Canada's National Law Enforcement Magazine Apr~/2000 • POWERFUL PRE-FOCUSED XENON LAMPS • CHEMICALLY RESISTANT XENOY®BODIES • ALL WEATHER RUBBER GRIPS ALL LIGHTS AVAILABLE IN BLACK OR YELLOW THE WORLD'S ~TOUGHEST WATERTIGHT CASES••• 17 SIZES INCLUDING LAPTOP COMPUTER CASES CALL FOR UTERATURE ANO PELICAN PRODUCTS THE PELICAN DEALER CANADA, INC. NEAREST YOU LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 16652·117 Ave. Edmonton, Alta TSM 3W2 • Tel (780) 484·2315 • Fax (780) 484·2432 • Volume 12 Number 4 April 2000 Publisher s Cammetrtary 5 81U£ ~ 1JN£ - Publisher I Editor­ York Regional Police Archaeological I 6 Forensic Reco,en Team Morley S. lymburner 17u: "Dig Tt!am ", u.1 ii is commnn(r rtferretllo. lrtJ.l prm·en its worlh 011 crime scenl.!.\ both wirhin J'<n·k Region and orherJurisdicrioll~ Ph: (905) 640-3048- Fax (905) 640-7547 -General Manager- In the line of duty 12 CM i!Jobt'l Andcr.\'fm has turned {l<!rsonal Mary K. Lymbumer, M.Ed. m~.~forhme into u fight for the right.\ ofl~ll E-mail: hlueline.mle.'i@/ emergency workers -Associate Editor­ Blair McQuillan CPIC Renewal Project io modernize 14 E·ma/1: bluelineeditor@lrome. C(/m police informntion - Adyertjsjng - Case Law by Gino Arcaro 18 Mary Lymburner (Director) Cl.!ll phone am/ Ri~hl to Counsel Phone (905) 640-3048 Fax (905) 640-7547 Bob Murray A police olliccr, a lawyer and a gentleman 20 Phone (905) 640-6506 Fax (905) 642-0900 Tlromm De.1Rodu!.\ left o Ia.\ Iing impression on rlrc live.\' lze wudred - Pre-cress Productjon - Del Wall Blair McQuillan Emerging Technologies 21 The Canadian PCJfi.·e ReS<'lll'<'h CcntiY! - Mechanical Specjficatlons - presents compunies di.~ploJ•ing 111/IOI'lll.iw? IU' II Gary Welch Phone (905) 466-5039 'IO\\ thls is a real head-turner. The redmologyjor poltce a/ Respomc 2000 Saskatoon Police Serv icc last year acquired two - Contribytlng Edjtors - Blue Line Symposium 22 new Yamaha dressed motorcycles to add to their Tactical Firearms Dave Brown fleet. The new police special package consists Police Leadership Robert Lunney Response 2000 24 of a motorcycle styling reminiscent of the Commumcation Skills Terry Barker Harle\- Davidson but with considerable cost Case Law Gino Arcaro .4 complete li.~flng ofcompanie.\ and indrddual.\ Computers & Technology Tom Rataj displaying tht>ir goods and .<en•ice .\ or Blue Line\ savinis. You \\-ill be able to sec this remark­ jourth tmnuaf !rude shaH able bike at Response 2000. - Contrlbyt!ng Writers - Saskatoon is also the focus of an article on Blair McQuillann Anna Nicolle Maintain control of your 'idearm 30 page 15 in a submission by Shel ly Ballard Defensi•·e racliC.\' In breakji-ee McKmley presenting highlights ofthc Women Mark Ruffolo John Stevens in Policing Conference being held in that cit) Edwin Chan Nicolas i.eYesque Teclrnology b) Tom Raraj 34 from October 2 to 4. Shelley Ballard McKinlay Mark Tonner As if this were not enough the Publishers Product News 36 Commentary this month was inspired by re­ Blue 1..<'18 Megazlne IS published montNy, 5eiXemblr to Juae, by cent news events coming out of Saskatoon. Blue 1.iJe u.gazJne ~Willi I maiing ..,_OC Teclrnology Ne 11.w 38 Also this month you will read about an in­ 12A •., ""'· 7 e.. Slit. 254, lllrlilllm, Ollllrlo, L3R 1N1. novative program from the York Regional Po­ lndlvldualllllglllnes.. SUO nell. Sublclfpllonln 525.00 Classified 40 lice regarding Forensic Archeology. per yur or $40.00 for 2 Yllfl. (UIIIForeign • $50.00) The real b1g news, however, can be found AllridKarepralecladby~NoJalal~ Ten-Seven -Law Enforcement News 41 on page 24 as you wi ll fmd out all the details may be raproduced II' tnlnlmilled In Ill'/ 1o1m II' by III'J - elecmicll'' for Canada's national law enforcement trade by -.ylnlormllion~~~ng~tll' ....... .,..wllloul~ Criminally Funny 46 shO\\ - Respo11se 1000. 11om lhe publll!ler ........ ....., .. -----fll 1111111111 1111 .... lntlmllllllllrtclld. Allmalelial!lbnlttlldlorpubilclllonbecometlhePfiii*IYal ...........Btlllt.N ~lllillaCIIher~t.ftllllniNdl The Accident Support SCI'\ ices 17 L.:thl'lridgc Community College 32 Aegis 35 L.E.I.S 44 Atlantic Police & St!curity 29 Maritime Services Police & Securit} 42 ilell Mobility 15 MD Charlton 38 Blue Li11e Newv 110ek 41 Mega Tech 16 Canadian Bod) Annour 11 Micro Video 40 Canadian Police College 43 Off Bem Sofh,arc 39 Cases Unlimited 7 Pads fitness & Suppl)' 40 Cogent Sy)tcm~ 12 Pannsonic Canada 4 Con~tab l e Cigar Co 44 Pel icon Products 2 Corporate Security <;erviccs 29 PK Van Bodies 14 Criminalistics 15 Polico: Ordnance 7 Dalhousie Unhcrsit) 21 Pride in Service 6 Daniel P Reeve & Associates 31 R Nicholls Distributors 19 DSM Law Enforcement Producl~ 13 Response 2000 24 DuPom Canada 45 Robinson llelicoptct·s 5 Federal Auction Service 17 Rod.) Shoes & Boob 4K Flex -0-Lite 39 Stratagem Financial Sen ices 13 Flying Cross b) fechheimer 33 Sturm Ruger & Co 37 Guidance Sofl\,ar..: 7 Tctragon Tasse 10 llenl') 's 40 Triform Business Systems Ltd ltl IIi-Tee Sports C'anada 9 Viking Metals & Milital') Supplies 42 ldenticator 36 West~rvclt College 34 Kaban Prote.:thc Sef\ ices 8 Wolverine Supplies 20 I aser Labs 19 XTE Custom Designed Outemear 35 B PanasOI'Iic. First we gave it a built-in antenna - simply add the integrated wireless modem to access the CDPD, ARDIS and MOBITEX networks from the field. Then we gave it a fully sealed keyboard, a gel-cushioned HD and a bright, anti-glare colollr display that's readable in sunlight. Finally. we wrapped it all up in a magnesium alloy housing that's 20 times stronger than plastic and can withstand a fail of three feet on to solid concrete. It's the CF-27 TOUGHBOOK from Panasonic. Because if you can take it, you can take it with you. www. •-8oo- z6s-o6s6 All brand names/logos are trademarks or regiStered trademarks of their respective holders. Making bad rules -work by Morley Lymbumer bear on real problems. ties must improve a situation ftom the condition What irtstitution is the greatest group in the The poUce mandate is to prevent crimes and in which it is found with the hope of its long world for making bad nates work ... Yup! The apprehend those who can not be dissuaded from tenn success. lf corners have to be cut to ac- police. their errant ways. Howevcrthcre is a broad range commodate a situation then further steps must I I" you ordered a pol icc officer into U1e mid­ or services that go far beyond Uu~ police man- be taken to ensure other agencies and services dle of a sewing circle with a needle and thread date that many officers perfom1 because there is arc made aware ofthe gap that exists. Guidance the result "'ould be blood stained and ugl), but no other 24-hour agency able or willing to do it. and assistance must be promised but politicians the job would get done. Calling police in to perform the!ie tasks on a per- must be mfooned forcefully that a solution must ~any people. politicians included. get the mancnt basis erodes the basic tenets ofpolicing be found. If no action is taken then 11 ts cle,ar idea that this is what cops are for. They simply and ultimattll) makes a negative impact on the that this is a condition the community and its make things work so the) don't have to face police nbiltt) to perform its main job. politicians \\ish to tolerate. Thereafter the po- the problem or change bad rules. Officers mttst be confident thnt all their du- lice should act with the same tolerunce. Case in point. ln Ontario. back in the early to mid 70's, parking tickets and summonses were handled in a rather makcshin fashion. When an officer was expected to give evjdence in cases where the accused did not show up in coun the Justice of the Peace would usually give the officer a hand full of tickets and have him S\.,ent that everything written on the face was true. He would then c(mvictlarge quanti­ ties of people at once. Investigations later brought officers under charges of perjury and JP's charged with obstruction ofjustice. These were all good ol~icers and good JP's who simply decided to take upon themselves the rcsponsibili!} to ··bend the rules" to accom­ modate changing times and legislative inad­ equacies. After thc:r had all been sacrificed at the alter called ·justice~ someone decided that it was lime to look at these procedures \\ith a view toward stream lining the process. There­ sult? You guessed iL They decided to enshrine in legislation (more or less) what had been hap­ pening illegally before. Similar scenarios are repeated all over Cnnada in varying degrees and circumstances. If a bad rule exists, or one does not exist, cops are just the people who"' ill step into the breech The new R44 Police helicopter is the first high-performance, affordable, and make it work. This also works well for leg­ islators and politict:uts because 1t is always turn-key aerial platform designed specifically for law enforcement agencies. easier to sacrifice a lowl) cop to deflecr accu­ sations of neglect, incompetence and irrespon­ a sf, a sibi lity. Ojsplaying ignorance, showing con­ cern, and looking for a fall guy is the politi­ ( S I cians trademark. The incoming Chief of the Toronto Police Fast Cruise sp-d. As fast as the most Gyrostabllbed Nose-Mounted Gimbal. Service. Julian Fantino. in answer to questions popular turbine helicopter. the R44 will get to lhe Full 360" rotation with convenient remote of lawlessness last month stated.
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