Whitworth Digital Commons Whitworth University Whitworth Alumni Magazine University Archives 1948 Alumni Magazine December 1948 Whitworth University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine Recommended Citation Whitworth University , "Alumni Magazine December 1948" Whitworth University (1948). Whitworth Alumni Magazine. Paper 217. https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine/217 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Whitworth University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Whitworth Alumni Magazine by an authorized administrator of Whitworth University. Thanks Be To God i~ Noone ever better expressed the emotions of a Christian when he thinks of ChristmCls than did Paul in his inspiring exclamation, "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift," Presents can usually be de- scribed. A college campus heavily covered with a Christmas mantle of white can be pictured; but who has the words e de quat e to thank God for the gift of His Son, the Christ Child! It is because He came and tabernacled among us that all spiritual and material blessings are ours to enjoy. Without the Christ of Christmas there would be no college like Whitworth training hundreds of young people in the name of Christ. The administration of Whitworth College would like to te ke this occasion to thank you as a friend of the college for your interest, your prayers, and your gifts during the p'!lSt yeM. Words are such a poor vehicle to express the deeper feelings of the heart. When Paul wanted to describe God's qr e e teat gift, His Son, he called that gift "unspeak- able". We sense something of Paul's feelings when we at Christmas try to find words adequate to express our feeling of gratification for all you have done for this Christian College. Your prayers, your letters, and your continual giving to the college have not only brought en- couragement and material help but you have had a rnejcr part in making possible the marvelous advancement of the college this past year. A great Chrir.tian College cannot be built by one individual nor yet by ten. It is the uniting of all of our forcer. and abilities plus the b\er.sing of a Beneficent Heavenly Father which spells success. We bless you for loyalty and your love, and pray that this may be a blessed Christmar. Season to you and yours. Sincerely, 2 �------------------------------------------- 'Che :Deeper Significllnce of Christmlls By Dr. Mark L. Koehler, Head of Bible Department and College Chaplain To most Christian People Christmas person is necesserv to constitute Jesus means the birthday of Jesus, the adoration Christ a proper mediator between man and of the shepherds, the visit of the wisemen, God. His two-fold nature gives him fellow- and the singing of the angelic host. Along ship with both parties and enables him to with the joy and worship that Christmas present to both God and man the proper calls forth is the deeper significance of the terms of reconciliation. Being perfect man, day which most of us seldom consider at Christ can make atonement for man; being the festive time. The supreme benefit of God his atonement is infinite in value. Do Christmas is that the Son of God, born of you think of this when you join the shep- the Virgin Mary, becomes as well the Son herds in edcrefion? of Man; and that in the incarnating act The work of the God-man, made possible Jesus became the God-man. The redemp- only through Christmas, is that of Prophet, tion of mankind, according to the plan of Priest, and King. As Prophet He reveals the God, was to be effected through a Medi- true God and the true humanity to man- ator who must unite in himself both the kind. As King he establishes, rules, and con- human nature and the divine, in order that summates the Kingdom of God. As Priest he might reconcile God to man and man He transacts the necessary activity of offer- to God. The moral image of God in human ing up Himself as the perfect sacrifice for nature has been lost through sin; therefore, sin on our behalf t1nd then continually makes Christ, the perfect image of God after intercession for us. The application of this which man was originally made restores redemption through Christ the God-man is that lost lrneq e by uniting himself to hu- made effective to man through the Holy manity and filling it with his divine life and Spirit. The doctrines which express this lip· love. This union of the two natures in' one [Ccn't. on Page 6) 1 -.1.----------------- Pi Kappa Delta Hoop Schedule Pi Kappa Delta, honorary forensic society, 1948-49 basketball prospects look mighty good to the many fans who follow faith- was introdu.ced on the Whitworth campus fully the fortunes of Coach Jerry Stannard's with the formal installation of the local Pirate hoop squad. After ill jittery start chapter of that organization by Professor against a strong W.S.C. five in which they Roy D. Mahaffey, of Linfield College, Me- lost, 66-34, the Whitworth team played two Minnville, Oregon. good games with the loggers of the North Idaho College of Education, dropping the first game at Lewiston, 67-66, then bounc- Known as the Washington Delta chapter ing bad on their home court to trim the of Pi Kappa Delta, the Whitworth chapter N.1.C.E. squad, 87-61. became the seventh to be installed this Paced by the high scoring basketball duo, year. Highly honored in being accorded the Earl Mcrtlock and Bill RoHler, the Pirates privilege of membership in this outstanding have lntect the team which finished strong forensic honorary, the Whitworth group is in the 1947-48 Winco conference race. In one of nine selected to membership out of the new Evergreen league, the Crimson and a total of 47 applicants this year. Bleck will be aided by experience, and the eddttlcn of several newcomers who will edd materially to the Whitworth offense. Among The purpose of the organi:z.ation is to these' are Don Cameron, diminutive hoop- stimulate progress in, and promote the in- ster from Spokane's North Central High, state championship squad, and Sam Adams, terests of inter-collegiate oratory, debate, all-state forward from Fort Worth, Texas. and public speaking. Organized in 1913, Pi Follow the Pirates as they make their bid Kappa Delta has taken the lead in such for the loop championship this year. ventures as sponsoring national debate questions, district "d national forensic 1948·49SCHEDULE Dec. 1 Wash. State at Pullman tournaments, "d in encouraging forensic 1 N.I.C.E. at Home 4 N.I.C.E. at Lewiston endeavor in high schools "d colleges 17,IB .M.S.C. at Bozeman 20,21 Montana State Uni. at Missoula throughout the country. Dec. 27,]0 College of Idaho <If Home Jan. 4 N.I.C.E. at Home 7* P.L.C. at Home Formal installation of members was con- 8* Central Wash. at Home 11 _ Gonlaga at Home dueted by Mr. Mahaffey, with President 1"* Western Wash. at Bellingham IS. U.S.C. at Vancouver Frank F. Warren and the Rev. Victor Mc- 21* St. Martins' at Home 22* C.P.S. at Home Kee of the Spokane Valley Baptist Church, 25 N.I.C.E. at Lewiston 29 Whitman at Home assisting. Chapter members installed were Feb. I Northwest Nazarene at Home 4. Eastern Wash. at Cheney L. G. Baker, president, Betty Lange, vice- S. Eastern Wash. at Home president, Phil Strawn, secretary.treasurer, 8 Gonzaga at Gonzaga II' Central Wash. at Ellensburg Wendell Harder, recording secretary, Bill 12* P.L.C. at Tacoma IS* U.S.C. at Home Johnson, and H. Glen Ellison. Helmuth 19* Western Wash. at Home 22 Gonlaga at Home Bekowies is a graduate member, iIlnd Pro- 25' C.P.S. at Tacoma 2b· St. Martins' at Olympia fessor Loyd B. Waltz, a member of the "Evergreen Conference Games. order of instruction. All Home Games 8:00 P. M., Graves Gym. Taotbal! Awards . Honorary captain award went to Nick Climaxing the best grid season in many Faber, whose sixty-minute play Was a strong years, Tom Jones, rugged offen~ive guard factor in Pirate strength this year. His elec- from Stockton, California, artd big Nick tion was announced by Aron Rempel, Whit. Faber. tackle from Oak Harbor, Washing- worth coach who guided the Pirate eleven ton, took away highest honors at the annual to its highly successful year in the tough football banquet. Evergreen Conference. Following is a tabu- lation of the results of Pirate play this year: Jones, who continued his hard-charging College of Idaho 28 play for the Whits despite mid-season in- Whitworth ~33 Whitworth_ 47 Lewiston 6 juries, won the prized Snider Inspirational Whitworth_ 14 Whitman 6 Award by vote of his teammates. In a Whitworth 0 C. P. S.. ~~~~14 colorful ceremony, the ewerd was made by Whitworth 13 Cheney .... 14 R. Bruce McCullough, former gridiron stal- Whitworth ~~I 2 Bellingham 6 ____19 wart lind now public relations director of Whitworth 13 P. L. C.. the college. McCullough won the Snider Whitworth 32 St. Martins 7 __.__0 0 Ellensburg Trophy in 1946. Whitworth , Tom Jones, Snider Inspirational award winner, and Nick Faber, honorary football ce ptein, congratulate each other on their teammates choices. 5 _---"II-I _ We PreseJlf Scholarships During the year beginning September 21, Distinguished by being the oldest mem- 1947 and ending July I, 1948, Whitworth ber of the Whitworth faculty in terms of College paid $40,299.00 to an average of years of service to the school is Benjamin t 76 students, or an average of $228.97 for Conrad Neusf e], prcjesscr of Chemistry, each student doing part time work.
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