I declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis has satisfied the scope and quality for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science”. Signature : Name of Supervisor : PM. Dr. Rose Alinda Alias Date : 17 Februari 2003 Signature : Name of Supervisor : PM. Dr. Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin Date : 17 Februari 2003 Signature : Name of Supervisor : PM. Dr. Md. Noor Md. Sap Date : 17 Februari 2003 BAHAGIAN A – Pengesahan Kerjasama* Adalah disahkan bahawa projek penyelidikan tesis ini telah dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama antara _______________________ dengan _______________________ Disahkan oleh: Tandatangan : Tarikh : Nama : Jawatan : (Cop rasmi) * Jika penyediaan tesis/projek melibatkan kerjasama. BAHAGIAN B – Untuk Kegunaan Pejabat Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah Tesis ini telah diperiksa dan diakui oleh: Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Luar : Prof. Dr. Zainodin Jubok Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah Universiti Malaysia Sabah Malaysia Nama dan Alamat Pemeriksa Dalam : PM. Dr. Safaai Deris Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Sistem Maklumat UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru Malaysia Nama Penyelia Lain (jika ada) : 1. PM. Dr. Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin 2. PM. Dr. Md. Noor Md. Sap Disahkan oleh Peno long Pendaftar di SPS: Tandatangan : Tarikh : Nama : Hj. Dahari bin Hj. Derani MODIFIED SWEEP ALGORITHM WITH FUZZY-BASED PARAMETERS FOR PUBLIC BUS ROUTE SELECTION GUNADI WIDI NURCAHYO A thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Computer Science and Information System Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL, 2003 To my parents and especially, My beloved wife, Retno Ngesti Rahayuningsih and My beloved son, Raihan Widi Ekoprabowo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first and foremost like to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors Dr. Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, Associate Professor Dr. Rose Alinda Alias, and Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Noor Md. Sap for their support and encouragement throughout the study. I would also like to thank H. Herman Nawas and Hj. Zerni Melmusi, Akt., MM. for their financial support and, most of all, their invaluable help and motivation towards the completion of my study. I would like to thank my colleagues, staff, and lecturers in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information System for their help, facilities, and conducive working environment. Finally, above all, I would like to praise and thank almighty Allah SWT for giving me the determination and will to complete this study. v ABSTRACT This research investigates route selection for a public bus routing problem. Route selection in many vehicle routing problems is based on distance because the purpose is mainly for goods delivery. For a public bus transportation company, route selection is mainly based on demand. However, in the case being investigated in this study, demand could not be determined because the routes considered for selection were new routes which have never been used before. This research developed a technique for public bus route selection based on unknown demand. This research consists of three phases. In the first phase, existing sweep algorithm was tested using the routes currently used by the company. Then, in the second phase, sweep algorithm was modified with an extension of weighted-directed (WIDI) graph technique to replace the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) technique. In the third phase, this research incorporated a fuzzy system which fuzzified the three parameters of demand, distance and type of road. The initial experiment demonstrated that the existing algorithm did not solve the public bus route selection because it was based on TSP technique, where distance is the main criteria. The modified sweep algorithm implemented in the second phase generated routes based on demand. However, this experiment used known demand, whereas the problem considered in this research is based on unknown demand. Therefore, in the third phase, the modified sweep algorithm was implemented using fuzzy-based parameters consisting of three stages. The route identification stage identified all new nodes and links. The route evaluation stage converted fuzzy data using the fuzzy system into crisp values which were assigned as the weights of links. Finally, route selection stage implemented the proposed WIDI graph search technique to select new links. It was demonstrated that the modified sweep algorithm using fuzzy-based parameters was able to select new routes with unknown demand. The fuzzy-based technique had successfully represented the unknown demand. Therefore, the technique was able to generate the same route as that which was generated by the modified sweep algorithm with known demand. However, the fuzzy-based technique had an advantage of being able to represent the unknown demand in linguistic value. vi ABSTRAK Penyelidikan ini mengkaji pemilihan laluan bagi masalah menentukan laluan bas awam. Pemilihan laluan bagi kebanyakan masalah menentukan laluan kenderaan adalah berdasarkan kepada jarak kerana tujuan utamanya adalah untuk penghantaran barang. Bagi syarikat pengangkutan bas awam, pemilihan laluan adalah lazimnya berdasarkan permintaan. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kes yang disiasat dalam kajian ini, permintaan tidak dapat ditentukan kerana laluan yang dipertimbangkan untuk pemilihan adalah laluan-laluan baru yang tidak pernah digunakan. Kajian ini telah manghasilkan suatu teknik pemilihan laluan bagi bas awam berdasarkan permintaan yang tidak diketahui. Penyelidikan ini terdiri daripada tiga fasa. Dalam fasa pertama, algoritma sweep sedia ada telah diuji menggunakan laluan-laluan yang sedang digunakan oleh syarikat tersebut. Di dalam fasa kedua pula, algoritma sweep diubahsuai dengan meluaskan teknik graf terarah untuk menggantikan teknik Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Di dalam fasa ketiga, kajian ini menggunakan sistem kabur di mana ketiga-tiga parameter permintaan, jarak dan jenis jalan telah dikaburkan. Eksperimen awalan menunjukkan algoritma sedia ada tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah pemilihan laluan bas awam kerana ia berasaskan teknik TSP, di mana keriteria utama ialah jarak. Algoritma modified sweep yang digunakan dalam fasa kedua menjanakan laluan berdasarkan permintaan. Walau bagamanapun, eksperimen ini menggunakan permintaan yang diketahui, sedangkan masalah yang dipertimbangkan dalam penyelidikan ini berdasarkan permintaan yang tidak diketahui. Oleh itu, dalam fasa ketiga, modified sweep telah dilasanakan menggunakan parameter-parameter berteraskan system kabur yang terdiri daripada tiga peringkat. Peringkat pengecaman laluan mengenalpasti semua nod dan pautan baru. Peringkat penilaian laluan menukar data kabur kepada nilai jelas menggunakansistem kabur yang ditetapkan sebagai pemberat pautan. Akhir sekali, peringkat pemilihan laluan melaksanakan teknik carian graf WIDI yang dicadangkan untuk memilih pautan-pautan baru. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa algoritma modified sweep menggunakan parameter berasaskan sistem kabur boleh memilih laluan-laluan baru di mana permintaan tidak diketahui. Teknik berasaskan sistem kabur telah berjaya mewakilkan permintaan yang tidak diketahui. Oleh itu, teknik tersebut boleh menjana laluan yang sama seperti laluan yang dijana oleh modified sweep dengan permintaan yang diketahui. Walau bagaimanapun, teknik berasaskan system kabur ini mempunyai kelebihan untuk mewakili permintaan yang tidak diketahui dalam bentuk nilai linguistik. vii LIST OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi LIST OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xviii LIST OF APPENDICES xx I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction to Vehicle Routing Problem 1 1.2 Background of the Problem 4 1.3 Problem Statement 6 1.4 Objectives of the Study 7 1.5 Importance of the Study 7 1.6 Scope of the Study 8 1.7 Assumptions 9 1.8 Organization of the Thesis 9 II LITERATURE REVIEW 12 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) 12 2.2.1 Definition 12 2.2.2 Current Problems in Vehicle Routing Problem 14 viii Vehicle Dispatch Problem (VDP) 14 Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) 15 Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) 16 Vehicle Fleet Planning (VFP) 17 Route Selection Problem (RSP) 17 2.2.3 Current Problems in Public Bus Routing Problem (PBRP) 19 2.2.4 Solutions in VRP and PBRP 20 2.3 Selected Solutions and Direction of the Solutions 26 2.3.1 Sweep Algorithm 26 2.3.2 Fuzzy System 27 2.4 Fuzzy Systems in Vehicle Routing Problem 28 2.5 Summary 29 III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 30 3.1 Introduction 30 3.2 Operational Framework 30 3.2.1 Case Study 32 Profile of the Company 32 Route Selection of the Company 35 Bus Routing of the Company 39 Route Profile 45 ix 3.2.2 Analysis and Description of the Problem 46 Input Data 46 Data Collection 47 Data Analysis 47 3.2.3 Problem Formulation 48 3.2.4 Design and Development 48 Model Formulation 48 Testing and Validation 49 3.3 Summary 51 IV PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND MODEL FORMULATION 52 4.1 Introduction 52 4.2 Problem Definition 52 4.2.1 VRP and Public Bus Route Selection 53 4.2.2 Characteristics of the Problems 54 4.3 Model Formulation 56 4.3.1 Sweep Formulation 56 4.3.2 TSP Formulation 58 4.3.3 Graph 60 4.4 Summary 61 V SWEEP ALGORITHM 62 5.1 Introduction 62 5.2 Sweep Algorithm 62 5.3 Sweep Algorithm for Public Bus Routing Problem 65 5.3.1 Definition 65 5.3.2 Results of Original Sweep Algorithm 67 x 5.3.3 Evaluation of the Original Sweep Algorithm 70 5.4 Summary 71
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