Accused Persons arrested in Kozhikode City district from 19.11.2017 to 25.11.2017 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kodoly (House), Cr. No. 19/11/201 Released on 54/17 Morikkara, Kakkodi 562/17 u/s Rajendran, 1 Anil Kumar Appu Moorikkara 7 at 22:10 Elathur Bail by Male (PO), Kozhikode 118(a) of KP SI hrs Police City District, Act Mavila Veettil (House), Chelora, 23/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 37/17 Mavvachery (PO), Arun Prasad, 2 Liju K Raveendran Elathur 7 at 09:20 565/17 u/s Elathur Bail by Male Kannanchery, SI hrs 279 IPC Police Kozhikode City District, Panthamakkal Cr. No. (House), Anappara, 19/11/201 Released on 55/17 Near 897/17 u/s RAGHAVAN. 3 Raju Kesavan Chulliyode (PO), 7 at 00:25 Nadakkavu Bail by Male Manorama JN 118 (a) of KP P.K, SI Sulthanbathery, hrs Police Act Wayanad District, Prasanna (House), Cr. No. Peoples Road, 20/11/201 901/17 u/s SURESH Released on Midhun 20/17 Karaparamba (PO), Karapramba 4 Madhu.P.P 7 at 19:50 279 IPC & Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Madhu Male Kozhikode City JN hrs 185 of MV SI Police District, Mob: Act 9633406097 Kannikkaram Kavil (House), Nr.IQRA Cr. No. Kannadikkal, 21/11/201 Released on 21/17 Hospital 902/17 u/s SIVADASAN. 5 Irfan.C.P- Ismail Vengeri (PO), 7 at 11:35 Nadakkavu Bail by Male canteen, 118 (a) KP P, SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Malaparamba Act District, Mob: 7736312501 Choran (House), Cr. No. 22/11/201 Released on Sreedharan. 56/17 Kadalayitheru, K.S.R.T.C 906/17 u/s 6 Raghavan 7 at 20:50 Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by U Male Cherakkal (PO), Bus Stand 118 (a) of KP hrs Police Kannur District, Act Cherrot Paramba In front of (House), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 24/17 Chakkorathkulam 7 Praveen Suresh Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male (PO), Kozhikode Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police City District, Mob: lam 9567994909 Valiyedath (House), In front of Nadakkavu (PO), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 23/17 8 Adish Santhosh Kozhikode City Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male District, Mob: Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police 7510745204 lam Thodiyil (House), In front of Beach (PO), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 27/17 9 Nived Karunakaran Kozhikode City Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male District, Mob: Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police 9349192000 lam Mechery (House), In front of Nadakkavu (PO), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 23/17 10 Sangeeth Mohanan Kozhikode City Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male District, Mob: Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police 9995944776 lam Chanikkara In front of (House), West hill Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 24/17 11 Arjun Anil Kumar (PO), Kozhikode Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male City District, Mob: Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police 9809425452 lam Sukritham Nivas In front of (House), Kuniyilmel Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 30/17 12 Rineesh Gopalan Paramba, West hill Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male (PO), Kozhikode Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police City District, lam In front of Cheruparambath Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 30/17 (House), West hill 13 Sajith Sasidharan Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male (PO), Kozhikode Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police City District, lam Palakothparamba In front of (House), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on Purushotha 23/17 Pantheerankavu 14 Vibhoosh Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by man Male (PO), Kozhikode Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police City District, Mob: lam 9746123859 Ramanipuram In front of (House), Brand 24/11/201 Cr. No. Released on 27/17 Thalakulathur (PO), 15 Rajesh.M Mohanan Factory, 7 at 20:00 909/17 u/s Nadakkavu SAJIV.S, SI Bail by Male Kozhikode City Chakkorathku hrs 151 CrPC Police District, Mob: lam 9895304965 Edakkara (House), Cr. No. Mangatti Vayal, 25/11/201 910/17 u/s Released on 23/17 Asokapuram (PO), Asokapuram 16 Adarsh.E Pradeep 7 at 00:15 279 IPC & Nadakkavu BABU.K, SI Bail by Male Kozhikode City JN hrs 185 of MV Police District, Mob: Act 8129872092 Thekkayil (House), Cr. No. Kodal Nadakkavu, Kannur Road 25/11/201 SURESH Released on 42/17 911/17 u/s 17 Sunil Kumar Peravan Pantheerankavu Gandhi Road 7 at 12:00 Nadakkavu KUMAR UV, Bail by Male 118 (a) of KP (PO), Kozhikode JN hrs SI Police Act City District, Chittinipattu Pramba (House), Near Cr. No. 25/11/201 Released on Mohanan.T. 62/17 Thiruthiyil Temle, Eranhipalam 913/17 u/s MAJEED.K, 18 Kunhandi 7 at 16:55 Nadakkavu Bail by K Male Karaparamba (PO), JN 118 (a) of KP SI hrs Police Kozhikode City Act District, Abhimanyu Nilayam Cr. No. (House), Padinjare 20/11/17 386/17 u/s Released on 23/17 Vattakandy, Jamsheed P, 19 Pranav O A Krishnan Pallikandy at 20:10 279 IPC & Vellayil Bail by Male Puthyangadi (PO), SI hrs 185 of MV Police Kozhikode City Act District, Cr. No. Nalukudiparmaba 387/17 u/s (House), 23/11/17 376 (f) (i) Remanded 40/17 Puthiyakadavu, CI office IP, 20 Yoonas Hamzakoya at 11:30 IPC, and Vellayil to Judicial Male Nadakave (PO), Nadakkauv Nadakkavu hrs 3(a)(d), 4, Custody Kozhikode City 5(n) and 6 of District, POCSO Act Cr. No. 388/17 u/s 332, 353 IPC & Sec 3, 4(1) of Keala Urulankunnu Health care (House), Omassery, 23/11/17 service Jamsheed P, Released on 21 Salim Aboobacker Male Neeleswaram (PO), GGH at 14:10 person and Vellayil SI Bail by Court Kozhikode City hrs Health care District, service institution( Pervention of violence and damage to property) Act Kalarikkal (House), Cr. No. Santhinagar colony, 23/11/17 Released on 52/17 Santhinagar 389/17 u/s Jamsheed P, 22 Jose KV Varghese Westhill (PO), at 20:50 Vellayil Bail by Male colony 118(a) of KP SI Kozhikode City hrs Police Act District, Choyichantakam Paramba, (House), Cr. No. 24/11/17 Released on 40/17 Konnad Beach, Bhut road 390/17 u/s Jamsheed P, 23 Rafeek Hameed at 20:15 Vellayil Bail by Male Westhill (PO), juncton 279 IPC & SI hrs Police Kozhikode City 185 of MV act District, Thottum Kadav (House), 19/11/17 Cr. No. 37/17 Kannadikkal, JFCM I 24 Shaji C K Velayudhan Poolakkadave at 15:15 661/17 u/s Chevayoor Shiju E K, SI Male Vengeri (PO), Kozhikode hrs 457 , 380 IPC Kozhikode City District, Anureshmi House (House), Payyadi Cr. No. Thazham, 19/11/17 669/17 u/s Released on Anoop 40/17 Muraleedhara 25 Karunakaran Palolithaxham (PO), Chalilthazham at 01:15 279 IPC and Chevayoor Bail by Kumar P Male n. A., SI Perumanna, hrs 185 of MV Police Kozhikode City Act District, Muppattammal Cr. No. (House), Korangad, 21/11/17 672/17 u/s Released on Jamsheer V 26/17 Thamarassery (PO), NGO Muraleedhara 26 Majeed at 10:40 279 IPC and Chevayoor Bail by P Male Kozhikode Rural Quarters n. A., SI hrs 3(1), 181 of Police District, Mob: MV Act 9946218622 Kanikulangara (House), Pandikode, 22/11/17 Cr. No. 18/17 Menjanyam (PO), Pandikode, JFCM I 27 Afnaj U M Nasar at 17:00 670/17 u/s Chevayoor Dijesh N, SI Male Perambra, Perambra Kozhikode hrs 379 IPC Kozhikode City District, Kanikulangara (House), Pandikode, 22/11/17 Cr. No. 18/17 Menjanyam (PO), Pandikode, JFCM I 28 Afnaj U M Nasar at 17:00 671/17 u/s Chevayoor Dijesh N, SI Male Perambra, Perambra Kozhikode hrs 379 IPC Kozhikode City District, Korchan Kuzhiyil House (House), Cr. No. 23/11/17 Remanded 40/17 Near Viju Vijayan Karikkamkula 616/17 u/s 29 Rajesh Krishna Das at 11:30 Chevayoor Shiju E K, SI to Judicial Male Bus Stop, Vengeri m 379 r/w 34 hrs Custody (PO), Kozhikode IPC City District, Unnerikunnummel Cr. No. 19-11-17 Released on Muhassin 21/17 (House), padanilam, 963/17 u/s Kunnamang 30 Abu Madvoor at 21:10 Rejeesh, SI Bail by Mubaraque Male Kozhikode City 118 (a) of KP alam hrs Police District, Acgt Thuvvakunnath Cr. No. (House), Pantheer 19-11-17 Released on 23/17 986/17 u/s Kunnamang 31 Shemshadh Musthafa padam,kunnamanga Near IIM at 18:40 Bus Stop Bail by Male 27(b) of alam lam, Kozhikode City hrs Police NDPS ACT District, Thrmpalangottumm Cr. No. el (House), 19-11-17 Released on 38/17 Kunnamangal 987/17 u/s Kunnamang 32 Gireesh Gopalan Nair Peringolam, at 20:10 Bail by Male am 118 (a) OFV alam Kozhikode City hrs Police KP ACT District, Thithirathil House Cr. No. (House), 21-11-17 Released on 35/17 Kunnamangal 988/17 u/s Kunnamang 33 Resheed Pachappan ,Kalpakanchery, at 00:50 Rejeesh, SI Bail by Male am 279 IPC &185 alam Malappuram hrs Police of MV ACT District, Nedungattummel (House), 12 th MILe, 21-11-17 Cr.
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