• '!' "I \, All the News of Home of the News All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Poi nte ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 33 - No. 17 Entered as Second ClaSll1lJatter at the Post Office at Detroit. Michigan GROSSE POI~TE, MICHIGAN, APRIL 27, 1972 ~~80P::rc~::r 30 Pages - Two Sections - Section One HEADLINES Student Behavior Pointe Boy oCthe Surrenders WEEK Subject of Code After Chase As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News James .Stevenson,. IS, Passed by Board Held In Connection Thursday, April 20 ----- With Armed Rob. PLEDGING PRICE ROLL- Provisions Govern Tobacco. Drug and Alcohol berYl Burglary BACKS aDd refunds to con- USllge, Subordination to' Authority and and Arson sumers, Price Commission. FalsificiAtion of 1.0. er Chairman C. Jackson ----- By Kathy Duff Grayson told Congress Tues. By Kathy Duff Currently held in the day as :many .s 10 percent A Student Code of 'Behavior was passed at a re- Shores jail is an 18-year. of the nation's biggest fiNns may be making illegal ex. cent special meeting of the Board of Edl;lcation held old Pointe youth James cesS profits. The ~overn. in the small 'board room at 389 St.. ClaIr. A. Stevenson, 478 Fisher ment's chief price setter The code was reconunended by a representa- road, who is implicated also said that price controls tive system-wide conunittee composed of students, in 27 c rim e s ranging could .be extended to food teachers and administrators. from arson to armed rob. as a last resort if rising food In the code are provisions pertaining to stu- bery. prices threaten the Nixon ad- dent tobacco smoking, possession and use of nar- S t eve n son's arrest ministration's anti.lnflation cotics, falsification of student identification cards, came at 8:10 a,m. Tues. fight. He was testifying be. insu'oordination to authority, amon~ other elements day, April 18, aft e r fore the Joint Economic Committee of Congress. of behavior which create difficultIes between stu- Shores Patrolmen Robert dents and school administrations. 'Bensinger apprehended • • • Tr,ustee Lee H. Allen com.i> I th t ft . Friday AprIl 21 mented that the school board e suspec a er reCelV- LANDING SAFELY ON had gone beyond most school Man Held jng stolen-car bulletin THE MOONThursday night s,-stems by defining in writ- . over his scout car radio. were astronauts John W. ing what is acceptable be. I M d Minutes earlier, Edward Young and Charles M. Duke havior and dete-mining the n ur er Nepi, owner of the beauty Jr., nearly six harrowing penalties of unacceptable be. salon located at 19463 Mack, hours late in the plalmoo bavior. Of Pointer had contacted The Woods touchdown in the volcanic Board Secretary Barbara police to report his Mark III highlands. Apollo16 program Thompson :pressed for !;he~. Continen\lal stolen from tlle ~ ' ....... -'-' oCficial!t'said the late land- v Cln l'on of the word man. II f rear of the salon. ing, .... Adm i tt e d Ki er 0 • attributed to fears over juana" in ,the fifth flection of At the scene, Mr. Nepi in- a harmless instrument fault, the code which pertains to Pointe Youth Currently formed Woods Patrolman Ar. might cut downthe moonstay from a planned 73 hours to the "possession, use, or under Awaiting Sentencing thur Gekiere that he 'had left Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. the influence of narcotics or his car keys in the inside as few as 60, and probably Pictured planting one of eigh~ Snowd!ift L. N U G E N T;Public Works Superintendent, dangerous drugs". By Pepper Whitelaw armrest and when he reo would eliminate the last of Crabapple trees which the Grosse Pomte Garaen Mrs. Thompson ,wanted to . turned at 7:45 a.m.• the Con. three scheduled moonwalks. DOUGLAS COLLINSON, and President of the Club Council has donated for 'planting along Char- Grosse Pointe Garden Council, MRS. URBAN make it ~tiy dear that Louis S. Gattis HI, 24, tincntal was missing. The near.p e r fee t landing marijuana was considered tin of Winterpark, Fla., on ,The Woods patrolman im. came at 9:24 p.m. on the levoix as part of the improvement of Elworthy W. BORESCH. Field are (left to right) City Councilman ROBERT this category, and the board Wednesday, A p r i1 13, mediately broadcast a stolen ooulder-strewn Cayley Plains members backed up her sug- pled guilty to the second car bulletin. north of the Great Descartes ,gestion.byir'.clud.ing the drug degree murder of former ~mon~ the 50 scout ea~s Crater. • • • L H AIle in Sect10n 5. Pointer Karl Corrigan whIch pIcked up the bulletm Saturday, April 22 ANN ARBOR POLICE Fund Drive Grosse Pointe Garden ee. n ~""::~'=::7;E~~~~r;:.l;i~l.•.~~T~9f~~~:~~~::;~:'.i: d1arged and clubbed 600 ., anti-war protesters blocking Donations Oub Council Tree Sale WmNot }lu1l:'::etri~;tHi~b~ ~.,,~;~,;c~~f~~~'Coir;' ':::;cf',::r~t=::~c:tt: U.S.-23highway traffic on an A're Lag' g".ng To Hl.ghlight Arbor Day O'n June. 12 dent lde.Iltiflcationcauls. Grosse Pointe North High nental along the S h 0 r ~ s overpass near Ann Arbor Fri- The code, as paased, $oped- School last year. He went to streets of Lake Shore, Ox. day. Earlier the demonstra- ------- £iesa five.<fay suspension for FlorIda in October and rent- ford, and MorningsIde, as the tors, protesting ,the intensi- Just $7,000 Has Been Three Types of Crabapple Trees Are Scheduled Trustee Regretfully An- the first falsification of J.D., ed an apartment on Jackson driver attempted to elude the fied U.S. bombing in North I 9 a lO-day suspen&ionfor tile street in W"mterpark. The police car, Vietnam, damaged and set Received Since Last For Sale at Elworthy Field Saturcley, Apri 2 , nounces He Will Not second violation; .nd suspen- apartment was owned by At Oxford and MornIngside lires in an ,ROTCbuilding on Week; Residents Are From 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. Be a Candidate slon from school for ,the rest Gattis. drive, the driver jumped out the U-lMcampus, causing an Urged to Forward - ------~. S. h oJ Board of the semester with no cred- The youth began work at of tJ:e car and attempted to estimated $4,000in damages. Spring is here, and a young man's fancy turns In co. it .granted ~ th~ event of a Vialt Disney World October flee the Shore~ police~an. Contributions Meanwhile in Detroit, 15 per- to ... trees. '} Election third :I.D. v~o1atloo. 24 00 November 22 Gattis Patrolman Bensmger eX1ted sons were arrested 'When200 k ,For the Grosse Pointe Garden Club Councl Other provbions in the &tu- rePorted tbat Fulmer was his scout car, pulled his gun, anti.war demonstrators block. After a record brea - will sell trees to commemorate the 100th anniver. By ,?epper Whitelaw dent code govern tobacco missing to Orange County and commanded the suspect ed the street in front of the ing start Grosse Pointe sary of Arbor Day in Michigan Friday, April 28. Le H All t er smoking. SherIff's OUice to halt. downtown.Federal building. War Memorial's 1972 An- 9 f e. en, reasur Recently, rthe school board . Questioning the s u s pee t The tree and shrub sale is Saturday, April 2 , rom of the G r 0 sse .Poin~e decided to -allow all high It ~as d~~ one of. the who Immediately surrell- • • • nual Family Participation Sunday, April 23 Campaign has slowed 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Elworthy Field. Board of .Educ~tton,. In 5cl1001 students to smoke on many mte~slVemterrogabons dered, Stevenson produced NORTH V1ETNAMESEdown. Just $7,000 ,has The money, donated by~ an exclUSIVe mtervlew schoooigrounds, dropping the of. acquamtances ~f The three pieces of identification, TROOPScaptured three more been received since last "arden clubs, will be used for this event are Mrs. Henry with the NEWS on Mon- previous regulation which al. Pomte youth that pollce were each with B different name, military bases Saturday, one week's report. To date for planting trees on the Ledyard, treasurer; Mrs. day April 24, announced lowed. 18.year-oldosto smoke told that Gattis had murder. The suspect was taken to 40 miles from Saigon and the $69,291.50 has been do- Charlevoix side of Elsworthy George Ryckman, storage; he ~will not run for re- in certain designated areas. ed ~arl because the youth the Shores police station. Field, which Is used by 'Ill Mrs. Urban Boresch ~nd Mrs. I ti 12 ,For .the first tobacco smok. had madverlently. seen some At The Shores Jail Ste. other two in the Central High- natedby 3,932 contribu- J lands. Thousands of South of The Pointes 'IS a reerea- Elmore Frank, supplies; Mrs. e ec on on une. ing violation, a student will stole.n merchandIse In. ~e venson agreed to talk' with Vietnamese s 0 i die r s were tors. The goal necessary tion area. TIJe Garden Club Henry Holli9ter -and Mrs. Mr. Allen said, "II be suspended for tllree days; GattiS a~l\.rtment and Gattis authorities after being in. shirted into the capital al'ea to balance the budget Council is composed of 18 John Malcolm, orders; Mrs. candidates appear who second violation, five days feare~ dIscovery. The mer- formed of his ConsUlutional local garden clubs. James Gram, workers; Mrs. are objective and whose separation; third vJolatio;;D,10 chandlse had been taken rights. to shore up government de. was set at $95,000 and vid lenses against possible com- Ce r t a i n unforeseen ex- Three types of trees are D!1 Lowe, posters; Mrs.
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