• Blarney Stone Found Th. Weath., (See Page 6) owan Seroing the State University of IowtJ and the People of Iowa City £etebJlahed ill tall MIocJated Press Leued Wire aDd Wirephoto I Ceeta per CopJ Wednesday. March 14. 1962. Iowa City. 1a. pace Clentlsts• • ppralse• I Senate Court .. Reds Flatly Personality Profile . Preliminary Hears Election Reiect Control Schantz: Solons Must Hear To Possible Protest Today By Inspection Voice 01 SUI Student Body Program Role Will Consider Appeal Rigid Stand Dims By NORM ROLLINS Survey Sponsored On Miller's Ruling Hopes for Progress Staff Writ.r By NASA for New Of Pelton's Candidacy On Test Ban Treaty (IDITOl" NOTI : Thl. II tho flrsl Research, Education In I .. r l• • of .,.rsonlllly profll •• en An election appeal by Jim GENEVA <UPI - Soviet Foreign Ih. IhrH (.nel l.te. for Itvelonl body IIrlllclenl. IIrofll •• on tho ol ho, By MOHAMMAD IDREES Rogers against the candidacy of 1inl ter Andrei Gromyko Tu sday .Indldll • • , Llrry ,"". " " d Qul"ll" Staff Wri .... Chuck Pelton for a Student Senate night natty rejected any kind 01 M III.r, wil l 'ollow.) The possibilities of SUI'. par. Town Me n position will be consid· inspection controls for a nuclear Gettine student opinion known by disarmament aereement In a move tlcipalion In the new four.po!nt ered by the Student Senate Court the Iowa Legi Jature is one of th poc science research proerAm at today at 4 p. m. in the Pentacrest that appeared to block the way for primary contention of Mark progress at the 17·nation dlsarma· the univer ity level were outliDed Room of the Union. Schantz. one of three candidates to SUI foculty Tuesday. Rogers. A3. Urbana. Ill.. also a ment conference opening here Wed. (or SUI student body president. n day. The program will be SPOlllOred Town Men candidate. fie ld his pro. "The voice of the SU I student by the National AeronauUCI and test with Elections Chairman The Rus Ian diplomat's rigid stand further dimmed prospects 01 body must be heard by the State Space Administration (NASA). Chuck Miller F ri day. When Miller Legi lature in regard to rising ruled against Rogers' appeal, a signed nuclear test ban treaty A four.man tHm ef Mlctweet I "hich President Kennedy had de­ costs and inadequate ppropria. Rne. rch Instltut. (MRI)....... Rogers decided to bring it before manded as the last alternative to lions." Schanlz aid. ed by M. H. Them ...., vice ".• • the Cou rt which has jurisdiction "At present. the Legi lalure is over all elections appeals. resumption of U.S. Ie ts in the ot· ldent .nd tedtnlcal dirac......... mosphere startine in late April. doing little more than maintaining drn Jed a w.lI·attendecl meetfat The protest Ciled by Rogers AuthorItative source, saId Gro. the stotus quo - in bulldings. fa· of faculty members 1ft SIYIm· whi ch which the Court will consid­ myko did not bucltf from til. de· cillties. and equipment. If the Uni· bau,h Auditorium. er reads as follows: " Regarding tlared Run l. n It.nci ...insf in· versity is to keep its place as 1I Charles Pelton Thornton paid a day long visit spection control. In • three-heu,. first rate university. it is e sential to this campus to appraise the The facts: 1) He was a dues dinner meetl", with British For­ that something be done." University's capabilities and needs paying member of Al pha Tau eilln Secretary Lord Hom • . Schantz pointed out that James said. in graduate research and education Omega on March 5. Gromyko told Home that We t· Van Allen's office is in a ba e· in the sciences. 2 ) He swore he was II Town "it seems to m . however. thot ern propO als for some form of ment. and Paul Engle's orrice is in Opening the session. Man on March 5. with the number of problems con· 8m Prell· verification system were merely a a tin temporary. ·'These are om dent Virgil M. Hancher said that 3 ) Considering the provisions cloak for espionage - the same cerning all students. such as rising of the conditions that must be al· costs and a lack oC facilities. there the University has a continuing and of the Student Senate Constitu· stand the Soviets have maintalneci levlated. The Senate can take an tion, it seems clear that his is realiy no rea on for factional growing interest and concern in the all along. active role in makIng the tate advancement of space science. application was invalid. Thus. there appears almost no di putes which hinder the effective Legislature more aware oC some "We shall continue to enhance Let it be made clear that this is hope for agreement betw en Ea.,\ solution of real problems faced In of these cond ilions. " and broaden the University'. con· an a ppeal, not a social. [riendly and West on th ve rification is ue the Senate," protest. Schantz believes lhe Legislalure Schantz said that after studying tribution to this extensIon and ex­ when the l?·nation conference dis· will Ii ten to the students os much. James Rogers" cusses it later this week. the other Big 10 student governments. ploration of the frontIers of now· if not more. than any other voice. ledge." he said. March 5 was the deadline for Cool Thinker sources said. SUI's government is far behind. " I hope to make this my own per· "The past administration prob· Hanche,. aId he ..It certain the flU ng for AU·Campus Elections. Gromyko and Home spent three sonal project - to organize an ef· Pelton broke his contract with lhe Snow version of statue, " The Thinker," Wei sculptured by thr.. hours talking on disarmament an4i ably mode up some of the lag. but fin. 1 report on the NASA·","" boys In F.rllo, N.D., with plenty of r.w material. TM youths worked fective campaign in Des Moines. considering the Lime put tn by Stu· sored l urvay of SUI c.,.billtln fraternity on March 6. a nuclear test ban in the British working with the other state 18 hours on the 16..foot replic. of Rodin's masterpiece. Timber helps dent Body President John Nie· and facllitlet for fINCH'IlatM Miller told Pelton at the lime he foreign secretary's villa. schools and the University person· prllp it up. The snow st.tue is r. miniscent of • snow I.dy , cul"tured A Britlslt spoit"man sllid there meyer and the Senate. a lot more rnearch would be of ImportlftC. filed that if he had broken connec· nel already hired to do this job." should have been accomplished. tions with the fraterni ty by March by SUlow.ns on the WISt side of Old Cepitol • few years a,o. also wa, "some" dilCuulen '" to the future work of the UnI".r. B.,lIn but dlurm.ment occuplecf Informing the citizens oC Iowa "After having lived in both the slty anet to the lICIvancllfftlllt of 9 he would be considered a legal - AP Wir. photo about the needs of SUI is also im­ dormitory and fraternity systems. candidate. the ",.ior portion of the evenIng. space science re ..ard! . The ..... While the two foreign secretaries portant to Schantz. and he intends r think I understand the basic port II belnl p,.....red by MRI The Senate Constitution defines to strengthen the student voice problems facine both groups. I'm and the University. Town Men as " all single male stu­ were discussing disarmament and the nuclear issue. slde·talks were in throughout the entire state. convinced there is no conOict which Hancher said the University haa dents not residing in or actively af· Senate Will Hear 4 Creaing a more effective Student can't be reconciled. I think all the progress between aides on the Ber· had " reason to feel that it ~ some· fili ated wi th social or professional Senate is another goal for Schantz. groups within the student body Fraternity Council representative frater ni ties or University housing lin issue, it was learned. thi ng of an old hand at spaoe ex· He feels one of the best ways this can and should be able to work to· and corresponding secretary for ploration." but to include single male com· A British spokesman said Gro­ can be accomplished is to unite the gether." Delta Upsilon. The University's program In muting students." Rule-Change Proposals myko and Home "exchanged views freely" and "discussed problems "01 efforts of the various Senate fac· Schanlz. a member of Delta Up· Schantz said the executive high.altitude physics. he pointed tions. According to this defi nition. A resolution to allow juniors and schools." Rogers pointed out. "and "erification in the context o{ di s­ silon social fraternity. lived in Hill· branch of student government out. was launched some 11 years Rogers said. Pelton cannot be con· "Some of these so called factions crest Dormitory his first year at sen iors to live in unapproved the student could use this to help armament." should bring together the various ago when James Van Allen began sidered a Town Men candidate. him plan his schedule." Rogers The sources said Gromyko . on are logical because of the differ· SUI. He was Bordwell House vice factions on campus for effective as head of the Department of housing will be presented to the ences in organization," Schantz president at Hillcrest. and Inter· Last year the Senate Court, Stude nt Senate tonight by Jim Rog· said the plan would also help the this point. was rock-like in stick­ legislation. Physics and AstronoIpY.
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