SECTION TWO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pages 1 to 16 AND SPORTING NEWS VOL. XXXVII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 31QRXING, 3IAY 19, 1918. NO. 20. games that have been played this week htv .11 been good exhibition, and If Old Sol beams down on the Vaughn-stre- lot this CLOW HAS BETTER afternoon the fans will undoubtedly be there OLD JUPE' PUTS ONE In numbers. SPOKANE'S SCORES IX FLOCKS OF PITCHING DUEL OVER ON BALL FANS C Seven Stalwarts Romp Across Rub- redit System ber In Sixth Canto. uaosioys Spokane SPOKANE. Wash.. May 1. cinched the game today in the sixth Portland Gets First Victory of inning, when seven batters crossed the Steady Downpour plate after making three scores in the Prevents in Between-the-Dro- ps third. Vancouver scored two in. the Series second and another in the ninth. Playing of Interscholastic showed for the first time this Game. afternoon as a relief pitcher. Score: Contests of Week. Ydm Right Vancouver I Spokane BHOAE1 BHOAE tart Klnc.s 4 3 1 Hol'cher.2. 2 O 3 lO Ham ton 3. 5 1 2 4 0 Iowney.3.. 5 2 3 4 1 Wolfer.m. 4 1 2 0 0 Hartman. m 4 1 3 00 4 1 O 0 O 4 1 3 2 0 23 HITS TOTAL SET-T-O Pafs.m.l.. Marshall... HEAVY Call and compare values. Inspect our tremendous display of new Home furnishings. Be suited perfectly. And then use FOR Brown.l... 2 0 a 2 0 Vhbors.r.. 4 2 0 00 SCHEDULE IS DUE Boeisie.c. 4 11 3 0 Pace.. 3 4 3 3 0 the charge account that has already, been opened for you. Pay for things as you use and enjoy them. Spread the expense Hennlon.r. 4 3 1 0 u .Valtere.1. 4 1 T lu Cook. 2. 4 0 4 4 O Shoota.1. .. 5 2 3 O O over a year. Benin. p.. 2 0 Uattiaie.p. McG n.lj'.p 2 O 3 U 31030 A small amount will be enough to deliver most anything immediately, right into your home. No red tape ; no delay ; no Cllrf Makes Debut as IllI Postponement Receiver 27 14 1 of Games Will Make embarrassment. We your account. Ie Totals S4 10 24 21l Totals . .3 IS invite and Nips Three Attempted Vancouver 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 Necessary Then Spokane 0 O 3 0 O 7 0 O 1 Holding of Two Con- a trifle each month takes care of the bilL You never miss the money that way. And later, you will return for Moiiocner, Steals; Hit-ti- ns kudi: Brown. Boelsla, Hennlon. more . Sullivan's Downev Neighbors. tests Each Week for Nearly and more things. 2. Hartman. Marshall. Innings how-wonderfull- Pace. Waiters. Shoots. Battlate.. But start now Monday. Let us show you easy we have made for folks to have cozy homes. Is Feature. pitched, by Bemla 5 3. by Mctilnnlty 2 All Teams of League. it Stolen bases. Brown. Hennlon. shoots. Hit We welcome visitors. You will not be urged to buy on your first calL We know that ninety-thre- e out of one hundred by pitcher, by Battlate (Bemla). Paased Two-ba- a people always come Gadsbys'. ball, Boelsls. hits. Hartman. - back to Part fa roa. Kacrlllce nit. ivinK. nui- Purine Coast locher. Base on bail, off Bemla 3. off International League standing. 2. 2. out. by There W. 1 Battlate off McGlnnlty Struck wasn't much doing In tho Pot.l W L. Pet Battlate 1. by Bemla 1. Runs responsible Seattle.... 12 3 .son Vancouver. 610 .375 Mctiinnlty 4. I mpire, Interscholastic League last week on for, Bemla e. lrwm account of the steady ortland... 8 8 .SOU; downpour of Gadsbys' Aberdeen.. 4 0 .308 rain. On Monday it looked aa though Special Bedroom Living Room Outfit $85.00 BT JAMES J. RICHARDSON. old Sol' would spread his smiles With Jupiter Pluvius doing his SENATORS GRAB FOURTH throughout the rest of the week, but mightiest to "gum" up yesterday's somehow or other, to tho great dis- scheduled double-head- er Outfit $37.50 tle between Seat- appointment of the fans and to the. and Portland and with only a hand- gneat rejoicing of the farmers, old ful of fans present in tho stands at 2 ANGELS BOBBLE AT WKOS6 STAGE "Jupe" o'clock and the playera of both teams began to tease the fans by busy in the clubhouses playing poker, AND LOSE. TO 4. caning out the umbrellas about an it looked panicky for a while, hour before the games were to start. rain but the subsided long enough 'about 3 Seals far Mae Blagles Those postponed games will make o'clock to allow Umpire Colgate, the float Prnik hard work for the pitchers, as school perfumed "umps." to yell "play ball," a I.eat Oiki Veraaa 1 las and as is aoout ready to close, and almost. a result, the Buckaroos won Iamlata?. every school will have to play at least trelr first game of the series, score la First two games a 3 to 1. week to finish out ita Only one game schedule. was played, and It SACRAMENTO. May . 18. Four er Some of the schools. Commerce and developed into a pitchers' be- Columbia, tween "Kewpie" battle rors, two or them in the same inning. for instance. have only Clow, the La Pine. lost the fifth game of the series for played four games and have five leftA Or., cherub, and Adam Appleton. with to play. good pltcl- - the horseshoes Los Angeles to Sacramento. It was Columbia has two and rabbits' feet tied Sacramento-'- s fourth straight win over ers, so It won't work any hardsi f fast to the youngster from Central the visiting club. Score: on Tick Malarkey'a crew, but Coil Oregon. E. me nee has only one good man. V'agn.sWs- - The biggest outfit this or any other store has to offer. The dresser has Le R. H. E.I R. H. Operates Behind Bat. L. Angeles.. 4 13 4.Sacramento..9 14 0 nd it is hardly probable that the big large bevel plate deep er mirror and three drawers. Roomy chiffonier, Manager Bill Fltteny Boles; Gard- right-hand- will be able to pitch two Four-Piec- e Li vlng-Roo- m Suite Is Ideal bungalow or Fisher made the best Batteries and four large and two small drawers. Steel bed with brass trimmings, guar- This handsome for move we have seen since he assumed ner and Fisher. games in three days. anteed construction, and one bedroom flat because It Includes a Nufold the modern Settee that can be In- ir.e leadership of rranklin seems to the best ad chair all finished in fZf unexpected guest; the Buckaroos when vantage a rich golden oak. This is some outfit for so Brice fl07 eJV stantly transformed Into a bed for the comfortable he sent Clifford Lee in to catch yes- San Francisco 3, Oakland 2. for th championship. The little ' Arm Chair and Rocker upholstered in Brown Spanish leatherette; also terday. Lee was originally billed as a Quakers have played ;ix games thus CASH !7.50, .$2.00 WEEKLY Library Table as pictured. backstop, but has been cavorting in SAX FRANCISCO. May 18. With far and have only three more teams the outer garden for Crlspl allowing Oakland only six bits, to meet. As there are four weeka of the Buckaroos. Pan Francisco I'rough for left, Thompson Yesterday he donned the mask and while hit game school will not have to pad and looked liKe a vst pocket edi- nine, the Seals took the fifth hurry or pitch more than one came tion of Ray Schalk. Cliff turned back of the series, which now stands three week to pull through the schedule. three of the Seattle baserunners. and and two, with the Seals trailing. The e e Dining Room Outfit $36.50 Adam Period Ivory Suite went to the fence after a high foul ball Seals took the lead in the eighth, and The batting averages of the lending and grabbed it. He also managed to the Oaks were unable to get past sec- players of the league show that Morris lace out two bits out of four trips to ond base in the last two Innings. Score: Kogoway. captain of Commerce High bat. R. H. E. R. H. E. School, is leading the league in hitting. 5 Pieces as Shown $58.50 Clow had the Giants on his "hip" in S. FraneiscO.3 S.Oakland 2 S Kogoway made seven hits out of la every inning except tho sixth, when Batteries Crispl and McKee; Prough times at bat, and has a percentage. Leard's crew became "rambunctious" and Murray. of .4iC. William Schreider, of James and put over their lone tally. With John, is second, with an average of one down. Leard walked. Murphy Vernon 4, bait Lake 2. .454. and Shrimp Phillips, of Columbia. fculed out to Lee. Carman singled to LOS ANGELES. May 18. Two bases Is third, with a batting average or lert putting Leard on third. Downey on balls to Datley and MltcheU fol- .437. Andrews, of Jefferson, has only JTP, crashed one to center for a single. lowed by a pair of singles by Alcorlt played in three games, but has a bat- coring ieara ana putting cirnun on and v Interne I and an error by Kon-nlc- k ting average of .423. third, and when Carman tried to score scored four runs for Vernon in The peculiar thing about the hit- Sullivan threw him out at the plate the first inning, and Salt Lake was ting averages is thst six of the men M uy live reel, unable thereafter to overcome the lead.
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