, steps' baWe between the ... Thoma. Mann, mealbl directQr 01 !be CivIl ~ Commialon, IIld the ... million wu adInc wIIb IIiII the state In mind, IIIboucb It added they are aware tbet ~ propoaala are IImOar til 1'IIt IX. All concemed had '­ the f~ become aware of Stili. dime powen at band, Alot ~ .. Thursda June 28 1 79 over the commlllloa'i e 1878 Siudent Publlcationl lno. --=:::::::::::====:!::=:::::::i":==2~t:::=:;:JI!iIi!;ar:~IIRi:r1Jii~S;;;Iiir.~:.r,:~rr'T:~ propoula w1II be IIIIde ~. fectual the clay HEW '-I deadllne ror compIIanee " , Title IX. Chamber to The picture Iooka ~ bleak for Ray. He said, "1111 State panel not 10 concerned with the II1II Itaelf (girl'. buketball), ill file F-518 who ill going to maU tit decillion - the govel'lllllelll . local authorlUe •. " intervention asks injunction Maybe neither. Ray can IdI the ClvU RlghlJl ~ol anti-dilJcr!m1nation . , ill today he will have trouble vtIGq Title lX, ByTOM DRURY against disco CllYEdllor By NEIL BROWN completed. The council also scheduled a The first of two Intervening court Editor public hearing for July Z4 to determine if actions against the Iowa City Council ~ Woodfield's liq uor license should be be filed today In the I battle over the The state Civil Rights Commission will revoked or suspended. alignment of Freeway 518. seek a court order today to stop alieged Bill Roach of the attorney general's , now 8 member 01 11'4 Presldept Robert Downer of the city discriminatory practices at Woodfield's office said although the city asked that club Chlrlotte, N. C., Itt I Chamber of Commerce said the chamber bar. the attorney general's office join in b~ fanning 18 betllll will file In J ohoson County Dilltrict Court And the state attorney general's office seeking the injunction, it was decided 7. today a petition of Intervention In support will file a complaint with the commission that fUing a complaint with the state of the state Department of Tran­ today charging that racial commission would be the appropriate sportation's F-518 alignment. discrimination might have OCC UlTed at action. The complaint, he said, asserts "Essentially, our poaltlon Is that the the disco last Saturday night. that based on Information provided by DOT has complled with all legal Thomas Mann, executive director of the city, racial discrimination may have requirements relative to the location of the commission, .said Wednesday that a occured, and that the commission should an AU-Comer. track and the freeway," Downer said. commission attorney will seek an in­ investigate it. beolnnlng 116 p.m. No entty Battle wreckage junction against Woodfield's In Johnson In aacn avent. County District Court, AMBROSE SAID Wednesday that he THE CITY, by a 4-3 vote of the councU, Tha wrecklga 0' a 8yrl .. Sovlet·mada MIG-21, ona of the battlea Wednaaday ro, the llrat time In live Y.. 'L I.raal was not concerned that the state com· brought suit June 15 for a permanent halt moat iophlstlcated flghte, pia.,.. made, II .. In a field In claimed that I.. plio", lIylng their moat modam U.8.-mecla The injunction would prevent any mission is seeking an injunction. to implementatlon of the DOT alignment discrimination at the disco untU the Iowa undefealed In Eastern 10Wl Lebanon. 8y,lan ancll.,.. 11 watplan .. engaged In deadly air F-1S., .hot down flva 0' the Syrian jail. "They can do whatever they want. I • &.0 win over Waterloo, until the DOT reaches agreement with City Human Rights Commission com· the city on the freeway's construction. pletes its investigation into charges of haven't been discriminating ; I have not with thr .. goall willie "­ The suit charges that DOT p1annlng for racial bias at the bar last Saturday night. discriminated against anyone through AelYin I .d ded one eech. this," he said. Comet, In another INgIJI the freeway has been "unreasonable, Commission may overturn plans arbitrary, capricious and characterized TODAY'S ACTION by the state Civil Ambrose aiso said he has been by an abuse of discretion." Rights Commission and the attorney questioned by city Civil Rights Specialist Along with the chamber's efforts to general's office is in response to a Sophie Zukrowski, He said he reiterated that there was no discrimination at I lit the Rae .." program Ju~ counter the city's suit, the Johnson for Macbride Park annex request from Iowa City officials that , Woodfield's Saturday night and that he lor the .rlp I, '15 wIllch In. County Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 ByTOM SEERY there that they're not using," said Reed, who as chairman only votes in action be taken to halt any admlt.'on, program, dinner of had only instructed his doormen to crack Wednesday to also file a petition In· Staff Writer Patchett, a member of the case of a tie, ordered that the members discriminatory practices at Woodfield's. del&lI., contact tile Ate tervention supporting the DOT's posltion_ "The injunction would be to get the down on pennitting minors into the bar. Administrative Rules Review Com­ not voting be counted as "aye" votes and Mann said that prior to the City 353-3-49.4). Court proceedings will begin July 5 at a A plan by the Iowa Conservation mittee. "Johnson County already has so ruled that the proposal had carried with establishment to cease and desist from hearing to detennlne whether a tem­ the alleged discrimjnatory practices," Council's request for the two state Commission to annex 612 acres of land much land off the tax rolls that we can five votes In favor and one abstention. agencies to intervene, the state Civil porary stay halting ali planning and near Macbride State Park will probably Mann said. He said the commission's hardly afford more." Patchett has protested the voting Rights Commission had received com­ implementation of the DOT alignment be overturned this summer, according to lawyer will "argue voctferously and will be granted. Patchett said that most of the 612 acres procedure used by the commission and raise all the legal issues we can." plaints from the NAACP and several the chairman of the commission. Iowa City residents and had questioned t Master Herbert Reed, whose term expires is "not In any threat 'of being developed" on Tuesday ~sked the Iowa Attorney The city Human Rights Commission is DAVID Elderkin Jr., special counsel and does not need to be preserved by the General's Office for an opinion on the investigating charges that Harry Ambrose Tuesday afternoon. June 30, said that several members of the Approximately 120 persons attended for the city, said Wednesday that he commission have changed their minds commission. He said that two family legality of Reed's action. Ambrose, owner of Woodfield's, doesn't believe the intervening petitions fanns are included In the area. "The commission's actions are highly discriminated against blacks attempting the council meeting to ask that the lIquor service since voting on Sept. 26 to approve the questionable," Patchett said in a release, license at Woodfield's be suspended. "will have any possible legal effect." park's master plan, which includes Reed said that the cOmmission "Is not to enter the bar Saturday night by "Any intervenors of this sort will only trying to fight p'cople" and added that he "Without the necessarry majority of the requiring three types of personal Iden­ condemnation and purchase of the land. members approving a proposal the chair CITY ATroRNEY John Hayek told the clutter a laWSuit," Elderkin said. "It's Io addition, the term of one member does not favor annexation, "I think the tification with pictures. Two Iowa City 'council it could not suspend a license always the two major parties and who was llsted as voting In favor of the day of the big lakes is over," he said. cast additional votes to tip the scales. residents filed racial discrimination because of discrimination until it is, say everybody else just stands on the proposal also expires June 30. In the original vote, ·Commission&.-s That to the least. peculiar_" complaints with the city commis ion, receives a recommendation from the sidelines and claps." State Rep. John Patchett of North Tom Bates, Marian Pike and Carolyn Reed said that his action was in ac­ charging that whites with little or no Human Rights Commission. But DOT attorney Robert Goodwin Liberty said the commission dOes not Lumbard voted In favor of the an· cordance with commission rules adopted identification were permitted Into the Mayor Robert Vevera suggested that said, "Hopefully, It will be a benefit" to need the additional land, which would nexation. Commissioners John Brophy by the state administrative code. bar, while blacks with three IDs were those citizens who believe they were the DOT and the Intervenors. have to be condemned in order for tile and John Thompson were present at the Patchett said that, depending on not discriminated against, boycott the bar. "Obviously," he said, "we (the DOT) are commission to take possession. Patchett meeting but did not vote and Com­ Miller's opinion, he would consider Ambrose said, "They are saying "m the lead agency, because we're the ones has challenged the procedure the com­ missioner Richard Kemler abstained. bringing the Conservation Commission THE IOWA CITY CouncU voted 50{) guilty without even getting my side of it. I building the road." mission used to adopt the master plan. before the full Administrative Rules Tuesday night to ask that the state wasn't there (at the meeting). How can Elderkin said that because the city's THOMPSON'S TERM, along with Review Committee to evaluate the commission and the attorney general the mayor sit up there and say something suit will be tried by a judge and not a "THEY ALREADY have enough land Reed's, expires June 30_ commission's operating rules.
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