KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Nation Religion King National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition (NSFSN 2014 - 2018) Cambodia Final draft consultant (after considering comments until 11.2.2014) Reviewed pagination Prepared by the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) in consultation with the Technical Working Group for Social Protection and Food Security Nutrition (TWG-SP&FSN) Phnom Penh, February 2014 Table of Contents LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 4 LIST OF FIGURES (INCLUDING GRAPHS AND TABLES AND MAPS) 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 1. INTRODUCTION 10 1.1. Background and History for developing a NSFSN ..................................................................................... 10 1.2. Conceptual Framework and Scope of NSFSN ........................................................................................... 11 1.3. Process of NSFSN Development ............................................................................................................... 14 2. THE CURRENT STATE OF FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION IN CAMBODIA 15 2.1. Assessment of Macro Level Food Security ............................................................................................... 15 2.2. Assessment of Household Food Security and recent Challenges .............................................................. 16 2.3. Assessment of Child and Maternal Nutrition ........................................................................................... 22 2.4 Conclusions from the FSN Situation Analysis .................................................................................... 28 3. NATIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES FOR FSN AND INSTITUTIONAL SET UP 30 3.1. FSN in overarching Cambodian Policies and Plans ................................................................................... 30 3.2. FSN in relevant National Sector and Cross Sector Strategies and Policies ................................................ 32 3.3 National programs and projects on FSN ................................................................................................... 34 3.4 Institutional Set Up for FSN related Coordination ..................................................................................... 35 4. CHALLENGES, GAPS AND PROGRAMMATIC PRIORITIES 37 4.1. Main challenges and existing gaps related to FSN in Cambodia ............................................................... 37 4.2. Programmatic Priorities of the NSFSN 2014-2018 .................................................................................... 41 5. NSFSN 2014-2018 – VISION, GOAL AND OBJECTIVES (OVERVIEW) 42 6. NSFSN 2014-2018 OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITY ACTIONS 46 6.1. Objective1: Increased Food Availability and Food Access ........................................................................ 46 6.1.1. Enhance Diversification and Market Integration of Small Holder Farming 47 6.1.2. Enhance Land Distribution and Titling for Poor Households 50 6.1.3. Improve Access and sustainable Use of Fishery and Forest Resources 51 6.1.4. Enhance Employment and Income Opportunities for the Food-Insecure 52 6.2. Objective 2: Improving Use and Utilization of Food ................................................................................. 54 6.2.1. Scale up Nutrition Services and Nutrition Education 56 6.2.2. Improve Domestic Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices 59 6.2.3. Expand Fortification of Food with Micronutrients 60 6.2.4. Increase Availability and Appropriate Use of Food at Household Level 61 2 6.2.5. Use Social Protection Instruments to Enhance Nutrition 61 6.2.6. Develop and implement a Community Based Nutrition Program 62 6.3. Objective 3: Increasing Stability of Food Supply ...................................................................................... 62 6.3.1. Scale up Food Security Related Social Protection Instruments 63 6.3.2. Improve Resilience of Households against Disasters and Climate Change 65 7. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE NSFSN 68 7.1. Coordination and policy oversight for FSN ............................................................................................... 68 7.2. Monitoring and Evaluation of the NSFSN................................................................................................. 70 7.3. Knowledge and Information Management for FSN .................................................................................. 72 7.4. Capacity Development ......................................................................................................................... 75 7.5. Beneficiary Selection/Targeting ............................................................................................................... 76 7.6. Further steps to prepare for NSFSN implementation ............................................................................... 77 ANNEXES 1. NSFSN 2014-2018 Indicator Framework 2. Overview on FSN related Investments in Cambodia 3. References 3 List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank CARD Council for Agricultural and Rural Development CAS Cambodian Anthropometric Survey (2008) CBHI Community-Based Health Insurance CBNP Community Based Nutrition Program CC Commune Councils CCSP Cambodian Climate Change Strategic Plan CCM Clean Development Mechanism CCT Conditional Cash Transfer CCWC Consultative Committee for Women and Children CDCF Cambodian Development Cooperation Forum CDHS Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey CDP/CIP Commune Development Plan/ Commune Investment Plan CDRI Cambodian Development Research Institute CFW Cash for Work CMDGs Cambodia Millennium Development Goals CNIP Cambodia Nutrition Investment Plan CPI Consumer Price Index CPRs Common Property Resources CRC Cambodian Red Cross CSES Cambodia Socio-economic Survey EFAP Emergency Food Assistance Project ELC Economic Land Concession EU-FF EU Food Facility FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDI Foreign Direct Investment FNPP/FMPP FAO, Netherlands Partnership Program /FAO Multidonor Partnership Program FFW Food for Work FSN Food Security and Nutrition FSNIMTF Food Security and Nutrition Information Management Task Force FSNIS Food Security and Nutrition Information System GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security Program GDP Growth Domestic Product GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GmbH HARVEST Helping Address Rural Vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Stability HEF Health Equity Fund HKI Helen Keller International HSSP Health Sector Support Program IDPoor Identification of Poor Households IEC Information Education and Communication IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification IYCF Infant and Young Child Feeding LASED Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries MDER Minimum Dietary Energy Requirement M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDG-F JP MDG Fund – Joint Program Children Food Security and Nutrition MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance 4 MIME Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy MoC Ministry of Commerce MoE Ministry of Environment MoEYS Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports MoH Ministry of Health MoI Ministry of Interior MLMUPC Ministry of Land Management, Urbanisation Planning and Construction MLVT Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training MoP Ministry of Planning MoSAVYR Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation MoWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs MOWRAM Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology MRD Ministry of Rural Development NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action to Climate Change NCDD National Council for Decentralization and Deconcentration NCDM National Committee for Disaster Management NCN National Council for Nutrition NFSF National Food Security Forum NFSTF National Food Security Task Force NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NIS National Institute of Statistics NNP National Nutrition Programme NP-SNDD National Programme on Sub-National Democratic Development NSCFF National Sub Committee for Food Fortification NSCIDD National Sub Committee for Iodine Deficiency Disorder NSDP National Strategic Development Plan NSFSN National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition 2014-2018 FSNDAT Food Security and Nutrition Data Analysis Team FSNIMTF Food Security and Nutrition Information Management Task Force NSPS National Social Protection Strategy (for the Poor and Vulnerable) PWP Public Work Program RACHA Reproductive and Child Health Alliance REED Reducing Emissions from Deforestation RGC Royal Government of Cambodia RS Rectangular Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia RWSSHS Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Strategy SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SAW Strategy on Agriculture and Water 2006-2010 SFFSN Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia SME Small and Medium Enterprises SNEC Supreme National Economic Council SSN Social Safety Nets SUN Scaling Up Nutrition SRI System of Rice Intensification ToT Terms of Trade TVET Vocational education and training TWG Technical Working Group TWG-FSN Technical Working Group on Food Security and Nutrition TWG-SP&FSN Technical Working Group on Social Protection and Food Security and Nutrition UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WB World Bank WFP UN World Food Program 5 List of Figures (including Graphs and Tables and Maps) Figure 1 : Concept of
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