M/S. Black Trap Mine Of Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja, Survey no.111 Paiki, At.Nakara, Tal. Manavadar, Dist. Junagadh, Mob.9825011241. To. State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10/A, Gandhinagar. Sub: Application for Environmental Clearance for the Black trap of mine Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja, Admeasuring 1.00.00 Hactors Survey no.111 Paiki, At. Nakara, Tal. Manavadar, Dist. Junagadh. Respected Sir, We propose to start the operation of the Black trap of mine in above mentioned location. As per the moEF circular dated 18/05/2012. We require to obtain the prior environmental clearance. We herewith apply (in From-1) for environmental clearance with and other supporting documents. We request your good selves to kindly consider our case in earliest Committee meeting and grant us the recommendation/Environmental Clearance. Thanking You, Sincerely Yours, For, Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja (LEASE OWNER) Pre feasibility Report of M/s. Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja Page 1 FORMATE OF CHECKLIST FOR FIRST PRESENTATION BEFORE THE SEAC, GUJARAT Sr. Particulars Details No. 1. About the Proposal a. Name of Lease Holder M/S. Black Trap Mine Of Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja, b. Location Address Survey no.111 Paiki, At.Nakara, Tal. Manavadar, Dist. Junagadh. c. Name of mineral to mine Black Trap d. End use of Mineral For Road and Building construction Work e. Man power & No. of working days 7 no. of man power will be involved No. of working days will be 280 Days. 2. About the Lease Area a. Lease Area 1.00.00 hector b. Lease Period 10 years c. Co ordinates (Latitude & 21°26’."N Latitude & 70°09'."E Longitude) d. Ownership of Lease area (Govt. Government land Land, Private Land, etc.) e. Satellite Image of the project Satellite Image of the area is attached showing 1 Km & 5 Km radial area. f. Present Land use of Lease Area. Presently land use as a black trap excavation. g. Rate of mining (MT/Annum) 36000 MT per Annum h. Total reserve of mineral & life of Mineral reserves-720000 tones mine. Life of mine 20 years 3. Environment setting: a. Whether project involves forest No Forest land involved land? If Yes, status of application for diversion of forest land. b. Aerial Distance of the lease area from nearest: (1)National Park/Wildlife Sanctuary Gir Wildlife Sanctuary Biosphere reserve Biosphere Reserve exists within the core & Buffer Zone (2) Reserve Forest/ Protected Forest NA (3) Water Bodies Madhuvanti River 5 km from site. (4) Human Habitation Village Nakara exists at a distance of 1.5 Km. (5) Nearest Railway Line There is no railway station (6) Nearest Road GJ SH = 1.12 km. (7) Notified/Protected Archaeological Sites Not Applicable Pre feasibility Report of M/s. Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja Page 2 (8) Social Infrastructure Viz. Social Infrastructure like school,hospital,historic school,hospital,historic cultural/religious cultural/religious places at Manavadar 6.0 Km places,defence establishment etc. c. Hydrology indicating water bodies No surface water body exists in the core zone & ground water depth & quality. Ground water Depth 42 meter & good quality. d. Wind rose diagram/Predominates Predominant wind direction SW wind direction & wind Speed Wind Speed – Max 12 Km/Hr & Min 04 Km/hr e. Existing dust & Noise level After operation start reported Existing dust level. Average Noise level around site 52 dB f. Endemic and endangered species No Endemic &endangered species of flora & fauna for flora and fauna, if any in the found in the core Zone. area 4. About the mining Activities: a. Requirement of power supply and No required electricity power at the mine site. water supply and its source About 3.00 KLD water is required for the purpose of drinking, dust suppression & green belt development & water will be made available nearest farmer well. b. Method of mining (Manual/Semi Open cast Semi mechanized method of mining. mechanized/mechanized) c. Details of method of working with Semi mechanized open cast method of excavation. phasing of actives (Sequence of The soil cover had removed by use of a JCB. The mining operations). Height and Production is black trap. First Blasting by such width of benches and side slope explosive after than drilling machine cutting stone block. black stone size is not measurable but than cutting and handling tractor and trolley and reach out stone crusher unit. Proper method is mining mention Pre feasibility report. d. Likely impact of mining activities. Dust & Noise will be generated e. Details of drilling, Blasting, Jack hammer Drilling and other drilling machine explosives. use for operation, Blasting is done by short delay action detonators so reduce ground vibration, explosive use as slurry. We have done blasting by professional blasting person so required any handling explosive at site. f. Storage of explosive and safety We have done blasting by professional blasting measures at the time blasting. person so required any handling explosive at site. g. Section plan map showing We have showing section plan at presentation time. overburden (Average) h. Details of over barding (OB) Over Burden was used for natural fencing around removal And Stacking excavation area in lease. I. Plan for managing storm water, Yes, Garland drain will be provided around Details of garland drains to be working pit. provided j. Plan for managing dust ,noise ,slit Proper Plantation within and around and other pollution during mining working area. activities Regular water sprinkling to suppress dust Pre feasibility Report of M/s. Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja Page 3 Avoid unnecessary & idle running of machine &make its optimum use. Regular maintenance of machineries, vehicles etc and use PPE k. Mode of transportation of mineral Transportation of Black trap is being done with the and transportation route help of tractor from working faces to stone crushing unit. The area is well connected with Tehsil & District headquarter & other cities. l. Mode for control of fugitive Regular water sprinkling will be done at the emission during transportation haulage road to suppress dust. m. Provision of First aid kit, use of First aid kit will be provided at the mine site. PPEs and other measures proposed Protective equipment like goggles, helmet, face for safety of workers: shield, hand gloves, safety belt, and barricade tape will be provided to the workers. All the precautionary measures, safety rules, regulations and procedures will be followed. 5. About the post mine plans: a. Plan for green belt development We have attached environmental management ,area of green belt , no &type of plan. Proper plantation on mined out benches. species to be planted and budgetary Proper plantation of saplings, suitable for the for the same region will be carried out in consultation with forest department. b. Layout Plan showing demarcation Yes, attached with form1 of green belt: c. Mine closure plan: demolition of Implementation of progressive mine closure plan structure, removal of Deleterious includes development of green belt within lease material and restoration area, along boundary as well backfilled mine out /reclamation of land: area. d. Plan for post mining Reclamation works in way of convert artificial use/reclamation/fencing of pits. reservoir will be done. e. Plan for periodic monitoring of Yes, Periodic monitoring of Environmental quality Environmental quality and will be done as per the CPCB norms. management: 6. Environment Management Plan a. A details EMP including the Yes, Detailed EMP will be prepared which includes Protection and mitigation measures protection and mitigation measures for impact on for impact on Human health & Human health & Environment. Environment as well as detailed monitoring plan and environmental management cell proposed for implementation and monitoring of EMP Pre feasibility Report of M/s. Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja Page 4 7. About the social obligations: a. Mitigation measure to reduce No, Hazardous substance will be used. hazardous conditions and hardship to local inhabitants. b. Concerns of local inhabitants like: Project will provide employment opportunity to health ,water, employment, the local people .we will arrange the medical resettlement/rehabilitation, etc. check-up camps for mine workers & proposed effected villager. No R/R plan is applicable. c. Specific activities proposed to be Development activities like hand pump for carried out under the corporate drinking water; maintenance of road, common social Responsibility addressing the toilet will be taken up. concerns of local inhabitants along Total fund for Socio Economic development is with budgetary. about 2 % total income. Date: / /2014 Signature and Stamp of Place: Junagadh Mining and Geological Department Pre feasibility Report of M/s. Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja Page 5 APPENDIX –I (See paragraph -6) FORM 1 • Basic Information Name of the project: - M/S. Black Trap Mine of Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja, Project Location: Survey no.111 Paiki, At.Nakara, Tal. Manavadar, Dis.Junagadh. Size of the Project: 1.00.00 Hectore. Expected cost of the project: 15 Lakhs Contact Information: Shree Punjabhai S. Sutreja At.Kailasa Vadi, B/h Shashi Kunj, Junagadh Dis.Junagadh. Mo.9825011241. Screening Category: “B” • Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity for manufacturing, mining lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area for mineral exploration, length for linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity for power generation etc.,) 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Sr. No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land Temporary change in land/lease area use, land cover or topography including will occur due to mining. Lease area Yes increase in intensity of land use (with might not go slightly deeper than respect to local land use plan) earlier due to.
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