WILLIAM HUNTER (BILL) MCKNIGHT FONDS -- R13955 -- MSS 2524 Access Volume File no. File File number Extreme dates ("text" Access code Bring Forward after Bring File title Other medias no. (1--3) part (creator) format) (number only) Date 1 Forward Date 1 "MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR KINDERSLEY--LLOYDMINSTER AND MEMBER OF THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA" SERIES Sub-series: "Member of the Emergency Grain Movement Task Force" 1 1 Briefing notes 1979 90 1 2 Correspondence 1979 90 1 3 Emergency Grain Movement Task Force -- Interim and final reports 1979 90 1 4 Grain transportation coordinator 1979 90 1 5 Meetings -- Organizations 1979 90 1 6 Press releases 1979 90 1 7 Speeches 1979 90 1 8 Submissions and general documentation 1/8 1971-1979 90 1 9 Submissions and general documentation 2/8 1975-1979 90 1 10 Submissions and general documentation 3/8 1978-1979 90 1 11 Submissions and general documentation 4/8 1975 90 1 12 Submissions and general documentation 5/8 1975 90 1 13 Submissions and general documentation 6/8 1979 90 1 14 Submissions and general documentation 7/8 1979 90 1 15 Submissions and general documentation 8/8 1978-1979 90 1 16 Transportation -- Progressive Conservative Party of Canada policy [1979] 90 Sub-series: "Member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport" Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 1 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Amendments Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 2 1/3 1982-1983 90 Transportation Act -- General documentation Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 3 2/3 1983-1984 90 Transportation Act -- General documentation Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 4 3/3 1980-1983 90 Transportation Act -- General documentation Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 5 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Item index Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 6 1982-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 1 to 10 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 7 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 11 to 20 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 8 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 21 to 30 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 9 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 31 to 40 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 10 [1983?] 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 41 to 50 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 2 11 [1983?] 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 51 to 60 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 1 1980-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 61-62 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 2 1982-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 63 to 65 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 3 1981-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 66 to 68 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 4 1979-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 69 to 70A Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 5 1980-1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 71 to 80 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 6 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Standing Committee on Transport -- Items 81 to 91 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 7 [1984?] 90 Transportation Act -- Third reading and passage of Bill -- Item index Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 8 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Third reading and passage of Bill -- Items 1A to 10 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 9 1983 90 Transportation Act -- Third reading and passage of Bill -- Items 11 to 20 Grain transportation ("Crow rate") -- Bill C-155 - Western Grain 3 10 1983-1984 90 Transportation Act -- Third reading and passage of Bill -- Items 21 to 29 Sub-series: "Progressive Conservative Party critic -- International Trade" 4 1 Correspondence 1984 90 4 2 Correspondence and portfolio analysis 1/2 1983-1984 90 4 3 Correspondence and portfolio analysis 2/2 1984 90 4 4 Departmental assessment and policy proposals -- International Trade 1983-1984 90 Sub-series: "Regional Minister for Saskatchewan" 4 5 1990 federal budget -- Impact on Saskatchewan 1990 10 2022-01-01 90 4 6 Airport land leasing -- Vesting policy 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 7 Canadian National Railways -- Closure of the Biggar terminal 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 8 Centre culturel, Ponteix 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 9 Diefenbaker Centre -- University of Saskatchewan 1/2 1990-1991 10 2022-01-01 90 4 10 Diefenbaker Centre -- University of Saskatchewan 2/2 1989-1990 10 2022-01-01 90 4 11 Francophone school and community centre project, Prince Albert 1989-1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 12 Grain transportation -- Road impact study 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 13 Health and Welfare Canada -- Restructuring -- Impact on Saskatchewan 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 Industry, Science and Technology Canada -- Western economic 4 14 1991-1992 10 2022-01-01 90 development 4 15 J.D. Mollard and Associates Limited 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 16 Muskeg Lake Cree Nation -- Casino project 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 17 National Defence -- Camp Saskadet, Round Lake -- Termination of lease 1987 10 2022-01-01 90 4 18 Nuclear cooperation -- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and Saskpower 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 19 O & T Agdevco -- Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) project 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 4 20 Prairie Crop Drought Assistance Program 1986 10 2022-01-01 90 4 21 Sales tax harmonization -- Saskatchewan 1991 10 2022-01-01 90 4 22 Saskatchewan development projects 1991 10 2022-01-01 90 4 23 Saskatchewan energy proposal 1991 10 2022-01-01 90 4 24 Saskatchewan Language Act 1/4 1988 10 2022-01-01 90 4 25 Saskatchewan Language Act 2/4 1988 10 2022-01-01 90 5 1 Saskatchewan Language Act 3/4 1988 10 2022-01-01 90 5 2 Saskatchewan Language Act 4/4 1988 10 2022-01-01 90 5 3 Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement -- Saskatchewan 1991-1992 10 2022-01-01 90 5 4 Western agri-food industry -- Cooperative approaches 1992 10 2022-01-01 90 5 5 Western Economic Diversification 1990-1993 10 2022-01-01 90 5 6 Western Economic Partnership Agreements 1990-1991 10 2022-01-01 90 Sub-series: "Correspondence" Sub-sub-series: "General correspondence" January-September 5 7 General correspondence -- Acknowledgements 1/2 90 1989 October-December 5 8 General correspondence -- Acknowledgements 2/2 90 1989 5 9 General correspondence -- Condolences and best wishes 1984-1989 90 5 10 General correspondence -- Congratulations 1989 90 5 11 General correspondence -- Invitations 1979-1983 90 5 12 General correspondence -- Thank you letters 1/2 1987-1992 90 5 13 General correspondence -- Thank you letters 2/2 1988 90 Sub-sub-series: "Nominal political correspondence" 6 1 Andre, Harvie 1987-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 6 2 Beatty, Henry Perrin 1987-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 6 3 Berntson, Eric A. 1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 4 Blais, Pierre 1991-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 6 5 Bouchard, Benoît 1986-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 6 Bouchard, Lucien 1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 7 Campbell, Kim 1992-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 8 Cadieux, Pierre 1987-1989 10 2023-01-01 90 6 9 Carney, Pat 1986-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 10 Charest, Jean 1987-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 11 Clark, Charles Joseph (Joe) 1986-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 12 Coates, Robert Carman 1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 13 Collins, Mary 1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 14 Corbeil, Jean 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 15 Côté, Michel 1986 10 2023-01-01 90 6 16 Crombie, David Edward 1986-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 17 Crosbie, John Carnell 1987-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 6 18 Danis, Marcel 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 19 Devine, Grant 1990-1991 10 2023-01-01 90 6 20 Dick, Paul Wyatt 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 21 Epp, Arthur Jacob (Jake) 1986-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 6 22 Hees, George Harris 1988 10 2023-01-01 90 6 23 Hnatyshyn, Ramon (Ray) 1986-1990 10 2023-01-01 90 6 24 Hockin, Thomas (Tom) 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 25 Jelinek, Otto John 1985-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 6 26 Kelleher, James Francis 1985-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 7 1 Landry, Monique 1987-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 7 2 Lewis, Douglas Grinsdale 1988-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 3 Loiselle, Gilles 1991-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 4 MacDonald, Flora Isabel 1984-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 7 5 MacKay, Elmer MacIntosh 1986-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 6 Martin, Shirley 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 7 7 Masse, Marcel 1/2 1987-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 7 8 Masse, Marcel 2/2 1991-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 9 Mayer, Charles James 1987-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 10 Mazankowski, Donald Frank 1985-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 7 11 McDermid, John Horton 1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 12 McDougall, Barbara Jean 1986-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 7 13 McInnes, Stewart Donald 1986-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 7 14 McMillan, Thomas Michael 1986-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 7 15 Merrithew, Gerald Stairs 1988-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 7 16 Mulroney, Brian 1/3 1984-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 7 17 Mulroney, Brian 2/3 1984-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 8 1 Mulroney, Brian 3/3 1991-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 8 2 Mulroney, Brian -- Mandate letters sent to Bill McKnight 1984-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 8 3 Murray, Lowell 1987-1988 10 2023-01-01 90 8 4 Nielsen, Erik 1984-1986 10 2023-01-01 90 8 5 Oberle, Frank 1987-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 8 6 Regan, Gerald Augustine 1988 10 2023-01-01 90 8 7 René de Cotret, Robert 1985-1992 10 2023-01-01 90 8 8 Roblin, Dufferin (Duff) 1986 10 2023-01-01 90 8 9 Shortliffe, Glen Scott 1987 10 2023-01-01 90 8 10 Siddon, Thomas Edward (Tom) 1986-1993 10 2023-01-01 90 8 11 Stevens, Sinclair McKnight 1985-1986 10 2023-01-01 90 8 12 St.
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