Published by Theatre ϋΔF 430 BC Issue 1 Volume 1 “Blind” Date with Thebes The prophet Teiresias paid Thebes a special visit today. King Oedipus had sent Creon to bring Teiresias to Thebes. According to the royal sources, Teiresias as extremely reluctant to come. Furthermore, he angered the king so much that His Highness lost his composure. With Thebes still suffering from this mysterious plague, King Oedipus is asking for help from any sources. When Teiresias came to Thebes, he uttered some mysterious words that apparently angered the king. At fi rst, he refused to say anything at all, stating: “Let me go home. Bear your own fate, and I’ll bear mine.” His Majesty refused to accept Teiresias’ plea and demanded Teiresias to speak. King Oedipus even pleaded to Teiresias to reveal the truth, but Teiresias was relentlessly silent. Losing his patience, Oedipus began calling Teiresias a “wicked old man.” He even began accusing the blind prophet of assisting in King Laius’ murder by keeping silent. In turn, Teiresias had the nerves to declare to King Oedipus: “You yourself are the pollution of this country.” He actually accused Oedipus of being the killer who brought this plague upon us. This angered Oedipus so much that he lost control and called Teiresias a “sightless, witless, senseless, mad old man.” This was quickly turning into a verbal brawl. In order to avoid a worse confrontation with Oedipus, Teiresias started to leave. However, before he left, he uttered a strange prophecy that baffl ed both the royal court and Oedipus. He said: “The man you have been looking for all this time, the damned man, the murderer of Laius, that man is in Thebes. To your mind he is foreign-born, but it will soon be shown that he is a Theban, a revelation that will fail to please…And he will go tapping the strange earth with his staff, to the children with whom he lives now he will be brother and father-the very same; to her who bore him, son and husband the very same who came to his father’s bed, wet with his father’s blood.” Nobody could make any sense of what Teiresias is saying. Teiresias’ prophecy is a cryptic one. After his fruitless meeting with Teiresias, Oedipus returned home, discouraged. Meanwhile, ten more unborn babies have died and whole herds of sheep are lying dead in the fi elds. The sheep will be burned early tomorrow morning. A special memorial for the babies is scheduled tomorrow night. The search continues for King Laius’ killer. Could This Be Oedipus’ Family Tree? Cadmus, founder of Thebes Background color | indicates siblings. Polydorus | Labdacus Menocceus | Laios + Jocasta Creon + Eurydice | * Oedipus Rex Eteocles Polynices Ismene Antigone + Haemon of Thebes and their songs audience - of the consequenc- Go Bannannas atat the The Chorus use military metaphors. The es. As representatives of the There is always a Chorus in exchanges with Oedipus are body politic, they say at the Greek tragedy; in fact, trag- RoyalRoyal PurplePurple like a consultation between a end of their fi nal ode, “from edy began with choral songs concerned ruler and his coun- you I drew breath [of life] and MonkeyMonkey Ball to which actors were added. selors, a cooperative effort in through you I have closed my Almost always present, the Friday, April 15th, 2005. a search for answers. Follow- eyes [in death]”. Chorus fulfi lls a number of Go to www.uaf.edu/sda for more ing the confrontation between functions. The splendid poetry Creon and Oedipus, the chorus information. of many of the odes or songs continues to express their con- contribute to the spectacle of cern for the city and display performance, the continuity Refl ections & their reliance on reason, evi- of theme and the emotional dence and common sense. Contemplations effects of the play. It is like 1. What is the relationship in Oedipus make a connection? As advisor to the king, the another actor, showing us the this play between fate and free 10. Why is the connection chorus assists in the progres- communal background of the will? between Oedipus’ name and sion of the drama, but Sopho- action. 2. The people of Thebes turns his ankles so important? cles also uses it to establish Greek tragedy assumed that to Oedipus to save them again 11. At what point do you a contrast with the king. He no life is entirely private and by ridding them of a terrible think that Jocasta begins to seems to compare the chorus’ that the community’s fortunes plague. Sophocles may have suspect the truth? plodding common sense with are linked with the individual written this play shortly after 12. When the Shepherd Oedipus’ brilliant intuition, its and vice versa. Because Greek a great plague which struck arrives, why won’t he talk caution with the king’s bold tragedy is a public art form, Athens; Thucydides. History willingly? passion. Members of the cho- the chorus refl ects on such is- presents a powerful depiction 13. When Jocasta runs off rus are loyal to the king, but sues as the nature of authority, of this plague. Compare the stage, Oedipus thinks she is when Oedipus begins to veer justice, the worship of the gods two and how they function in afraid he will be proven a from his civic responsibility and the pull between civic re- each text. peasant. Why does this idea to his personal fate, it is their sponsibility and individual de- 3. The people of Thebes call make him so happy? And duty to remind him - and the sires. upon the Healer Apollo. What how does Jocasta seem to you does Apollo have to do with Although the major divisions now? About the Playwright healing? Why should Oedipus of the plays are not indicated 14. Aristotle believed this Sophocles was born in Colonus, a part of Athens, about 495 consult this god’s oracle? in most English translations, was the fi nest tragedy because or 497 BC. He died about 406 BC, his life having spanned 4. Consider: does Oedipus the choral odes are set apart. the protagonist’s recognition nearly the entire fi fth century in Athens. strike you as arrogant? The Chorus was usually di- of the truth coincides with the During his lifetime Pericles became leader of Athens; the 5. After Creon enters and vided into two groups, giving reversal of his fortunes. Where, Parthenon was built; the Peloponnesian War between Athens tells the words of Apollo, a balanced visual effect on exactly, does this occur in the and Sparta was fought (431-404 BC), and democracy took note the discrepancy between stage. The fi rst lyric they sing play? root and fl ourished. the number of outlaws in the is called the “strophe” (move- 15. What was Oedipus trying As the son of a wealthy weapons-maker, Sophocles studied account of each character. ment) and the second the “an- to do when he fi nds his wife- poetry, music, dancing and gymnastics - subjects regarded Why do you think Oedipus tistrophe” countermovement). mother dead? as the basis of a well-rounded education for a Greek citizen. says “thief” while Creon says The afterpiece is called the 16. Is blinding an appropriate This early schooling prepared him to serve as a leader in all “thieves”? This will happen “epode” and an exchange or punishment? Why doesn’t he aspects of public life, including the military, foreign policy again later. lamentation between the cho- commit suicide? and the arts. Sophocles lived during the Greek Classical 6. The Chorus calls on a series rus and an actor is called a 17. How would you describe Period (500 to 400 BC), a time of transition when political of gods for help. Why invoke “kommos”. Oedipus’ state of mind and and cultural events were changing and reshaping Athenian these gods in particular? attitude? Does anything In “Oedipus Rex” the chorus culture. As a dramatist, Sophocles played an important role 7. Find at least three instances surprise you about the way he assumes the role of wealthy, in the creation of this civilization, which included looking of dramatic irony. Why views his disaster? prominent men of Thebes. backward to ancient tradition and the works of Homer, which does Tiresias refuse to help 18. Think about the Chorus’ They have been living there greatly infl uenced him. Sophocles also studied under the Oedipus? near panic about him, its since Laius’ day, so they know Greek playwright Aeschylus whose plays had won prizes at 8. Why can’t Oedipus complete inability to respond the past, but are not necessar- the Festival of Dionysus. understand the information coherently to his presence. ily old. Their fi rst impression Over the years Sophocles actively participated in Athenian Tiresias gives him? 19. Is Creon fair to Oedipus? is one of uncertainty and a de- political and cultural life, often in positions of responsibility. 9. Read carefully Jocasta’s Consider especially his sire for truth about the plague In 443 BC, Pericles chose him to be treasurer of the Delian account of her loss and then admonition. that is wasting them. The suf- Confederation as a sort of tax collector. In 440 BC, Sophocles Oedipus’ reaction to it. Does 20. Why are Oedipus’ ferings they face are not just served as a general at the siege of Samos, an island that anything in his reaction strike daughters in particular so personal, but affect the whole challenged the authority of Athens. Despite all his public you as strange? Consider this special to him? city.
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