i \ www.magio icvalley.com - 6 5 3 0 6>32 3 12/15/2002 SM I . J IM PARKE,E - ........ - 2627 E -YA■ANDELL - ................ ^ EL PASO II TX 7 9 9 0 3 .............- . T w i n F a l l s , 1( fe]iday;^M afch-l-7-2QO ml Sun< nes fc I -L -5 $ 1 .5 0 f?arade rri£riarches — ^in-TrF-t*-today------- ^ ■ GAEC : ThtTlm>»W^yi \ o te^ s t e r gs p k . :ketxclink ^ s t a k e — ] TWIN FALLS -“Twin “i Falls- . , ^ -b a ttle s -------- -areo Irish and allall those who \/Q il j ____ aspire to b e WiU cecelebrate the illey pro-life groups.rally_g ~17th annual dow:owntown St. • PMH-life---------S h a p 0^across ^ , Patrick’s Day Parad(rade today. flM l advococates ' A nyone w ho waiwants to join ainst Planned;d Parenthoo marct ; th e procession Is we] downi ' ^ 1 I The parade mfbrSMKhTMnn on< Second Avenue North wv here h theU .; Twinn FallsI I 12:30 p.m. neafBf E: a s t F iv e i S t t SNtwt ! ! writer_____________ IPlanned Parenthood will open i Satunurday to The Times-News an , Points - the intertersection of T«mi i its clinic. t [N FALLS - Pro-lUe advo- ST S M ain A venue East,St. ]Blue Lakes From there, protestersr s car- proteilest the TheAssoclated PPre re ss_________ Boulevard a nd Kimb held a prayer service riedr picket signs throu a opanir lay afternoon in front of s T he procession will snow fluny to Shoshone SSi tr e e t . a PlanS ' TWIN FALLS iture home of Planned Several£ stopped in front o f th e :i w est along M ain to tl Pareni.Th«L Valley isn't the: oao nly place w here 'I lo t o f M ag ic VS al 3 ~ chood of Idaho’s clinic to offices0 of attorneys J. o h n imnww confined anim al f opero* ; School, in the 500 t the organizadon comiiig HepworthI and John Lez£ office.’*• tions a re a h eated i n Falls. V V M ain A venue West, who win lease the Se< I H P P B 9 P i ^ ______ ____ A b a ttie is tal< ut 65 people of all ages A ......... il “We’re expectinjIing 30 to 50 Avenue North buildirtjn g to m any o th er Amerinerican r\u3 l com- ed for prayers and hymns F entries, about the sa Planned Parenthood. munities betweer farm ers old Sodal Security offlce year," organizer Sta Please see PROTEST. PaPageA2 their neighbors. said. Borns that oneo n c e th e landscape in 1 Carolina, Utah ar o th e r farm G c x jd m oDRNING i s ta te s a re b einng g r MCtMaH/Tk.TlM»«t.H I metal buildings: or lots that B W l thousands of can h o g s w m JEY] ^ chickens, which pi W k a t h k r VTE ___ upon pound o f mon Oday: clouds, To some farmerstiers, the confine- ments and feedloidiots symbolize ame siui and progress nnd opp(>pportunity ihat few show RUN helps them suppoi)port their fami- iiowers.High ; . JM b lies while satisfyisfying demand • ............... 34.li4.I 0 W .I8 ................................. ... -----------from .m eatpacker.'^er.s,-g>-ocers-and ---- P ^ A 2------------- 1^19 --------------consumers:------------ Their neighborsors believe that I k m I th e m anure productluced by foctory- ■ S V I M a g i c V a lJ.KY l style farming isi pollutingpo their ■ ■■ ■ land, air and riverivers, making ■ W ■ Hlttln'«wroa(l:Sev<e v e ra l them sick andI turningtu their i Western desdnatioiuo n s m a k e ' . homeintoavrastelajleland. ideal, inexpensiveI triptri s f o r Neighbors havee tu rn ed to local _ i spring break. officials, who, in turn, have P ^ B l sought help fromn statest and fed- eral officials to cuniiul( the stench and waste,ite, but results have fallen shortrt inir some com- Jv m i M o n e y m unities. SuffllMI lote; Teens:ns s h o u ld A nd som e a re;n’t n ’t waiting for action any longer. 1 s t a r t lo o k ii ig n o w ffor o r th o s e From townshipsps ands counties .nunnier paydiecks,s ,e c x p e r ts in Penn.«9 ]vanio to communities1 ’ a d v ^ in Washington stat'state, local gov- emments arc creatiieating their own sitinR or environiTDnmental rules B that farmers mu:must abide to ' F a m i l y L i f•E e reduce pollution. lo es a p a r- Baby boom: How doe The big local Issi ‘ ent-to-be cope with1 txb e c o m in g Issue a parent of twins orr dtriplets? In Twin F alls County,Cou ihere’s Ught at the end of th< f ^ E l f the tunnel as a ^ ^ ^ //A n e w o r d in o n c e - dubbedd the “matrix” - drafted!d byb people on Ho«m SpMkw B nce N m « a b . both sides of thele dairy< issue . S p o r t s mi, IHMm, itn tt Ml da) b) mnwrtlngwmiHowe Minorityy leaderL Wendy Jaqutt, M atch UwfltMlwMkoftiMaoosiegW makes its way towtoward public h K k s ^ ' t hearings. B u t i t ’s' b e e n a long: haul. ' I “ tw H. CeUMO/na ItaMrc Citizen committees«s 1made up of - H Ore La\ itcham. In his offlce during dairy operators andand concerned B vived v e d a wmakets s;sayStateh(lOuse serviic e Still ho] residents have trieded to1 work out ouAbattle ByJutePw m their problems befo>efore, only to ^ m s t w witter_________^ have things fall throihrou^ at the . H th hour. Twin Fa Vake Forest Falls County ; - From the outside, ^ Dlds appeala commissioners enact*acted five con- sgbU tor m ight look Uke ----- — ■' - lea ------ -secutive-moratoriuiriums-on new m ■ - - steNCAA Ifs aboutIt power,i money and and expanding CAF: a FO s b e fo re « basketball toumamen•ent. glamour. -egislators finally drafting thretItree new ordi- ■ P ig O d F ro m thw e linside, maqy lawmak- ^ -i wil .y Tiances. A group ofjf dairyd opera- ers say it’st’s really about cams* tors responded to> theih« moratori- raderie, gngrueUng hours, abuse d f l b i l ^ 2ave Capitol^—_ ums by filing a lawsiwsult against —O p i n i o n ------------------------------------from ihe'.pu E i --------- the-commissioners,-;rs,-saying-the ----------- -------------------------- ;public and the inedii:— ---------BOI ed moratoriums were i After the vots: iiie f^ C T O with comparative- back]/ith uncertainty re illegal and iterial compensation. ‘ a h urt their businesses.ies. the tedini(^ centerr^d b< Soafterfl »AsaocIated Preas__________ ^ W'hen K en E dm un - finding o ut tb e reality 11 nunds, a local issue doesn't mean thetheendof oflt.whyw<would anyone tvxi for ne businessman, saw hovhow the dair>' discussing ideas, todaylay^i edito- office, mudich less come back? JOISE~Lawmakers h"ead«3 ” issue was tearin g thhe e community( rialsqys. T h re e MaMagic VaUey leaders :k home this weekend from®y t .apart, he decided\ to bring the ' ~wfao.bore.mi loric 68-day election year ses'IL. —nyitmgfoup.iogether - ..........■ Pl A14- mucfa-otthe onmt-of-B— -couple qf najor-Btonum inthis— mm n more uncertain about tht------------- ^Through-theircoij’c?;^enT ..lF = year’s sestli^o n said they don’t ^ tio n------------------ s f ^ future thar•s* the pap«-, and in indiindi\idual dis- In d e x really tfainki»k-aboat that question. Sen.** Dn r CMMran, fHlMpMt. arguMaUBnpforvotaMriyVa ly Wednesday sfle^ econoia 2 0 0 2 | the> cussions, I could tellU theyth wanted p 7 And near th C lass» i()J» 1 7 Movies the end of what they M0ft.C«MrM,41.hasbNnt*Mtving In the Swtfte since hotle w at 31 years old. T he to solve the problemem b u t didn’t _ ■ w 4 ^ 7 19 d^beasoA one o f d w m ost d l& U gisli “ have the vehicleie tot do CiosswonL..E5 Nation/)nA3-7.12 cult sessionsmslnyears.jheysaid Their ques- Edmunds said. "I'I wantedv to ■ ■ Bi^School, House Speai . - term*t D«arAbl)y ,.E 3 OMuariilaries . .B2 th ey still et^ their woric in laker “If I was goingg to t b e a m m ister, IdahoIS are as political as they ore1*8 help. They weree frustratedf ■ ■ BnSS Newcomb, R-Burley, 1 on JU4.15 theSatehod!obaediisyear. ^ , h a d m y d ad w antedme m< to be the kind to remnomic. because th e countytr hadha not fully ■ ■ Family llfe..E1.6 OpMon plans to become a minister, r, but that really madee at change in the The'he.nation’s most Republican represented the effcefforts of the Horoscope ,E5 Senlots» r s .. .. E 6 Uidintfthi be changed his mind afterir his-' worid,” he said.“ “/ A fter that trip. I- e r o{islature ^ earned the wrath of people w ho w orked or ttwelMift . ^dad took him on a 37-day trii d on it before. Mii^VMe, Sports , rip to , saw I didn’t havtav e th a t k in d o f te r m*limitth« advocates by making This time, we decide:ided to do it nduitliii from Dedo Iheche poorest dties in the world.
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