Sunday Moraine, January 17,1928 No*&U« People's International—The Favorite Newspaper Page Five "RADIO USED TO STOP ARIZONA STATE BASEBALL MICHIGAN LEAGUE TO couples, young and old, not over- trayed by Brook and ENGINE OPEN 1926 looking those persons Mbs Joyce. SEASON WITH SIX TEAMS of both The Knapp home might be one’s DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 16. sexes who are contemplating em- own. Continuous train control by means A team representing Clarkdale be discussed at another meeting of barking upon the sea of wedded of radio-operated safety devices and Jerome has been admitted to the directors to be held at Phoe- life. The story that it tells is one Lester Knapp is only one of was demonstrated recently when a membership in the Arizona state nix, January 24. It is probable that of daily those thousands, so well known to league, is occurrence in the 125-ton locomotive, traveling at a it was announced Tuesday each team will play two games a households of this and other coun- everyone, daily plodding over end- speed of 50 miles an hour, was by Frank Lown, who, with four week. less rows of figures, wishing Nogales tries. he stopped by automatic application other men, attended the | | During the coming season all were somewheret else, but no of the brakes by means of a radio- meeting at Phoenix of representa-1 visiting teams will be guaranteed No eternal triangle finds its way nkowing where, tives of the league. Lown is the j and not daring to controlled device weighing less | S2OO a game. Holiday and other into “The Home Maker,” yet there leave his desk to go pounds. Nogales member of the state board! there, even if than 100 'special games will be played on a is the tragedy of a man and a he knew. That famous Bv means of a system of radio- of directors. Others from No- basis, taking woman, sensation gales 40-60 winners the whose roads diverged at of knowing that an controlled signal lights installed in on attendance at the meet- 60 and losers the 40. the advance in ing were Francisco Elias, G, L. altar. The characters that salary is near, and that infamous the cab of the locomotive it was The league will open sea- on demonstrated that the engineer JRobinson, H. R. Sisk, and Charles the flash and off the screen are sensation of not getting the ex- L. Fowler. son with the following teams as familiar types. can be forewarned of impending members: pected raise,—these little . lights disaster by the timely flashing of Many “average readers” are and tragedies of daily the, Tentative arrangements were Nogales, Globe, life are signal lights, making it possible Phoenix, Mesa, birds of a feather with Lester fibre of what is said to he a great for him to know many minutes made for the coming season which Miami and the team representing opens on April 4. A schedule will derome-Clarkdale. Knapp and many are playing in American drama, listed a« the best in advance if danger lies ahead. daily life the *o!e of Eva, hie wife. thing King Baggot has yet pro- —— •MIRACLE’ WORKER These two are the characters por-' duced. AMAZES FAR EAST TREE-LINED ROAD Owners of private driveways, CANADA PLAN garage floors and automobile show RANGOON, Burma, Jan. 16. rooms having concrete floors also (On the Border of the Rich Weal Coast of Mtarfos) Miracle-like cures by Lim Lyi WINNIPEG, Jan. 16.—Canada report the method simple and ef- Kyee, a Chinese from Amoy, who will be traversed by a coast-to- fective. forsook his comfortable life as a coast highway lined with tree, if TicemiU owner to become a Budd- she vision of Dr. P. E. Doolittle hist monk, are causing excitement aterializes. S. P. OF MEXICO AND MILLER’S ASSAY OFFICE throughout Burma. Dr. Doolittle, president of the UNION MEN AGREE HUGO W. MILLER, Owmt At the little village of Pinnyei, Canadian Automobile Association, where he is an inmate of a monas- outlined his idea at a dinner of H. B. Titcomb of Tucson, presi- (Mining Engineer A Registered Assftfer) tery, Lim Lyi Kyee is declared to the Union of anitoba Municipali- dent of the Southern Pacific de Preliminary Flotation Cyanide and Ore Gomtdntet Testa be curing muteness, withered ties. He told the delegates he was Mexico railroad company passed Agents For The Groeh Flotation Maehtese arms and deafness. Thecorres- going to devote his energies to through here en route to his home after having ORES AND BULLIONS PURCHASED pondent of a Rangoon newspapeT getting the highway completed been at Empalme, (Twelve Tears In Present Butenes! declares that he personally saw and beautified. Trees would be Mexico, since December 30. Lim Lyi Kyee with a touch from planted where the scenery de- While in Empalme he was in NOGALES, ARIZONA his staff, cure the withered left mands, he soid, adding he had as- constant session with a committee arm muscles of a Chinese youth of surance from Ottawa that all the of Southern Pacific employees good family. trees wanted would be provided* and representatives of the union Thousands of Burmese, Chinese along with exxpert advice as to; jof conductors, brakemen, engin- and Indians are flocking to the their planting. I eers, firemen and yardmen from village. Lim Lyi Kyee refuses to He estimated the cost of the Mexico City. MEET YOUR FRIENDS taka any fees for the treatment tree planting at $1,000,000. Agreements concerning working he gives. conditions for all men in the train service, together with basis of pay AT INCREASE OF 10 Hogan of Harshaw re- have been satisfactorily concluded, Mike IN STATE turned Friday from a business CROPS Titcomb said. TOTALS $600,000.00 “Proceedings were carried on inv trip to Phoenix. a most amiable manner,” he said, . PHOENIX, Jan. 16.—An Ari- “and I am highly apreciative of zona crop summary for 1925, has the fairness manifested and com- intelligence Club of com- The mend the the Phoenix been released by M. R. Wells, mitteemen who handled the mat- agricultural statistician for the ter.” department of agri- THE FRIENDLY PLACE United States * Film * * • .• ; V’ I ' ¦ r . | culture. The report does not list i - many of the principal Arizona “THE HOME MAKER” AT NOGALES THEATRE Developing crops, but shows that for, ten “Bill”Finley—Sam “Chapo” Torres, Props j crops, including tame hay, com, “The Home Make*,” a Univer- is given prompt atten- wheat, oats, barley, grain sor- s . • ‘ 2. sal-Jewel King Baggot attraction -¦ .•'*! the ghums, beans, white potatoes and ; . ' i tion at featuring Alice Joyce and Clive •’ ild hay that gross farm Next to Hotel Abadie, Nogales, Sonora. the Brook with a splendid supporting value taken up to December 1, cast of screen favorites, opens LOHN STUDIO 1 1925, was sl3, 921, 510, exceed- Wednesday for two days at Let us frame your pi ing last year's mark on the same the ’ Nogales , ! tures. g crops by $60,000. Theatre. And the screen WHEN IN NEED OF REFRESHMENTS, adaption of Dorothy Os the ten crops listed, tame Canfield's famous story of the same name. CALL ON US 9,. » hay was valued at $9,158,610. H It is a picture that is to he of hTis is based on 539,000 tons be- I said particular interest to ing raised on 165,000 acres. The married wheat crop of 627,000 acres was .valued at $1,176,000 and 780,000 | bushels of corn was valued at CONDENSED REPORT OF licHman-Co $1,014,000. Grain sorghums were valued at The | $435,000, white potatoes at $393,- SONORA BANK AND 000 and sweet potatoes at $546,- TRUST COMPANY Eledriclrou 000. at the close business December 31st, 1925 that OIL STATIONS CAN HAVE RESOURCES SPOTLESS DRIVEWAYS Loans and Investments $ 685,849.71 % WILLNOT Oil station driveways frequent- F urniture and Fixtures 7,000.00 ly become an eyesore because ofj Miscellaneous 31,123.91 Bum Out the accumulated oil drippings Assets from cars being serviced. And . Cash and due from Banks 672,494.54 Most Dependable because many of these stations \ prominent occupy locations and . J" Total $1,396,468.16 i f Iron T\Aade aie designed for attractiveness, | smutty driveways lower the gen- : eral appearance of the station. LIABILITIES j; iblbg I Standard Oil stations in New Capital $ 100,000.00 s£*oo 1 Jersey have adopted a successful Surplus 25,000.00 means keeping AOAirtrbuw.out 'and simple of their Payable 223,000.00 ; driveways spotless which may be Bills and Rediscounts j applied equally well to concrete Other Liabilities 23,044.78 ¦ . Electric Iron j sulfates. Deposits 1,025,423.38 j All excess oil is wiped off the ! surface of the concrete or is scrub- Total $1,396,468.16 quite clean with kerosene or bed j gasoline to cut the oily deposits. « M g 4V A little vigourous scrubbing with I : remove most of OFFICERS BBZEi nnflEs J I m HMm&g | a stiff brush w ll j Ithis oil.. The surface is then j L, A. MARTINEZ, Vice-President MAX MULLER, Vice-President ! flushed with a hose stream of W. C. WINEGAR, Secretary WM. P. TIEDEMANN, Asst. Sec’y. jclean water and while the pave- C. Mignardot, Cashier : ment. is still moist a little port- i land cement ; s dusted over it. New Jersey stations, the | In the j "v . ’ :: : I men in charge report that two ap-{ ; plications each week are sufficient t DIRECTORS j to keep the concrete surface spot- L.
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