SCP SCIENCE 79 www.scpscience.com Buffers, Volumetric Reagents, & Titrants Buffers, Volumetric Volumetric Buffers, Reagents, & Titrants & Reagents, AccuSPEC standards and reagents are manufactured to meet laboratory needs. Choose from a wide selection of product lines which include: APHA Method Products to Inorganic compounds. Custom blends are available for selected products. Products for APHA Methods ... 81 Acids & Base Titrants ... 83 BOD, COD, TOC ... 85 Buffers ... 86 Conductivity Standards ... 88 Ion Selective Electrode Standards & Solutions ... 89 Products for Dairy Testing ... 91 Pulp and Paper Products ... 93 Soil Analysis Products ... 94 Volumetric Solutions ... 97 Volumetric Concentrates ... 99 Indicators ... 101 High-Purity Compounds ... 103 Inorganic Compounds ... 104 Certifi cates of Analysis Hydrochloric Acid ... 108 Conductivity Standard ... 109 USA Canada / International Europe Tel.: (800) 361-6820 Tel.: (800) 361-6820 / (514) 457-0701 Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 18 71 17 Fax: (800) 253-5549 Fax: (800) 253-5549 / (514) 457-4499 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 92 05 67 80 SCP SCIENCE www.scpscience.com Buffers, Volumetric Reagents Reagents & Titrants Reagents & Buffers, Volumetric Volumetric Buffers, & Titrants - Notes NOTES “One would rather speak evil of himself than not speak of himself at all.” -Duc de la Rochefoucauld- SCP SCIENCE 81 www.scpscience.com Products for APHA Methods Maximize productivity and reduce analysis costs using AccuSPEC prepared standards and reagents for American Public Health Association (APHA) Methods. Prepared solutions are available for most common Inorganic Standard Methods. • Prepared as per guidelines from “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 20th Edition Buffers, Volumetric Volumetric Buffers, - Compliance with APHA, AWWA & WEF Titrants & Reagents, • Links between reagents and specifi c methods - Easy retrieval of specifi c reagents • Manufactured and tested under our ISO Certifi ed Quality Programs - Consistency between product lots APHA: American Public Health Association AWWA: American Water Works Association WEF: Water Environment Federation Catalog Number Solution Description Concentration Code 500 ml 1 L 5 L Acetate Buffer For As (pH 5.5) 250-200-100 250-200-101 250-200-102 Acetate Buffer For Br (pH 4.6-4.7) 250-200-130 250-200-131 250-200-132 Acetate Buffer For Cl (pH 4) 8 250-200-160 250-200-161 250-200-162 Acetate Buffer For CN (pH 4.5) 8 250-200-190 250-200-191 250-200-192 Acetate Buffer For F 8 250-200-220 250-200-221 250-200-222 Alum solution AIK(SO4)2 10% w/v 250-260-100 250-260-101 250-260-102 Ammonium Acetate Acetic Acid Buffer 8 250-200-280 250-200-281 250-200-282 Ammonium Chloride EDTA 250-260-175 250-260-176 250-260-177 Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl 0.05 M 250-260-125 250-260-126 250-260-127 Ammonium Chloride NH4Cl 1.15 g/l 250-260-150 250-260-151 250-260-152 Ammonium Hydroxide* (as NH3), NH4OH 0.5 N 250-100-150 250-100-151 250-100-152 Ammonium Hydroxide (as NH3), NH4OH 5 N 8 250-100-300 250-100-301 250-100-302 Ammonium Hydroxide* (as NH3), NH4OH 5% v/v 250-100-350 250-100-351 250-100-352 Ammonium Hydroxide* (as NH3), NH4OH 10% v/v 250-100-400 250-100-401 250-100-402 Ammonium Molybdate I 8 250-260-250 250-260-251 --- Ammonium Molybdate II 8 250-260-275 250-260-276 --- Ammonium Molybdate (NH4)6Mo7O24 4% w/v 250-260-200 250-260-201 250-260-202 Ammonium Molybdate (NH4)6Mo7O24 10% w/v 250-260-225 250-260-226 250-260-227 Ammonium Oxalate (NH4)2C2O4 4% w/v 250-260-300 250-260-301 250-260-302 Ammonium Oxalate (NH4)2C2O4 5% w/v 250-260-325 250-260-326 250-260-327 Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 30% w/v 250-260-350 250-260-351 --- Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 40% w/v 250-260-375 250-260-376 --- Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 50% w/v 250-260-400 250-260-401 --- Ammonium Sulphate (NH4)2SO4 10% w/v 250-260-425 250-260-426 --- Arsenous Acid Solution 6 250-005-000 250-005-001 --- Borate Buffer 250-200-310 250-200-311 250-200-312 Borax* Na2B4O7 1% w/v 250-260-450 250-260-451 250-260-452 * Available in 10 and 20 L bottles Glass Container Poison Flammable ∗ Hazardous Materials Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Tariff No. BOE-6000-R 6 3 * as defi ned by : ∗ Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations, Revision December 2000 Dangerous Goods* 8 Corrosive 5 Oxidant ∗ International Air Transport Association - Dangerous Goods Regulation, 40th Edition USA Canada / International Europe Tel.: (800) 361-6820 Tel.: (800) 361-6820 / (514) 457-0701 Tel.: +33 (0)1 69 18 71 17 Fax: (800) 253-5549 Fax: (800) 253-5549 / (514) 457-4499 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 92 05 67 82 SCP SCIENCE www.scpscience.com Products for Reagents & Titrants Reagents & Buffers, Volumetric Volumetric Buffers, APHA Methods Catalog Number Solution Description Concentration Code 60 ml 125 ml 500 ml 1 L 5 L Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Aqueous 250-120-140 250-120-141 250-120-142 250-120-143 --- Bromcresol Green-Methyl Red Isopropanol 3 250-120-150 250-120-151 250-120-152 250-120-153 --- Calcium Carbonate Std CaCO3 1 mg/L CaCO3 250-260-475 250-260-476 250-260-477 Color Standard 500 Units Pt-Co Solution 8 250-260-500 250-260-501 --- Copper Sulfate-Sulfamic Acid Inibitor 8 250-260-550 250-260-551 --- Copper Sulfate CuSO4 2% w/v 250-260-525 250-260-526 250-260-527* EDTA Disodium Salt(for NH3-N)** C10H14N2O8Na2 0.25 M --- 250-260-575 250-260-576 EDTA Disodium Salt(for NH3-N)** 50% w/v --- 250-260-600 250-260-601 Eriochrome Black T in 2-Methoxyethanol 0.5% w/v 3 250-120-350 250-120-351 250-120-352 250-120-353 --- Eriochrome Black T in Triethanolamine 1% w/v 250-120-360 250-120-361 250-120-362 250-120-363 --- Ferric Nitrate Fe(NO3)3 40.4% w/v 250-260-625 250-260-626 250-260-627* Lead Acetate (CH3COO)2Pb 10% 6 250-260-650 250-260-651 --- Manganous Sulfate MnSO4 364 g/L 250-260-675 250-260-676 250-260-677 MBTH Indicator 0.05% 250-120-390 250-120-391 250-120-392 250-120-393 --- Mercuric Nitrate Hg(NO3)2 0.0141 N 250-260-700 250-260-701 250-260-702* Mercuric Sulfate Special Reagent 8 250-260-725 250-260-726 --- Methyl Red - Methylene Blue 250-120-470 250-120-471 250-120-472 250-120-473 --- Oxalic Acid C2H2O4 7.5% w/v 6 250-040-200 250-040-201 250-040-202* Potassium Chromate K2CrO4 0.065% w/v 250-120-620 250-120-621 250-120-622* Potassium Oxalate (COOK)2 2% w/v 250-260-750 250-260-751 --- Potassium Permanganate*** KMnO4 0.01 N 250-260-775 250-260-776 250-260-777* Potassium Persulfate K2S2O8 5% w/v 250-260-800 250-260-801 250-260-802* Sodium Acetate CH3COONa 2 M 250-260-825 250-260-826 250-260-827 Sodium Acetate CH3COONa 0.2 N 250-260-850 250-260-851 250-260-852 Sodium Arsenite NaAsO2 0.1 N 250-310-380 250-310-381 --- Sodium Bicarbonate Solution** NaHCO3 5.5% w/v 250-260-875 250-260-876 250-260-877 Sodium Chloride** NaCl 0.0141 M 250-260-900 250-260-901 250-260-902 Sodium Hydroxide Dilution Solution** NaOH 0.16% w/v 8 250-108-640 250-108-641 250-108-642 Stannous Chloride I 250-260-625 --- --- Stannous Chloride II 250-260-950 --- --- Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 16.7% v/v 8 250-060-490 250-060-491 250-060-492 Vanadate-Molybdate Solution 8 250-260-970 250-260-971 250-260-972 Zinc Acetate (CH3COO)2Zn 10% w/v 250-260-980 250-260-981 250-260-982 Zinc Sulfate ZnSO4 10% w/v 250-260-990 250-260-991 250-260-992 * Indicates 4L Glass Bottle ** Available in 10 and 20 L bottles *** Class A precursor requires special document. Contact customer service. Glass Container 6 Poison 3 Flammable ∗ Hazardous Materials Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Tariff No. BOE-6000-R * as defi ned by : ∗ Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations, Revision December 2000 Dangerous Goods* 8 Corrosive 5 Oxidant ∗ International Air Transport Association - Dangerous Goods Regulation, 40th Edition High Temperature Digestion System - DigiPREP HT The DigiPREP HT is available in two models - a 40 tube (100 ml) or a 20 tube (250 ml) system. Ideal for digestion applications such as: • Soil • Plant • Plastics • Kjeldahl / TKN • Compost • Oils “Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.” -Earl Wilson- SCP SCIENCE 83 www.scpscience.com Acids & Base Titrants AccuSPEC acids and bases are manufactured for routine lab analysis. Several volumes and concentrations are available, in-stock, ready to ship. Contact your Sales Representative for custom blends. • Available in many sizes Buffers, Volumetric Volumetric Buffers, - Use only what is required. Save money on larger volumes Titrants & Reagents, • Custom blends, concentrations, and volumes available • Includes Certifi cate of Analysis listing actual concentration, lot number, expiry date, traceability where appropriate - Complete documentation for audit purposes • Manufactured and tested under ISO Certifi ed Quality Programs - Consistency between product lots Catalog Number Acids Description Concentration Code 500 ml 1 L 5 L Acetic Acid CH3COOH 0.1 N 250-000-100 250-000-101 250-000-102 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 0.5 N 250-000-150 250-000-151 250-000-152 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 1 N 250-000-200 250-000-201 250-000-202 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 3 N 8 250-000-250 250-000-251 250-000-252 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 1% v/v 250-000-300 250-000-301 250-000-302 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 10% v/v 8 250-000-500 250-000-501 250-000-502 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 20& v/v 8 250-000-550 250-000-551 250-000-552 Acetic Acid CH3COOH 25%v/v 8 250-000-600 250-000-601 250-000-602 Boric Acid H3BO3 2% w/v 250-015-100 250-015-101 250-015-102 Boric Acid H3BO3 4% w/v 250-015-200 250-015-201 250-015-202 Citric Acid H3C6H5O7 1.0 M 250-025-100 250-025-101 250-025-102 Citric Acid H3C6H5O7 10% w/v
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