l » ^ i l .i ,| jj|l,. II>IJ.I ..(il K ^ TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 196^ . B o b Tlw Wi inatol|«0ter lEoi^nUtg If^roUi i sd c . a . BlootnflSldt $2(C speedinr. Jap- 12th Qrenit queline French of Wapplng, lUt Town $10, failure to drive in the Elan Csl lo All SlapM ail New Vote Likely roper lane; Harold Haganow, H n Man’s FtaUovnhlp o f tlie G>urt Cases S5, o f 43 Bralnard PI., $86, Shat for TaMs To|n ManehsMter^A City o f Village Charm (MihrsUan A m y will moot to­ breach of peace: Roy Lewis, morrow at 6:30 pjn. at Cantor On Representation 62, Coventry, $10, intoxication; Y o V €€HI d o flMNDY Spriaga lAdgo. niooe who neod MANOHESTEB SESSION Adam Mskkal, 19, New Haven, things with ohm to- TOL. t x x m ; NO. X3Q (TWENTY-P6HT PAGES—YWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1965 (dosslfled Agsertlsliig oa Page 28) PRICE SEVRN CBNTB tranaportation are reminded to The following cases were nol- $26, speeding; Mtehad Miller, meet at the Youth Center at It looks Hke another teacher referendum will be nec- led yesterday: Thomas J. 17, Lebanon, $16, failure to bl« end M lops 6:13. In the event of rain the lessary accoi^ng to an informal opinion given by Town O'Brien, 24, o f 22N St. James obey a st<» sign; Mary R. Mor- ouUng wUl be held In the Youth St., failure to grant the right Icz of RockviUe, $16, operating Center. Counsel Irving Aronson and delivered to the board of o f way: Mary J. Wilson o f 169 a motor vehicle without a li­ t o h o o p Lot education last night by William Curtis, superintendent Brookfield St., allowing her dog cense, and $26, Improper pass­ IIS i m p y o n W im Events Airman 3.C. Jeirold M. W il­ of schools. <? to roam; Betty Allen o f CoV' ing; Donald M. Roberts, 17, son, son o f Mrs. Mary Jans CUrtie had asked Atty. Aron­ negotiations Curtis has beeh entry, failure to grant the right Wapplng, $96, disregarding snggostloiis. carrying on with the MEA. of way; Donald Adams, 18, of WUson o f 169 Brookfield S t, son about the effects the new state traffic control markings; Mtarors Surrounded Viet Unit is home on leave from Hill teacher right-to-negoUiate act The board responded to a re­ 176 Broad St., operating a mo­ John Smith, 22, Hartford, $18, OPEN 8 AJi. to 6 P JL In State AFl^ Ogden, Utah. He Is a would have on the referendum quest from the MFT for trarsa- tor vehicle with unnecessary unsafe move from e. stopped po- SAT. 8 AJL to NOON radar specialist and will leave €uid the teeudver-board policy. fer o f a poBsdble $56,000 com­ noise; and Harold Dellert, 67, slUon; Robert Splllers, 18, Wap- for the Philippines and Viet Rendering an informal opinion munity cottege refund from the of South Windsor, following too ping, $15, operating a motor Kam the middle of July. at this time, Atty. Aronsmi said state to the teochers salary closely. / vehicle \^uiout a license; Ar- Principal Out the law negates the referendum schedule by saying the money The following cases were dls mand Thyot, 47, ThompsonvUle, J. JL WHITE BLASS CO. Metrihens o f S t Mary’s Bpis- held in A ^ l abd won, unoon- couldn't be spent before It is posed of by means of fines: $18, disregarding state traffic ni0M«4»-7322 oopal Guild planning: to attend teeted, by the Manchester Ed­ Robert Daquln, 27, Storrs, $20, control no passing signs, and 31 BISSELL ST. In New Haven Fights Way to Safety realized. a picnic tomorrovv noon at the ucation Association (MEA). Curtis said there Is a good failure to obey state traffic con­ $26, speeding; Raymond W ood­ home o f M!i«. CXaude Punter, 29 It also negates the board poli­ chaneb that thife money will be trol signs; Earnest Flowers, 20, ing, 34, Meriden, $30, speeding. NEW HAVEN (AP) — Hyde St., are mnilnded to bring' Heads Players cy, he said. made annaiilable to the town Robert T. LeVine was sus­ place settings. ^ rtie reported these opinions Rick Gentllcore of 57 Oak St. once the state takes over the pended today as princi] to the board and said he intend' assets and Uabilities of the col­ 'Phe BrMteti Amertoon d u b was elected to a second term ed to ask for a formal opinion of Hillhouse High Schi win eponsor a bus tr^ to Fen­ as president of Manchester next week on these and ether lege. a post he has held for 14 Battle Site way Park. Bostom, Saturday, Community Players at a recent questions related to the new law. However, he said he has a meeting at Columbia Lake. ‘moral obligation" to discuss years. / Jufy 91 to see a boMboJI game In effect, the new law leaves The Buspeneioo eamedrom the between the Boston Red Sox Other officers are Roger M. the board “ in a state of Umbo ‘ the expenditure of sucsi money Negro, first vice president; Karl ^vith .the board o f directors since Board of Education on a rec­ N ortheast and the Lor Angles Angels. as Curtis phrased it. It has no ommendation by the outgoing Then, second vice president; elective poUcy and has no one it was originally tabbed for the The bus will leave the club at Nancy Russell, treasurer; Fran­ superintendent of scboola, Lour- 8 axn. and leave Boston at 8 teacher organization with which collega «noe O. Paquin. ces Libby, secretary, and Gloria to negotiate. In the absence of / pen. Member's reservations DellaFera, hospitality. Paquln's report said that O f Saigon dose Thursday end may be such, the law Kiys the board Members of the play reading must accord equal treatment to 'ttiere were “serious questions made at the club. After that committee are Ruth Pelmas, Request Added as to the administration’ ’ of the SAIGON, South V iet date TeservaUnne will be ac­ all groups and individuals. Cur. Arlene Culver, Nancy Russell, tis said he was doing this. high sobool, including one con­ Nam (AP)—A large gov­ cepted for membera and guests. Gloria DellaFera and Roger The rival teacher g;roups, the To TPC Agenda cerning "the keeping and Issu­ Neg;ro. MBA and the Manchester Fed' ance of scholastic records." ernment force, hit by a re­ Alexandra Gburskl o f 68 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Champeau The siqierlntendent recom­ inforced Viet Cong regi­ Campfield Rd. and Linda Quinn eration of Teachers (MFT), The Town Planning Com­ and Mr. and Mrs. Eklwin Culver have taken directly opposite mended that LeVlne be "sus­ ment, appeared to have of 166 Greenwood Dr. have were appointed co-chairmen of stands on the law with respect mission, when it meets at 8 pended forthwith pending a fifil made the dean's list of the an anniversary committee. The tonight in the Municipal Build­ fnvestlgatlan.’’ Ihe suspensioa fought its way to compar­ University of Connecticut to a second referendum. drama group will observe its The MFT has acted on the ing Hearing Room, will hold a wau "without prejudice and full able safety tonight in a Sdwol of Pharmacy for the 35th Gumiversary next year. pay." major battle 200 miles sprhig semester. assumption that the referendum public hearing on a subdivision The newly re-elected presi­ is void and Intends to get up a request, add^ to its original RepreaenUUy(a of the CIW of northeast of Saigon, a U.S. dent will play the admiral In NOW Haven, the Board of Edu­ Miss Jean MacKenzle of 44 petition next fall to request agenda. military spokesman re­ "Fanny,” In the August pro­ another referendum. Silas Petersen, owner of cation, LeVlne and his attorney, Victoria Rd., Mrs. Suzanne duction at Oval-in-the-Grove, WiUiam L. Hadden Sr., attended ported. Moeer o f 41 Summer St., Miss The 'MEA has asked the three lots at the southeast Farmington. board to name It the exclusive comer of Earl St. and E. Mid­ an executive sessioa of the ’ A Vietnamese Infantry unit of Bernadette Parclalc o f 77 North imdisclosed size was surrounded St., Miss Penny White of 45 bargaining agent In accordane dle Tpke., and facing the lat­ Board Of Education. Winners In a three-day art ex­ with the terms of the law. ter street, is asking for' a ThroUBh his attorney, LeVine and heavily engaged by the Viet Turnbull Rd. and Mies Carole Cong earlier in the day. The Wisniewski o f 118 Washington hibit Thursday through Satur­ However, the April referen' change to two lots, facing Earl TiforouBly denied any wrong- day, sponsored by Manchester dum differs in c^ain ptoce- St. dmng. Hadden said that LeVlne command post of a second ele­ St, all have been placed on the ment was reported, also sur­ spring semester a<»deniic hon­ Fine Art Association at Trl-Clty dural respects from the law. Hie three lots, on record has confidence "be wiU be com­ Plaza, Vernon, were "Flsher- These differ,ences will most like­ since 1911, are part of a sub­ pletely exonerated after a fifil rounded and In danger of being ors list at Central Connecticut overrun. State College. man’s Paxadiee,” a watercolor ly spell another referendum. division called Momlngside n e a r l^ ." by Hane Weiss of Vernon, and In other action related to the Park. LeVlne, a native of New Ha- However, toe spokesman said two airborne battalions which Ihe reunion committee of the “Wood Roaee," a pastel by Hel­ teachers, the board rejected a Petersen has not divulged his wen who himself attended HHl- U.S.
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