January 24, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S291 It will be an uphill battle—all the schizophrenia, major clinical depres- Mr. DURBIN, Ms. WARREN, Ms. LAN- way. I know this. sion, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, DRIEU, and Mr. HARKIN) submitted the But we need to ask ourselves: trauma, and other common mental dis- following resolution; which was re- Do we let the gun industry take over orders, crisis de-escalation techniques ferred to the Committee on Foreign and dictate policy to this country? Do and equips college and university staff Relations: we let those who profit from increasing with a five-step action plan to help in- S. RES. 12 sales of these military style-weapons dividuals in psychiatric crisis connect Whereas, on January 12, 2010, an earth- prevent us from taking commonsense to professional mental health care. quake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale steps to stop the carnage? One in four adults and 10 percent of struck the country of Haiti, followed by 59 Or should we empower our elected children in the United States will suf- aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater; representatives to vote their con- fer from a mental illness this year. We Whereas more than 220,000 people died as a science based on their experience, know what to do if someone has a result of the earthquake, more than 300,000 based on their sense of right and wrong heart attack, but how do we react to people were injured, and more than 3,000,000 and based on their need to protect someone having a panic disorder? Why people were directly affected by the disaster; Whereas the total cost in terms of human their schools, their malls, their work- do we wait for a tragic event to take notice and then bring out emergency lives, infrastructure damage, and economic places and their businesses? losses makes the earthquake one of the This legislation is my life’s goal. As measures? worst urban disasters in modern history; long as I am a member of the Senate, When I was Mayor of Anchorage, we Whereas President Barack Obama vowed I will work night and day to pass this worked with local mental health orga- the ‘‘unwavering support’’ of the United bill into law. No matter how long it nizations to train our police in Crisis States Government and pledged a ‘‘swift, co- takes, I will fight until assault weap- Intervention Teams, a great improve- ordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives ons are taken off our streets. ment for police officers responding to a and support the recovery in Haiti’’; Put simply, we cannot allow the crisis. But now we need to go further. Whereas the initial emergency response of the men and women of the United States rights of a few to override the safety of You have heard me say this before, and it is not something to be proud of: Government, led by the United States Agen- all. That is not the America that our cy for International Development and United founding fathers envisioned. And that In Alaska we have one of the highest suicide prevalence rates in the country. States Southern Command, was swift and is not the America I want my children resolute; and grandchildren to live in. Further, we are a very rural State, Whereas the Haitian diaspora, other indi- So I ask everyone watching at home: where access to mental health care and viduals, businesses, and philanthropic orga- please get involved and stay involved. medical services is often very difficult. nizations throughout the United States and Even today, it is not widely known The success or failure of this bill de- the international community overwhelm- that fully 2⁄3 of Alaska can only be ingly responded to the crisis by sending pends not on me, but on you. If the accessed by airplane. By educating the emergency relief supplies and significant fi- American people rise up and demand general public about the warning signs nancial contributions; action from their elected officials, we of common mental disorders, we can Whereas the Senate passed 3 successive will be victorious. If the American peo- intervene early, facilitate access to resolutions expressing its profound sym- pathy and unwavering support for the people ple say ‘‘no’’ to military-style assault care, improve clinical outcomes, re- weapons, we will rid our Nation of this of Haiti and urging all nations to assist the duce costs, and maybe save lives. people of Haiti with their long-term needs; scourge. Mental disorders are more common Please, talk to your senator and your Whereas, 3 years later, significant chal- than heart disease and cancer com- lenges still remain in Haiti as it works to re- member of Congress. bined and a recent Governing magazine cover and rebuild; Whereas, according to the International By Mr. BEGICH (for himself, Mr. article reports that many States and localities are moving ahead—teaching Organization for Migration, approximately BLUMENTHAL, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. their employees how to recognize the 360,000 people remain in spontaneous and or- BENNET, Mr. RUBIO, Mrs. SHA- signs of mental health problems and ganized camps in Haiti and hundreds of thou- HEEN, Mr. REED, Mr. BLUNT, Ms. sands of poor people in Haiti continue to live how to help. Wouldn’t you run to per- STABENOW, Mr. TESTER, and Mr. in non-permanent housing, conditions that form the Heimlich maneuver if a per- COONS): make them vulnerable to future natural dis- S. 153. A bill to amend section 520J of son was choking in a restaurant? Of asters; the Public Health Service Act to au- course. We should all learn how to in- Whereas, according to an independent tervene with someone who is having a panel investigation by the United Nations, thorize grants for mental health first on October 19, 2010, an imported strain of aid training programs; to the Com- mental health crisis. In the Alaska tradition, I seek to cholera was detected in the Lower Artibonite mittee on Health, Education, Labor, work across the aisle and believe this region of Haiti; and Pensions. legislation merits bipartisan support. I Whereas, according to the Haitian Min- MR. BEGICH. Mr. President, today I istry of Public Health and Population, as of am honored to be joined by my cospon- rise to introduce a very important December 31, 2012, more than 7,900 people in sors on this bill, Senators piece of legislation—the Mental Health Haiti have died from cholera and more than BLUMENTHAL, BENNETT, AYOTTE, RUBIO, First Aid Act of 2013. The bill author- 635,000 have been infected with the disease SHAHEEN, BLUNT, STABENOW and JACK since the earthquake on January 12, 2010; izes grants for mental health first aid, REED. I invite you and all of our col- Whereas the United Nations Secretary- similar to the first aid training offered leagues to join me in supporting this General announced a plan to eliminate chol- by Red Cross chapters across the vital program. My great hope is it will era from the island of Hispaniola through en- United States. avert suffering, prevent violence and hanced treatment and prevention efforts and I introduced this bill last Congress through the development of clean water and ultimately save lives. and focused on higher education be- sanitation infrastructure that is accessible cause many common mental illnesses f to all people in Haiti; happen at late adolescence or young SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas gender-based violence against adulthood. However, as the recent trag- women and girls in Haiti continues to be a chronic problem, and judicial barriers that edy in Newtown reminded us in horrific SENATE RESOLUTION 12—RECOG- have prevented victims from finding redress detail, violence is not limited to col- remain a significant issue of concern; lege campuses. NIZING THE THIRD ANNIVER- Whereas, in 2012 alone, Haiti faced a long My colleague on the House side, Rep. SARY OF THE TRAGIC EARTH- drought period and 2 major tropical storms RON BARBER of Arizona, has already in- QUAKE IN HAITI ON JANUARY 12, that destroyed 70 percent of agricultural troduced a companion bill in the House 2010, HONORING THOSE WHO crops in Haiti, impacting the lives of mil- of Representatives. As you know, he LOST THEIR LIVES IN THAT lions of people in Haiti facing food insecurity was critically wounded in a tragic EARTHQUAKE, AND EXPRESSING and further crippling the economy of Haiti; Whereas the sustained assistance to Haiti shooting 2 years ago with then Con- CONTINUED SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF HAITI from the United States and the international gresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. community bolsters the efforts of the Gov- Mental health first aid teaches the Mr. NELSON (for himself, Mrs. GILLI- ernment of Haiti to confront these chal- warning signs and risk factors for BRAND, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. CARDIN, lenges; and VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:19 Jan 25, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.053 S24JAPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with S292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2013 Whereas, since the earthquake on January SENATE RESOLUTION 13—CON- run as a major party candidate for President 12, 2010, the people of Haiti have dem- GRATULATING THE MEMBERS OF of the United States; onstrated unwavering resilience, dignity, DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, (6) Barbara Jordan, the first African-Amer- and courage: Now, therefore, be it INC. FOR 100 YEARS OF SERVICE ican woman from the South to serve in the Resolved, That the Senate— House of Representatives; TO COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT (7) Carol Mosley Braun, the first and only (1) mourns the loss of lives as a result of THE UNITED STATES AND THE the tragic earthquake in Haiti on January African-American woman elected to the Sen- 12, 2010, and the subsequent cholera epi- WORLD, AND COMMENDING ate; demic; DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, (8) Mary Church Terrell, a founder of the (2) honors the sacrifice made by the men INC.
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