Röster från ingenmansland En identitetsarkeologi i ett maritimt mellanrum OSCAR TÖRNQVIST SÖDERTÖRN DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS Röster från ingenmansland En identitetsarkeologi i ett maritimt mellanrum OSCAR TÖRNQVIST Södertörns högskola Ämne: Arkeologi Område: Historiska studier Institutionen för historia och samhällsstudier Södertörns högskola Biblioteket SE-141 89 Huddinge www.sh.se/publications Omslagsbild: Möte mellan holländare och pomorer eller nordnorska kustsamer i ett hyddläger på ön Kildin utanför Kolahalvön år 1594. Källa: J. H. van Linschoten, 1601, Voyagie,ofte schip-vaert, van Ian Huyghen van Linschoten, s. 48f. (beskuren) Omslag: Jonathan Robson Grafisk form: Per Lindblom & Jonathan Robson Tryck: Elanders, Stockholm 2019 Södertörn Archaeological Studies 14 ISSN 1652-2559 Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 167 ISSN 1652–7399 ISBN 978-91-88663-76-4 (print) ISBN 978-91-88663-77-1 (digital) Abstract Archaeological investigations into late iron age and medieval coastal soci- eties in Sweden have been dominated by concepts and conceptions de- lineating a maritime culture, a traditional coastal and island-dwelling fisher- farmer and activities centered on fishing and maritime activities in a long maritime tradition or longue durée and a specific maritime identity and ha- bitus. By deconstructing commonly used concepts through a theoretical discussion and by using primarily written sources, it is here shown that there is a need for putting this culture and its agents into perspective by opening up the history of the maritime interspace and let in previously overlooked or disregarded historical actors in the narrative field dominated by men and landed farmers, such as landless, powerless, strangers, foreig- ners and women. Contrary to prevailing notions, it is here maintained that the maritime interspace was never dominated by a maritime culture or a fisher-farmer engaged in a subsistence economy or later on fishing for the market but that the coastal zone and archipelagoes always were a contested space. It was instead an arena for opportunism, societal expansion under landed gentry, nodes for procurement and social oppression and focal points for inter- cultural contacts, trade, networking and self-realization and that the role of the islands and the “fisheries” was constantly remolded to fit different power strategies. There was no maritime culture, no tradition, nor were there spe- cific “fishermen” and only relatively recently in history any household fishing in the skerries, but rather various opportunistic strategies under shifting con- trol and for varying maritime procurement. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, it is shown that a richer set of actors can be identified by positioning the islands and coastal locations in a wider historical and societal context, where the maritime interspace yields decisive clues through spatial relations and properties; physical and sociocultural networking, the physics of the natural environ- ment, and the phenomenological, social, emotive, psychological and judicial properties of the lucrative but physically harsh and marginal interspace. Through a series of case studies, seldom discussed social relations, social groups and social predicaments are unmasked and discussed; the relation between norse and proto-Saami cultures, the role of women in fishing, em- ployment of the poor or serfs, of incentives by strangers and foreigners. From the archaeological records it can be shown that many localities speak of con- flict, struggle and self-sought or forced marginalization; the emergence of taxation and the control of fishing, piracy and insurgency but also of exile, reclusion and asceticism. Running through history there has been a dicho- tomy and tension between the workforce and the benefactor, between small- scale and large-scale maritime procurement, between cooperation and con- flict and between the meeting place and the hidden refuge. As a result of these studies and excursions, it can be shown that each island or “fishing camp” must be studied in detail and that, by using methods bor- rowed mainly from critical realism, micro history, network theory, pheno- menology and social history, and by analytically studying the landscape using geographical information system, it is possible to identify and elucidate the transformative capacity of the maritime interspace between cultures, social classes and within single actors operating on the fringes of society for per- sonal gain, in unwanted or self-sought exile and ordeal. To widen the perspective on the maritime actors, the study sketches the ethno genesis of the hitherto dominating “fisher-farmer” and exposes a wider set of actors and their strategies in the maritime space and ends with advocating a series of potentially fruitful research frameworks of study; (i) cultural niches in the maritime environment, (ii) actor geographies in the outback, (iii) the use of maritime produce in societal transformations, and (iv) to further investigate the harsh, hidden or exposed, islands as places for sociocultural and economical strategies with profound social, psychological and spiritual impact. Keywords: Maritime landscape archaeology, coastal societies, maritime cul- ture, fishing, hunting, trade, fisher-farmer, maritime interspace, contested space, interculturality, network society, social relations, cultural identities, marginalization, critical realism, network theory, phenomenology, social history, actor geographies, cultural niche construction, maritime history, medieval history, Viking Age. Liv är kontrasternas möte, liv är ingendera parten. Liv är varken dag eller natt men gryning och skymning. Liv är varken ett ont eller ett gott, det är mälden mellan stenarna … Gunnar Ekelöf, Tag och skriv Innehållsförteckning Prolog: Vilkas röster ljöd över ingenmansland? .................................................... 13 I. FOTSPÅR I SANDEN Introduktion................................................................................................................ 17 Den etnologiska bakgrunden: Skärbondens livsvillkor och kultur................ 18 Skärgårdsarkeologi som utmarksarkeologi och marginalfenomen............... 20 Människan i skärgårdsarkeologin ...................................................................... 22 Syfte, disposition och frågeställningar............................................................... 27 Teoretisk bakgrund och nya vägar framåt.............................................................. 31 Analys av begreppet ”maritim kultur” och associerade tankefigurer............ 31 Ett avstamp i den kritiska realismen.................................................................. 45 Mellan vikingatid och medeltid.......................................................................... 48 Mellan ting och text.............................................................................................. 49 Mellan skröna och fakta....................................................................................... 53 Att identifiera historiens kausala agenter.......................................................... 55 Att närma sig agenternas landskap .................................................................... 60 Att koppla fysiska nätverksrum till agenternas nätverkande ......................... 65 Att söka en meningsbärande identitetsarkeologi............................................. 67 Slutsatser...................................................................................................................... 71 II. KORSVÄGAR OCH STRANDHUGG Introduktion................................................................................................................ 75 Människor i det maritima mellanrummet.............................................................. 77 Från plats- och kulturtypologi till identitetskontext........................................ 77 Mellanrummets kulturella nischer..................................................................... 86 Mellanrummets identiteter ................................................................................. 90 Mellanrummets utsatthet, spänning och konflikt............................................ 93 En föränderlig protokolonial geografi..................................................................... 95 Norrlandskustens dynamiska kultur.................................................................. 95 Kustzonens protokoloniala relationer ............................................................. 102 Nätverksrummet: Kulturell diffusion eller identitetshybridisering?........... 112 En föränderlig social geografi................................................................................. 117 Två korsande vektorer: Fattigt och rikt vid ett fiskeskär............................... 117 Samarbete kring ett fiskeskär ............................................................................ 133 Konflikter vid ett fiskeskär ................................................................................ 137 De okändas geografi................................................................................................. 143 Den andra: Kvinnan och havet ......................................................................... 143 De udda: Främlingar, skojare och pyttar......................................................... 147 De osynliga: Klabbesittare, yxlönare och huskarlar....................................... 153 ”Fiskarbondens” geografi? .....................................................................................
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