
74 Ïåðíàòûå õèùíèêè è èõ îõðàíà 2018, Спåцвûп. 1 Материалû конфåðåíцèй New Data on Distribution and Population Number of Large Birds of Prey in Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ О РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИИ И ЧИСЛЕННОСТИ КРУПНЫХ ХИЩНЫХ ПТИЦ В НИЖЕГОРОДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ, РОССИЯ Shukov P.M. (Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) Шуков П.М. (ФГБОУ ВО «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет им. Козьмы Минина», Нижегородское отделение Союза охраны птиц России, Нижний Новгород, Россия) Контакт:  даннîм ñîîбùåнèè ïрèâîдèòñя нîâая This report provides new information on the Павел Шуков èнфîрмацèя î ÷èñлåннîñòè рåдêèõ âèдîâ number of rare species of diurnal birds of [email protected] днåâнûõ õèùнûõ ïòèц, ñîбранная ïîñлå prey, collected after the second edition of âòîрîгî èçданèя Краñнîé êнèгè Нèжåгî- the Red Data Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Contact: рîдñêîé îблаñòè (2014). region (2014). Pavel Shukov Бåðêóò (Aquila chrysaetos).  2007 г. The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). In [email protected] ÷èñлåннîñòь бåрêуòа â рåгèîнå îцåнèâа- 2007, the population of the Golden Eagle in лаñь â 21–23 гнåçдяùèåñя ïарû. Однаêî the region was estimated at 21–23 breeding âïîñлåдñòâèè, бîльшèнñòâî ïар ïåрåñòалè pairs. However, later, most pairs stopped раçмнîжаòьñя â ñâяçè ñ мнîгîлåòнåé дå- breeding due to years of depression of the ïрåññèåé îñнîâнûõ âèдîâ дîбû÷è. Крîмå main types of prey. Moreover, the cata- òîгî, êаòаñòрîфè÷åñêèå лåñнûå ïîжарû strophic forest fires of 2010 affected almost 2010 г. çаòрîнулè ïраêòè÷åñêè âñå мå- all breeding grounds of the Golden Eagle ñòа гнåçдîâанèя бåрêуòа на òåррèòîрèè on the territory of the Kamsko-Bakaldinskie Камñêî-Баêалдèнñêèõ бîлîò, гдå îбèòалî bogs, where more than 80% of pairs of ea- бîлåå 80 % ïар îрлîâ â Нèжåгîрîдñêîé gles inhabited the Nizhny Novgorod region. îблаñòè. За ïîñлåднèå ïяòь лåò бûла ïîд- Over the past five years, only five breeding òâåрждåна ñîõраннîñòь òîльêî ïяòè гнåç- territories have been preserved. The current дîâûõ у÷аñòêîâ. Ñîâрåмåнная ÷èñлåннîñòь number of the species in the region is un- âèда â рåгèîнå нåèçâåñòна è òрåбуåò ñïå- known and requires advanced studies. цèальнûõ èññлåдîâанèé. The Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). On Оðёë-ìîãèëьíèê (Aquila heliaca). the breeding territory of the Imperial Ea- На åдèнñòâåннîм èçâåñòнîм â рåгèîнå gle, only one known in the region, in the гнåçдîâîм у÷аñòêå îрла-мîгèльнèêа â Ichalkovsky pine forest, successful breeding И÷алêîâñêîм бîру уñïåшнîå раçмнîжå- of the pair has not been registered since нèå ïарû нå рåгèñòрèрîâалîñь ñ 1995 1995. This fact makes us think that the spe- гîда. Эòîò фаêò ïîçâîляåò уòâåрждаòь cies has disappeared on nesting grounds. îб èñ÷åçнîâåнèè âèда на гнåçдîâанèè. Over the past five years only two meetings За ïîñлåднèå ïяòь лåò â Нèжåгîрîд- with Imperial Eagles have been recorded ñêîé îблаñòè бûлî îòмå÷åнî òîльêî дâå in the Nizhny Novgorod region, both prac- âñòрå÷è ñ îрламè-мîгèльнèêамè, îбå tically on the border with the Republic of ïраêòè÷åñêè на гранèцå ñ Рåñïублèêîé Mordovia, where the species is still nesting. Мîрдîâèя, гдå âñё åùё âèд ñîõраняåòñя The Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clan- на гнåçдîâанèè. ga). Before 2014, the number of the Greater Бîëьшîé пîäîðëèê (Aquila clanga). Äî Spotted Eagle in the Nizhny Novgorod re- 2014 г. ÷èñлåннîñòь бîльшîгî ïîдîрлèêа gion was estimated at 25–30 pairs. Between â Нèжåгîрîдñêîé îблаñòè îцåнèâалаñь â 2014 and 2018, we found 29 new grounds 25–30 ïар. За ïåрèîд 2014–2018 гг. намè of species in the region. The density of their бûлî наéдåнî 29 нîâûõ у÷аñòêîâ âèда â location and the nature of the biotopes oc- рåгèîнå. Ïлîòнîñòь èõ раñïîлîжåнèя è cupied by birds make it possible to make an õараêòåр çанèмаåмûõ ïòèцамè бèîòîïîâ assumption about the presence of the Great- ïîçâîляåò ñдåлаòь ïрåдïîлîжåнèå î ïрè- er Spotted Eagle in some other territories of ñуòñòâèè бîльшîгî ïîдîрлèêа è на нåêîòî- the region that have not yet been closely ex- рûõ другèõ òåррèòîрèяõ îблаñòè, êîòîрûå amined. The current estimate of the species åùё нå бûлè âнèмаòåльнî îбñлåдîâанû. population in the region is 90–100 pairs. Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2018, Suppl. 1 75 Ñîâрåмåнная îцåнêа ÷èñлåннîñòè âèда â The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pom- рåгèîнå – 90–100 ïар. arina). Before 2016, the only one fact of the Мàëûé пîäîðëèê (Aquila pomarina). meeting of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in the Äî 2016 г. бûл èçâåñòåн åдèнñòâåннûé Nizhny Novgorod region was known – one фаêò âñòрå÷è малîгî ïîдîрлèêа â Нèжå- young bird was killed by a hunter in 1995. гîрîдñêîé îблаñòè – îдна мîлîдая ïòèца In 2016 and 2017, adult individuals were бûла дîбûòа îõîòнèêîм â 1995 г.  2016 observed in three territories, which confirms è 2017 гг. âçрîñлûå îñîбè наблюдалèñь на the species range expansion to the east. The òрёõ у÷аñòêаõ, ÷òî ïîдòâåрждаåò раñшèрå- facts of nesting of the Lesser Spotted Eagle нèå арåала âèда на âîñòîê. Фаêòû гнåçдî- in the region are to be identified in the future. âанèя малîгî ïîдîрлèêа â рåгèîнå ïрåд- The Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus). ñòîèò уñòанîâèòь â будуùåм. In 2002–2008, the density of the Booted Оðёë-êàðëèê (Hieraaetus pennatus). Eagle in the suitable nesting biotopes of the  2002–2008 гг. ïлîòнîñòь îрла-êарлèêа Nizhny Novgorod region was 12.6 pairs/100 â гнåçдîïрèгîднûõ бèîòîïаõ Нèжåгîрîд- km2 and the population of species was es- ñêîé îблаñòè ñîñòаâèла 12,6 ïар/100 êм2 timated at 104–111 pairs. Over the past 5 è ÷èñлåннîñòь âèда бûла îцåнåна â 104– years Booted Eagles have been observed 111 ïар. За ïîñлåднèå 5 лåò îрлû-êарлèêè on 25 territories, and one breeding territory наблюдалèñь на 25 у÷аñòêаõ, â òîм ÷èñлå was discovered to the east of the river Vet- îдна гнåçдîâая òåррèòîрèя бûла îбнару- luga. Thus, we may talk about the continued жåна ê âîñòîêу îò р. Âåòлуга. Таêèм îбра- species range expansion to the north and çîм, мîжнî гîâîрèòь î ïрîдîлжаюùåмñя estimate the current number of the Booted раñшèрåнèè арåала âèда на ñåâåр è îцå- Eagle in the region at 120–130 pairs. нèòь ñîâрåмåнную ÷èñлåннîñòь îрла-êар- The White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus al- лèêа â рåгèîнå â 120–130 ïар. bicilla). Estimate of the White-Tailed Eagle Оðëàí-áåëîхâîñò (Haliaeetus albicilla). population in the Nizhny Novgorod region Оцåнêа ÷èñлåннîñòè îрлана-бåлîõâîñòа before 2014 is 40–60 pairs. Between 2014 â Нèжåгîрîдñêîé îблаñòè дî 2014 г. – and 2018, 5 territories of eagles were con- 40–60 ïар.  ïåрèîд 2014–2018 гг. бûлî firmed and 16 new breeding territories were ïîдòâåрждåнî 5 у÷аñòêîâ îрланîâ è îбна- discovered. There was a tendency to meeting ружåнî 16 нîâûõ гнåçдîâûõ òåррèòîрèé. of the species in large ponds and peat quar- Оòмå÷åна òåндåнцèя ê ïîяâлåнèю âèда у ries, which makes it possible to assume that êруïнûõ ïрудîâ è òîрфîêарьåрîâ, ÷òî the density of the White-Tailed Eagle along ïîçâîляåò ñдåлаòь ïрåдïîлîжåнèå î òîм, the rivers of Oka and Volga has reached its ÷òî ïлîòнîñòь îрлана-бåлîõâîñòа âдîль maximum. The current estimate of the spe- рåê Оêè è Âîлгè дîñòèгла ñâîåгî маêñè- cies population in the region is 70–80 pairs. мума. Ñîâрåмåнная îцåнêа ÷èñлåннîñòè The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). After âèда â рåгèîнå – 70–80 ïар. 2000, the population of the Osprey in the Ñêîпà (Pandion haliaetus). Ïîñлå Nizhny Novgorod region increased and by 2000 г. ÷èñлåннîñòь ñêîïû â Нèжåгî- 2014 reached 45–50 pairs. Between 2014 рîдñêîé îблаñòè âîçраñòала è ê 2014 г. and 2018, 8 new grounds of the Osprey дîñòèгла 45–50 ïар. За ïåрèîд 2014– in the region were discovered, which al- 2018 гг. бûлî îбнаружåнî 8 нîâûõ lows assuming that the species population у÷аñòêîâ ñêîïû â рåгèîнå, ÷òî ïîçâîля- growth trend continues. åò ïрåдïîлагаòь ñîõранåнèå òåндåнцèè The Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus). рîñòа ÷èñлåннîñòè âèда. Before 2014, the population of the Short- Зìååÿä (Circaetus gallicus). Äî 2014 г. toed Eagle in the Nizhny Novgorod region ÷èñлåннîñòь çмååяда â Нèжåгîрîдñêîé was estimated at 15–20 pairs. For the last îблаñòè îцåнèâалаñь â 15–20 ïар. За ïî- 5 years, 36 new territories of species have ñлåднèå 5 лåò бûлî наéдåнî 36 нîâûõ been found in the region. It is found that the у÷аñòêîâ âèда â рåгèîнå. Уñòанîâлåнî, ÷òî extensive fire sites appeared after the fires îбшèрнûå гарè, îбраçîâаâшèåñя ïîñлå of 2010 became the basis for many breed- ïîжарîâ 2010 г., ñòалè îñнîâîé для мнî- гèõ гнåçдîâûõ òåррèòîрèé çмååяда â îб- ing territories of the Short-toed Eagle in the лаñòè. Ñîâрåмåнная îцåнêа ÷èñлåннîñòè region. The current estimate of the species âèда â рåгèîнå – 80–90 ïар. population in the region is 80–90 pairs..
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