Appendix a List of Fragrances

Appendix a List of Fragrances

Appendix A List of fragrances The perfumes and fragrances in this list are mostly, though not entirely, still being marketed. Some are not sold in the UK. Those in bold type are described in more detail in the main text. Fragrances for men are indicated by 'm'. The year is mostly that of UK launching. Name House Year Family/brief description A by Annabella AnnabellalDenis 87 Floral m Accomplice Coty 54 Fougere m Acqua di Selva Victor 47 Lavender m Acteur Azzaro 89 Chypre (leather, woody) Adeline Pola 72 Aldehyde (floral) m Adidas Astor /Beecham 85 Green Adieu Sagesse Patou 25(84) Floral m Admirals's Mas 81 Leather Yachtman Adolfo Denney 78 Floral (sweet) m Adolfo for Men Denney 81 Chypre Afghane d'Estrees 80 Floral (sweet) Ago Perrin 79 Floral m Agresste Gal 82 Chypre m Agua Brava Puig 68 Lavender m Agua Lavanda Puig 40 Lavender m Agua Profunda Puig 77 Citrus Ainsi Atkinsons 71 Green m Ajonc Rocher 72 Green Alada Myrurgia 79 Green m Alain Delon Delon 80 Chypre Alfred Sung Riviera Concepts 86 Floral Alliage Lauder 72 Green Allora Marbert 82 Floral (fruity-fresh) Amarige Givenchy 91 Floral (woody) Amazone Hermes 75(89) Floral (fruity-fresh) 262 Appendix A Name House Year Family/brief description Ambush Dana 59 Fougere Amen Wardy Wardy 87 Floral Amerique Courreges 79 Chypre (fresh- mossy) Amorena Cantilene 79 Green Amouage Amouage 84 Floral-oriental Amour Amour Patou 25(84) Floral Amun 4711 81 Oriental Anabella Denis 87 Floral Anais-Anais Cacharel 79 Floral (fruity-fresh) Andron Jovan 81 Chypre (floral- musky) m Andron for Men Jovan 81 Chypre Animale S. de Lyon 87 Chypre Anne Klein Parlux 84 Floral Anne Klein II Parlux 85 Amber An Original Boots 81 Floral-fresh Perfume m Antaeus Chanel 81 Leather m Antarctic Rocher 90 Spicy-citrus Antilope Weil 45 Aldehyde-floral- woody Aphrodisia Faberge 38 Chypre (fresh- mossy) Apogee Les Senteurs 89 Floral-chypre Apres l'Ondee Guerlain 1906 Floral (green) April Violets Yardley 23 Floral m Aqua Cologne Ice Williams 35 Chypre Blue m Aqua Velva Williams 66 Citrus Frost Lime Aquarius Max Factor 69 Chypre (floral- woody) m Aramant Biodroga 85 Chypre m Aramis Aramis 65 Chypre Aramis 900 Aramis 73 Floral Aria Missoni 88 Floral Ariane Avon 77 Floral Armani Armani 82 Floral (fresh-fruity- spicy) m Armani pour Armani 84 Citrus Homme Appendix A 263 Name House Year Family/brief description m Armateur Payot 67 Spicy Arnold Scasi Revlon 89 Floral Arpege Lanvin 27 Aldehyde (floral) Aromatis Elixir Clinique 72 Tobacco-leather m Arrogance Pikenz 82 Leather Arrogantissima Pikenz 88 Audace P. International! 36(88) Oriental Gibbs m Auslese Shiseido 78 Citrus Aviance Matchabelli 75 Aldehyde (floral- woody) Azuree Lauder 69 Chypre (floral- woody) Azzaro Azzaro 75 Chypre (fresh- mossy) m Azzaro pour Azzaro 78 Fougere Homme Azzaro 9 Azzaro 85 Floral Babe Faberge 76 Floral (sweet) Babillage Kanebo 73 Aldehyde (floral) m Babor for Men Babor 81 Chypre Babore Babor 83 Green Bacchus Coty 69 Baghari Piguet 50 Aldehyde (floral- chypre) Baglietto Denis 87 Bakir Minteil 75 Oriental m Balafre Lancome 67 Woody Balahe Leonard 83 Floral (fresh) Bal a Versailles Desprez 62 Oriental m Balenciaga pour Balenciaga 90 Woody-spicy Homme Balestra Balestra 78 Floral (fresh) m Balestra pour Balestra 82 Chypre Homme m Bally Masculin Bally 84 Fougere Bambou Weil 84 Floral (fruity) Bandit Piguet 44 Chypre (floral- mossy-leathery) Baruffa Atkinsons 81 Floral (fruity-fresh) Barynia Rubinstein 85 Floral 264 Appendix A Name House Year Family/brief description m Basic Homme Vichy 87 Basile SIRPEA 87 Green m Basile Uomo SIRPEA 86 Green Bat Sheba Muller 70 Chypre (floral) Beautiful Lauder 86 Floral m Bel Ami Hermes 86 Leather Bellodgia Caron 27 Floral m Biagiotti U omo Biagiotti 91 Green-spicy Bibi de Jean COFCI 88 Bartet Bic Bic 88 m Bijan for Men Bijan 81 Woody - spicy m Bijan Fragrance Bijan 87 Woody - spicy for Men Bijan Perfume Bijan 87 Floral-oriental for Women Bill Blass Blass/Revlon 78 Floral m Bill Blass for Men Blass 70 Spicy Bizarre Atkinsons 79 Aldehyde (floral) m Bjorn Borg Borg 86 Green m Black Belt Coty 69 Chypre m Black Label Yardley 69 Fougere m Black Suede Avon 80 Chypre Black Velvet Yardley 87 Floral-chypre Blase Factor 75 Floral (sweet) Blazer A. Klein 76 Floral (fresh) m Blend 30 Dunhill 78 Woody m Blenheim Penhaligon's 1902 Green Bouquet Bleu de Chine Morandiere/ 87 Chypre Outline Bleu Marine Cardin/SNDPI 86 Bluebell Penhaligon's 78 Green Blue Grass Arden 35 Floral m Blue Stratos Shulton 76 Fougere Blumarine Denis 88 Bob Mackie Alfin 85 m Bogart Bogart 78 Fougere Bois des Isles Chanel 26(89) Aldehyde (floral- woody) m Bois de Vetiver Bogart 82 Woody m Bois Noir Chanel 87 Woody Appendix A 265 Name House Year Family/brief description Bond Street Yardley 27 Floral-oriental Bonne Fete Hallden 88 m Boss No 1 Boss 87 Chypre m Boss Sport Boss 89 Fougere m Borsalino Borsalino 84 Spicy Boucheron Boucheron 80 Floral-oriental m Bowling Green Beene 90 Green m Braggi Revlon 66 Chypre m Brando Parera 76 Fougere m Bravas Shiseido 69 Citrus m Bravas Bosky Shiseido 71 Spicy Breathless Avon 88 Oriental m Brisk Spice (Wild Avon 78 Spicy Spice) m British Sterling Speidel 65 Fougere m Brummel Williams Hispania 76 Chypre m Brut Faberge 64 Fougere Bulgari Bulgari 84 Floral m Burberrys for Burberry 81 Chypre Men m Burley (Bounty) Armour 68 Floral Byblos Byblos 90 Floral (green, woody) Byrsa Palomba 87 Byzance Rochas 87 Oriental Cabochard Gres 58 Chypre (floral- mossy) Cabotine Gres 90 Floral Cabriole Arden 77 Floral (sweet) m Cacharel pour Cacharel 81 Spicy-citrus Homme Cachet Matchabelli/P. 70 Chypre (floral- International mossy) Cafe COFCI 78 Calandre Rabanne 69 Aldehyde (floral- woody) Caleche Hermes 61 Aldehyde (floral- woody) Calendal Molinard 29 Floral California Factor 90 Floral-woody 266 Appendix A Name House Year Family/brief description Clline Patou 64(84) Aldehyde (floral) m Calvin C. Klein 81 Fougere Calvin Klein C. Klein 78 Green Calyx Prescriptives 89 Floral m Camaro Nerval 80 Leather m Cambridge MemComp. 81 Chypre m Cameron Kensington 82 Spicy Cananga Berger 90 Oriental Canoe Dana 35 Fougere Candid Avon 77 Floral (sweet) Capricci Ricci 60 Aldehyde (floral) m Captain Molyneux 74 Fougere Capucci de Capucci 87 Floral-oriental Capucci m Capucci pour Capucci 67 Citrus-woody Homme m Caractere Hechter 90 Green-spicy Cardin Cardin 76 Floral mCare Astor 79 Woody Care No.2 Astor 82 Chypre Care Dynamic Astor 88 Carlo Corinto Corinto 85 Camet du Bal Revillon 37 Oriental Carolina Herrera Herrera/Puig 89 Floral m Casablanca Coty 83 Fougere Casanova Casanova 81 Chypre (floral- sweet) Casaque d 'Albret 56 Floral (fresh) Casmir Chopard 91 Fruity - woody Cassini Cassini 90 Floral (fruity- mossy-amber) Catherine Phenix 86 Chypre Deneuve m Cedarwood Goya 58 Leather m Cellini Faberge 80 Fougere Celui Desses 38 Floral Cerissa Revlon 74 Floral (sweet) m Cerutti Fair Play Cerutti C' est Dramatique Boots 91 Floral C' est Irresistible Boots 91 Oriental C'est la Vie Lacroix 90 Floral-amber Appendix A 267 Name House Year Family/brief description C'est Moi Aigner 83 Floral (fresh) C' est Mysterieux Boots 91 Chypre C' est Romantique Boots 91 Floral C' est Sophistique Boots 91 Floral (fruity) Chaldee Patou 27(84) Floral-spicy Chamade Guerlain 70 Aldehyde (floral- woody) Champagne Monteil 83 Floral (sweet) Chanel No.5 Chanel 21 Aldehyde (floral) Chanel No. 19 Chanel 71 Green Chanel No. 22 Chanel 26(89) Floral Chantage Lancaster 79 Aldehyde (floral- powdery) Chant d'Aromes Guerlain 62 Floral (fresh-fruity) Chantilly Houbigant 41 Oriental m Chaps Warner 79 Chypre Charade Factor 88 Floral (fruity) Charisma Avon 68 Aldehyde (floral) Charivari Charles of the Ritz 78 Floral Charles of the Charles of the Ritz 78 Floral (sweet) Ritz Charlie Revlon 73 Floral (fresh) Chassres Pola 81 Floral mChaz Revlon 75 Fougere Chess d'Or Chess 78 Floral m Chevalier d'Orsay 73 Spicy Chiara Boni Boni 91 Floral (fruity) Chicane Jacomo 73 Aldehyde (floral) Chimere Matchabelli 80 Chypre (floral- woody) Chique Yardley 76(86) Floral-chypre Chique Silver Yardley 90 Chypre Chloe Lagerfeld 75 Floral (sweet) Choc Cardin 81 Chypre (fresh- mossy) Christian Aujard Dana 85 m Chromatics Aramis 74 Chypre Chunga Weil 78 Aldehyde (floral- powdery) Chypre Coty 17 Chypre (fresh- mossy) 268 Appendix A Name House Year Family/brief description Cialenga Balenciaga 73 Chypre (mossy- fruity) Ciao Houbigant 80 Chypre (mossy- fruity) Ciara Revson 73 Oriental Cie Shulton 77 Floral Ciel de Varens Oriental Cinnabar Lauder 78 Oriental Claiborne Claiborne 86 Floral Clair de Jour Lanvin 83 Floral (fruity-fresh) Clandestine Laroche/L' Oreal 86 Floral m Classic Gold Yardley 88 Fougere Clea Rocher 81 Floral (aldehyde) Climat Lancome 68 Aldehyde (floral) Clin d'Oeil Bourjois 84 Floral (fruity) Clinique Clinique 90 Floral (green) Wrappings Coca COFCI 81 Cocktail Patou 30(84) Floral (fruity) Coco Chanel 84 Oriental Coeur de Ferrose L.D. Ferro 82 Coeurs Joie Ricci 46 Floral Colony Patou 38(84) Fruity - mossy m Colorado Sage Bell 78 Fougere Colors Benetton 87 Oriental m Colors de Benetton 88 Woody-spicy Benetton Man Complice Coty 73 Aldehyde (floral- woody) m Contour Gillette 80 Fougere m Cool Sage Avon 87 Lavender m Cool Water Davidoff 88 Floral-fruity - woody m Cordovan Avon 87 Herbal-citrus Coriandre Couturier 73 Chypre (fresh....; mossy) Cornubia Penhaligon's 91 Floral Coryssima Coryse Salome 73 Aldehyde Cote d'Azur Avon 88 m Cougar Yardley 69 Floral Courant Rubinstein 72 Chypre (floral- woody) Appendix A 269 Name House Year Family/brief description m Courreges Courreges 77 Chypre Homme Courreges in Courreges 83 Floral

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