SUBJECT INDEX 1955-1985 moat-cited works 355 aatronomy 1961-1982 most-cited articles 55,118 1964 most-cited articles on 374 1976-1983 250,361 review articlea on 147 1963 most-citad articles, chemistry 413 Atlas of Science 1964 moat-citad articles planning for 41,44,46 Iife sciences 369 Attachment and Loss 35 physical acience 366 authora 1964 most-cited primary authors 346,355 name ordering on papers 353 1984 208,221 number of 393 1985 Nobel Prize awards and prizes, NAS Award for Excellence chemistry 336 in Scientific Reviewing 146 economics 307 literature 307,312 medicine 282 physics 336,340 1986 NAS Award for Excellence in Baruch, Bernard 114 Scientific Reviewing 146 La Bataille de Pharsale 314 The Battle of Pharsalus 314 A Beckett, Samuel 218 Beilstein, Friedrich 44 Benitez Sanchez, Jose 160 AIDS research, French and American Berzelius, Jons Jakob 1 contributions 347,391 bibliographies, editing with Sci-Mate Alice’s Adventuresin Wonderland 296 Editor 81 Allen, Gordon 43 The Biochemists’ Songbook 50 allergies BioGraffiti: A Natural Selection 49 effect of breaat feeding on 181 biomedical decision-making, role of effect of stress on 141 hospital library in 197,202 Analysis of Secretarial Duties and biomedical education curricula 27 Traits 114 Block, Konrad E. 282 animal studies, unreliability of transferring Bohr, Niels 6 results to humana 407 A Book of Science Verse 53 Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 9 breast feeding Arrhenius, Svante August 2 factors affecting choice of 165 art merits of mother’s milk 155 at ISI 130,176,228 Breastfeeding Handfwok 162 commissioned forlSI’s Caring Canter for Breastfeedirrg: A Guide for the Medical Children and Parents 260 Profession 156 role of turtle in 293 Brown, Michael S. 282,268 Arts& Humanities Citation lrrdex, Brown, Solyman 51 1976-1983 moat-cited authorsin 361 Brown’s Scientific Serials 1 Arts & Humanities Search 53 Bufano, Benny 132 The Arts Festiva/.’ A CWebmtion of Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Life 262 Japan 11 arta medicine 52 Butor, Michel 312 429 CAROUSEL c Collected Papers of Franco Modiglianj 310 The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care 156 Carouse/ 261 compound words in ISI’S Unique Word Carter, Anne P. 276 Dictionary 210 cathedral of Man 130 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Cavalli-Sforza, L. 43 Compensation, and Liability Act 256 ceramic tile murals 134,228,260 CompuMath Citation Index 41 chemical physics computer software, SciMate Editor 81 core journals and global maps 9 computers, in the office 114 evolution of physical chemistry to Conducting Bodies 314 chemical physics 17 congenital malformations, etiology of 406 historical studies and global maps 1 CZrntemporary Classics in Science 116 chemistry Coping with the Biomedical Literature 75 history of citation indexes for 42 La Corde raide 313 most-cited articles, 1963 413 Cornforth, John W. 262 Chemistry Citation Index 41 corporate valuation 309 child care, corporate sponsored 186 corporate-sponsored child care (see child Child C%ireand Corporate care) 188 Productivity 190 Les Corps conducteurs 314 children, 1S1’sCaring Center for Children cosmology, 1964 most-cited articles on 366 and Parents 166,260 The Crowning of Spring 313 The Children’s Ari Yard 261 crystal structures 336 chlorination of water curricula. for biomedical education 27 environmental impact of 102 cholera research 103 cholesterol metabolism and heart disease 262 chromatography, hierarchic listing of topics and research fronts in 45 The Citation Process 117 citation analysis Daedalus 319 of papers written by Nobel Prize Darwin, Charles 296 winners 182 Davy, Humphrey 1 of the works of Wassily Leontief 278 De Poetics 316 uses in creating maps of science 325 De, Shambu Nath 103,104,107 Citation Classics Delaney, James J. 91 commentaries on 46,56,116,355 delays in publication 234 Nobel Prize winners as authors dental health, controversy over water of 55,122,182 fluoridation 89,96 citation index, history of 41 depression, difference from loneliness 35 citation studies dictionaries, Unique Word 1961-1982 most-cited articles in Science Dictionary 206,214 Citation Index 55,118 DieIs, Otto P.H. 282 1983 most-cited chemistry articles 413 A Difficult Balance: Editorial Peer Review 1964 most-cited physical sciences in Medicine 243 articles 366 The Discoverers 321 physical chemistry and chemical physics Discussions of the Faraday Society 5 journals 1,9,17 drinking water clinical medical librarian program 203 chlorination of 102 cluster analysis 326 fluoridation of 69,96 co-citation analysis 44 Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre 1 430 HISTOIRE E paper given at the Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries Group Conference, earth sciences, most-cited articles, UK 198,203 1984 374 The Genera/ Theory of Employment, Interest economics, input-output analysia 272 and Money 277,308 editing references with Sci-Mate General Discussions of the Faraday Editor 81 Society 2 education, of physicians 27 General Professional Education of the Einstein, Albert 6,346 Physician panel 28 Engle, Mary 85 geography of science 325 environmental concerns Lea Georgiques 314 consewation of turtles 302 Goddard, Steven 65 disposal of hazardous wastes 253,264 Goldstein, Joseph L. 282,288 environmental factors, role in Granizo, Guillermo 130,226,228,260 achistosomiesis 66 The Grapes of Wrath 296 An Essay on the Principle of The Grass 313 Population 318 Grimwade, Alexander 324 Essays h Economics 277 Grissom, Abigail 9 ethics, of peer review 234 Guillemin, Roger 233 EUGRAM system 249 Gulliver 313 Ewing, Oscar 91 Gwaltney, Jean 251 F H Faraday Discussions of the Chemical half-life of articles 22,23 Scciety 2 Hall effect 340 Faulkner, William 312 Hammett, Louis P. 6 Felig, Philip 235 Handbook of Turtles 305 Fenichel, Carol 204 Harvey, William 316 Fischer, E. 321 Hauptman, Herbert A. 336,338 Fisher, Michael Ellis 146 hazardous wastes The Flanders Road 312 disposal of 264 fluoridation of drinking water types and effect on ecosystem 253 evidence for and against 96 health issues involved with 89 breastfeeding 155,165 Friedman, Milton 310 cholesterol metabolism and heart Frisch, John 90 disease 282 Fukui, Kenichi 50 controversy over water The Future Impact of Automation on fluoridation 69,96 Workers 276 effect of hazardous wastes on 255 The Future of the World effect of loneliness on 36 Economy 276,276 psychoneuroimmunology 136 Health Care Financing G Administration 197,196,202 heart disease, cholesterol metaklism Garfield, E. reprints and 282 Journal of Chemical Information and Heiserman, Linda 251 L%mputer Sciences 42 Herring, Conyers 146 Journal of Information Science, Histoire 313 1985 325 Hisfoire de la revolution francaise 314 431 HISTORY A History of n (pi) 51 J Holub, Roland 251 hospital libraries 197,202 Huichol art at ISI headquarters 176 Jauncey, Lord 93 humanities, citation practices 381 journals Humphrey, Huberl 411 refereeing of 230,239 hyphenation of compound words 210 rejection rates 240 Journal Citation Reports 9,17 journal citation studies, physical chemistry I and chemical physics journals 1,9,17 Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42 Imagination’s Other Place 53 Journal of Chemical Physics 12 immediacy index of journals 22 Journal of Physical Chemistry 9,10,11 immune system, link with the nervous Journal of the American Medical system 136 Association 52,53 impact factors, of chemical Journal of the Chemical Society 2,11,12 physicefphyaical chemistry journala 20 journal titles, changes in 14 impact factors 22 journals /ndian Journa/ of Techno/cgy 6,13 core physical chemistrylchemical physics informatics 27 journals indexed by SC/ in information retrieval, education and ~983 2,10,18,19 training for 26 that published most-cited information science articles 58,125,356,373,394,420 as part of secretarial training 117 Joyce, James 210,312 medical, role of hospital library in 198,202 Ingelfinger, Franz J. 237 input-output analysis 272,274 K Input-output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions 277 Karle Jerome 336,339 Institute for Scientific Information Kekule, August 318 awards sponsored by 146 Kendrick, Bob 179 programs to teach information research Kharasch, Morris 6 S.kih 28 King Cholera: The Biography of a Grimwade, Alexander 324 Disease 103 Grissom, Abigail 9 Knox, E.G. 98 Gwaltney, Jean 251 Koch, Robert 104 Heiserman, Linda 251 Kornbarg, Arthur 336 Holub, Roland 251 Krebs. Sk Hans 50 Kendrick, Bob 179 Lee, Calvin 131 Mervis, Jeffrey 251 Powledge, Tabitha 251 L Sher, Irving 55,182,346 Small, Henry 11 L‘Herbs 313 Vladutz, George 324 The Land of the Grasshoppers 49 International Arts-Medicine Association 52 The Land of the Locusts 49 ISI Caring Canter for Children and Parents Langmuir, Irving 12 art commissioned for 260 language, of most-cited papera 121 as example of corporate-sponsored child LATCH 205 care 188 Lawrence, D,H. 296 432 NATURE learning disabilities, effect of breast teratology literature and the thalidomide feeding on 162 controversy 404 Lecon de choses 314 Madina Silva, Ramon 180 Lederberg, Joshua 43,249,251 Mendeleev, Dmitri 1 Lee, Calvin 131 Merrifield, R. Bruce 336 Legionnaire’s disease 52 Merton, Robert K, 272 legislation on hazardous wastes 257,266 Mervis, Jeffrey 251 Leonardo 52 Metaphor 317 Leontief, Wassily 272 Metaphor and Myth in Science and libraries, hospital 197,202 Religion 319 life sciences metaphor-science connection 316 most-cited 1984 articles 369 Meyer, J, Lothar 1 most+ited articles, 1961-1982 118 Military Spending: Facts and Figures, life-cycle hypothesis of saving 308 Worldwide Implications, and Future Lindberg, Donald A.B.,
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