;- - . ~ . ..... ~ . ". - . ~binkA.ne~ ELECTION YEAR , N 1 I ;~.. 1// Student' Union BOtlfd presents .. 0 9£Ylt]) 19£f£ SPi(ossf£9£ :First :Fema[e Presiaent of the Ylmencan CiviC Liberties V.nion ...to speak on "Sexual Har,assment and Pornograplly" 'llursdtly, February 4111 1:3f) PM Hesburgll library Audllorlum Free IIdmlsslon non-profit organization i U.S. POSTAGE . 1, PAID J., Notre Dame. IN Permit No. /0 STUDENT~ONBOARD q America: What Went Wrong? NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Attend the lecture - Find out the answer 13 Outback Adventures Donald L. & James B. 4 Gallo/Browning 18 Don't Look Back 5 Flynn/Wellman Barlett teele 6 Karianffhomas 7 Kovats/Connelly 21 Out of Bounds 8 Murphy/Bloss 22 King Missile 9 Reinke/Dickey February 15, 1993 7:30 p.m. 10 Combiried Total 2 Editor's Notes Hesburgh Library Auditorium 3 Editorial 12 Campus Watch A reception will follow at the Center for Social Concerns 23 On Other Campuses 24 . Week in Distortion 28 Final Word Barlett and Steele are Pulitzer Prize winning reporters for the Philadelphia Inquirer and authors of America: What Went Wrong? a New York Times best-selling book for over 30 weeks. This lecture is sponsored by. the Department of American Studies, the Center for Social Concerns, the Hesburgh Program in Public Service, Student Government and Scholastic. - Cover artwork byJake Frost q America: What Went Wrong? NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Attend the lecture - Find out the answer 13 Outback Adventures Donald L. & James B. 4 Gallo/Browning 18 Don't Look Back 5 Flynn/Wellman Barlett teele 6 Karianffhomas 7 Kovats/Connelly 21 Out of Bounds 8 Murphy/Bloss 22 King Missile 9 Reinke/Dickey February 15, 1993 7:30 p.m. 10 Combiried Total 2 Editor's Notes Hesburgh Library Auditorium 3 Editorial 12 Campus Watch A reception will follow at the Center for Social Concerns 23 On Other Campuses 24 . Week in Distortion 28 Final Word Barlett and Steele are Pulitzer Prize winning reporters for the Philadelphia Inquirer and authors of America: What Went Wrong? a New York Times best-selling book for over 30 weeks. This lecture is sponsored by. the Department of American Studies, the Center for Social Concerns, the Hesburgh Program in Public Service, Student Government and Scholastic. - Cover artwork byJake Frost G made an incredible recovery after an acci­ energy which the ticket of Gallo and Browning put into their dent that doctors said would leave him in­ platform. In fact, the packet of information which they gave us was Although you have probably been bom­ jured for life. substantially larger than the press kit which we received for Presi­ t e dent Clinton's visit. Their desire to trim the administrative budget barded by campaign posters already, Scho­ In entertainment, editor J. Bradley Keck is v o lastic provides you with coverage of the six back with "Out Of Bounds" and writer is a noble aim and certainly deserves further attention. Scholastic tickets running for student body president Kevin McDonough reviews the new King feels, however, that this ticket has two major flaws: their detailed and vice-president On the facing page you Missile album, Happy Hour. As usual you knowledge of the issues bespeaks a great deal of inside knowledge will find our endorsement The interviews will find "Week In Distortion," "Coming that comes from working in student government, but also the lack of contained in this issue are transcripts of the Distractions," "CampusWatch" and the perspective that comes from spending too much time on administra­ interviews we conducted with each of the "Final Word," written by Jenny Tate. REINKE tive issues. Also, their commitment to multiculturalism, although tickets. Don't forget that Monday is election laudable, seems to be leaning towards an extreme of Political day --.:.let your v9te count. Football Review Correctness which most of us would rather avoid. The creation of a "multicultural course" is not really necessary at a time when gender and racial issues already permeate discussions in many In This Issue For all of you off campus students who have sections of Freshman Seminar and the Arts and Letters Core Course. not picked up your copy of the 1992 Football The reading lists of these courses are becoming more sensitive to In news this week, writer Dyan Rohol takes Review issue of Scholastic just stop by our and these issues, and instituting another course would be overkill, as a look at the Honors Program in the College office at 303 LaFortune any afternoon be­ well as a waste of valuable electives. of Arts and Letters and the College of Sci­ tween 2 and 5 p.m. All you need is your ID. Two of the tickets showed admirable motivation in running ence. Campus life writer, with the help of Extra copies may also be purchased here for without prior student government experience, but they also dem­ some students who spent a semester down $5. onstrated an apparent lack of understanding of the complexity of under, fIlls us in on life at Notre Dame some of the issues which face a student body president. While we Australia. In sports, Amanda Clinton in­ admire these tickets for their enthusiasm and commend their at­ terviews swimmer Ryan Beville who has DICKEY tempts to break into the world of student government without having fIrst risen through the ranks, there is also an element of carelessness in their platforms. The tickets of Karian and Thomas, as well as Murphy and Bloss, seem to ignore the potential of the student cholasticendorses the ticket of David Reinke and Lara Dickey government reportS to the board of trustees. This is a crucial means S . for student body president and vice-president. We feel that for student leaders to communicate the interests of their fellow they show areal balance of three key areas: knowledge of the issues, students to the administration at the highest levels of communica­ a grasp of what they ~an actually accomplish and genuine feeling for tion. Without a real grasp of this potential, candidates would be .what the student body wants to see done. While many of the other w8stinga valuable resource once in offIce . tickets have either excellent ideas or a good understanding of how The ticket of Kovats .and Connelly seemed to be genuine in their to get their ideas implemented, we felt that the ticket of Reinke and attempt to be the representatives of the student body as a whole, but Dickey is the only one.which showed an adequate balance. Presi­ were drastically lacking in both political astuteness and in formu­ dential candidate Reinke ~so earned our respect by stating, "I think lating any concrete suggestions for student government policy in the they [student government] have a little bit too much self-imp6r­ coming year. Their attempt to represent the student body as a whole tance, plus they think their opinion is too highly valued." Amen to is based on a fiction that the student body is in fact a cohesive whole that Even though this ticket is basically an "insider" ticket, that when it is anything but. Their response to the Sinead O'Connor statement shows that these two candidates haven't lost their priori­ resolution is evidence of this: Kovats and Connelly want to ties to an inflated sense of self-worth that comes from having an represent the whole student body, but they didn't even comment on office on the second flC)Qr of LaFortune. the fact that much of the student body disagreed with the student In terms of specifics, they-hap plenty, as well as a good working senate's actions. knowledge of how things get done in student government. Placing We have one warning for the ticket which we have endorsed: we education as a priority shows a commitment to the one issue which urge you to stand by your commitment to listening to the students. SehtJlJzslic isp"blisMl wuJcly Ihroughoull"" sthool ytR7 ucepl dllring U1lers/o SehtJ/Jzsfic must ,,"typed Il1!d include '''''ruril.,'s name,odd,ess If you win, consult with the "outsiders" who are now running against =zmi7Ullion Il1!d tlWIlion periods III ,'''' UnitltTSily at NoI,. Dmne, Il1!d phone n""'bu. Unill<rsily studenls should include lheir y.., in affects all students. Their platform shows a know ledge of both the Nol,. Dame, IN, 46556 Il1!d prinled III The P.ptrs, Inc., Milford, IN schoolll1!dcollege. Focullymembersshouldincludelheirdeptlrlmenl. All issues and the channels for dealing with them. you. Recruit students to give you their opinions, because our student 46542. Thesubscriplion,lII. is $2.5.QO/y<IIT Il1!d bllckisSlles.,. mliUzbIe !;tIDS must be signed. Names will be wiJhheld upon'<qUeSI in cerloin III $1.25 /capy •. The opinWns uprtsSed in SehtJ/Jzsfic .re lhose at /he insIon=• The ticket of Frank Flynn and Nikki Wellmann has what appears body is too apathetic to tell you on their own. Try to maintain the • "'I;m's ~ ~/o,..nd do noI ~cessorily 'epresmll"" opinions of,'''' SehtJlostiutsm><S lherigld /o,.jed IeIlerslhol.,.libelousorobscene by perspective of one who has never been involved in student govern­ enl". ed.1orW boord at SehtJ/Jzsfic or of lhe UnitltTSily of NoI,. D/lm.e ,'''' IIlws of lhe United Sillies. Scho/Jzsfic Il1so tviI/ edil far capyfilling to be a very achievable set of goals, as well as substantial experience, lis iZdminisl,lIIion, foclllly or studenls. f£lorWs signed Scho/Jzsfk grtl1rI17UlIiCid or spelling mars Il1!d Scholostic style. llecm<se at spoa; but perhaps their goals are too many. They are a friendly and ment Take a step back from your roles and look at what's really 'eprtsenll"" opinion at lhe ""'jorUy of lhe utculi"" ediloriJd boord.
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