VOL. XLVII —NO. 16 TAYLOR UNIVERSITY —UPLAND. INDIANA 46989 April 29, 1966 Word of Life Director, Wyrtzen, Children's Literature To Speak Sunday Eveninq,May 2 C,ass Presents Play ' f J On April 25 at 7:00 p.m. Camp was presented on a stage labori­lal Mr. Jack Wyrtzen, present di dack Mountains at Schroon Lake, Dining Hall was the setting for a ously constructed Monday after­ rector and founder of Word of New York. A 90-acre Island for banquet of fifty teachers of the noon by members of the Chil­ Life, will be the guest speaker teenagers is referred to as "A Fifth District Education Associa­ dren's Literature class. Judy Swa- at the Sunday evening service Wee Bit of Heaven." The Word of tion of Indiana. Miss Andrews' back was chairman of arrange­ in Maytag Gymnasium on May 1 Life Inn for adults is known as Children's Literature class pre­ ments for the production. The stars of the play were Paul and at 9:30 a.m. during the fol­ the "Waldorf Astoria of Bible sented the Shakesperean play As lowing Monday morning chapel. Cochrane as Orlando; Dave Phil­ Conferences," while the 130-acre You Like It to the group, and Dr. The inspiration and dedication western style Ranch, also at lips as Oliver; Carol Buwalda as of his life can be seen in the Brause was the speaker of the Celia; Carol Grater as Rosalind; Schroon Lake, caters to those evening. work that he began over twenty- under 14 years of age in the and Bob Connor in a dual role In a twenty-minute speech, five years ago. summer... and extends its ef­ as the wrestler and the rightful $ $ * $ $ "The Task of the School in a fectiveness by serving as a snow duke. Other cast members were Changing World," Dr. Dorsey In 1940, the vision of one man camp for all ages in the winter. Rosie Liechty as Jacques; Cabol started to become a world-wide Brause emphasized that children Baudino as Orlando's servant reality as Word of Life Fellow­ Campers come to Schroon Lake in school now will live in the Adam; Jane Van Vessem as Duke ship, Inc., was formed by Jack by the busload from as far away 1980s, 1990s, and 2000, decades Ferdinand; Judy Swaback, Beth Wyrtzen, a Christian business as Califarnia, with more than vastly different from the 1960s. Preston, Bev Bolt, Ava Addy, JACK WYRTZEN 15,000 registrations being re­ Children must be taught to meet Sharon Steiner, and Karen Plued- corded in 1965. developing changes by thinking Under this non-profit, inter­ demann were singing trees in the Jr.-Sr. Banquet within the context of free men. denominational ministry, more Although now 52 years of age, forest of Arden; Sharon Osterhus, Tonight than 70 missionaries around the and refusing ordination and Dr. Brause asserted that a new Leslie Thrailkill, Dawn Boyd, world receive support, Bible Clubs honorary doctorates, Jack Wyrtzen psychology is needed and that Debby Diemer, and Jan Aichele The annual Junior-Senior Ban­ for teenagers are set up and perhaps is the best known youth those "teachers who stress the played the part of common quet will be held tonight at the supervised, broadcasting and tele­ leader in the world. Young people development of thinking as a skill people. Sheraton-Lincoln Hotel in In­ casting are weekly affairs and say they see him as perennially are education's greatest resource." Every member of the cast dianapolis. The featured en­ Gospel Teams reach into every young and exemplifying the The entertainment of the eve­ worked exceptionally hard on the tertainment for the evening is part of North America. qualities of life that they want ning was the play As You Like It. play, but all were rewarded by the James Murk Family which in­ Youth rallies are held in high for themselves—secretly or other­ Adapted for children and di­ the enjoyment of those who at­ cludes two adults and five chil­ schools, churches, colleges and wise. rected by Jeanne Rupp, the play tended. dren. Master of ceremonies for at places like West Point, the the event will be Norm "Sponge" Air Force Academy, in Philadel­ Sonju, who is from Camp-of-the- phia's Convention Hall, Yankee Woods. Stadium, Madison Square Garden Selective Service System The evening will begin with a and Boston Garden. receptin in the Lincoln Room at In June 1965, 15,000 people 6:15. In keeping with the Dutch gathered in Singer Bowl at the Offers Advice To Taylor Men theme, the hostesses for the re­ New York World's Fair for the This article was reprinted with This last category, probably Volunteers in Service to America ception will be dressed in Dutch 25th Anniversary Rally of Word permission of Time Inc. It is the yours, is subject to constant re­ (VISTA) program are not a sub­ outfits. After the reception, the of Life. This was one of the view. Generally speaking, the 2-S stitute for the draft; but you may guests will proceed to the Ta- hope of the Echo staff that this largest crowds ever to attend any article will answer questions that deferment will be given to stu­ be deferred for such service.) marine Room on the fourteenth single event at the Fair. dents who make a good score To assure yourself of the de­ floor. Taylor men have had concerning Wyrtzen and members of his on the College Qualification Test ferment for which you may be The co-chairmen for this year's Draft eligibility relating to their Board consider the growth of academic pursuits: or rank reasonably high in their eligible—and to maintain it—ask event were Bonnie Fisher and Word of Life to be miraculous, class. Even if you are called, law your college registrar to send Dale Rust. They were aided in particularly the huge, but personal Presuming that you are over requires your deferment until the your draft board the appropriate planning by Noelle Duling, Jane camping program in the Adiron­ 18 and have already registered end of the academic year. Your certificate to establish your stu­ Van Vessem, Ken Wolgemuth, with your draft board, you are chances of being drafted rise if dent status. You must then John Halbrook, Linda Butman, liable for the draft until you your academic record has slumped maintain a reasonably high rank Linda Mortenson, Marcie Slossen, NOTICE reach 26—unless you qualify for or if you switch to part-time In your class or take the College Barb Johanson, and Tim Battles, On Thursday, May 5, the a specific deferment or unless, of studies. If you drop out of college Qualification Test which will be man turned evangelist. Purpose Student Council will sponsor course, you enlist. If you intend you are a prime candidate for available this spring. You also of the new organization was to a Fund Drive for Mrs. Nyla to continue your education be­ the draft. have a positive obligation to in­ attract and interest young people Lynch the gas explosion vic­ yond the age at which you will form your draft board of every in moral and spiritual values as If you are planning graduate tim in Upland. normally be called, it is vitally change of address or other set forth in the Bible. important to know the rules and study, your military service can probably be postponed until you change which may affect your to plan wisely. By law, all draft status within ten days. Re­ qualified 19 through 25-year-olds complete professional training, depending upon your local draft member to keep tne board advised must be called by birth date, of your college plans and aca­ oldest first. If you conclude your board. (This is especially true for future doctors, scientists, teach­ demic progress. If you are plan­ studies before you are 26, you ning a trip, check with your draft are not only draftable, but may ers, engineers and candidates for other professions currently in board to be sure you won't be be first on line. ordered for examination or in­ Deferments may be granted for short supply.) Deferment for graduate study extends your duction during your absence. certain physical and mental con­ Failure to keep your draft board ditions established by qualifica­ draft liability until you are 35, but unless the needs of the informed will only increase your tion tests given at Armed Forces chances of being called. examining and entrance stations services escalate considerably, no by military teams working under men over 26—other than medical standards of acceptability pre­ specialists who have completed scribed by the Dept. of Defense, their studies—are expected to be and by your previous medical and called. Notice school records. Deferments may Conscientious objection is de­ Monday, May 2, marks the also be granted to fathers (except fined by law. Only religious train­ physicians, veterinarians, dentists ing and religious belief—not per­ birthday anniversary of Bishop and specialists allied with the sonal, political or philosophical William Taylor. The school healing arts); to those in occupa­ views—qualify you for 1-A-O annually recognizes the birth­ tions considered "essential to the classification (non-combatant Staffs for the Taylor literary Magazine, Parnassus, and the Yearbook, national health, safety or in­ duty) or for a 1-0 classification day of this great man after Ilium, pose for the photographer after completing work on the issues terest;" and to "full-time, normal which requires two years of whom Taylor University was for this year. Those pictured are (I.
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