDQ\WKH(DVWHUQ $OOSULFHVDUHSHUSHUVRQEDVHGRQWZLQRUGRXEOHVKDUHDFFRPPRGDWLRQ 0HGLWHUUDQHDQDQGODVW\HDU/DNH&RPRDQG3DULVILQLVKLQJZLWK DGD\ 6LQJOHYHUDQGDKFDELQVDUHGRXEOHWKHIDUHVTXRWHGDQGRXWVLGHZLQGRZFDELQV 5KLQHDQG'DQXEHFUXLVH)RUDIXOOGHWDLOHGGD\WRGD\LWLQHU DU\RUPRUH DUHRQHDQGDKDOIWLPHVWKHIDUHVTXRWHG$LUIDUHVDUHQRWLQFOXGHG$ LQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHHPDLO$QQHDWDQQHZHEHU#ELJSRQGFRPRUFDOOKHURQ VXUFKDUJHRIIRU9LVDRU0DVWHUFDUGDQGIRU$PHULFDQ([SUHVVLV DSSOLFDEOH&RQWDFW6DEUD7UDYHOWRRUJDQLVHDLUIDUHVWUDQVIHUVDQGDQ\ DGGLWLRQDODFFRPPRGDWLRQ (QTXLULHVDQGERRNLQJVWR%DUEDUDRU/LRUD 3ULFHVLQFOXGH 6DEUD7UDYHO &UXLVHRQO\ZKLFKLQFOXGHVDOOPHDOVRQERDUGHQWHUWDLQPHQWDOOEULGJH 7HO JDPHVSUL]HJLYLQJGULQNVLQ5RPHDQG$WKHQV$LUIDUHVQRWLQFOXGHG7UDYHO (PDLOEDUEDUD#VDEUDWUDYHOFRPDXRUOLRUD#VDEUDWUDYHOFRPDX ,QVXUDQFHLVVWURQJO\UHFRPPHQGHGDQG6DEUD7UDYHOLIRIIHULQJD 3 GLVFRXQW 1 New premises for Traralgon However, they were available at a peppercorn rental, so for the first time, the club could seri- raralgon Bridge Club, ously consider a move. T after many years of frus- tration and disappointments, But it was a big decision. Although the club had has finally obtained its own some reserves, a wrong decision could bank- clubrooms. rupt it. The committee held meetings, trying to consider everything that could go wrong, and The club could now be con- NOT the premises estimating the money required. This had to in- sidered to be a strong coun- - still waiting for clude the cost of labour, as well as furniture and try club. But it had humble photos! hardware. Finally, after months of deliberation, beginnings, starting from a a special general meeting was called to put the small group of social players, about 20 years proposed move to a membership vote. The result ago, running regular events in private homes, or was gratifying, with the proposal to move being temporary rented rooms. carried by an overwhelming majority. The club was eventually able to make a regular booking with Traralgon Uniting Church, where Fortunately, the club was lucky to have a dynamic they played twice a week, with the occasional President, Rob Graham, as well as a hard working additional day for special events. The church committee and an enthusiastic membership. premises were comfortable, and there was always A three-month programme was set up to get the a cordial relationship between the club and the premises ready. This was achieved, and the first church, but as with all rented premises, there games were held on Melbourne Cup Day 2009, were disadvantages. with the opening celebration being a barbecue. For example, it meant that after close of play, There was strong support from local clubs, as the tables, chairs and other equipment had to well as a few from as far away as Melbourne.A be packed up and put away in an overcrowded total of 80 turned up to play bridge on the day. lockable, cupboard. There was no facility for To give some idea of the work involved, it is honour boards or other displays. The normal estimated around 350 hours was given by the room for bridge play was often unavailable if members in working bees. The club is grateful the church had a special function. A computer for the assistance from social service work crews, and printer had to be carried in and taken home who completely repainted the interior.
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