25 CENTS Samaritan Shelter It's an alternative to 'pain of streets' By Patricia Hillyer Register Statt The long warm days and balmy nights or Denver's Indian summer coupled w1lh repeated reports or a soar• Ing economy lend to blot out lhoughls about such un­ pleasantries as poverty. But at Samar itan Sheller. which r e-opened Sept I aHer a month's clean-up closure. the strikmg evidence or homelessness and joblessness 1s unavoidable. Hundreds or men, women and children have again begun to pour into the protective environs or lhe shelter Lo escape the pain or the street. find new direction, or begin lire anew . Warm welcome Extending a warm welcome to the temporary r esi­ dents are two new faces belonging to Capuchi n friars. Father William Kraus and rather Didicus Dunn, who assumed the rems or the facility on Sept I rather Kraus wi ll serve as executive director. as­ sisted by F'ather Dunn as associate director. They join Terry Sharp. director or operations. who has been in• vol ved with Samaritan Sheller since its initiation al Holy Ghost Church in October , 1982. The largest shelter in the Denver area w1lh its 175 beds. Samaritan Sheller has gained national recogniuon for its wholesome envi ronment and for its unique philosophy or " tough love... the priests said. " We don't plan to make any major changes," Father Kraus said. " We'll j ust build on the rine roundation that Is already established." ·· Testing the waters at new Sts. Peter and Paul Church Shelter population Circulati ng among lhe shelter population " fanning Two-year- old Wade Patrick Brewer reaches out to Omer Foxhoven. pastor. Robert White and John lm­ t.he fires or hope." the two friars. garbed in the tradi• the fountain of Sts. Peter and Paul's baptlstry from the esch. associate pastors. and Father Lawrence Solan. tional brown robes and sandals or the Capu<"hin order, arms of his grandfather, Howard J . Brewer Jr.• a assistant pastor at St. John the Evangelist Church In believe that their presence has a calmmg, peaceful effect parishioner for 22 years. The lighted fountain, symboliz­ Loveland. In a special Mass. 0 1 the new church, which or the surroundings " Our habits are a visible sign to the ing "living water," Is at the entry of the new church at was built over a basement church the congregallqn people that lhe Lord is at the center or all or this,·· Father 3900 Pierce St, Wheat Ridge. To dedicate the church used for many years. parishioner Brewer said , " Thank Dunn said. Sept. 9 , Archbishop James V. Casey Joined Fathers God. It was worth the wait." Under the direction or the Capuchins there will be no required religious services or preaching tactic-s for shell er residents. " We just want lo be a religious pre• s- related photo on Page 7. sence. to create an atmosphere of reverence where CCon11nued on Pege 5) I 'RENEW is truly enriching to entire Churc~·, Archbishop Casey reconfirms his support for renewal process · -' - . Dear Family in Christ: take place at all levels or lhe Church or Denver. Bishops these confusing materials and to r ecomm i t themselves With lhis letter I am happy to reconfirm my support who have experienced RENEW in their dioceses tell me to the growth and health or the Gospel message. for the RENEW prcess within our Archdiocese. I am that the new life and positive energy that comes from It ls my hope and prayer that we continue to accept especially thankful for the dedicated Priests. Religious this process is truly enriching to the entire Church. Our this process with open minds and hearts Bishop Evans and Laity who have worked so many hours to make this Holy Father. Pope John Paul II, has blessed the RE­ and the Pastoral Starr join me in prayer for the success year or preparation a positive success. As the time or NEW process and knows. from his own personal life o: RENEW within our Archdiocese. It is m y hope that preparation comes to a close and the first season or experience. the tremendous power or the small support through this effort our Church will become a clearer RENEW is about to begin, i t is important that we tum group. All or this gives me much hope for the future. s.ign or Christ 's Body in Northern C-0lorado. our thoughts and prayers to the ways in which we will It is a matter of concern t.o me that there are those Your brother la Cbrist, acti vely participate. who are sowing seeds of doubt and confusion about lhe James V. Casey_ When we decided lo have RENEW within our RENEW process. Materials are being circulated that Arcbbl1bop of Deaver Archdiocese. our hope was that. through this process, are negative and in many ways. untruthful. I am asking more qualified lav involvement and participation would our Past.ors and their people to do their best to avoid - '~ ·. '--------------------------------------------8" related story on Page 3. Page 2 - The Denver Cathollc Register, Wed., September 12. 1984 Father Rybolt new rector F His first priority to learn about archdiocese r. .. p A pnonty for Vmcentaan Father John E Rybolt 1n his Sl Thomu· 'shoold be a resource ll cant be every· new adm1mstrat1ve dut, as rPClor of St Thomas thing to lhe diocese but 11 shoold be of servic e. and even - . Seminary 11 LO get to know the Denver arc-hchocese more Ulan tne droce~ 1t ha a respons1b1hty to the episcopal v l What I am mos t mleresl(..-d 1n nghl now ,s thinking region rt 1s in .. added Father R~bol• ""ho will travel around about th,. i,eminary and ,ts relalronsh1p to the archd10f'ese J the region getlln~ to know tht" dioceses from where SL wan1 lO bf'\,ome as fam,llar as I can Wtlh Whal IS going on Thomas· student" come Iller •_1leyenne Pueblo. Grand be.r t- athcr ttvoolt expl;.i1ned, adding that lhe seminary Island. Pboemx. Sall 1.akf' and Morse " 1s doing a rme 10b The new rector "prv1e ~ r of Old Tes t.amenl. also plans He takes over fur V10C'enLJan 1-athcr Paul Coldcn. who lo teach some <'las st.arung next quarter pro after seven yearll n St Thom;i, rei·lor wa, rea ,gned lo The 4S.vear-old 0rt('<;t ha ma°'ter s degrees from De cor. Paul Umverslly and Harvard and an ST L from Catholic l>ePaul t 'n1ven11ty 1n nucago tn U-a<'h 1n thf' rchg,ous Goi 11tud1e dep.,rtment University 1n 1972 be earned an S.S L from the 81bHcum in - The pne'll tarted hill n w )Ob Aug I with !tOml.' Rome and completed a dOct.orate rn scripture from St Lows' fam,hanty about lhl' a.tminary In 1968-69 h was a prof ssor Umvers 1ly m 1978 or ~nr>h1r•• amt 1h,.,,1,'l!v ,11 '-1 Thnma, :ond "'"~ 1982 ha.<s After hrs year or L~.iching at !)t Thoma~ Scm1n;.iry. Mal t>N-n a member or the bollrd nt lnl, tee, for th!" mlllltulton Father Ryboll was assigned to Kenrick Semmary where nea # RE: F:itht•r ltybl•h 1·,11ne It; llt>nv.-.r rrnm l.amnnl Ill ~he re he I.aught scripture and theology from 1969 to 1970 In 1!170 he he w11i. !>up.:n,11 , ,.,. ,.,, 111 l>t·A ntlr ''" l'>••mmJ I'} tor lhrf'<' went lO Rome for studies at the B1bhcum In 1971 . he retumed to KennC'k to teach scripture and )'Nf"'I Thi'( IU/14 85 ~rhool )'C(lr Wh wh OJ)('Ord !wpt 11 . IS the " R flr'il )'Par for Vm("entu,n tudt>nl l r<>m Ut>Andre111 m rved a academic dean to 1979 aria vice re<-tor from 1m to 1979 From 1979-1981 he wa an ass 1.stant to hts order's say l.>envcr wtH Tht• Vin<•ent1a11 Fattwrs m.:id.- ;, d1'C'1s1on las t pnng ll'> provmc1al rloiw U11• doora. of f)f•Ant1rc-l\ 1111d Lrnns rn tl'I 01~ral1on to Sin<'e 1977 he has been a ssoctate edito r o f Old Testament in I t.ln l~nvrr AbstraC'ts and 1s also a member of the V1ncent1an Studt Institute Vincenti•n Father John E. Rybolt con Ov - ◄ the arc, Masses scheduled for kick-off of RENEW tion Mat Spec ial Masses at lhrtt . 1tes m I.he Den\·4"r :,;f:W include St Mary's. Aspen: St. Michael's , Craig; archdiocese Sept 14-16 wrll muk the comml!I 1ootn11 of l VtnN-nl ~. Basalt , t Mary of lhe Crown. Carbondale; ters parish RE E W teams and letcll off the effort w m.,.oh·t• ' cN"d Ilea rt, Redsto ne. St Stephen's, Glenwood " wt all paru1:h1oners l'>prtnit St Anne s Grand Lake, St Ignatius '. Walden: mo, On Sept 14. Bi.,hopGN>rg1 n 1-:... an "' Ill belhema1n 1- ra r \1111')' ratholtc C'ommun1ty. Winter Park; St. relt•brant for the 7 30 p m kl<' k-Off Mau at St Anllwm " \1.ll'\ Ur~kt'nrtdge Holy Name. teamboat Springs; 'hurl'h rn Sterling for part h 1n Ul(' 4-u•rtrn, dr.inrn· \t \1.1 rt1n ~ 0 .1k CrN"k Our l..ady of Peace, Dillon; St. involved tn RENEW, ll pl'OC'•• of plrtlu.11 n-n••lo.,I ~ h,d, f•.,tndt " !-~git Mount Carmel RedchH.
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