© Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at On a collection of Lepidoptera from Bangala*). By Euiily Mary Sliarpe. The following- is a list of the Butterflies collected by Mr. Herbert Ward at Bangala on the River C'oiigo. Mr. \\'ard, as is well known. was oiie of the officers of the Rear Guard of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, and as was the case with Mr. Janieson his ofiicial duties left him but iittle leisure for natural history studies. I have referred especially to the following- books and papers which deal with the Lepidoptera of the Congo Region, and other parts of West. Africa. Voijage de IM. Cli. Allmud dans le territoire d ' A s s i n i e (A f r i q u e o c c i d e n t a 1 e) en juillet et aoüt 1886. 4e Memoire (1). IJpklopÜrcs a Y e c des n o t e s s u r quelques a u t r e s e s p e c e s d ' A f r i q u e. Par M. Faul Malnllc, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. I, pp. 17—33, 1890. Cataloqne des Upidopteres de la cote occidejitale d'Afrique. Par. U Faul MihiUe, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, pp. 194—203, 1876. Jameson, 7. S. Storii of the Fear Cohimn of the Emin Fasha JEdpedition. I^epidoptera Fhopalocera. Bij I. Z). Godman, F. F. '^. and Oshert Salvin, F. R. S. pp. 426—445, 1890. ^1 list of the Butterflles collected by Mr. William Boiuii/ on the journey Avith Mr. Stanley from Y a m b u y a o n t h e A r u w i m i River through the great Forest of Central Africa; with Descriptions of nine new Species. By //. Grose Smith, F. Z. S. P. Z. S. 1890, pp. 463—473. *) Bangala liegt im Coiigostaat, am nördlichen Ufer des Congo, etwa unter 2" n. Br. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 54 Emily Mary Sharpe. Farn. Nyiiiplialida^. S u b f a m. D a n a i n se. 1. Amauris (Laniocles. Amauris damocles, (Beauv.): Kirby, .Svn, Cat. Diiirn. Lepid. p. 8.: StaudgT. Exot. Schmett. p^ 50, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 467: God- nian and Salvin, Append. Jameson's "'Kear Column", p. 427, (1890). 2. Auiauris iiiavius. Amauris niavius, (Linn.): Kirb}^, t. c. p. 9.; Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 199, (1876): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 50, pl. 25, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 467: Godman and Salvin, Append. Jameson's "Eear Column,-' p. 427, (1890). 3. Amauris enceladus. Euploea enceladus, (Linn.), Kirbj^ t. c. pag". 17. 4. Amauris vashti. Amauris vashti, (Butl.), Kirb}^, t. c. Append. p. 639: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I,p. 199 (1876; Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. I, p. 50, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. 8. 1890, p. 467,: Godman and Salvin, Append. Jameson's "Rear column", p 4.27, (^1890). 5. Amauris liyalites. Amauris hyalites, Butl.: Kirby, t. c. Suppl. p. 692. S u b f a m. I^atyrinse. 6. Gnophodes parmeno. Gnophodes parmeno, Doubl.: Kirbj'-, t. c. p. 43.: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 199, (1876).: StaudgT. Exot. Schmett. p. 222, pl. 78, (1888). 7. Gnopliodes chelys. Gnophodes chelys, Fabr.: Kirby, t. c. Append. p. 642.. Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 222, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 472. 8. Bicyclus iccius. Bicvclus iccius, (Hew.): Kirby, t. c. 1). 47.: StaudgT. Exot."^ Schmett. p. 224, (1888). 9. 3Iycalesis martius. Mycalesis martius, Fabr.: Kirby, t. c. p. 90. Subfam. Acrj^inse. 10. Acriea menippe. Acrsea menippe, Drury, : Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 201. (1876): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466. 11. Acnea parrhasia. Acr?ea parrhasia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III, p. 175, (179:3). © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at Oll a collecHon of Lepidoptera from Bangala. 55 12. AcrsiM circeis. Acrsa circeis, (i)niry): Kirby, t c. p. 132: Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 460. 13. Aersi'a bonasia. Acnnea bonasia, (Fabr.): Kirby, t. c. p. 132: :\rabille. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 201, (187(3): Staudgr. Exot. Sclimett. p. 84, (1888). 14. Acrj^a viuidia. Acr?ea vinidia, (Hew.): Kirby, t. c. Suppl. p. 720: Mabille. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 202, (1876): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 84, (1888). 15. Aera^a epouina. Acr*a eponina, (Cram.): Kirby, t. c. p. 132: Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 84, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466: Godman and Salvin, Jameson's "Rear column", p. 432, (1890). 16. Acra^a ei?ina. Acmea egina, (Cram.): Kirby, t. c, p. 134: Mabille, ^Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I. }). 2ü2, (1876): id. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. 1, p. 18, (1890): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 83. pl. 33, (1888). 17. Acnea perenua. Acraea perenna, Doubl. Hew.: Kirby t. c. p. 135: Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. 1, p. 83, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466. 18. AcriFa cepheus. Acraea cepheus, (Linn.) : Kirby, t. c. p. 135: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 202, (1876) : Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 85, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466 : Godman and Salvin, Jameson's Rear Column", p. 431, (1890). 19. Aci-*a oriiia. Acrj^a orina, Hew.: Kirby, t. c. Suppl. p. 720: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 201, (1876): Godman and Salvin, Jameson's '"Rear Column", p. 431, (1890). 20. Plaiieiiia gea. Acrsea gea (Fabr.): Kirby. t. c. p. 133: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 202, (1876): id. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. 1, p. 18, (1890): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 85, pl. 33, (1888). 21. Plaueiiia lycoa. Acraea lycoa. Godt.: Kirby, t. c. p. 133; Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 201, (1876): id. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. 1, p. 18, (1890): Standgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 85, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466. Godman and Salvin, t. c. p. 432, (1890). 22. Plauema euryta. Acmea euryta, (Linn.): Kirby, t. c. p. 134: Standgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 85. (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 466. 23. Plauema alcinoe. Acmea alcinue, Feld. Reis, Novara, Lepid. n, pl. 46, figs. 12, 13, (1865). © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 56 Emily Mary Sharpe. 24. Plaiieina formosa. Acra^a foniiosa. (Hutl): Kirby, t. c. S\\[)\)\. ]). 719. Subfani. IVyiiiphalinje. 25. Atella coUiiubiua. Atella columbiiia Crani. Pap. Exot. JII, 1)1. 238. tio-s. A. B., IV. pl. 337, figs. D. E. (1782): Trimen, S. Afr. Butterfl. vol. I, p. 198, (1887): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1800. 1). 467. 26. Juiioiiia clelia. Jiinonia clelia, (Cram.): Kirby t. c. p. 187,: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 203. (1876): id. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. 1, p. 19, (1890): Trimen. 8. Afr. Butterfl. I, p. 214, (1887): Staudor. Exot. Sclnnett. p. 99, pl. 37, (1888): Grose Smitli, P. Z. 8. 1890. p. 407.: Godman and Salvin, t. c. p. 433, (1890). 27. Precis oetavia. Precis octavia, (Oram.); Kirbv. t. c. p. 18!t: Trimen, S Afr. Butterfl. I,'p. 229, (1887):' Precis octavia, Cram. var. nataleusis, Staudgr. Exot. Sclnnett. p. 101, pl. 38, (1888). 28. Precis sopliia, (Fabr.): Kirbv, t. c. p. 189: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, (6) X. pt.'l, p. 19. (1890): Trimen, S. Afr. Butterfl. I, p. 221, (1887): Staudgr. Exot. Sclnnett. p. 100, pl. 37, (1888). 29. Precis terea. Precis terea, (Ürury): Kirbv, t. c. p. 189: 3Ia.bille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I. p. 203. (187G): id. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6), X, pt. 1, p. 19, (1890): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 100, (1888): Godman and. Salvin t. c. )>. 433, (1890). 30. Salmacis cacta. Salmacis cacta, (Fabr.): Kirl)y, t. c. p. 192: Staudgr. Exot. Sclnnett. p. 103, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890. p. 467,: Godman and Salvin, t. c. p. 433, (1890). 31. Eurytela opliioiie. Eurytela opliione. (Cram.): Kirby, t. c. p. 195: Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. p. 105, (1888). 32. Creiiis aniulia. Crenis amulia, (Cram.): Kirl)y. t. c p. 197,: Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, p. 274, (1S76): Staudgr. Exot. Schmett. I, p. 108, (1888): Godman and Salvin, t. c. ]). 435, (1890). 33. Hypoliuiiias dubius. Hvpolimnas dubius. (Beauv.): Kirby, t. c. p. 226; Staudgr. "E.xot. Schmett. p. 137, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 469: Godman and Salvin, t. c. p. 435,' (1890). 34. Hypoliinuas authedon. Hypolimnas anthedon, (Doubl.): Kirby. t. c. p. 220; Mabille. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at On n colloction uf Jjepidoptera froni Baiigahi. 57 p. ;<!75, (ISTC)): id. Ann. Soc. Knt. France, (0). X, pt. 1, \>. 20, (ISiHl): StaiulgT. Exot. Sclimett. p. 188, (1888): (lodman and Salvin, t. c. p. 435, (1890) 35. Hypolimiias salmacis. Hypolimnas salmads, (Druiy): Kir.by, t. c. p. 226: I\rabille, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (Ol, X, pt. 1, p. 20, (1800): Staudg-r. Exot. Scliniett. p. 187, pl 47, (1888): Grose Smith, P. Z. S. 1800. p. 4ii!): (~^odman and Salvin. t. c. p. 435, (1800). ;>(). HypoliiHiias iiioiiteiroiiis. Diadema nionteironis, Druce, ('ist. Ent. I. p. 280, No. 5, (1874). 87. Hypolimnas iiiechowi. Diadema mechowi, Dewitz, Berl. Ent. Zeitung, XXYIII, p. 187. pl. 1, %. 2. Hypolimnas stanleyi, H, G. Smith, P. Z. S. 1800, p. 467; id. & Kirby, Ehopal. Exot. part. 15, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4, (1891). 38. Euryplieue opis. Catnna opis, (Ürury): Kirby. t.
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