TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY INDIANA SOCIETY of MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS Dedicated to HONORABLE JOSEPH ALLEN MINTURN Founder and Governor Emeritus By BOARD OF ASSIST ANTS 1940 SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS In the State of INDIANA Founded and Organized April 14, 19 16, under the Authority of Charter Granted by The General Society of Mayflower Descendants under Date of March 2 1~ 1916. The noblest ancestry that ever a people looked .back to with I ove and reverence. -John Greenleaf Whittier. THE COl\1PACT. which was signed in the cabin of the :\layflower NoYember 11 (0. S.). Non•mber 21 (X. S.). 1620. has been called the cornerstone of the ci\·il tlnd religi•)US liberties of the t:-nited States. Compact Signed in the Cabin of the Mayflower In :re name of God, Amen.-,ve whose uames are under-written. the loyall subjects of our dread King James, by ~-e grace of God of Great Britaine. France & Ireland King, Defender of the Faith &c. Haveing under-taken for ye glorie of God, and advancements of :re Chri:-tian faith, and honour of our King & Countrie, a vo~·age to plant :re first colonie in ye northerne parts of Virginia. doe b~· these presents solemnly & mutuall~· in ye presence of God and one of another. couvennnt, & combine our selves together into a ciYil body politick, for our better ordering and preser,·ation, & furtherance, of ~·e ends aforesaid; and by vcrture hereof to enacte, constitute and frame such just & equall lawes, ordinances. aC"ts. constitution & offices from time to time, as shall be thought most meete & convenient for :re generall good of ye Coloni~; unto which we promi~e all due submh:sion and obedience. In witness whereof we haYe h(•reunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod ye 11 of Xovember, in ye year of ~:e raigne of our soveraigne Lord King James of England, France & Ireland ye eighteenth, and of Scotland ye fifty-fourth, Anno Don. 1020. 1. ,T ohn Caryer tr.i. Edward Tilley 29. Degory Priest 2. William Bradford rn. .T ohn Tilley 30. Thomas Williams 3. Edward ,vinslow 17. Francis Cooke 31. Gilbert Winslow 4. ,Yilliam Brewster 18. Thomas Rogers 32. Edmond Margeson 5. Isaac Allerton rn. Thomas Tinker 3.'3. Peter Brown 6. Myles Standish 20 ..T ohn Rigdale 34. Richard Britterige 7. John Alden 21. Edward Fuller 3i;. George Soule 8. Samuel Fuller 22. John Turner 36. Richard Clarke 9. Christopher :Martin 23. Francis Eaton 37. Richard Gardiner 10. William Mullins :?4-. :Tames Chilton 38. John Allerton 11. William White 2j_ John Crackston 39. Thomas English 12. Richm-d Warren 20. Johu Billington 40. Edward Doty 13. J" ohn Howland 27. Moses Fletcher 41. Edward Leister 14. Stephen Hopkins 28. .T ohn Goodman 3 LIST OF PASSENGERS WHO- CAME TO PLYMOUTH -IN THE MAYFLOWER IN 1620 JOHN CARVER, Deacon of Church in Holland, First Governor; elected on the Mayflower; re-elected March 22, 1621; taken sick April 5, 1621; died either the next day or a few days after. KATHARINE, his wife, some think sister of Robinson; died May or June, 1621. JOHN HOWLAND, born 1592; married after August 14, 1623, the orphan daughter .of John Tilley and his first wife; died- February 23, 1673; aged 80. · . JASPER MOORE, a boy; died Decen1ber 6, 1620. DESIRE MINTER, a maid; returned to England and died there. ROGER WILDER, servant, unniarried; died a few days after landing. WILLIAM LATHAM, a boy; went to England about 1'640, thence to Bahamas and died there; some think Robert was· his- -son;- - ------, maid; married perhaps Francis Eaton 1624-5 and -died soon after. · WILLIAM BRADFORD, baptized March 19, 1589, or March 29, 1590; he was of Robinson's church in Holland; elected Govei:nor 1621, and often until his death May 9, 1657, aged about 69. ' · DOROTHY MAY, his wife; married December 10, 1613; drowned off Cape Cod December 7, 1620. · · EDWARD WINSLOW, born October 18, 1595; elected Governor 1633, '36, and '44; died at sea near Hispaniola May 8, 1655 while Cron1well's commissioner to the West Indies. · · ELIZABETH BARKER, of Chester England, his wife; married at Leyden May 16, 1618; died March 24, 1621. GEORGE SOULE, in service; taxed after 1633; n1arried Mary Becket, who died 1677; he died 1680. ELIAS STORY, in service; died un1narried first winter. ELLEN MORE, in service, died unmarried first winter. WILLIAM BREWSTER. born 1566-7 at Scrooby; baptized March 29, 1590 (new style); ruling elder at Leyden and Plymouth till his death April 10, 1644 .• MARY, his wife; died at Plymouth April 17, 1627. RICHARD MORE, only survivor of his family; died 1694-1696. Bradford says had family. LOVE BREWSTER, son; 111arried Sarah Collier 1634; died soon after, October 6, 1650, when will was dated; proved May 4, proximo. ; WRESTLING BREWSTER, youngest son; died unmarried before his father. : . -. · - • .- --- MORE, brother of Jasper, Richard and Ellen; died i:p. the spring of 1621.- . ISAAC ALLERTON, chosen Deputy Governor 1621; reµiovecf to· N~w Haven, Conn.; died .1659. : MARY NORRIS. married Noven1ber 4, 1611; died February 25, 1621. .. BARTHOLOMEW; their son; born Holland,-.1612; returned -t9 Englan4 and died there after 1650. REMEMBER, .their daughter; married Moses Maverick; :died aiter 165~. lVIARY, daughter; born 1616; married Thomas Cushman; died 1699. :: JOHN HOOKE, servant; died soon after· arrival. ·· MYLES STANDISH, born about 1586; chosen Captain Feb1·uary 17,-1621. He was a Leyden, but not a member of the church, often assistant; died October 3, 1656. ROSE, his wife; died January 29, 1621. (His second wife was Barbara Standish, who came on the "Ann," 1623.) 4 JOHN ALDEN, .not of Leyden church, but hired at Southampton; signed "compact" and remained; was the last survivor of the signers; died September 12, 1687, aged about 89. SAMUEL FULLER. the first physician, deacon at Leyden; his wife Bridget came later with a young child; died 1633. WILLIAM BUTTEN, servant; died November 6, 1620; the only· passen- ger who died on the voyage. · · · · . CHRISTOPH-ER MARTIN, of Billerica, Essex, England;'-agent to Eng- land and treasurer of the company; died January 8, 1621. ------,. his wife; died in the first sickness, 1621 SOLOMON PROWER, servant; died December 24, 1621. JOHN LANGEMORE, servant; died the last of December, 1620. WILLIAM MULLINS, of Dorking, Surrey, England; joined then1 at Sou~hampton; died February 21, 1621. · ALICE, his wife; died about the same time. JOSEPII__ .MULLINS, their son ;died first winter. PRISCILLA MULLINS, their daughter; married John Alden (the second or- t4ird marriage in the colony) di;ed after 1650. · · ROBERT CARTER, servant died first winter. WILLIAM '\I/HITE, married Leyden February 1, 1612; died February 21; 1621 ••. SUSANNA, his wife; sister of Samuel Fuller, mother of PEREGRtNE (the· first child born in New England, Provincetown Harbor, N9vem­ b~r,. 1620. He died 1704); also the first bride; married May 12, 1621, Governor· Winslow; died 1680. · . RESOLVED WHITE, their son; born 1615; died between 1690 and 1694~ WILLIAM HOLBECK, servant; died first winter. EDWARD THOMPSON, servant; died December 4, 1620, Cape Cod·;' first to die at· Cape Cod. RICHARD WARREN, not of Robinson's church, .but -from London; left his wife Elizabeth, who came with five daughters in th.e "Ann'.'; they . had:two sons after her arrival; he-died 1628. · - · . STEPHE~ ~OPKINS, also from London, not of ;Leyden church; died 1644 between June 6 and July 27. · . ELIZABETH, his second wife; died between 1640 and 1644!' GILES, child by· a former marriage; died between M.arch 16,. 1689 and April 26, 1690. · . _ CONSTANCE, also by a former n1arriage; married Nicholas Snow; died October, 1671. · DAMARIS, their daughter; married 1646 Jacob Cooke; another-daughter by· same name, Damaris, died young. OCEANUS, their son; born on the voyage and died 1621.. EDWARD DOTY, hired by Hopkins; not of Leyden church; had family; died August 23, 1655. EDWA~D LEISTER, hired by Hopkins; not of Leyden church; went to Virginia.. · . __ EDWARD TILLEY, perhaps a brother of John; died first winter. ANN, his wif~;. died first winter. HENRX- .~AMSON,.__ a. nephew or cousin; marr~d Ann Plummer 1636; ~ ·4ied J~. ·.. _ - · . · · · - '. ·· . HUMILITY COOPER, a niece or cousin; she returned to .:mngland afl,er M2~ · · . · JOHN TILLEY, died "a little while after they came ashore'' (Bradford)_. ------, his wife; died a little while after they came ashore. ELIABETH, his daughter·; born 1607; married John Howland, 1623, after August 14; died December 21, 1687, aged 80. - _' .. · _.. FRANCIS COOKE; left his wife Esther,:who followed on the "Ann" with three children. She-was a nati,ve of' the. 'Netherlandsr. He died April 7, 1663. aged over 80. .5 JOHN COOKE, their son; married 1634 Sarah Warren; died Noven:iber · 23, 1695. · · · THOMAS ROGERS, brought his son; the rest of his children .canie ·after- wards; died early in 1621. · . · · JOSEPH ROGERS, his son; will probated March 5, 1677,_ or '78; died more than nine months before. · ~HOMAS TIN~ER, died first winter. ------,. his w:ife; died first winter. ------, their son; died first winter. JOHN RIDGDALE or RIGDALE, died before April, 1621. ALICE, his wife; died·first winter. EDWARD.FULLER, brother of Samuel;--died early in 1621.· ------, his wife; died early in 1621. SAMUEL, their son; lived with his uncle 1621; married Jane Lothrop; died October 31, 1683. JOHN TURNER, left a daughter, .who is said to have come later. ------, son; died about same time as father, the first winter. ------, son; died about same time as the father, the first win- ter.. FRANCIS EATON, had a second wife; probably· Mrs. Carver's _maid, before August 14, 1623; he married third Chris~ian Penn ( who came in the "Ann," 1623) before 1627; had· children by first and ·1ast ~fe; died 1633.
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