TheThe Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 Circulation VillagerVillagerVillager Verification Council This paper can A community service weekly Since 1973 be recycled 1223-A Rosewood Avenue Austin, Texas 78702 TPA Vol. 36 No. 32 Website: theaustinvillager.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Fax: 512-476-0179 January 9, 2009 Danny Thomas sworn in as MLK Celebration includes Constqabe of Precinct One Danny Thomas was sworn March and Keynote Address in Monday, January 5, 2009 as the new Travis County Constable of Precinct One. Thomas spent more than 21 years as an Austin Police Of- ficer. After retiring from the APD, he was elected City Council Member for Place 6 on the Austin City Council. He served two terms on the council and was elected RAPPIN’ Constable Danny Thomas Tommy Wyatt Mayor Pro Tem during his last term. hoped to add at least ten ad- Thomas told the crowd of ditional deputies in the near Obama proves well-wishers that he would future. bring Precinct One in line Danny Thomas has a long to be a man of with the other precincts in the history of public service. In county. During Thomas’ honor of that service, the gym- Previous marches have featured Keynote Speakers such as Tavis Smiley (center) who joined students in the people campaign he was quick to nasium at Turner-Roberts the march. File photo. President-Elect Barack point out that Precinct One Recreation Center in far East Obama continues to prove had the smallest budget Austin has been named the To celebrate the na- festivities, as well as the free that he is a “Man of the fewer deputies than any other Danny Thomas gymnasium . parking locations, are along People.” He never fails to Thomas was joined tional MLK day holiday, the precinct. He asked for the Capital Metro’s bus routes. reach out for the common man community’s support and the at the ceremony by the other Heritage Council is sponsor- while making some very support of the other con- top law enforcement officials, ing the 2009 Community Capital Metro will add ser- timely and far reaching deci- stables and the Commission- APD Chief Acavedo and March, January 19. The vice on the #2 Rosewood so sions. Maybe that comes from ers Court to bring the county Travis County Sheriff Gregg purpose of this 16th annual that it can run on a 15-minute his being a “community or- in line. Hamilton. The oath was ad- frequency from the start of ganizer.” ministered by Judge Eric Community March is to cel- After introducing his office service on Jan. 19 until 4 His latest outreach project staff, Thomas said that he Shepperd. ebrate Dr. Martin Luther is to host a Neighborhood In- King’s legacy while uplifting Bishop T. D. Jakes p.m. Regular Capital Metro augural Ball for the people diversity and multi- dors and local musical art- bus fare applies. of Washington, D. C. In keep- Alcee Hastings Protests culturalism in our city. The ists to make the 2009 Cel- Other MLK activities ing with his commitment to ebration the best ever! For will include the 16th Annual make this inaugural celebra- Haitian Deportations 2009 MLK Community tion open and accessible to all March kicks off at 9 a.m. questions and information, Keynote address on Satur- Americans, Obama will host Special to the with a short program at the please contact Carol Wright day, January 24, 2009 at St NNPA from GIN the first-ever such events dur- MLK Statue on the Univer- by email or by telephone at James M.B. Church. This ing this year’s inaugural cel- (GIN) – Florida Rep. sity of Texas campus. (512) 323-6773 ext. 102. year’s speaker will be ebration. Alcee L. Hastings of Palm In previous years, the Bishop T. D. Jake. The New The ball will be the premier Beach has condemned U.S. Marchers will then march event of inauguration efforts to deport citizens of to the Capitol for a brief pro- march has drawn up to an York Times named Bishop evening on January 20th and Haiti who fled four back-to- gram. Thereafter, They will estimated 15,000 people Jakes as “one of the top five will take place at the Wash- back hurricanes and tropical march to the historic Huston- and planners are anticipat- evangelists most frequently ington Convention Center. storms, followed by deadly Tillotson University, where ing even more individuals to cited by theologians, schol- With tickets available free or food riots. unite for this special occasion ars and evangelical leaders at a affordable price, it is the “This past summer, exciting activities are first official inaugural ball of thousands lost their homes, planned. in January 2009. All busi- to step up to the international its kind to be held during a many were left starving and The Heritage Council is nesses, non-profit organiza- pulpit behind the Rev. Billy presidential inauguration. A isolated from humanitarian planning a Cultural Festival tions and individuals are in- Graham.” portion of tickets for this event assistance, nearly 800 lives which will begin after the vited to march and celebrate There will also be a will be set aside for District of were taken and as of last Dr. King’s legacy. special musical perfor- Columbia residents. The ball month, over 300 people re- Rep. Alcee L. Hasting March and last until 2 p.m.; The 2009 celebration will also feature a robust in- main missing,” he wrote in an hemisphere’s poorest nation it will include all types of ven- mance. teractive component, includ- open letter along with another by pursuing this dangerous ing webcasting and tex mes- legislator. and irresponsible course of Obama Rejects Blagojevich Appointee saging, to link neighborhoods Much of Haiti remains action. Even now, (immigra- across the country with the in a state of destruction. Up tion) has refused to provide By. Sean Yoes new President and this pre- to 40,000 people are in shel- an adequate explanation as Special to the NNPA ment senators are using not mier event. The Presidential ters and severe malnutrition to what prompted this sud- from the to seat him. Inaugural Committee will re- concerns have arisen den change in policy and who Afro-American Blagojevich has been lease more details soon about throughout rural areas. It, made the decision.” Newspapers under tremendous pressure using technology to allow therefore, came as an utter Earlier this year, Haiti to resign as governor since his Americans who are attending shock to hear that our govern- President Rene Preval wrote WASHINGTON arrest earlier this month on neighborhood ball across the ment recently decided to re- to President Bush asking for (NNPA) – In what has be- charges linked to his alleged country to participate actively start deporting people to this temporary protected status, come a racially tinted contro- attempts to “sell” Obama’s in this celebration. fragile nation,” Rep. Hastings as did clergymen from the versy, President-elect Barack Senate seat to “the highest “This is an Inauguration for wrote. U.S. Conference of Catholic Obama has rebuffed the man bidder.” all Americans,” President- “This administration Bishops. However deporta- chosen by Illinois’ scandal- Senate Majority Leader Elect Obama said. “I wanted has turned its back on our tions were resumed Dec. 5. scarred governor to replace Harry Reid has warned to make sure that we had an him as the only African- Blagojevich that Senate event that would be open to Life Sentences Sought for American senator in Con- Former Illinois Attn. Democrats will not seat any- our new neighborhood here gress. Gen. Roland Burris one the governor appoints. in Washington, D. C., and also Ex-Liberian President’s Son While state lawmakers During a press confer- “It is truly regrettable neighborhoods across the debated whether to begin the ence the same day, that…Gov. Blagojevich country...” Special to the NNPA authority’’ that warrants the impeachment process for Blagojevich had announced would take the imprudent Every day that we watch from GIN severe punishment of Taylor. their embattled governor, Rod his choice, referring to Burris step of appointing someone Obama at work we are more (GIN) - U.S. prosecutors A jury convicted Blagojevich had tapped as a “wise and distinguished to the United States Senate amazed about his thoughtful- are seeking multiple life sen- Emmanuel of torture and tor- former Illinois Attorney Gen- senior statesman” with “un- who would serve under a ness and consideration for the tences for Charles “Chuckie” ture conspiracy involving eral Roland Burris to fill questioned integrity.” shadow and be plagued by common man. With the many Taylor, Jr. for torturing people seven victims and use of a fire- Obama’s vacated Senate seat Blagojevich added, questions of impropriety,” first that will be set by the when he was chief of a brutal arm in a violent crime. on Tuesday. “Please don’t let the allega- Reid said in a statement. Still, Obama administration, it will paramilitary unit during his Witnesses described But Roland Burris’ tions against me taint this other lawmakers felt there be a very hard act to follow father’s reign. torture techniques that in- swearing in was blocked by good and honest man.” were more important consid- for the next president. Charles McArthur volved electric shocks, molten fellow Democrats who re- Standing at erations, including the pink Obama is also setting a Emmanuel, son of former plastic, lit cigarettes, hot jected his appointment by the Blagojevich’s side during the elephant in the room—race. record for appointing his cabi- Liberian President Charles clothes irons, bayonets and beleagured Blagojevich.
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