PARAPHRASE REVELATION OF SAINT JOHN. ACCORDING TO THE HORE APOCALYPTIOK OF THE REV. E. B. ELLIOTT, M.A., LATE FELLOW OP TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. DHAWN UP BY ARCHDEACON PRATT. LONDON: WERTHEIM, MACINTOSH, AND HUNT, 24, Paternoster Bow, and 23, holles street, cavendish square. 1862. /OO . A . 2-7 /' PARAPHRASE REVELATION OF SAINT JOHN. PARAPHRASE REVELATION OF SAINT JOHN. /$5~ N . *J ,gfffifi /‘ 6 (__, %~ ~ ~ Q 0:1`2~ PREFACE The page of Prophecy is invested with a more than ordinary degree of interest at the present time, in consequence of the political aspect of Europe. All who have been brought up in the old Protestant view of the Apocalypse are looking forward to the year 1866, as an epoch when some great events are to occur, which will materially affect the prospects and condition of the Papal Power. Many have but an imperfect knowledge of the evidence upon which this expectation is based ; as there are but few who make the subject a matter of study. They gather their impressions from detached texts of Scripture and the comments they hear upon them ; and some are as likely to be swayed vby.onp "-system of interpretation as by another, since they have no #Mfoprehensiv%,vlmd intelligent view of Pro- phecy taken as a whole. '-'-.'- \\ ':':'. l.Q'. The following Paraphrase was drawn up -a;.few years ago, soon after the first appearance of the Rev. E. B: Elliott's JSbra Apocalypticce, and was published in a religious periodical in Calcutta. The object was to assist persons interested in the subject in forming a judgment concerning this scheme of interpretation, which many regard as the most complete which has been yet proposed. The compiler does not wish it to be understood, by his publishing this Paraphrase, that he necessarily adopts the interpreta tion here set forth. He considers it worthy of grave consideration, and thinks it desirable that the grounds on which it rests should be extensively known. The Paraphrase has been revised and corrected by the last edition of the Hora (the 4th), and is now published in England with Mr. Elliott's sanction. Mr. Elliott is an expositor of the school of "the pious and profoundly learned" Joseph Mede, Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Newton, the Rev. Messrs. Davison, Thomas Scott, Faber, and other writers still living, who consider the main topic of the Apocalypse, as far as it has hitherto been accom plished, to be the rise and development of Popeey, with many attendant IV PBEFACE. circumstances which have affected the history and progress of the Chuech of Cheist upon earth. No one expositor since Mede has done so much as Mr. Elliott has in removing difficulties, clearing up doubtful points, and filling up details in this scheme. His antiquarian research, extensive reading, profound erudition, and sound scriptural views, have all been brought to bear with great advantage in his elaborate work — for which, we doubt not, his name will ever occupy a prominent position among pro phetic interpreters. In this attempt to give a condensed Paraphrase of the Apocalypse, em bracing the main results of a work consisting of four large octavo volumes, readers must not look for a vindication of the statements and views which are here adopted ; for this they must go to the work itself. And should they hesitate at receiving any of the statements here made, they must not judge the author through the medium of this brief summary, but enter upon an attentive study of the volumes for themselves. It is hoped that this Paraphrase will have the double effect, of inducing some to procure the original work who do not already possess it, and also of refreshing the memories of others who have made it their study. The Paraphrase does not embrace those parts' of the Apocalypse which, it is conceived, are as yet unfulfilled — for there, it is thought, all expositors break down ; and it is natural they should. It seems to savour too much of self-confidence to enter upon such ground, except in the most general manner. We should mark the events of the world's and the Church's history, and be sitting upon our watch-tower, waiting for the unrolling of the Scroll of Prophecy, as time brings on the development of the predic tions involved in its mysterious folds. The text, it will be observed, is printed in italics, so as easily to be separated by the eye from the paraphrase ; where it is at all broken up, and the parts are involved with the words of the paraphrase, the text is, for facility of reference, given also on the side. The translation differs very seldom from the authorized version, and where this occurs the varia tion is slight. J. H. P. Calcutta, 1862. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Reflections upon Saint John in Patmos. p. 1. The Symbolic Scenery of the Vision. Chaps. iv. & v. p. 3. Part I. THE FIRST SIX SEALS. § 1 . The temporary prosperity is foreshown , which was about to appear in the Pagan Empire of Rome at the time of the vision, and the subsequent Decline and Fall which were soon to follow. Rev. vi. & vii. A.D. 96 to A.D. 311. First Seal opened. White Horse. Temporary prosperity of the Roman Empire immediately after the time of St. John. vi. 2. p. 6. Second Seal opened. Red Horse. Rule of Military Despotism through the Roman Empire the first element of its dissolution. vi. 3, 4. p. 7. Third Seal opened. Black Horse. Oppressive Taxation of the Roman Provinces further tends to the dissolution of the Empire. vi. 5, 6. p. 8. Fourth Seal opened. Pale Horse. Death brings the Empire still further towards dissolution, and wastes it by the sword, by famine, by pesti lence, and by wild beasts. vi. 7, 8. p. 8. Fifth Seal opened. Souls under the altar. iEra of Martyrs in the Fourth Century. vi. 9—11. p. 10. Sixth Seal opened. Total overthrow of Pagan Rome ; and Establishment of Christianity. vi. 12 — 15. p. 11. § 2. The Sealing and Palm-bearing visions. Distinction between the professing and true churches. p. 13. The Pagan Rule, "that which letted," being thus removed, intimations are given of the Apostasy, spoken of by St. Paul, as having already begun in the Empire now become Christian. The sealing of the chosen of God. Augustine, and his writings on the doctrines of grace, eminently conducive to the maintenance of the truth in the hearts of the pious during the Apostasy, down to the Reformation. vii. p. 13. VI Contents. Paet n. Part IV. THE FIRST SIX TRUMPETS. THE BEAST FROM THE ABYSS. § 1. The destruction of the West (A Supplemental Vision.) ern Empire of Chrjstian Rome The history of the rise, character, by the Gothic Nations. Rev. and establishment of the "beast viii. A.D. 400 to A.D. 606. from the abyss," t. «. of the Seventh Seal opened. Seven Angels Popedom, which is incidentally appear with Trumpets. The Lord mentioned in part iii, as war Jesus Christ appears as the High ring against the witnesses. rev. Priest of his elect people during xii., xiii., xiv. A.D., 313 to the coming woes ; his appearance A. D. 1827. in vision indicating by allusive contrast, that he was about to be The Church, under the emblem of a forsaken by the professing Church. Woman, brings forth a child — viii. 1 — 6. p. 16. the Christian Body-Politic — in the days of Constantine. xii. 1, First Trumpet sounded. Alaric king of the Goths wastes the 2. p. 54. " land" or continent of the West The Pagan Roman Power, under the ern Christian Empire — the "third emblem of a Dragon, attempts to part" of the whole Empire, as it destroy the child. xii. 3 — 6. p. 55. was under Constantine. viii. 7. The Visible Church prevails over p. 18. Paganism, and the Dragon is cast Second Trumpet. Genseric the out. xii. 7. p. 57. Vandal overruns the "sea," or maritime provinces of the West- The true Church suffers persecution em Empire. viii. 8, 9. p. 18. and has to find refuge in retire- Third Trumpet. Attila king of the tirement for 1260 years. xii. Huns wastes the "river" heights 6, 13. " p. 58. and regions of the Western Em The Church in the progress of her pire. viii. 10, 11. p. 19. flight is assisted by the Emperor Fourth Trumpet. Odoacer, chief of Theodosius. xii. 14. p. 58. the Heruli, abolishes the name and office of the Roman Emperor The Dragon attempts to overwhelm of the West, and thus completes the Church by pouring out upon the destruction of the Western it the flood of the Gothic hordes. Christian rule. viii. 12. p. 19. xii. 15. p. 59. Anticipations of further woes very These Gothic invaders are absorbed prevalent at this epoch. viii. among the Roman people. xii. 13. p. 20. 16, 17. p. 59. The Bishop of Rome acknowledged The Papal Power of Rome rises as by the Greek Emperor Phocas to a Wild Beast from the abyss or have, of right, Universal Episcopal flood which the Goths had poured Supremacy over the whole pro out upon the Roman Empire. fessing Church on earth A.D. xiii. 1. p. 60. 606. p. 21. The Dragon or the Pagan Power § 2. The destruction of the East- gives his throne and authority to Contents. vn ern Empire of Christian Rome the Beast or Papal Power. xiii. _ by the Saracens and Turks. 2. p. 61. Rev. ix. A. D. 612 to A.D. 1453. The Popes of Rome are the seventh- Fifth Trumpet.
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