MONDAT, NOVEMBER B, 1948 FOURTEElf 'v Manchester Evening Herald A/^«raKe Daily CircoUtion Tba Weathar F < / Moatk of October, IMS Forecaot of U. 8. Weather Bureau T-Sgt. Robert ^ Miller,- son of The Sewing group of the Amer­ Gibbons Assembly, Catholic La­ The Manchester Coon and Fea Fair tonight and Wednesday; Sgt Ru*sell F. Broderick, a^e dles of. Columbus,’ . will meet, to­ club will hold a meeting tomor­ » ■ 25, was relieased, from the service Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Miller, of ican Legion Auxiliary will meet / 8 ,9 9 5 / not to cold tonight; continued mIM About Town 637 Center street, has been honor­ from ten to four o'clock Wednes­ morrow evening at eight o'clock row night at 8 o’clock at the I l F r a u i Wedneoday. with the Air Forces Oct. 30, at day at the home of Mra Morris in the K. of C. Home. m v . James club house in North Coventry. \ / Member M the Audtt Drew Field Separation Station, ably discharged from the United Timmins will .speak on "Alco­ Bareau o i Circulations ij^BnUo Review, Wonum’e Bene- Tampa, Fla. He resides at 130 Pino States Army Air Forces. Miller, Metter, 26 Benton street. Mem­ full report on ths recent fall held who served in the armed forces bers are asked to bring their own holics Anonymous." The committee trials w'lll be made. All meihbere ® Manchester'— A City of Village Charm , jj^MorletlnTi will meet tomor- street, Manchester, with his wife. Includes: Mrs. Mary Hazen, chair­ are asked to^be present. avenlng >t eight o'clock in Marjorie. He is the son of Mrs. since June 1942, was overseas 24 box lunches and the hostess will man; Mra. Dorothy MacArdle, months in the Aleutian Islands and serve dessert and Coffee. iTeUowi hall. Reports will be Sadie E. Brojlerick who lives in Mrs. Frances Wagner, Mrs. Mary ea rage tS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CKN’IT A lit the outstanding events at East Hampton. Prior to his enter­ Alaska, as a flight line operations Klotzer, Mrs. Gertrude McHugh, MrsT^. M. JosHn of Charlotte, , LXV., NO. 32 •tata tally In Stanley hotel ing service he was employed in the clerk. He wears the Asiatic-Pa­ John lEdward Hennessey. Sea­ Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. Ann N. C., is visitlni; her parents, Mr. arsna, New Britain, Saturday, materials laboratory with .the cific ribbon with one bronze star man 1-c, has left for his battle­ Kielly, Mrs. Julia Moriarty, Mra. and Mra gdmuel Nelson of 814 37, tA vrhich local officers Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Cbrp., and the Good Conduct Medal. The ship, the U88 Iowa, after a 16- Martha Paquette. Porter street. guards played a prominent in East Hartford. He entered the former sergeant, a graduate of day furlough at the home of his Cars Barricade Auto Plant in Windsor ▲ social time, with refresh- service in December of '42. Manchester High school, wais sister, Mrs. Felix Bars of 46 Ham­ its win follow the business formerly employed as an Under­ lin street He has been overseas Demand of Lewis Terms for Italians writer — London and Lancashire 26. months from the Philippines to ' I.ady Roberts Lodge, Daughters Ind. Co.. Hartford. Prior to re­ Tokyo. The "Iowa” was In Tokyo I of St. George, will meet tomorrow porting for separation. Miller was Bay when the Japs signed up on jr Teachers of the West Side evening at eight o'clock In the stationed at Malden Army Air i^hranch Sunday School of Emanuel Masonic Temple. A full attend­ the "Missouri.” Seaman Hennes- For Larger Role ;~|^theran church which meets Field, an installation of the Air My has ten battle stars but lacks It’s H ere!! ance is hoped for as the third Forces’ First Troop Carrier Com­ only five pointo of winning his Made Public Today; "^gunday morning at 9:18 In the reading of the revised by-laws, mand, at Malden, Mo. ^gllver Lane Community house and voting on same will take place discharge. Nil! li only 21, and on Will have a meeting this evening at this meeting. A social time Sunday about 30 relatives and SLIIP WSLL-AND YOU’LL LOOK WILL ' it eight o’clock ' with Rev. and will follow. Mrs. Alex McBride and friends from this town and Wil­ Cause of Scrap Frank Bramley of this town, son, Conn., honored him with a ~ Theodore E. Palmer at thg Mrs. Elisabeth Ungard will be who is connected with the State lage on Church street. hostesses. pre-Tbanksgiving and Christmas Police Radio Communication sys­ party, with a tree and all that MIRRO Old Rumors Spike tem, will give an Illustrated lec­ Hot Exchange Between ture on radio as it is used by his goes with i t AM MAKES Dutch Offer Mine ,Union Leader a department, at the meeting of the Allies Fail to Clear Pine Civics Association this eve­ Our Lady of Good Counsel, And Murray Results ning at eight o'clock at the home Mothers Circle »wlll meet tomor­ GOOD BLANKETS Partner Plan Smashes Big Original Terms Entirely Why Sec HALE'S SELF SERVE of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Price, 76 row evening at eight o'clock at the In Delay on Creation Unnmore Drive. He has addressed home of Mrs. Arthur Gervals, 60 Kept 26 Months; The Original In New England! various organizations and Parent- Seaman Circle. To look your 1 ^ , it’s important to rest weU^.^<^ Of Important Execu* To Indonesia Finance Grip Of Surrender Teacher associations, and is a conditional Surrend^ teactier of radio at the state acad­ The Quadrant of Center church just as the right blanket is important for a good live Committee Today emy in Bethan;^ A social time will hold their regular meeting at On Japanese Washington, Nov. 6—(JP)—Here Imposed; Some Proi TUESDAY SPECIALS! with refreshments will follow the the church on Tuesday evening at We have }u»t received a ehipment of night’s sleep. Chatham’s “Woolshire^* is exactly Von Mook Discloses are the 12 terms of the original program. 7:30. Washington, Nov. 6.—(A*) sions Never Invoke Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! that kind of blanket becausd^ it gives you four —A hot exchange between Proposal Given More Italian surrender signed 26 months s * theie wanted items and three days ago today: And Others Modifii full pounds of fluffy.^ #inter-weight warmth. Mine Union Leader John L. Than Week Ago to MacArthur Breaks Up Lewis and CIO President 1. Immediate cessation of all At_ Frequent Iiitcrvi Blue Petre Made of 100% vti^in wool, it- offers the added Nationalist Leaders Four Greatest Finan­ hostile activity by the Italian arm­ ]^hilip Murray today threw cial and Industrial ed forces. * Sauce Pans comfort of aU extra six inches in length. 'the labor-management con­ Batavia, Nov. 6—(>P)—The gov­ 2. Italy will use its best en­ Washington, Nov, 6.- Ketchup 14 Oz. Btl. 17c deavors to deny, to the Germans, •k ference into dispute over ernment of The Netherlands East Families of Nation —The Allies made public An Old Favorite! Lewis’ demand for a bigger facilities that might be used much-discussed Italian ar No. f</i Can Indies, trying to restore order in against the United Nations. Rete, blue, cedar, green, role. Le'wis came out of the Tokyo, Nov. 6.—(/f)—General 3. All prisoners or internees of stice today; spiking some * G)vered Pots peach. Rayen satin bind­ 1.95 this land wracked by a struggle acrap with a temporary victory for Independence, made public to­ MacArthur today smashed Ja­ the United Nations to be immedi­ rumors but failing to Tomato Puree Can 2 9 c ing. 72 X 70^^.......... by obtaining delay in conference day a plan for "rapid development pan’s four greatest financial and ately turned over to the Allied up entirely why the t« For Making Tomato Saooe! action on creation of an Impoi^ of Indonesia as a partner in a commander-Inrchief, and none of were kept secret for BEAR BRAND tant Executive committee pending industrial families and gave no­ these may now or at'any time be kingdom which will be constructed * Double Boilers aettlement of a controversy over tice of his Intentions to break up evacuated to Germany. months. Released simultar to guarantee the self-respect of all all such combines to “aid Japa­ Now! union repreamtation. member-peoples.’’ 4. Immediate transfer of the ously in Washington, 1 r>— ..a. Jpiacea for Othera nese economic development along Italian fieet and Italian aircraft to and Rome, the armistice and 2 Lbg. 25c H. J. van Mook, acting governor peaceful, democratic lines.” A proposed agenda for the con­ general of the Indies, who releas­ such points'as may be designated lated documento—totalling sob KNITTING YARNS ‘ Percolaters The Japknese government was by the Allied commander-ln-chlef, 10,000 word.s—disclosed that: ference called for an eight-mem­ ed the program, disclosed that it GoU MMal A New Charm-Tred ordered Immediately to prepare to witi)'details of disarmament to be Surrender Unconditional ber committee, with four places had been presented more than i (ll.s.solve Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumi­ each for labor and management- week ago to Indonesian National Automobiles and buses, parked by striking CIO workers, barricade the Ford Motor company at Wind prescribed by him. 1. Elxhaustive unconditional 2 2 x44 iat leaders as a basis for settle tomo and Yasuda Zaibatsu and 5. Italian merchant shipping render terms—officially stilt 10 Lb. Bag 55c In Our Elnlarged Knitting Labor’s votea were to be divided Bor.
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