Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. Tionólfar COMHDHÁIL CINN BLIANA 2008 - 2009 in Hilamar Hotel, Kinnegad ar an Luan, 2ú Márta, 2009 6.00 pm 1 2 Kilmacud Crokes - Leinster Senior Football Club Champions 2008 Back L-R: Brian McGrath, Mark Davoren, Fionnán Kennedy, Niall Corkery, Nicky McGrath, Barry O'Rorke, Joe Mooney, Karl Dias, Patrick Duggan, Declan Maher, Liam McBarron, Cian O'Sullivan, Ray Cosgrove, Darren Magee, Ross O'Carroll, David Dromey, Mark Coughlan, Brian Kavanagh. Front L-R: Ronan Ryan, Shane O'Rorke, Mark Vaughan, David McGuane, Pat Burke, Adrian Morrissey, Jonny Magee, Paul Griffin, Kevin Nolan, Liam Óg Ó hÉineachain, Kevin O'Carroll, David Nestor, Rory O'Carroll, Conor Lamb. Clár 6.00pm Evening Meal 7.20pm Registration 7.30pm (1) Minutes of 2008 Convention (2) Discussion of Report of Chief Executive (3) Discussion of Sub-Committee Reports 8.15pm Adoption/Review of Accounts of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. 8.30pm Election of P.R.O. (1st Ballot) 8.35pm Address by An Cathaoirleach 8.50pm Election of Officers 9.00pm Guest Speakers 9.15pm Na Rúin 9.30pm Tea/Coffee – Convention Closes. Each county is entitled to the following Delegate representation at Convention, in addition to its two representatives on the Provincial Council: Ceatharloch 5 Cill Mhantain 6 Iarmhi 5 An Mhí 6 An Lú 5 Longphort 5 Cill Dara 6 Uibh Fháilí 6 Cill Chainnigh 5 Laois 6 Áth Cliath 6 Loch Garman 6 A brief meeting of the incoming Leinster Council will be held immediately after Convention, at which only urgent business to hand will be considered. NOTE 1. Slip on Admission Card to be handed to Hotel Management for Evening Meal (6.00 pm) 2. Full Leinster Convention documentation has already been forwarded directly to each member of the outgoing Leinster Council. Micheál Ó Dubhshlaine (Rúnaí) Áras Laighean, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. 3 Ainmniúcháin CATHAOIRLEACH Sheamus O hUilin (Loch Garman) LEAS-CATHAOIRLEACH Martin O Sceallaigh (Longphort) CISTEOIR: Sean Mac Carthaigh (Cill Dara) OIFIGEACH CAIDREAMH POIBLI Padraig O Ceallaigh (An Mhí) S.S. Breathnach (Cill Dara) Sean Napier (Cill Mhantain) Antóin Mac Roibin (Iarmhí) Na Rúin 1. That the Leinster Club Championship Finals (d) It shall have before it when necessary, in both Hurling and Football at Senior, the reports of other sub-committees for Intermediate and Junior grades be played at consideration and action. neutral venues (not a County Venue of (e) It shall nominate a Provincial Referees’ participating Clubs in Final) (An Mhí). Administrator to be sanctioned by 2. That the current Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. (Riail 71 (f) bye-law in respect of the Management T.O. 2006). Committee of the Council be amended to (f) It shall manage and oversee all human read as follows: resources issues on behalf of Comhairle MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Laighean C.L.G. There shall be a Management Committee (g) Subject to overall ratification of which shall consist of the Officers and a Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. it shall have representative of (a) Coaching and Games the authority to appoint sub-committees Development Committee, (b) Development, to deal with delegated matters / Facilities, Health and Safety Committee, activities. (c) Club and County Planning Committee (h) It shall deal with discipline (non-games (d) Information Technology, Marketing and related) matters. Public Relations Committee and (e) the full time Chief Executive Officer of Coisde (i) All members of the Management Conndae Ath Cliath C.L.G. Committee must be current voting members of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. (a) It shall implement matters pertaining to with the exception of the C.E.O. of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. between Coisde Conndae Ath Cliath C.L.G. and meetings of the Council. the C.E.O. of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. (b) It shall report on its deliberations to Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. (Comhairle Laighean C.L.G.) (c) It shall control financial aspects within policy guidelines of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G. 4 Miontuairiscí Chruinniu de'n Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 01/03/2008 Liam Uas. Ó Neill (Cathaoirleach) presided at the S. de Roiste, D. O hIceadha (Ath Cliath) Annual Convention of Comhairle Laighean C.L.G., M. O Colmain, D. O Burtuin (Cill Mhantain) held in the Talbot Hotel, Wexford. P. Uaiceam, L. Mac Fairligh (Loch Garman) S.S. Breathnach, M. O Fionnain (Cill Dara) Also in attendance were: L.V. O Conbhui, S. O Caimpin (Ceatharloch) S.O hEile, S. Breathnach (Cill Chainnigh) S. O hUilin (Leas-Cathaoirleach) S. O Daltuin, A. Breathnach (Laois) S. Mac Carthaigh (Cisteoir) A. O Gallchoir, E. O Floinn (Uibh Fhaili) T. O Fearghail (P.R.O.) A. Mac Roibin, S. O Mairtin (Iarmhi) G. O Maolthuille (Ard Oideachais) S. Mac an tSionnaigh, S. O Floinn (Longphort) P. O Cinnseallaigh (Cumann na mBunscol) M. O Dubhshlaine (Runai). S. O hOrain (Iarbhunscoileanna) P. Mac Mathuin, S. O Draighneain (Lu) An apology for inability to attend has been received P. O Ceallaigh, P. O Duibhir (An Mhi) from T. O Briain (Liathroid Laimhe). The following delegates represented the counties: CILL CHAINNIGH P. Gawle, B. O hIci, P. Henderson, E. O Cuinn. LÚ P. Oilibhear, S. O Broin, P. O hAmaltuin, LAOIS E. Ni Ciaran, P. O Tomhnair. P. Mac Aodh Bhui, R. O Muilleoir, G. O Caomhanaigh, A. O Dubhshlaine, AN MHÍ B. O hAilin, T. Mac Seoin. B. O Coimin, B. O hAilin, U. Mac Giolla Phadraig, M. O Gallchoir, F. Mac Ginneartai, UIBH FHÁILÍ S. O Craobhain. P. O Teachain, B. Mac A Bhaird, T. O Cionnaigh, S. Mac Leannain, M.N. O Broin, S. O hOgain. ÁTH CLIATH S. Mac Coisdealbha, S. Mac Nioclas, IARMHÍ S. O Mathuna, A. O Coitil, S. O Fuarain, S. O Briain, A. O Leabhraigh, S. O Sioradain, L. Mac an Bheatha. M. Mac Aodh, D. O Cadhain. CILL MHANTÁIN LONGPHORT A. O Briain, L. O Lochlainn, S. Napier, T.S. Mac A Bhaird, M. O Scealai, P. O Cathail, M. O Murchu, P. Mac Eochaidh, T. O Broin, E. O Cuaine, M. Mac Conncarraigi, S. O Cuinn. S. O Duinn. The following also attended Convention LOCH GARMAN D. O hUilin, S. O Cuirc, R. O Murchu, IAR OIFIGIGH M. O Coigligh, P. O Muireasa, S. de Faoite, S. O Beara, A. O Falluin, P. O Bogaigh, S. Aldridge, M. Ni Dhuill. S. de Grae, S. O Broin, P. O Flannagain. CILL DARA SUB-COMMITTEE REPS A. O Suilleabhain, B. Mac Cionnaith, P. de Freine. M. O Fionnain, G. O Tiarnain, C. Ui Neill, S. O Mearain. GUEST Wexford Mayor, George Lalor. CEATHARLOCH T. O Murchu, T. O Neill, L. de Barra, ÁRAS LAIGHEAN STAFF G. O Lionnain, P. O Diring. S. Ni Chuinn, H. Ni hOrain, P. Ni Chleir, M. Mac Raghnaill, S. O Flannagain, S. Mac Coitir. 5 OSCAILT COISDE SCOR ACCOUNTS Convention was opened by Mairead Ui Dhuill, Formally adopted at Convention. Runai Coisde Co. Loch Garman C.L.G. She in turn introduced Mayor of Wexford, George Lalor and Cathaoirleach Coisde Co. Loch Garman C.L.G. CO LIATHROID LAIMHE LAIGHEAN ACCOUNTS Gearoid O Duill, both of whom addressed Noted by Convention. Convention. APPOINTMENT OF TELLERS PRESENTATION The following were appointed as tellers: Gearoid O Duill then made a presentation of • Pol O Cinnseallaigh (C na mBunscoil Laighean) gifts to all delegates in attendance. • G. O Maolthuille (C.A.O.) • P. de Freine (Coisde na Reiteoiri) • M. O Cinnseallaigh (Loch Garman) BUIOCHAS Liam O Neill thanked both the Mayor and An Cathaoirleach Choisde Chonndae for their warm ELECTION OF LEAS-CATHAOIRLEACH welcome. He also thanked the organising With the withdrawal of P. O Ceallaigh (An Mhi) committee for their excellent arrangements for and P. O Tomhnair (Lu) there were two candidates Convention. for the post of Leas-Cathaoirleach. The ballot resulted as follows: Mairtin O Sceallaigh (Longphort) 48 MIONTUAIRISCI CHOMHDHAIL 2007 Sean O hOrain (Ath Cliath) 47 Adopted and signed by an Cathaoirleach on proposition of A. Mac Roibin, seconded by P. O An tUas. O Sceallaigh was declared elected. Tomhnair. Both candidates returned thanks to Convention. TUAIRISC AN RUNAI CATHAOIRLEACH’S ADDRESS Opened for discussion and considered under its Liam O Neill outgoing Cathaoirleach, addressed various headings. Convention. TUAIRISC NA FO CHOISDI AN CATHAOIRLEACH NUA ADDRESS Sub-Committee Reports, as follows, were adopted Seamus O hUilin then addressed Convention as and considered by Convention: per attached script. (a) Leinster Coaching and Games Development Report (b) Leinster Referees Administrators Report ELECTION OF OTHER OFFICERS (c) Leinster I.T., Marketing and P.R. Committee (a) SEAN MAC CARTHAIGH (CILL DARA) was Report formally declared re-elected as Cisteoir and (d) Leinster Grounds Facilities, Health & Safety he duly returned thanks. Report (e) Leinster Club and County Planning Report (b) TOMAS O FEARGHAIL (IARMHI) was (f) Coisde Scor Laighean formally declared re-elected as Oifigeach (g) Hearings Committee Report Caidreamh Poibli. In returning thanks An tUas. O Fearghail announced that – because of his election to the post of Cathaoirleach ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2006 / 2007 Choisde Cho. Na hIarmhi - he would not be The Annual Accounts were presented by An seeking re-election at next year’s Leinster Cisteoir, Sean Mac Carthaigh, and were adopted Convention. on the proposition of A. Mac Roibin, seconded by S. Mac Coisdealbha. 6 ADDRESS BY C. DE PAOR, BUIOCHAS CHAIRMAN ST. MARTINS G.A.A. CLUB Liam O Neill thanked all associated with the Kevin Power, Chairman of St. Martins G.A.A. Club organisation of Convention, in particular Dermot then addressed Convention. He said it was a Howlin, Seamus O Byrne, Justin Browne, John great honour for his club to have a member Cotter and Paddy Flanagan.
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