EE CS head irked by Tedwartide By Barry S. Surman Moses said, but could remain An article revealing details of a open if Tlhe Te(/h reapplied for ac- self-evaluation report drafted by cess. the Department of Electrical Moses "doesn't understand Engineering and Computer what's going on," Eric M. Science (EECS) has department Ostron-i, EECS conputer systelns officials upset. nzanager, slid. "He doesn't kno,-k The story, published in the July anfthing, he's just the department 30 issue of The Tech, said EECS head." fears it may lose its ranking as the "A lot of accounts are going premier electrical engineering lwa;y now, saisid Ostrom. Sum- school in the country, and slip to mer systen users with "strvng third in computer science. connections to living groups" are Tech Photo by Rod Wester "It is unfortunate that it came routinely denied access, he said, The Charles River will be renamed the Kwa Na Ha Nee River, if Cambridge Mayor Alfred E. Vellucci has out in The 7 ech," said Course VI1 while the Residence/Orientation his way. Head Joel Moses '67. week Clearinghouse system for Moses claimed the' story may tracking freshmen is on the corn- have given readers the impression pu ter. Mayor tries to LECS gave the report to the new- The account, used by The Tech naF e river spaper. "We did not," he said. to develop software for its new By Tony Zamparutti First People, a group planning a name, chief Little Velvet, several The Tech's account on the electronic composition system, Cambridge mayor Alfred E. weekend festival in late times during the council meeting. EECS computer system was was expected to be available until Vellucci asked the city council last September, celebrating American He chose the name from a closed within four days of the ar- around registration day, Salz week to change the name of the Indian culture. The festival translation of his Italian surname. ticle's appearance. "This strikes said. He expected some notice Charles River. should be held on the Charles' Several of the councilors raised me as a purely punitive action," before the account was to be The council discussed the banks, Vellucci said. doubts about the feasibility of said Richard Salz '83, project closed, he added. mayor's proposal to rename Vellucci and Fox Tree will try Native First People's September director for The Tech's new the "There's no guarantee what- Charles the Kwa Na Ha Nee to arrange a meeting to discuss festival. electronic newsroom system. soever," said Ostrom. He claimed River at its August 2 meeting, but the name change with Boston The city would welcome the Moses said he suspected The closing accounts without warning took no action on the plan. Mayor Kevin H. White, the event, said councilor David Sul- Tech obtained the report through is standard EECS procedure. City councilors did not oppose Cambridge mayor said this week. livan '74, but "a lot of logistical its EECS computer account, but the name change, but some "Now that I can say [Kwa Na problems could arise. It is going denied any connection between A message recorded on The Tech's questioned the city's authority to Ha Nee]," Vellucci told the coun- to cost a lot of money to host a the news story and the closing of telephone answering rename the river, since it borders cil, "I think it sounds nicer than tribal festival." the account. machine last week said, "My name is several other cities and towns. Charles River." The council asked the city "I thought the account would Eric Ostrom and you peo- ple are in deep Kwa Na Ha Nee means "site of "I don't want to change the manager to study the group's be reopened," Moses said. He trouble," but Ostrom the waters, great motherland, name," Vellucci explained this plans and report its cost to the said he played no part in the deci- denied saying anything place of the birth of all native first week. "The Indians want to city. sion to close the account. about the article in The Tech. people and first nations; the turtle change it." Vellucci led a successful cam- "What really annoys me," Salz Moses did not deny the ac- island," said Fox Tree, a native Fox Tree named Vellucci an paign earlier this year to change said, "is [that] they never ap- curacy of The Tech's report on the American supporter of the honorary Indian chief to the name of Boylston Street in proached us with their EECS draft, but said he now felt change, speaking before the coun- recognize the mayor's support for Harvard Square to John F. Ken- suspicions." it likely that M IT will continue to cil. the name change. nedy Street. The change took ef- 'The account would have been be ranked first in the nation in Fox Tree represented Native The mayor used his new Indian fect May 29. closed at the end of the summer." electrical engineering. vo ai eruptions !affc te weather By Bill Giuffre major source of warmth in the Two eruptions of the volcano winter is heat which accumulates El Chichon in southern Mexico in the oceans during the summer. earlier this year may affect the "ifyou don't store up much in the New England climate this winter, summer it isn't there in the according to Professor Reginald winter. You're essentially taking E. Newell '56 of the Department it out of the cycle." of Meteorology and Physical The Mauna Loa Observatory Oceanography. in Hawaii calculted a reducton of "The eruptions occurred on solar radiation of about four to MNwrch- 28 and April 5," said five percent, indicating possible Newell. "IA considerable amount cooling of up to 0.5 degrees of material, mostly dust and ash, Celsius, according to a memoran- Tech Photo by Rod Wester xvas thrown into the stratosphere. dum in July from the National Work continues on schedule. but over budget, for the new EG & G Educational Center, set to-- open next - - -- -- --- Over time, this will evolve into sul- Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- spring. F"Ites. The main effect this will ministration (NOAA). have on climate is to absorb inci- "We really don't know enough H~h66g dent radiation in the upper at- to make any kind of statement g pla ue ncwb ildin 'mosphere." about what will happen the facility. The total cost of the center is to the By Burt Kalislki I The center is Newell explained the earth's (Pln.vea turn to page 4 ) "costing more expected to reach $25 million. k- Construction of the EG & G than contemplated two or three Private industry in the US, Japan Educational Center is "going for- years ago^'' he said this week. and Europe has providedLi large Congress acts to cmt ward and going weli," according Barrett did not know whether do- part of the anount. The National to Director of Physical Plant Paul nations for the building will still Endowment for the Arts donated i M; Barrett, but i the building will cover its costs. $250,000. Construction will re- draf ewers in~ai cost more than originally Barrett said the building will be sume late this month or in early planned. completed in the spring of 1983, September. Barrett said. By Tony Zamparutti draft since registration began in The new building, located in as planned, despite delays due to Physical Plant is also renovat- I Both houses of the US Con- July 1980, according to the Selec- the courtyard between Buildings rairl during June. - ing the Nabisco Building on gress have passed measures bar- tive Service System. 36 and 38, will provide additional Foundation work for the Arts Main Street to house a Plasma ring college students who fail to A House-Senate committee is classroom and laboratory space and Media Technology Center, Fusion I Center project. The multi- register for the draft from receiv- now attempting to resolve differ- for the Electrical Engineering and located at 25 Ames Street, was million dollar project TARA will ing Federal student aid. ences between the two authoriza- Computer Science (EECS) De- finished in late June, Barrett be moved there from its present The House and Senate passed tion bills, including the minor dif- partment. The founders of EG& noted, and construction will be location adjacent to the Bitter different versions of the aid re- ferences between the student aid G, Professor Harold E. Edgerton completed in the spring of 1984. National Magnet Laboratory. striction, but both attached the restriction amendments. '27, Kenneth Germeshausen '31, Barrett said bids for the super- Renovations to the basement, legislation to a bill authorizing Both proposals would affect and Herbert E. Grier 33 donated structure of the center were high- first floor, and third floor of the funds for the Department of De- aid from six major Department of nearly five million dollars for the er than expected. Physical Plant Sloan Building (E-52) will be fense in fiscal year 1983. Education financial aid pro- building. has decided to contract with the completed by next March, ac- A+pproximately 674,000 men - grams: Guaranteed Student Last February, Barrett reported lowest bidder, he continued, "but cording to Barrett. The work will seven percent of those eligible - Loans, Pell Grants, Supplemental that construction bids were high- we are trying to get the price provide additional space for of- have -ailed to register for the Please tun to page 4) er than the planned budget for more in line with our resources." fices and computer facilities.
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