The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 20, No.4, December 1982 Note: There is a surname index for Vol. 20 at the end of issue No.4. THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN 'Volume'20 Number 4 December 1982 Piabilltled., 'RKANSAS GENEALOGICAL toctE1Y. I- . 4200 eA' STRRIIT LITTLE ROCK. ARKAN8AI ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. INC. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: Mrs. Larry p~ Clark, President· Mrs. Harold Alspaugh, 1016 Highland j Magnolia 1211- Biscayne Drive. Little Rock, 71753 MS. Margaret Hubbard. Vice President Russell p~ Baker, 6525 Magnolia St., Mabelvale Rt. 6 Box 238. Hot Springs. AR 71901 AR 72103 Mrs. Gerald B. MClane, Treasurer Mrs .. Kathleen Strickland Bell, 1250 Chestnut St. ~ 112 Leach St~t Hot Springs, AR 71901 Forrest City, AR 72335 Mrs. w~ E. Fullenwider, Corresponding Mrs. Beth Brandenburg, 2201 Taft St., Van Buren, Sec. J 523 E. Union, Magnolia, AR 7·1753 AR 72956 Miss Virginia Wrlght 1 Recording Sec. Mls$ Jeania Moore Burns, POBox 353, Alma, AR POBox 726, Camden, AR 71701 -mh Mrs. B. J. Suffrldge, Jr., 4026 Glenmere, Marion s. Crafg, M. D., 300 Beckwood, Little North Little Rock. AR 72116 Rock, AR 72205 Mrs. Wanda Arnot Herald R. W4 Dhonau, 4410 Lee Ave •• Little Rock. AR 1421 N. University Ave., Apt. S-326 72205 James Logan MOrgan, Parlimentar1an Mrs. Bayle P. Hol11s~ 628 Banner, Camden. AR 314 Vine St., Newport, AR 72112 71701 Mrs. Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) Mrs. Pat Lape Bennett, 1211 Dyson, North Little Editor. 4200 "An St., Little Rock, Rock, AR 72116 AR 72205 J. :So Lemley J 1120 N. l.)etroit.J Russellville. AR 72801 NOTICE I NOTICE I ! NOTICE II NOTICE! I AREANSAS HISTORY COMMISSION OFFICE: PRESENT ADDRESS: One Capitol Mall (Large Building directly hack of the present Arkansas State Capitol Bul1d1ng~ (2nd Floor, Open 8-4 every day except Sunday and Holidays). CENSUS, OLD NEWSPAPERS, CARD FILE, BOOKS. ETC. (Please make a note •• they have moved! II They were at the Old State Capi.tol Building1 ALL THE BOOKS, EXCRANGE QUARTERLIES, GIFT BOOKS, ETC. in the Collection belonging to our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. are housed in the Little Rock Public Library, 800 1ouiso04 (one block west of Main Street) Little Rock, Arkansas. Hours 9 to 4 except, Sunday, MOnday, and holidays.4.2nd Floor •.• Right at the end of the hall I EDITOR Mr.s. ~rio B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) 4200 nA" Street, Little Rock. Arkansas 72205 TIME 'TO RENEW for 1983 (THIS NOTICE .IAS ALSO IN THE SEPTEMBER 1982 ISSUE I) EDITOR'S NOTES ••••••...••••••••••••••••••...........••••••••••••••.••••••••.••• Front PRACTICAL INFORMATION ABOUT CENSUS RECORDS •••.••.••••••••••.•••..••.•••••.••••••• 2l5 INFORMATION TO BE SHARED ....................................................... 0< 216 mSES HICKERSON'S OBITUARy ••••.•••••••••••••••••.....•.•.•.••••.••••••••••••••••• 221 QUERIES ••••••• + ...... ~ ......................... ~ • ~ ..................................... 221 1982 IlEl!BERSHIP LIST ••••••.•••....•..•...•••••••••••••••••.•••..••.•••.•••••••••• 235 mVING .••••• PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR EDITOR I ! III ....................................... 254 BOOK REVIEWS •••• ,.~ •• ~.~ ................................................... ~ ••••••• 261 LIST OF KNOWN •• HISTORlCAL & GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES IN ARKANSAS •••.•.•••••••.••••• 266 INDEX TO THE ENTIRE 1982 ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN ISSUES •••••••••••••••••••••.•• (The number after the name in the Index, refers to the page number' in the 1982 Arkansas Family Historian.~.please do not question your Editor about this!) WHERE TO START RESEARCH? ~"HEN ARRIVING IN LITTLE ROCK ••• Please refer to the above Addresses for: ARKANSAS HISTORY COMMISSION OFFICE and LITTLE ROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY SOURCE MATERIAL FOR ARKANSAS RESEARCHERS TO PURCHASE - We have revised our list (some are already out of print ••• most of these books were printed in either 100 or 200 groups, sO if you are interested in any of the books on this list, do not wait to order! More are bein~ added~ to our liG~, so if you have a book, printed in the past few years, or if you know of a good Arkansas Source book~ let us know!). We have constant requests for .•• the names, and authors of CEMETERY, CENSUS, MARRIAGE, VARIOUS FAMILY HISTORIES, ETC. BOOK IN PRINT. and where they might purchase a copy. Workshops and individuals, are always seeking new source material. Genealogical books make great gifts t love gifts, Memorials to Libraries and Individuals! Send S.A.S.E. with your request for this list (37¢ for postage ••• 20¢ is not enough for 6 pages). Neither the Editor. nor the Arkansas Genealogical Society~ Inc. as.sume any respon­ sibility for information or material shared by the contributors. Correspondence concern­ ing any article should be addressed to the author (address is listed either at the beginning or end of their article). Corrections will be made, as soon as pOSSible, if our office is notified. and proper correction is given). Mrs, Mario B. Cia (Elaine Weir Cia) Editor. DEAR MEMBERS AND READERS OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN: Should Your name not be included on the ~1ember8hip List for 1982 ••• do not be alarmed! Our menbershlp list is so long. the typing was begun in early September. and we did think we could keep the list current with the renewals, and new members, but soon gave up on that idea. All of us are 90 busy, and live so far apart (not all in one office ••. as has been mentioned many times) it hard to do many of the different things, but we do try! It 1s very hard to try to keep all our issues, with about the same number of pages. and this almost needs to be dooe ••• as the· envelope will hold 2 quarterlies only! and if one is large snd the other small, two large ones viIi not fitl All these things have been worked out In times past (we try to save all we can)(whether it is your money or the money that belongs to the Society). And that is all the space we could allow for the membership 1iat when we were trying to work out the other information for the December publication. We need to stay within out budget! f/Jltut6- fin :71"."'" :7e""",.a." Plans have already been made for our ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY'S SPRING SEMINAR! l~ March 1983 - Saturday. University of Arkansas Medical Science Auditorium. Those who pre-register need not arrive until 9:30 AM (as a seat will be waiting' for you!) lIE CAN' ANNOUNCE OUR SPEAKER - FOR THE I!NTIRE DAY: Mrs. Mary Bondurant Warren. of Danielsville, Georgia Editor of the well known publication u'FAMIL! PUZZLERSu Among some of the topics are: Migration to the Southeastern United States, and Courthouse Records and Non-Courthouse Records, with many slides will be discussed (plus Questions & Answer period) We are delighted to have already secured all this information, at this early date. so you can make plans this far ahead t Those of uS't who have not heard Mrs. Warren are looki,ng forward to the 19th of March 1983! Pre-Registeration 'Fee $7.00 at the door on tfarch 19 the Fee will be $10.00 You may pre-register now't and be sure you have a seatl I plan to attend the Spring Seminar at the University of Arkansas Medical Science AudItorium, on 19 March 1983: My pre-registeration Pee of $7.00 is enclosed: (I understand there ia no refund, as with this fee~ a seat i~ being reserved for: NAME>________________ _ NAME'__________________________ __ ADDRESS,_____________________ __ ADD~SS~ ____________________________ CITY,___________ -'STATE ___ ZIP CITY,___________ -'STATE> ______ ZIP____ _ S.A.S.E. is enclosed for verification to be returned to the above address ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP Hs~ Margaret Hubbard, Membership Chair-peraon $12,00 Rt 0 Box 238 Hot Springs, Arkansas 71901 Amount Enclosed'_____ _ NAME.____________________ __ Ancestor Chart Volume 1___ 2 __ _ ADDRESS'__________________ _ 3 Ii 5 0 7 8 ------------,------ CITY,___________ STATE,____ --'ZIP, _____ 9___ 10 ___ 11 ___ 12 __ 13 ___ 14 __ 15___ 16 __ 17 __ 18 ___ 19 __ 20 Countyr_________ Occupation.~ _____ 21-- 22-- Family Group Sheet Volume 1__ 2 __ 3__ 4 __ 5 ___ 0 ___ 7 __ 8 ____ 9 __ 1o_..... 11 __ 12 ___ 13 ___ 14 ____ _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(ma11 now! before you forget! RENEWAL TIME! DEAR MEMBERS AND READERS OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN: tHth thiS issue our 1982 year ends! Many of your have a I ready sent your Membership Fee for 1983 and 1 wish there were enough nice words to tell you how much EARLy RENE~ALS do help. BOOKKEEPING and preparing the Quarterlies takes much of your Editor and PRINTERS time (to not even mention the every-day incoming and out-going mail!) We do have a good start for 1983 and already have JI'U'1ny more than our 200, required for Bulk mailing, so by the time the Quarterly is ready for the March issue. to be mailed. there will be no hold-up! We do hope everyone read the EDITOR'S NOTES in the SEPTEMBER 1982 ,issue .•• but just in case YOu missed that ,. better read this I and please DO something about it NOW! We are only ONE of many~ who are trying to save on the expensive postal expense. OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN will only be ~ailed in BULK ONLY .•.. SO jf your Membership Fee is not in our HEADQUARTER OFFICE ON JANUARY I. 1983 •.• w1th no excuses {we have already heard them ALL). 4200 !lA" Street. Little Rock~ Arkansas 72205 ... DO NOT EXPECT YOUR MARCH ISSUE. ff every­ thing is the same as the 1982 year .• there will not be a re-print of the March issue (and there will not be anyway to obtain a copy~ unless someone parts with their copy (which is not likely!) With the postal rate at present, this means vur Quarterly is mailed for about 20 cents inst~ad ot 75 cents or more (depends on where it is mailed!) BULK MAIL even tho it takes a lot of string and separating •.• to qualify for the postal regulations, this does mea~ a great saving to oul Society, and we hope since you have been given this knowledge.
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