Seminar on Event Semantics Stanford: 530–233C Spring 2001 Lecturer: Cleo Condoravdi Office: MJH 124 e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Tu 12–1 and by appointment Requirements Research paper. Brief presentation of work in progress. Course Outline 1. Basic motivations for events and event semantics Readings: Davidson 1967, Parsons 1990 (ch. 1–3), Bennett 1988 (ch. XI), Pi˜n´on 1995 (ch. 1.1), Eckardt 1998 (ch. 2) 2. Aspectual composition and characterizations of telicity Readings: Krifka 1992, Krifka 1989, Krifka 1998, Hay, Kennedy and Levin 1999, Pi˜n´on 2001, Cipria and Roberts 2000 Background readings: Vendler 1967a, Dowty 1979, Bach 1986, Carlson 1981, Verkuyl 1989 3. States Readings: Pi˜n´on 1999, Kratzer 2000 4. Lexical Decomposition Main Readings: Rapp & von Stechow 2000 Background readings: von Stechow 1996 5. Reified Temporal Theories Readings: Allen 1984, Shoham 1987, Galton 1991 6. Nominalizations Readings: Zucchi 1993 (ch. 1, 3) Background readings: Vendler 1967b, Bennett 1988 (ch. I, II), Parsons 1990 (ch. 7) 7. The progressive Readings: Landman 1992, Bonomi 1997 Background readings: Dowty 1979, Vlach 1981, Parsons 1989, Parsons 1990 (ch. 9) 1 References [1] Abusch, Dorit. 1985. On Verbs and Time. Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. [2] Abusch, Dorit. 1986. Verbs of Change, Causation, and Time. Technical Report CSLI-86-50, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University. [3] Abusch, Dorit and Mats Rooth. 1990. Temporal Adverbs and the English Perfect. NELS 20, 1–15. [4] Allen, James. 1983. Maintaining Knowledge about Temporal Intervals. CACM 26, 832–843. [5] Allen, James. 1984. Towards a General Theory of Action and Time. Arti- ficial Intelligence 23, 123–154. [6] Asher, Nicholas. 1992. A Default, Truth Conditional Semantics for the Progressive. Linguistics and Philosophy 15, 463–508. [7] Asher, Nicholas. 1993. 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