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U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 1 of 70 5,844,089 \/99-IITCid U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 2 of 70 5,844,089 |HOOEY uuz9-IITC1d aes eue6u?qoT ~,~--~~~–????????????????????????– Insa/Ieux €-SZZXXd U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 3 of 70 5,844,089 pDLIl-62m Nde El Sacil Pst U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 4 of 70 5,844,089 / Pst pGEM Hindi pDL Il-10A Hind pGEM FX-BETA ind pDL lil-1A U.S. Patenteg6-IIICJd Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 5 of 70 5,844,089 [3dS U.S. Patent 5,844,089 U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 7 of 70 5,844,089 Pst Hind pGEM FX-BETA Hind Fig. 3a U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 8 of 70 5,844,089 998-IITC?d U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 10 0f 70 5,844,089 leGQ--IHITS t29Ç–IHITS C9--IHIQS CIG£–IHIC'S §9£–IHÍOS U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1998 Sheet 13 0f 70 5,844,089 FIG. 5b AAC GCG TTG TCT GCT. 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