Hong Kong Bird Report 香港鳥類報告 2014 Published in May 2016 2016年5月出版 The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 香港觀鳥會 (A charitable organization incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee 香港註冊成立的法定慈善機構及無股本擔保有限公司) 7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China 中國香港九龍荔枝角青山道532號偉基大廈7樓C室 Chief Editor: John Allcock 主編:柯祖毅 Editors: Gary Chow and Geoff Welch 編輯:周家禮、Geoff Welch 版權所有,不准翻印 All rights reserved. Copyright © HKBWS Printed on 100% recycled paper and with soy ink 以100%再造紙及環保大豆油墨印製 Front Cover 封面: Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi 栗鳽 Pak Tam Au, 15th December 2014 北潭凹 2014年12月15日 Chung Yun Tak 鍾潤德 香 港 魚 塘 生 態 保 育 計 劃 Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme 香港觀鳥會得到環境及自然保育基金資助,自2012年起,與百多位新界西北漁民合 作,開展「香港魚塘生態保育計劃」,以提升魚塘的生態價值,並向公眾推廣魚塘 保育的訊息。 Since 2012, HKBWS has organized “Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme”funded by Environment and Conservation Fund. More than 100 fish- ermen in the NW New Territories joined hands to enhance the ecological value of fishpond and convey the message of fishpond conservation to the general public. 生境管理 魚塘嘉年華 Habitat Management Fishpond Festival 導賞員訓練 魚塘教育園地 生態調查 展覽 Ecotour Guide Trainig Fishpond Education Kiosk Ecological Survey Exhibition The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 香港觀鳥會 Committees and Officers 2016 委員會委員 榮譽會長 Honorary President 林超英先生 Mr. Lam Chiu Ying 執行委員會 Executive Committee 主席 Chairman 劉偉民先生 Mr. Lau Wai Man, Apache 副主席 Vice-chairman 吳祖南博士 Dr. Ng Cho Nam 副主席 Vice-chairman 吳 敏先生 Mr. Michael Kilburn 義務秘書 Hon. Secretary 陳慶麟先生 Mr. Chan Hing Lun, Alan 義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer 周智良小姐 Ms. Chow Chee Leung, Ada 委員 Committee members 柯祖毅先生 Mr. John Allcock 方健華先生 Mr. Fong Kin Wa, Forrest 區俊茵小姐 Ms. Au Chun Yan, Joanne 施百納先生 Mr. Bena Smith 蘇毅雄先生 Mr. So Ngai Hung, Samson 余秀玲小姐 Ms. Yu Sau Ling, Wendy 洪維銘先生 Mr. Hung Wai Ming 文權溢先生 Mr. Man Kuen Yat, Bill (紅耳鵯俱樂部主席) (Chairman, Crested Bulbul Club) 義務核數師 Honorary Auditor 吳潔瑤會計師事務所 K.Y. Ng & Company Limited, CPA 有限公司 義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisor 何志明先生 Mr. Ho Chi Ming 紀錄委員會 Records Committee 主席 Chairman 賈知行先生 Mr. Geoff Carey 秘書 Secretary Mr. Geoff Welch 委員 Committee members Mr. Richard Lewthwaite 利雅德先生 Mr. Paul Leader 利偉文博士 Dr. Michael Leven 余日東先生 Mr. Yu Yat Tung 周家禮先生 Mr. Chow Ka Lai, Gary Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: Editorial Preface Editorial Preface Welcome to the 2014 Hong Kong Bird Report. Once again the annual Hong Kong Bird Report provides a summary of bird sightings in Hong Kong, in this edition covering the year 2014. Bird watching in the territory continues to go from strength to strength, especially with the ongoing development of digital photography leading to exciting observations and new discoveries. As in previous years, we have prepared a summary of observations in the systematic list as well as some papers about Hong Kong birds that we think will be of interest to the members of HKBWS. For over 50 years the HKBWS has been collecting records of bird sightings in Hong Kong. One of the strengths of this long-term and reliable dataset is that it helps us to investigate the changing fortunes of bird species within the territory. On the positive side, the new arrival and colonization of some species, especially forest species, may be obvious to long-term observers. On the negative side, some species that were previously regular have now disappeared in Hong Kong. What may be less obvious are the changes in fortunes of those species that have occurred throughout this period of observation, but for which the abundance has changed. Looking back through older editions of the annual Hong Kong Bird Report may give some indication of the change for some species, but is a time-consuming task. I am pleased therefore to include a paper on the population changes in some species as part of this HKBR. We have chosen to start with the more obvious declines in abundance, largely to draw attention to the potential conservation needs of these species. I am expecting that the more positive news of increasing species will be in a future edition of the HKBR. Of course, all this is only possible with the continued support of the HKBWS membership. Any sightings submitted to HKBWS could be useful in future to help track the changing population of the species. As you will notice from the paper in this report, records are useful not only for the rarer species but also potentially for species currently considered to be common (Barn Swallow being an example in this paper). I encourage everyone to continue to submit observations so that we can ensure that the data we use is of the best quality possible. I would like to close by once again thanking the editorial team for a job well done. The HKBR is always a team effort, and everyone involved plays a vital role in getting this report to you each year. As in the past few years, Geoff Welch has been invaluable in helping to prepare the systematic list and annual summary and compiling photos, as well as organizing all aspects to ensure the report production runs smoothly and providing useful ideas for continuing improvements to the report. Gary Chow arranges all of the translations and provides additional feedback on content that I may have previously missed. Bonnie Chan and others in the HKBWS office liaise with the printer to ensure that the report reaches final production, and then ensure that this gets sent to the members. I would also like to give thanks to the Records Committee for their work over the years in verifying observations and sightings for inclusion in the report. Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: Editorial Preface John Allcock Chief Editor Editors Geoff Welch and Gary Chow Translators Chan Chiu Mei, Derek Chan, Celia Ho, Tiffany Ho, Alvin Hui, Lynn Hui, Cecilia Kwan, Eling Lee, HK Leung, Katherine Leung Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: Editorial Preface 編者序言 歡迎閱覽《香港鳥類報告2014》。 香港鳥類報告再一次為大家提供雀鳥在香港出沒的概要,今次涵蓋2014年。觀鳥活動在 本地日益俱增,特別是因數碼攝影的改良而帶出更多有趣的觀察及新發現。一如以往我 們將鳥類概況編纂在分類總覽中,亦將一些我們認為香港觀鳥會會員會感興趣的文章與 大家分享。 過往五十年香港觀鳥會一直搜集香港的雀鳥紀錄,日積月累的數據令我們可以分折本地 多年來雀鳥的改變。正面來說新到臨及聚居的鳥種特別是林鳥越見明顯,但負面來說一 些過往定期出現的雀鳥現在開始在香港消失。一些長期在香港出現但只是在數目上有所 改變的鳥種,其改變可能並不明顯。回顧早期的觀鳥報告可提供一些線索,但這是極花 時間的。我很高興在此觀鳥報告中分享一篇關於一些鳥種的數目改變的文章,我們先從 一些下跌趨勢較明顯的鳥種開始,希望提起大家對保育的關注。我期望在未來的觀鳥報 告中,我們可以提供一些關於鳥種增加的正面消息。 當然所有成果實有賴香港觀鳥會會員的支持,提供觀鳥紀錄有助我們追踪雀鳥數目的變 化。大家可從此文章中見到,不單是罕見雀鳥的資料有幫助,一些現時較為常見的鳥種 亦很有用,文中的家燕便是一個例子。我呼籲大家繼續提交紀錄,讓我們有高可靠性的 數據可用。 我再一次多謝編輯團隊的努力,香港觀鳥報告永遠都是集體努力而成的,每位參與的成 員都作出重要的供獻。Geoff Welch一直以來負責分類總覽、年度總結、搜集相片,以 及協調各項工作以令報告順利製作,並為報告不斷提供意見;周家禮統籌所有翻譯工作 及在我可能遺漏的細節上提供意見;陳芳玲及其他香港觀鳥會職員與印刷商協調得以令 報告可順利印刷並送到會員手中;我亦感謝紀錄委員會會員多年審批觀察紀錄,得以將 紀錄編纂在此報告中。 主編輯 柯祖毅 編輯 Geoff Welch 及 周家禮 翻譯義工 陳翠楣、陳健德、何煒筠、何穎彤、許桓峰、許文寧、關小春、李佩玲、梁厚健、 梁嘉善。 HKcBirds 香 港 常 見 鳥 類 CommonHKcBirds Birds 香of Hong 港 Kong 常 見 鳥 類 Common Birds of Hong Kong 免費 下載 讓香港鳥類在你手 下載 免費Bird information讓香港 in 鳥your 類在你手hands Download it for Free Bird information in your hands http://www.cs.hku.hk/~hkbirds/Download it for Free http://www.cs.hku.hk/~hkbirds/ 項目統籌 Project Investigators: 項目資助 Funding Support: 香 港 觀 鳥 會 香港大學 知識交流基金 The University of Hong Kong 項目統籌 Project Investigators: The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society 項目資助KnowledgeFunding Exchange Support: 香 港 觀 鳥 會 香港大學 知識交流基金 The University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Knowledge Exchange Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: Contents Hong Kong Bird Report 2014 2014香港鳥類報告 Contents 目錄 List of Plates 1 圖片目錄 Records Committee Report 2014 10 紀錄委員會報告 2014 Geoff J. Carey 賈知行 Annual Summary 2014 14 2014 全年摘要 Geoff Welch Systematic List 2014 26 分類總覽 2014 Geoff Welch Annual Peak Counts and Estimated Number of Birds 1990-2014 260 1990-2014 單次最高數量圖表 Index to Systematic List 280 分類總覽雀鳥名稱索引 Brown Noddy Anous stolidus on Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong record 290 蒲台的白頂玄鷗 Anous stolidus 香港首個紀錄 Geoff Welch Chinese Barbet Psilopogon faber at Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve: The first 295 Hong Kong record 大埔滘自然護理區的黑眉擬啄木鳥香港首個紀錄 Yat-tung Yu 余日東 Yik-hei Sung 宋亦希 Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectans on Po Toi Island: The first Hong Kong 302 record 蒲台的鴉嘴卷尾 Dicrurus annectans 香港首個紀錄 Wing Yiu Yam 任永耀 Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: Contents Asian Short-toed Lark Alaudala cheleensis at Lok Ma Chau WMA: The first Hong 306 Kong record 於落馬洲補償濕地的亞洲短趾百靈 Alaudala cheleensis 香港首個紀錄 Paul J Leader 利雅德 White-tailed Robin Myiomela leucura on Cheung Chau Island: The first 311 Hong Kong record accepted as Category I 長洲的白尾藍地鴝 Myiomela leucura Martin D Williams Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos at Long Valley: The first Hong Kong record 314 accepted as Category I 塱原的白頭鵐 Emberiza leucocephalos Stanley Hui Chi Man 許志文 Swinhoe’s Plover Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus breeding in the 317 New Territories: The first confirmed breeding record for Hong Kong 環頸鴴 dealbatus 亞種白臉鴴在香港的首個繁殖紀錄 John Allcock 柯祖毅 Martin Hale The identification of Seicercus warblers in Hong Kong 322 香港 Seicercus 屬鶲鶯的鑑別 Paul J Leader 利雅德 Geoff J Carey 賈知行 Declines in some Hong Kong land bird species: 1990-2014 340 部分香港陸鳥數量的下降:1990-2014 Geoff Welch John Allcock 柯祖毅 Richard Lewthwaite Diving as an escape strategy by Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 359 磯鷸 Actitis hypoleucos 以潛水作逃脫追捕的策略 David J Stanton Guidelines for the Submission of Records 362 呈交鳥類紀錄指引 Notes for applications to visit Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve 364 申請進入米埔自然護理區 Hong Kong Map 370 香港地圖 Hong Kong Bird Report 2014: List of Plates List of Plates 圖片目錄 Front Cover Japanese Night Heron Gorsachius goisagi 栗鳽 封面 Pak Tam Au, 15th December 2014 北潭凹 2014年12月15日 Chung Yun Tak 鍾潤德 Plate 1 Greylag Goose Anser anser 灰雁 34 MPNR, 21st December 2014 米埔自然護理區 2014年12月21日 Kinni Ho 何建業 Plate 2 Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus 大天鵝 35 Sai Kung, 26th January 2014 西貢 2014年1月26日
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