^ . V Average Daily lA^Vress R om The Weather For the Ww^^rfdiHl, Septeihber a, I96t FWeeut of Weather Boreatt 1 3 ,6 1 1 Cloudy, mild, humid moat of to­ night. liOW M to n , Bhowera late Member of the Audit Burrau of Circulation tooigtit Or Tneaday. High near M. Manchester-^A City o f ViUago Charm VOL. LXXXI, NO. 289 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1962 (Olaaalfled Adverttalng on Page 16) PRICE nVE CENTS State News Roundup McNamara orts AIsop Promises He’ll Woi-k Full Time—If Elected an EAST HARTFORD (AP) — John AIsop, Republican candidate for governor, said today he will “ work full time in the interests of this state’’ Authority if «lected in November. He Mid he will. never be too busy outside of the state to take an active part in . Connecticut problems. , Held Vital “ During the past ei^ht years,” AIsop said, “we have’**eeii a num.- ber of instances of neglect of Cennecticut problems because the T o Nation state’s elected leaders were "pre­ occupied with national politics. “This will not happen while I OSLO, Norway (A P )—-Sec- am in ffice as governor,” he said relaVy-General Dirk Stikker in a prepared talk here. AIsop, without mentioning of the North Atlantic Treaty names hut in a reference to for­ Organization said today there A head-on collision claimed the lives of three persons last night in Seymour; Killed mer Gov. Abraham Rlbicoff, re­ is nothing in the present were the driver of the above car and a man and his wife in the second car. Two others minded nil audience that in 1960 labor union officials asked the world situation to cause Pres­ are in critical condition. (AP Photofax,) Democratic governor to return to ident. Kennedy to call up 150,- Connecticut to help settle the 000 Reserves immediately. United Aircraft Corp. strike. Stikker told a news confer­ “My ambition is to give this 177 Year Ago state the best possible govern­ ence he could understand why ment,” he said, "and I do not have the U.S. President had asked political aims beyond that.” Congress for authority to call up the Reserves since it would Wildcat Strike Ends permit him to meet any hew 7 Auto Deaths Boost WEST HAVEN (AP)—Produc­ crisis that develops while tion resumed -today at the Arm- stronlr Rubber Co. after a • brief Congress Is in recess. wildcat strike by union workers. Stikker refused to comment Members of Local 96, United on complaints by .some U.S. Yearns Total to 203 Rubber Workers, voted over the congressmen that ships from weekend . to end what their union some NATO nations including leaders called an unauthorized By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^Maynard and Jones came from the» Police said a keychain tag in her walkout. Norway are transporting So­ Seven persons died in Connect! opposite direction. handbag read: “Return to L. The strike began last Wednes­ viet military material to cut traffic accidents over the week­ The collision occurred in Todd’s Sosinski, 85 Herkimer St., Bridge­ day when the 11 p.m. shift walked Cuba. end bringing to 203 the toll for lanet police eald. port.” There also was a train out of the plant. Other shifts join­ the year. The toll for the same The cars were demolished. One ticket from Bridgeport to New ed the strike. WASHINGTON (AP) — period liaat year was 177. of the first persons to reach the York and Chicago. The workers were said to be un­ President Kennedy and former President Eisenhower talk in the President’s Whi’hite scene was Anthony De Luca, ad­ Secretary of'Defense Robert Five of the deaths occurred in The woman ignored a shouted happy with shortened work hours House office today. Eisenhower recently returned from a European tour, (AP Pliototo- two separate accidents—one In ministrator of Griffin -Hospital, warning from a private guard who and the company’s job rating sys- S. McNamara said today the Darien, where two died,' the other who was ■ out for a drive in the saw her on the tracks, police said. fax.) ' requested presidential au­ at Seymour, where three died. area. thority to call-up 150,000 Re­ In Cromwell, Ronald A. Nord, 22, Mr. and Mrs. John J. McHugh, Extended Forecast serves is needed to enable the 113 Knlpkerbocker Ave., Stam­ of 26 Vincent St., West Hartford, was killed when his sports car col­ State Bar' Deplores WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — The Down-to-Earth Talks Union Workers United States to respond ford, were killed Sunday night extended Connecticut forecast for when their ca:r was struck by a lided with another vehicle at an in­ promptly and decisively if the tersection, The other driver, Harry Call to Drop Juries Tuesday through Saturday, Sept New Haven railroad train about a 15: At Xeeder Root international situation wors­ mile east of the, Hoyt St. and Camp G. Doughtie of Cromwell, suffered minor injuries, police said. He was Temperatures are expected, to ens suddenly. Ave. crossing.. Easy on ^Speeders averageO to 7 degrees above norm­ Ike Briefs Kennedy McNamara appeared before ths Police theorize Mrs: McHugh, charged with negligent homicide and released in 11.000 bond. [ al, warm tomorrow, turning a bit Vote to Strike Senate Armed Services Cdmmit- who was driving, became confused .In Bethel, Kenugth D. Peek, ■ 7 HARTFORD—(A P )—The State» “""lifi Md wgrm tee with Gen, Lyman L. Lemnits- and. drove the car onto the single Bar AssireiatroitTg 'vnffl«ju«y~<mr Hudson St., Bethel died after h e; ■ againagalii^on "on Friday.Eriday. HARTFORD (AP)—Union work­ er, chairman of the Joint Chiefs _ line New Canaan branch. track in­ senting from Chief Justice Ray­ Some normal high and low tem­ of Staff, to urge speedy approval stead of following the highway. lost control of his car and crash- ■ On European Sc^e ers at Vendor Root voted over­ ed into two utility poles, a .sign | mond E. Baldwin’s suggestion to peratures for Connecticut area: whelmingly today to walk off their of a re.solution submitted to Con­ Dead in the Seymour crash were dismiss circuit court juries len­ gress Friday by the White House. an eiderly Stratford couple, Ray- stanchion and a hydrant. I Hartford, 76 and 53; Bridgeport, 76 jobs at midnight Wednesday unless ient with speeders. and 57, and New Haven, 74 and 56. McNamara said the regular ner Todd, 73, and his wife. Ruth, A 19-yeaf-old Bridgeport youth, > > WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-^look at the cup racers during the a contract settlement is reached. In a resolution adopted Satur­ Precipitation may total more The vote , to extend the strike U.S. military forces “ are strong 71, of 7 Bryant Place, and Kenneth Barry Roger Bleier, died in a crash dent Kennedy got a first hand weekend., . today, and their strength contin­ in Canada Saturday night. He wsw i day, the association’s governing than one half inch fMling as scat­ deadline another 48 hours followed Maynard, 25, of ,426 Mount Grove council pointedly declared its “dis­ fni-in today on former President The Australian boat, Gretel, ues to improve.” St., Bridgeport, a machinist at Si­ killed when his car swerved off the tered showers tomorrow and again was on her way out for a tuneup « meeting in Bushnell Auditorium approval of any statements from about Friday or Friday night. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s views of in which a small, bUt highly vocal ‘!The authority for a limited korsky Aircraft. Trans-Canada Highway near Sus- ■ the European scene. , run when the President, sailing call-up of Reserves,' however, Maynard’s companion, Kenneth sex, N. B„ and overturned several: whatever .source, the effect of the Coast Guard yawl Manitou, group, demanded an immediate which tends to influence or intimi­ Kennedy invited Eisenhower to would provide us with a flexibility Jones, 42, a special Seymour -po­ times. His was in the area-visiting 1 met her at the entrance to New­ strike. date juries. ” Death Ruled Suicide lunch at the White Hou.se and dis­ of response which could be cru­ liceman, was in critical condition friends. • J ,NEWTQV<rN (A P )—A patient at cuss U.S. relations with Europe— port harbor Saturday. Results of. the secret-ballot vote- cial if the international situation ..at Griffin Hospital in Perby. In New York City, a woman car­ Baldwin sai^ last month in a let­ Fairfield State Hospital here com- a subject that embraces tension in, Then on Sunday afternoon, it showed 659 in favor if the union deteriorates suddenly and specific '''Todd and his wife -were driving rying a handbag with a Connecti­ ter to Circuit Court judges and mitted-Suicide yesterdiyr by stand­ Berlin, methods of dealing with it was Weatherly, heading for home negotiating committee’s recom­ crises occur,” he said. wesf;^=-o,r downhill—on Route 188 cut ideiitification died in the path prosecutors that juries seem to be ing on the tracks in front of s and the shape of the Atlantic Al­ after a run. on the cup race course mendation to extend the strike when the-accident occurred about of a southbound New York Central reluctant to convict motorists of New Haven Railroad train. He was liance. which came up with the Presi­ deadline and 77- opposed. (Continued on Page Tea) . a Half mile from the Housatonic train on tracks near the 125th St. j identified as Edward D. Starr, 24. Eisenhower recently returned dent’s yawl. Approximately 900 union em­ River.-Police said the car carrying station. i (Continupd on Page Two) of .
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