ubtished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit associttiod raiHHv Vol. LVII No. 51 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 17.1989 50 cents Canada's Ukrainians rally for Rukh A final farewell was being centered on Rukh and its role Outline group's goals, as both leader and coordinator of Ukraine's national rebirth. The desire to launch fundraising be a part of this was accelerating. Under the leadership of Erast Huculak, and by (HLsana Zakydalsky several like-minded individuals, this desire was galvanized into a group TORONTO - A rally in support of ready for action. This initiative group Rukh, the Popular Movement of U- was formed in mid-November in To­ kraine for Perebudova, drew more than ronto. 1,400 Ukrainian Canadians to Convo­ The goals of the organization, to cation Hall at the University of Toronto provide support and aid to Rukh in on Sunday afternoon, December 10. Ukraine include: Organized to attract a large member­ ^ to assist in Rukh's charitable ship, as well as to launch a fund-raising endeavors in the areas of health care, drive for the goals of Rukh, through the ecology and education; organization's Canadian initiative ^ to help finance the administrative group, "Canadian Friends of Rukh,'' structure of Rukh; (Prykhylnyky Narodnoho Rukhu U- ^ to help Rukh inform the media krainy za Perebudovu) the rally was a about its aims, activities and concerns; response to the ever-changing political ^ to maintain contacts between Ca­ climate in the Soviet Union and in nada and Ukraine and encourage the particular, Ukraine. exchange of knowledge and expertise; News articles on the founding con­ ^ to collect funds in support of vention of Rukh on September 8-10 Rukh's projects. in Kiev appeared in Canadian news­ Five working committees were papers. Ivan Drach, the newly elected created: events, fund-raising, grants, president of Rukh visited Toronto, liaison and information. Membership taking part in an international authors' was open to anyone supporting the festival and spoke to Ukrainian Cana­ goals of the organization and paying dians on October 16. At the same time, a membership dues. The December 10 large group (over 60 persons) of Ukrai­ rally, was one such event to disseminate nian Canadian businessmen and profes­ these goals. Invited speakers were sionals were attending an economic Mykhailo Horyn, Yevhen Sverstiuk, conference in Kiev and a meeting with Volodymyr Osadchy and Volodymyr Rukh leaders. And most recently, the Patyk. Mr. Horyn did not receive an visit of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney exit visa in time to attend the rally. to Kiev on November 23 and his meet­ Mykola Horbal was added to the ing although unscheduled, with Ivan speakers' list. Drach, was featured on television On the day of the rally. Convocation screens across Canada. Hall was full, as the crowds came to Excitement about events in Ukraine (Continued on page 4) аЗорьЩпаЗаР For abnost four years, the families and friends of VasylStus, YuriyLytvyn Mykola A. Livytsky, statesman, and Okksiy Tykhy demanded that these Ukrainian dissidents be granted the right to haveChristianbmialsandl^laidtorestinthecapitalcity of Ukraine, president of UNR-in-exile, dead at 81 Kkv. Finally, on November 19, their wishes were granted by Ukrainian PHILADELPHIA - Mykola A. authorities and thousands turned out to pay their last respects. Friday, December 8. He was 81 years Livytsky, the president of the Ukrai­ old and had been in failing health for nian National Republic in exile, died on quite some time. Mr. Livytsky, a statesman and ardent Ukraine's health minister ousted Ukrainian patriot, was a journalist by by Dr. David R. Marples Despite knowledge of that accident, he profession, educated in Kiev, Warsaw waited for nine days before issuing a and Geneva. The son of Andriy One of the most unpopular govern­ major health warning, and it was this Livytsky, the president of the Ukrainian ment ministers in Ukraine, Anatoliy delay that is believed to be responsible republic in exile after the assasination of Romanenko, the minister of health, for the notable rise in oncological Simon Petliura and a member of the has been removed from office. sicknesses in neighboring districts of Ukrainian Central Rada, and Replaced by his deputy, 39-year-old Ukraine, particularly in the Polis Maria, author of "Na Hrani Dvokh Yuriy Spizhenko, Mr. Romanenko has Raion of Kiev Oblast and several raions Epokh" (Between Two Epochs), My­ been the target of criticism by activists of Zhytomyr Oblast, of which the best kola was associated with powerful fromi the Popular Movement of Ukraine known is Narodychi. Ukrainian government and military for Perebudova (Rukh) and of envi­ Following the return of school-age circles from an early age. ronmentalists who have been concern­ children to the city of Kiev in Septem­ In the 1930s, he served as a liaison ed about the effects of the 1986 Chor- ber 1986, Mr. Romanenko remarked officer in the Ukrainian government at nobyl disaster. His removal coincides that not only were these children in no the League of Nations; he was also with the deeper investigation into the danger, but that the increased doses of instrumental in disseminating informa­ effects of Chornobyl currently under­ radiation posed no threats to the health tion about Ukraine to foreign govern­ way in the Soviet Union. of those evacuated from the 30-kilo­ ments during the period of the Great Although appointed in 1975, it was meter zone. Famine of 1932-33. the Chornobyl disaster that brought After his surprising appointment as He was the founder of the Ukrainian Mr. Romanenko to public prominence. (Continued on page 11) Mykola A. Livytsky (Continued on page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17,1989 No. 51 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY UHU president announces candidacy: Registration of Ukrainian Catholic faithful calls for national, democratic rights LONDON - Lev Lukianenko, poses problems for Russian Orthodox Church longtime political prisoner and presi­ dent of the unofficial Ukrainian by Dr. Roman Solchanyk Council for Religious Affairs in Mos­ Helsinki Union, has announced his cow. aspiration to run as a candidate for After more than 43 years of catacomb According to Ivan Gel, head of the IvanO'Frankivske in the March 4, existence, Soviet authorities have taken Lviv-based Committee in Defense of 1990 elections to the Supreme Soviet the first step towards legalizing the the Ukrainian Catholic Church, the of the Ukrainian SSR, reported the Ukrainian Catholic Church (also called decision to allow registration of Ukrai­ Ukrainian Press Agency based here. the Greek Catholic or Uniate Church) in nian Catholic parishes was announced The UPA received Mr, Lukia' the USSR. On December 1, the Council on Lviv television on the evening of for Religious Affairs attached to the nenko's election program, dated November 28 and subsequently in local December 8, which it translatedfrom Ukrainian Council of Ministers issued a newspapers. Several days earlier, during statement saying that it "officially Ukrainian into English, a press conference in Moscow on The following is the full text of Mr, announces that Greek Catholics may November 22, deputy minister of enjoy all the rights established by laws Lukianenko 's election program pub­ foreign affairs Anatoliy Adamyshyn, lished for the record. for religious communities in the Ukrai­ responding to a question about the nian SSR under the condition of un­ Ukrainian Catholics, provided the first During reconstruction and the qualified adherence to the Constitution concrete indication of a major change in development of a new political direc­ of the Ukrainian SSR.'' policy, stating that currently "the tion, we must always remember what The statement, which was reported Uniates de facto enjoy all of those rights kind of society we reject and what the same day by the Novosti Press that other churches do." kind of society we want. Lev Luiuanenko Agency, appeared to be timed to coin­ According to Mykola Kolesnyk, the We, Ukrainians,have had our land life for the people of Ukraine. cide with the meeting of party and state chairman of the Council of Religious from time immemorial, which no one The Ukrainian people are not an leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Pope Affairs in Ukraine, the decision to allow gave to us and no one has the right to exception. We don4 pretend to be John Paul П in the Vatican, where the Ukrainian Catholics to register their take away. We have always lived on better than other people, but we are Ukrainian Catholic issue was one of the communities was taken on November this land, here are the graves of our no worse than them, and hence these main topics of discussion. 24, presumably in Moscow rather than ancestors, here are our roots, our are my goals: The "recognition" of the Ukrainian in Kiev. joys and slavery and only here is all of a 1. the liberation of Ukraine from Catholic Church had already been The initial reaction of Catholic our history. And this history we want its shameful lack of national rights reported the previous day by the Frank- activists in Ukraine has been some­ to continue forever. and humiliation; furter Allgemeine Zeitung and the thing short of euphoric. Mr. Gel said We have been occupied. The sla­ a 2. the lifting of Ukraine to the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, which cited the that the statement of the Council for very of autocratic Russia changed same level as other developed Euro­ West German Evangelical Press Ser­ Religious Affairs, while allowing Ukrai- into the slavery of Stalinism. We pean people; vice (EPD) and a spokesman for the (Continued on page 10) have been deprived of property and a 3. the transformation of the forced to work in a centralized state- Ukrainian people from the disen­ monopolistic economic system.
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