Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1966-1967 Student Newspapers 5-16-1967 ConnCensus Vol. 51 No. 24 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1966_1967 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "ConnCensus Vol. 51 No. 24" (1967). 1966-1967. 1. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1966_1967/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1966-1967 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. CONN CENSUS CONNECTICUT COLLEGE Price 10 cents Vol 51, No. 24 New London, Glmecticut, Tuesday, May 16, 1967 Pres. Shain Presents Awards At Annual Honors Assembly Three graduate study awards were presented by President Charles E. Shain to three members of the senior class and one member of the class of 1966 at the annual Honors and Awards Assembly held May 10. Following the presentation, guest .speaker Charles Price, assistant professor of art, spoke on "Scholar in a Landscape." Sharing the Rosemary Park measure, the leadership qualities Graduate Fellowship are Carol of Miss Park. Friedman and Marjorie Singer. The Phi Beta Kappa Award, Dr. MUtstein Dr. Rosemary Park The Rev. Mr. John Coburn The Fellowship was establlshed offered by the Delta Chapter of by the student body to honor Connecticut College to a member Miss Park and is awarded in of the graduating class or to an foSpeak On Rosemary Park to recognition of outstanding per- alumna, was awarded to Jean G. sonal and professional qualifica- Squeri '66. Marital Choice tions. Carol Friedman also received Speak at Graduation Carol plans to attend Stanford the American Association of Uni- by Carol Johnson where she will earn an M.A.T., versity W 0 men Citizenship "The Science of Marital Choice Connecticut College will hold commencement exercises and Marjorie will work for an Award. Versus the Mystique of Love" is M.A. at Columbia. Other undergraduate awards S~day, June 4, at 10:30 a.m. on the Library green. Guest speaker the topic of the lecture to be Gular Okman received the include the Joseph J. Joseph will be Dr. Rosemary Park, former president of the College and given May 18 by Dr. Bernard Rosemary Park Fellowship for (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) Murstein, professor of psychol- retiring president of Barnard College. Teaching which is awarded an- Assistantship in Mathematics, ogy, for the College Club. Ba~alaureate Services will be held Saturday, June 3, at nually to the senior who has awarded to Mary M. Clarkeson The current trend of trying to 3 p.m. m the Arboretum. Dr. John B. Coburn, D.D., dean of the shown excellence in scholarship,' '68. measure who's compatible with Episcopal Theological Seminary in Cambridge, Mass., will speak. a desire to teach and, in some The Paul Abel Schwartz Prize whom by means of computer As a change from previous methods such as Contact or graduation weekends, Class Day Match will be discussed. Mr. will be held on the Library green Ten Faculty Members To Take Murstein will discuss how interest Saturday at 11 a.m., but will not in the process began. include Laurel Chain. Mr. Murstein commented that According to Graduation Leaves; Four to Enter Retirement free marital choice is a fairly re- Chairman Stevie Pierson, Class cent innovation, and the crigina- Day is a morning of "fun and tion of the computer has made spontaniety." Instead of the Faculty Members, Profs Retire After Total of it possible to measure mass be- standard [unlor Show re-runs, havior and to match supposedly "67 seniors will present original compatible individuals. songs and parodies, Stevie added. Granted Absences 119 Years Service to Conn He has found two specific resistances to the use of com- Laurel chain will instead ac- (Connecticut College News Of- Dr. Cobbledick came to Con- puters in finding couples on the company the seniors to Bac- fice)-A total of four senior mem- necticut College as a sociology During 1967 -1968 basis of their basic interests calaureate Services. Laurel chain bers of the College faculty, in- instructor in 1926, just eleven (Continued on Page 7, Col. 1) and activities. One justifiable re- Sabbatical leaves have been cluding two department chair- years after the College accepted its first class. He has been the sistance to computers is that the granted to ten faculty members undergraduates who have de- for research, study, and travel veloped the questionnaires have Artist Series during the academic year 1967- used no basic theory and know 68. relatively nothing about marital Program Planned Miss Alice Braunwarth, as- (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3) sistant professor of physical edu- The schedule for the 1967- cation, will be on leave to direct 68 Artist Series was recently the physical education program announced by the College Con- at Isabella Thoburn College at certs Committee. Lucknow, India. College to Sponsor The BerUn Philharmonic Octet, Her teaching assignment will consisting of striog and wind be part of the U.S.-India College players of the BerUn Philhar- Exchange Program which was Twientieth Annual monic Orchestra, will open the establlshed in 1963 between 13 season Nov. 7, 1967. Their women's colleges in the U.S. and Festival of Dance diversified repertory includes im- six in India. portant commissioned scores by Assisted by one or two trainees, Dr. Malcom Jones The twentieth session of the she will teach from July to April, Connecticut College School of such composers as Hindernith, Dr. Hanna Hafkesbrink Henze, and Blacher. the usual India school year, and men and the director of admis- Dance will run from .July 9 to The Series will continue on reside during her stay in the sions, will retire from full-time College's chief admissions officer August 20 at the College. The Dec. 6 with a concert by the teachers' quarters, the "Khoti," responsibilities at the end of the since 1941. Twenty-five years Twentieth American Dance Fes- Renaissance Quartet, who com- located on campus. present academic year. ago a total of 675 aspiring fresh- tival will be held at the same They are, M. Robert Cobble- bine solo virtuosity with sensitive Health Course time. ensemble work. perfonning the Miss Braunwarth has been dick, director of admissions and perfonnances by the dance masterworks of the Renaissance asked to present an innovation at professor of sociology; Paul H. companies of Martha Graham, and the Middle Ages. the college: an elective course Garrett, professor of physics and Paul Taylor, and Jose Limon will Young Uck Kim, viollnist, will in health education including sex chairman of that department; be offered throughout the six present a recital Mar. 6, 1968. lectures. "No dating system exists week session. Mr. Kim won first prize in the at all in India, I'm told," Miss The School of Dance was Merriweather Post Competition. Braunwarth relates. "It should be founded in 1948 to bring to- Concluding the season's Artist an interesting course, if the girls' gether student and teacher, Series on Apr. 3, 1968, will be parents will let them take it:' artist and audience. The purpose the Beaux-Arts Quartet. This Dr. Julia Wells Bower, profes- of the annual session is to present quartet has won acclaim through- sor of mathematics and chairman a creative laboratory in which out the United States, Europe, of that department, will spent the student works as an ap- and the Far East. the first semester completing the prentice to leading artists and Students will receive a sub- first revision of her text, Introduc- teachers. scription order blank for the tion to Mathematical Thought, Limited Enrollment Artist Series this summer. (Continued on Page 8, Col. 1) Enrollment for the 1967 ses- Dr. Piul H. Garrett sion is limited to 250 adult men Juniors who have been appointed as student housefellows men were interviewed and evalu- and women, professional dancers, for the 1967-1968 academic year are: ated to achieve a final entering student and teachers of dance, Jade Schappals Jolly Heath and musicians. Those with no Dr. M. Robert Cobbledick class of 250, the first to be chosen Nina Semansky Diane Cole by Dr. Cobbledick. This year he previous dance training are not Lucil1e Miller Pat Gaynor Miss Hanna Hafkesbrink who and his staff have screened l550 encouraged to apply. Karen Young Classes, at various levels eX Kathy Snsman holds the Brigida Paceiani Ar- applicants for the 370 spaces Barb Hatch proficiency, are held Monday Linda Monahan denghi professorship and is chair- allotted to next September's new Dorcas Hardy Jane Hartwig man of the Gennan department; class of 1971. through Friday. Workshops are Valerie Visca Joan Pekoe and Malcolm B. Jones, professor Cobbledick is a graduate of held each Wednesday evening in (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) Sally Strayer of French and Spanish. (Continued on Page 6, Col. .1) Tuesday, May 16, 1967 CODDCeD'.' ConnCensus LEITERS TO THE EDITOR Established 1916 with the incomplete sampling. Publisbed by the studeats of Con-ncut College f1fert MOIlday thr0ugh- rationalize their alleged short- out the college year from September to June. except during mid-years and CORRECl10N-The critique The percentage of students re- comings so that the responsibility vacations. on tbe Course Critique, written plying often varies from 25 to for low ratings somehow rests Second class entry authorized at New London. Connecticut. by Prof. Robert Rhyne and SO. Since class size varies the on the shoulders of the students. printed in last week's issue, was members may be not only too Repoewattd 101' NatioaaJ Adnrtisinc by Member Yet, many of the faculty will submitted to Conn Census as a small for reliable conclusions, but NatiooaJ Advertising Service, Inc.
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