June 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6623 from the astounding change in world have done a great deal to educate the games that exist today. Even with affairs that began while he was in of- country about this horrible affliction. those people whom he had genuine ide- fice: the collapse of the U.S.S.R. and They have also helped to spur govern- ological differences, President Reagan the end of the Cold War. President ment investment in the research need- always showed a level of respect and Reagan spoke frankly and frequently ed to find a cure, and to raise aware- acknowledged that we are all Ameri- about the bankruptcy—both moral and ness of the need for long-term care cans and we are in this together. economic—of the Soviet regime. His services for those suffering from Alz- Years ago, President Reagan and words and actions energized dissidents heimer’s. Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill used and activists struggling for change and President Ronald Wilson Reagan to joke that, ‘‘between 9 and 5 we are for justice in the face of Communist re- helped to transform America and the enemies, but at 5 o’clock let’s go have pression and tyranny. His optimism world. He and his achievements will a cocktail together.’’ To truly honor helped to give them confidence that forever be honored and remembered. and remember President Reagan—this they were, indeed, on the right side of Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, the Cap- man of great accomplishment, opti- history. itol today is overflowing with visitors, mism, and oratory—perhaps we could President Reagan not only recog- flags stand at half-staff, and the Nation find ways to work better together for a nized the monstrous nature of Com- has collectively stopped this week—all better tomorrow. munist totalitarianism, but he also un- to honor a remarkable man who ac- I extend my deepest sympathies to derstood the horror of a geopolitical re- complished remarkable things during a the Reagan family in their time of sor- ality that made the entire world hos- remarkable time. row, and I hope it is of some comfort tage to the threat of nuclear annihila- President Ronald Reagan gave his that Americans and many others tion. He had the courage to act, to life to public service and has left a leg- throughout the world mourn by their reach out to the Soviet leadership and acy of leadership that will always be side. to craft landmark arms control agree- remembered. I suggest the absence of a quorum. ments, including one that, for the first We remember President Reagan’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time, eliminated a class of nuclear strong vision for political and eco- clerk will call the roll. weapons. nomic freedom which was instrumental The legislative clerk proceeded to On the domestic front, it was under in the fall of communism and the call the roll. the leadership of President Reagan spread of democracy in Eastern Eu- Mr. COLEMAN. Mr. President, I ask that the solvency of the Social Secu- rope. The world held its breath as unanimous consent that the order for rity program was extended through re- America stared communism in the the quorum call be rescinded. forms to the existing program. Al- face, but in the end we peacefully won The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without though modest in their overall scope, over the respect and cooperation of our objection, it is so ordered. those reforms were seen by many as po- enemy. Less than a year after Reagan f litically risky, and President Reagan left office, Mr. Gorbachev stepped GEORGE TENET provided critical leadership that helped down, the Berlin Wall fell and the cold assure both a reluctant Congress and war ended. Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, we all an uncertain public. Today, we should I will never forget President Rea- learned recently that an outstanding build on the Reagan reforms, and gan’s historic speech on June 12, 1987, public servant, the Director of Central strengthen the existing program, as he in front of the Brandenburg Gate near Intelligence, George Tenet, has decided did. the Berlin Wall when he called on Mi- to step down. I am personally saddened Another significant domestic policy khail Gorbachev to ‘‘Open this gate! by this announcement because I believe challenge that President Reagan tack- Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.’’ the country has been well served by led was the simplification of our tax Today, the United States is working Mr. Tenet. code. In the face of special interest with Russia to replace tyranny and George Tenet started his career in pressures, and under the leadership of fear in Iraq with peace and stability. public service as part of the Senate his Secretary of Treasury, Donald Of President Reagan, Gorbachev said, family working for the late Republican Regan, as well as a bipartisan group of ‘‘A true leader, a man of his word and Senator John Heinz. He served on the members of the House and Senate, an optimist, he traveled the journey of professional staff of the Senate Intel- President Reagan was able to push his life with dignity and faced coura- ligence Committee rising to become through the last significant reforms to geously the cruel disease that darkened the committee staff director for my our increasingly complex tax code in his final years. He has earned a place in good friend Senator David Boren. 1986. history and in people’s hearts.’’ I was the chairman of the Senate Ap- At the time, I was the Chairman of We also remember Dutch, the Great propriations Defense Subcommittee the Taxation Committee in the Wis- Communicator, the Gipper as a man of during that period. Our committee consin State Senate and we were hold- great optimism and humor. My kids’ works closely with the Intelligence ing a variety of hearings around the history books recall the dates and facts Committee in determining the funding State, addressing parallel reforms. of this time, but they do not convey for our classified programs. So I be- These hearings and reforms were driv- this Hollywood actor turned Presi- lieve I can speak with some authority en by President Reagan’s proposal. dent’s good-natured spirit or genuine in saying that George was a top-notch Though far from perfect, that reform optimism for a better tomorrow. Nor staff director. And, I believe his tenure effort is another model for action we can they express his unyielding dedica- in the Senate prepared him well for the need to undertake again. And policy- tion and love for our country. However, position of Director of Central Intel- makers in Congress and the executive I believe the outpouring of respect and ligence. branch would do well to follow Presi- affection shown by the American pub- I have known every CIA Director dent Reagan’s example in this matter. lic this week says we will forever re- since Allen Dulles. I have worked Of course, no review of President member his character and personality. closely with each Director for the past Reagan’s legacy would be complete Finally, we remember a man who 30 years. All of them have been honor- without acknowledging his Alzheimer’s never stopped believing, never stopped able men, well-meaning and decent disease which, sadly, defined the last 10 advocating America’s ability to suc- public servants, but none was a better years of his life as well as the lives of ceed and prosper. He stuck to his con- Director of Central Intelligence than his family. As the author of Wiscon- victions and his visions for America, George Tenet. sin’s Alzheimer’s program, I have be- whether popular or not. Intelligence is a critical part of our come all too aware of the heart- Ronald Reagan’s initiatives didn’t national security. Obviously it does breaking tragedy that this dread dis- please all Americans and Democrats not get the public scrutiny that most ease brings to a family. and Republicans did not always agree Government functions receive. To do so President Reagan’s brave, public ac- on President Reagan’s foreign policy or would jeopardize the lives of countless knowledgment of the disease, and the domestic agenda, but he never encour- agents and analysts who serve this Na- wonderful efforts of his wife Nancy, aged or played the biting partisan tion. We limit the number of people VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:48 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S08JN4.REC S08JN4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S6624 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 8, 2004 who receive sensitive information to sial and highly classified issues in de- ceive such care from specifically lessen the chance that it will be inad- tail. At times he would direct his asso- trained physicians in an office-based vertently disclosed and harm our na- ciates in the community to be more setting. tional security. As such, much of the forthright in their responses when he DATA limits qualified individual good news in intelligence is never felt they might be holding back. physicians to treating no more than 30 brought to light. George Tenet trusted the Congress patients at a time. This same 30-pa- When the CIA breaks up a terrorist with the Nation’s secrets as partners in tient limit applies to medical groups as cell in Albania or Egypt it cannot be national security, not adversaries or to individual physicians. For example, disclosed. When critical information is impediments. the physician members of the Duke discovered by our intelligence commu- I know the Director has his critics, University Medical School faculty nity about weapons trafficking on the but they do not come from the Defense practice plan may treat only 30 pa- high seas, the weapons can be con- Subcommittee.
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