18 ESTABLISHED JULY S, 1836. NO. 6379. SATURDAY, 018 VOL. XXXVIL, HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, JANUARY 17, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. iki SARGENT HEEDS Or ONE OF EUROPE'S THE LABOR UNIONS in le GREATEST ART TREASURES He Disappoints Friends of Hawaii REFORM IS MORE SURE OF Bas-Reli- ef of Descent by His Attitude on Chinese IN the From the 8 ITSELF CHINESE EMPIRE Plantation Labor. Cross, Worth, $100,000, Is Missing. "'.' T m (SPECIAL, TO THE ADVERTISE ft., WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 5. The Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Mr. Frank Sargent, surprised the friends of Hawaii greatly in his Liner St. Louis Safe Roosevelt's Gift From recent hearings before the Senate immigration committee regarding Chinese labor in Hawaii. In a conversation with Mr. Haywood some the Kaiser Thames Frozen Over. weeks ago he stated explicitly that he saw no particular objections to the admission of Chinese to Hawaii, provided there were restrictions that Eleven Bolomen Killed. would ensure their return eventually to China and which would prevent their being smuggled into the United States. Mr. Haywood then drew an amendment, intended for the immigration bill, which followed exactly along the lines of the statement by Mr. Sargent. That is ( ASSOCIATED PRESS CABLEGRAMS ) the amendment which Senator Burton, of Kansas subsequently ROME, 16. introduced in the Senate and which I sent some time ago to the Adver- Jan. The famous has relief, "The Descent From the tiser. In the face of that conversation and understanding Mr. Sargent Cross," has been stolen. It is valued at $100,000. The "Descent from went before the Senate Committee on immigration gave directly-opposit- e and the Cross" is one of most testimony as this excerpt from the stenographic hearings will the treasured of the remains of the fine art show : of sculpture of the Renaissance period of the thirteenth century. It was Mr. Sargent. You be in are going to asked the Senate, gentlemen, wrought by Nicolo to admit Chinese into Hawaii. You are going to hear complaints the celebrated Pisano at Lucca a few years before the about the conditions in Hawaii, and you are going to hear about the sculptor died in 1278. The celebrated old cathedral of Lucca, erected of Chinese into Philippines. Let us admission, the remember that these in the eleventh century, has been the resting place of this great art immigration laws to-d- ay apply to the Philippines, and we are enforcing those laws just as rigidly in Porto Rico and the Philippines as we are treasure. here. Judge Lacombe's decision gave the authority to put these laws o into effect there, and they are in effect. Senator Fairbanks. May I interrupt you for just a moment? Eminent Jurist Dead, Mr. Sargent. Certainly. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. Former Rumsey of the Supreme Senator Fairbanks. Would you regard the admission of Chinese Justice into Hawaii as injurious to the interests of American workmen? Court of this State is dead. Mr. Sargent. I most certainly would, Senator. The admission of Chinese into Hawaii means the admission of them into the United William Rumsey became a Justice of the Supreme Court of the 1 States. Hawaii is United States territory ; and the subterfuges which v State of ewYjjrk in 1880. He was born at Bath, N. Y., in 1841. He aTe used to-d- ay to deluge this country with Chinese would be used more vigorously then, if they were near by and handy to get in. graduated from Williams' College in 1861 and entering the Union forces Let us remember this. We do not want any territory of the United served during the Civil War in the Peninsula, Shenandoah Valley, and States filled with cheap labor. Labor is cheap enough today. We do other campaigns, being in many severe engagements and receiving a not want to put into the hands of these great corporations men who can Oaks. He was promoted several times for be employed for twenty-fiv- e cents a day. We have passed that period. wound at the battle of Fair Now, let us analyze the situation. A few years ago when you went bravery and retired with the rank of Lieutenant-Colone- l. After the in Japan years as private secretary to Minister on a railroad what did you find ? The sturdy German, the ruddy-face- d war he served for two Irishman, and the Englishman as section men. Today what do you find? Robert E. Van Valkenberg and on his return to the United States prac- The Italian of the poorest type, the Mexican, taking the place of the men DOWAGER EMPRESS OF CHINA. ticed law at Bath until his elevation to the Supreme bench. He is the whom a few years ago we welcomed to our shores but who today do not writer of several valuable law publications. come. Why do they not come ? Simply because their places have been filled by a poorer, cheaper class of men. The Board of Censors Memorializes Empress I wish to say that if these corporations will pay living wages they Eleven Bolomen Killed. will get plenty of men. So do not let this idea of lack of labor influence Dowager to Abandon Power and Restore MANILA, Jan. 16. In a fight between the constabulary and na- foreign immigration. you to open the door wider for the admission of tive brigands eleven bolomen were killed. Inspector Fletcher was It is not needed. Authority of Young Emperor. wounded. If the immigration bill should be pressed in the Senate to the point o of passage, it can be stated that the Senate Committee on the Pacific (ASSOCIATED PRESS CABLEGRAMS ) Arrives. Islands and Porto Rico will, in all probability, consent to the insertion Crown Prince PEKING, 16. office of a provision that will exempt Hawaii from the restrictive clauses but Jan. The Censor's has memoralized the ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 16. The Crown Prince of Germany has I in my letter of two days ago it is very doubtful judging from as stated Empress to resign in favor of the Emperor as the first step towards arrived in this city. He was warmly welcomed by the Czar. present appearances, if the immigration bill is pressed to passage in this Congress. a reform in the government. o It seems almost futile to attempt to add anything about the pros- Kaiser to President. pects of the Cuban reciprocity treaty. One clay it looks as though the treatv might go through the Senate with little difficulty, when lo and VANNUTELLI CHOSEN. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 16. President Roosevelt today re- up and the ratifications will surely be behold some new obstacle looms of a book from the Emperor of Germany. 1 he here this week of the Beet Sugar Grow- poooooooooooo ceived the present delayed therebv. gathering o ers' Association will doubtless have an influence on the outcome. At Present there are such obstacles in the way as to make ratification a Thames Frozen Over. seems to be very much in " ' doubtful matter but President Roosevelt r ; . ' .. .. earnest about the matter and mav be able to have his way. LONDON, Jan. 16. The severe weather continues. The Thames ERNEST G. WALKER. is frozen over for the first time in two years. o AFTERNOON DISPATCHES The Plague in Mexico. ASSOCIATED PRESS MAZATLAN, Jan. 16. There have been eight deaths from the FROM bubonic plague here and four new cases. THE MITCHELL BILL. St. Louis Safe. IS WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 16. Senator Mitchell, chairman of NEW YORK, Jan. 16. The overdue American liner St. Louis has Hawaii last summer, will introduce a bill the Commission which visited machinery disabled. enable any American citi- arrived here with her changing the Organic Act of the Territory to o zen to be eligible to appointment to the Governorship, and reducing the age limit to thirty vears. The bill also provides for reducing the age War Claims Bills. limit for Senators to twentv-on- e vears and a general reorganization of the Territorial government,' abolishing all the monarchical teatures and WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 16. The House, today, passed of the bill are in accordance creating local governments. The terms twentv war claims bills. with the recommendations made in the report of the Commission. o o THE POPE CRITICISED. Zealandia Arrives Out. been appointed to suc- ROME Tan 16. Cardinal annutelli has SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16. The Oceanic steamer Zealandia lias ceed the late Cardinal Parocchi. The Pope's haste in filling the place is quite severely criticised. arrived from Honolulu. EDITOR WILL DIE. Killed by Dynamite. COLUMBIA, S. Jan. 16. Editor Gonzales of The State, who C. 16. men were killed here today in a was shot vesterdav bv Lieutenant Governor Tillman, is sinking and JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Jan. Six shooting in- there is little hope 'for 'his recovery. Further details ot the dynamite explosion. lllman. -- O- : attacked by . if dicate that Gonzales was not armed when CARDINAL VANNUTELLI. --o McCONNELL WILL RECOVER. ckxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoo ";xxxxxxxxxxo OOOOCODOOOOOOO Seeking the Pole. ITALY, i6th. The Pope SAN 16. Frank McConnell, who was thought ROME, Jan. today appointed Cardinal will sail in May. FRANCISCO, Jan. page " PARTS. Tan. t6. A French arctic expedition (Continued on page 3.) fCor.t!nuefi on ) I 2 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JANUARY 17. 1903. B. F. DILLINGHAM Grand TALKS ABOUT THE COMMENCING Cheer Up Clearance Sale SUMNER HOLD UP OF We're making things bright for many people by MONDAY enabling them to use pairts lavishly. The Sherwin-William- s paints are reasonable and Jan. 12, 1903. are ea3y to put on.
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