Y Konmautb County* Ortat ' Market Floua All tho NOWI ol Th« ReiUtort ClawUkd BEn UANB Department— And Surrounding Town* . Whero tuo Heller Flndl Told Fearlessly and Without Bin*. RED BANK ttaa Buyer. Ismid Weekly, Entored u Socond«CIaiB Matter at tho Pott* VOLUME LIV, NO. 43. oftlci At Bad Sank, U. J* under tbo Act ot March Z, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20,1932. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGEjM TO 12,- BENIOH CLASS TLAY". .orn up and otherwise put in bad Elks' Officers Notary OubV Business of the 'ublic Matters condition . because of heavily laden Atlantic Grangers Red Bankers Are ebruary and Juno Classes Present trucks liavlng passed over them In Limerick Contest Show Tomorrow and Friday. Rumson Council in Middletown connection with work dono on the HaveBig Night in County Finals Are Installed "Tho Wholo Town'B Talking," a stato road. Mr. Day made a written .roe-act comedy, will bo presented report about this matter, in which Morris Miller, Exalted Ruler, Un- rlembers Will Present Original y the senior class of tho Red Bank County and State Taxes This A Lengthy Meeting of the Town- he expressed tho opinion that tho lew Members Initiated at aGasper DcMaio, Red Bank High able to be Preient Became of Verses at Tomorrow'* Meeting ilgh school-tomorrow night and Frl- Year Amount to $101,914.61 ship Committee Held Last township road damage should be Meeting of the Colt's Neck School, and Madeline Kridel, —Herbert Hunter -Will-At- !ay night at 8:15 o'olook at tho junior —Discuss Road Oiling Pro- Thursday-=Clean Up Cam? repaired cither by tho state or by Schoolhouse Last Week—Bur- Red Bank Catholic School, in Hlne«8 and Fred C. VanVliet ilgh school auditorium on Branch tho contractor who in building the Acted as Proxy. tend International Convention .venue. Alter the .Friday night per- gram. paigns in Township. boulevard. Thla r. matter was re- lesque Surgical Operation. Oratory Contest!. The. Rotary convention at Aa-ormonco thoro will bo dancing In the At a meeting of the Rumson com- Varied matters wero before Iho ferred to Howard W. Roberta, the On Tuesday night of last week At- Two Red Bonk student orators, The nowly olectod offlcora of tho ilgh school gymnasium to Chet Ar- townahlp clerk. "ReaV Bank lodgo of Elka woro In- ury .Park.last Thursday and Fri- missioners last Friday night noti- ownahip commltteo of Middletown intlc grange held a largely attended Gasper DoMalo nnd Madeline Krldol, day reduced somewhat the attend- hur's music. The cast la composed fication waa'given tho officials In u hli) last Thursday. - The inoet- Mr, Day -reported that Leonard looting at tho Colt's Neck school- received occond- and thlrdprlrci at stalled, Thursday night by Colone} if members • of tho February and "i'» William Kelly, president ol tho atato ance at tho weekly luncheon of the letter from O. Asa Francis, county ng lasted from half-past three avenuo at Leonardo, was impassa- ouse, at which tho flrat and second tho Monmouth county district semi- Hod Bank club. Many Red Bank runo classes of 1032. treasurer, that the county and state 'clock in the afternoon until early ble near Raritan bay because of a egreea wer# conferred on seventeen finals of tho ninth oratorical contest Elks' Bsapplatlon, and his staff, Over Robert JReuaslllE,,!chalrjnan_of_ the 200 monitors of BcaVBarik lodge-and Jotarlnna went—to- Asbury Fnrlc, taxos- to._be_pald..by _Bumaon._thla n the evening. Most .JSIL the ..time washout. He said tho washout had .pplicanta for membership and aa en- on the Constitution, conducted In. vhoro they took Iii tho convention ommltteo In charge of arrange- year are 3101,014.61. Thcso taxes was Jaken up by a hearing on theb'eeri caused by the bulkhead col- ertairiment was given Under the- dl-thla region "by Tho Now YorkTlmoo, visiting Ellcs' from •various, parts .of lents, Is assisted by James Holly- tha utato were present. -Morris Mil- ind at tho same time received crcd- aro apportioned aa follows: county, uppllcation of tho Boro Busses com- lapsing In front of tho property of ectlon of Mrs. Rusaell Heulltt, the held nt tha Red Bank Cathollo high. ,ts fpr weekly attendance on their •ood, Ruth Clayton. Mary Ann Slel- $68,441.18; -state school, $23,576.43; pany and the Rollo Transit corpora- tho Leonardo Civic Interests assocla- :range lecturer. Visitors were prcs- ler, who was elected exalted rulor, la lng, Ester Dcdgc, Catherine Jcffery, school Friday evening. MISB Char- 1U and was unable to.bo present. Fred :lub'B records. Prof, Edwin C. Gil- state road, $8,621.76; soldiers' bonus, tion to run busses on tho new Bay- lon. The bulkhead had given way :nt from the Marlboro, Freehold and lotte. Morehcnd of St. Roao school, v Elizabeth Gettls, Grace Getty, Harold $1,182.69; freo county library, $1,721- several times previously, he said, jlcndola granges, Among them was —O.-VanVHot, a-pas't exaUcd.rul.qr,. was" land "pinch flitted"'for Dr. Sarnuol Smith and Francis Walnwrlght. The shoro boulevard in lieu of railroad Belmar, received first prize, having Installed as pt'pxy for Mr. Miller. This Hauanmn ' as presiding officer at 35raTia~alstrlEt*"c6urr$3C8.2l7 trains,"under an~agreement with the and-this-had caused-damago to thefU'ohlbald Hoighl. of . Glcndolu,_ the an her— toplOj--.'Waaliingtonr8 -InflU"- >thcr committees aro publicity, Wal- street. He recommended that jounty grange deputy, Two other Js tho Drat tlmo In tho history of Bed Thursday's luncheon *t tho Globe cr Thompson chairman, Barbara James P. Bruce, chairman of theCentral railroad company. An ac- uice on tho Constitution." Quspcp hotel and ho put over an Interesting road committee, brought up thcoune t of this hearing Is elsewhere more substantial bulkhead bo built visitors were Rullf Willett, master ot Dcllaio, Red Bonk hlgli nchool, rc« I, oode, Robert Hickcy, Itlchard De- and ho estimated that the cost would Liberty grange of Marlboro, and Mrs. Hooting.. • -. IVltt and Patricia Gopslirr property matter j>f putting aaphaltlc oil onin The Register. colved second place, speaking on> The usual songfest was entered Ridgo road, Beitevuo avenue, Harts- bo about $150. Tho committee voted Rullf- Willett, lecturer of the Marl- committee, James Butcher chairman, An ordinance vacating Trolley ave- boro grange. "Faith In -the--Constitution," andt Into-with much enthusiasm. David Ruth Bcutell, Jaok Regan and Theo- horno lano,.Navcsink avenue, Buena nue on Edward W. Leonard's devel- to have the work done. Miss Madeline' Krldcl, Ecd Bankl Matthews was song leader, with. Vista avenue and Elngham avenue opment at Leonardo passed Its final Frank Scott of Headdon's Corner The flrat and second membership Catholic high school, received third; dore Christy; ushers, Margaret Ma- egrces wero conferred on Mr. and 'rof. Harold LOHOB at tho piano geo chairman, assisted by members The question arose as to whether reading. asked that a light be placed at the plaiio, speaking on "Individual Lib- Tho Rotary songs, principally "Ro- the application of oil and sand on foot of Conover lane, near Dr. Wai rs. Harry Moffat, Miss Virginia erty Guaranteed by tho Constitu- of ,tho 12-B class. Wilbur Symington, The committee passed tlio first Moffat, Mrs. Naomi Voclkncr, Mr. tary Ann," seemed to bo the most Thomas Vlnlns and Dorothy Llppln- some of the roads named was prac- reading of an ordinance for garbage tcr W. Gosling's house. The re- tion." tical and economical. Andrew Zerr quest was ordered granted. nd Mrs. Charles Guntheru Harold popular with tho songBters. cott have charge of tho music. Mrs. collections ut Leonardo. Under the Gunthcr, Miss Cora DouglaFs, Mr. Rev. J. U. McCloskey, L.1..D., BU« Jack Lawley presented a fow or Robert C. Brown, dramatics teacher said too much money had* been spent provisions of this measure each per- Capt. Albert Runyon, chairman of perintendent of tho Red Bank Cath-> at tho_hlg:h school, Is coach of thoon Bingham avenue. Mayor Van tho township committee, reported nd Mrs. Phillips, Stanley Hunt, Hr. Iglnal limericks in advance of tho K, Halacy stated that all tho roada son who receives garbage collection ind Mrs. Fred Harrison, Fred Har- ollc liigh school and chairman olTthtj limerick contest scheduled for toj)Tay.~ ocrvicc will pay the contractor di- that residents of Church street a program, opened tho contest, with had turned out well except Bingham Belford were desirous of having tar ison, Jr., Mlaa Carolino Ilurrlaoii und morrow and Informed tho Rotarlans avenue. A suggestion was mado that rectly Instead of paying taxes. Tho Mr. and Mrs. George C. Richdale. The an address in which he thanked tho that If they wore too busy to prc contract will bo awarded by thviea placed on that street for a dis- judges for giving their tlmo for tho this road bo resurfaced with tarvia. tance of about a quarter of a mile hird and fourth degrees will bo con- iaro their own ho stood ready to Mr. Bruco was given authority to township committee and it will be erred at the meeting of the grange contest anil tho schools for their help thorn but "at two dollars Little Silver advertise for oil.- Ho will confer jp to the contractor -to mako col Tho request was referred 'to th next Tuesday night at the Coifs Neck co-operation. Ho lamonted thQ fact throw." His limericks woro well with tho borough engineer regard lectiona. It was aa the result of £road committee. echoolhouee. that boys are being lured away frorri _ I Daniel H.
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