
v7n —>, ^, L '- YE OLDE TYME MINSTREiS YE OLDE TYME JVCIKSTRELS TONIGHT TONIGHT AND EAST HAVEN NEWS VOL. XVII—NO 1 Brajiford, Oomicctioul, ThUraday, April 20, 1044 PRICE FIVE OENTS Advancements Two Branford Red, White, Blue Memorial Held Ensign Carlson Five Thousand Dollars Given Scouts Battery Boys Minstrel Ready Forll.S. Marine Guest Speaker Memorial services were held sun- Ensign Wnltred R. Carlson, son For Field Improvement A Court or Honor of the East WedThisWeek I'cquot Tribe. Improved Order of of Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Carl- Haven District was held recently Red Men, will hold its annual min­ day afternoon in Trinity Episcopal Church for Lie\it. Eric Gunlhcr sen of Lauphler's Cove was guest at the Parish House, Old Stone Amc.ng the Branford Battrcy strel show In the East Haven High Church. Members present Scht.ol auditoriiun Thursday eve­ Schoenlng of the U. S. Marine speaker Monday at the weekly Is Aim Of Committee . were Boys who have returned from over­ Corps Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chairman Edw. Sugrue, D.C. H. F. seas are two who straightway lead ning. April 27. Dancing will follov; meeting ot the Rotary Club held Nash, S.C.; Cha.s. slccum, In the gynnuisium. Elmer Brulnard Fred A. Schoenlng nf AveriU Place, at the Oasis. S.M.; their sweethearts to the altar. whose plane crashed on March 10 VoUinloor Group Sols Out To Raiao Moiioy For Playground—Yo Oldo W. Wylle, T.C; W. Freeman S.M.; First Sgt. Dominic Sansone, son is chairman of tlie dance commit­ He told ot being lorpeioed on Tymc Minstrel Is First Stop Toward That End—Hainmor Broth­ Ray Hill, T.C. and R. Sperry. tee; Frank PlergrossI of the pro­ somewhere in tlie Southwest Pa­ of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Sansone of cific. A delegation from Corcoian the S. S. tlcorgc Clccvc in, the Med­ ers Gave Properly To Town In 1033, The following were given ad­ Meadow Street and Miss Helen Pi- gram committee; and Harold Horn, iterranean, Most ot his talk was Jack Milnnk and Prank Ryder of Sundquist Post, American Legion, vancements; Troop 2: Walter sano of Ashmont, Mass., were mar­ attended In a body, headed by ot convoying goods to many coun­ Blass, second class to first class; ried yesterday in St. John's Church the tickets and arrangements com­ tries as part of his duly as purser Five thousand dollars is Iho aim mittee. Comdr. Eiigeue B. Rodney And Ad­ ot a citizens commllteo which has Richard Myers, star to life; Russell Winthrop, Mass., by the Monslgnor jutant Clarence I. Bhidley. with the Maritime Service. Junior Society Sperry, first class to star; Troop 3: undertaken the task of raising Qulnland, - The show will take the form of Carlson enlisted In . June, 1042, Tenderfoot lo Second class: Leroy His parents attended as did Mi­ served at the Gallup's Island, Mas­ that amount tor dovelopmonl ot Allen, Arthur King, Ted Weed. a Red, White and Blue Minstrel Gives Program Hammer Field Into o more uaelul chael Bontatibus who was his and is given by the Good Fellow­ sachusetts, and was given his pur­ Troop 6 tenderfoot to second nephew's best man. ser's jiapcrs. Ho went to sea early playground tor the community. ship Dramatic Club under the di­ In addressing those who attend­ class: Frad Andra, Fred Bowden, After a wedding trip' they will rection of Mrs. Sadie Swan.son. in 1943. Prior to that, Carlson had The Junior Musical Art Society, graduated from Hopkins Qramr^'lr ed Ye Okie Tymo Minstrel at the Albert Cahoon, Edward Corbett, return here until Sgt. sansone ro- Albert Poulton will be interlocu­ as guests ot the Musical Art So­ Luco Nicarto, John Morman and ! ports for duty the first week of School in '39, attended the PrlncK Community House lost evening ho tor and featured parts have been ciety presented tt\o folluwlng pro- | told ot the origin of Iho project, P pia at Elsnh, Illinois, where he took from fllrst class to star, Donald May. Sgt. Sansone arrived In Bran­ assigned' to Donald Hayward, Ras- gram Tuesday evening, with Mrs. j Streeter. ford Easter morning. up radio. largely through the foresight ot tus; Ralph Bolter, Snowball; Dick Alfred Hammer and his brother Merit Badges were awarded the Ptc. Joseph Purcell, son of Mr. Also present was T. Sgt. Morton Robert Jimiver as hostess, and Butler, Fantnil; Danny Mautte, Fa­ Mrs. John Oliver as loader. Re- . Valdomar Hammer who purchased following: Troop 1: John Barclay, and Mrs. Thomas Purcell of Chest­ rina; Kurt Watkins, Bones; Roger Magee, who has completed 5(1 bombing missions. marks were made by Mrs. Walter | the land, then a mosquito brooding electricity, metalwOrk, lite saving, nut Street aiid Miss Mary Kcn- iLe,e Blackout; "Pop" Curtis, Dus­ swanip, and presontod it to the zoology, sculpture; William Binder, neally of Boston will be married ; There were 40 Rotarians present Hdllman, State Junior Counsellor. ty; Herman Lein','Husky. "The Star Spangled Baimor," town In 1033. wookwork, pathfindlng, reading, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in . The chorus Is composed of: Mrs. including; Karl O. Knabenshuk, art, carpentry, farm layout and St. Matthews Church, Dorchester, W. Hamilton MUroy of Now Haven Fred OhlroU, clarlpol, and Teddy At that time a commlllec ot Daniel Mautte, Mrs, Roger Lee, Novak, accordlan; "On the Alma," nlno was named to handle Its af­ building, metalwork, machinery, Mass. Mrs. Jack Martin, Mrs, Kurt Wat- F. H. Holbrook ot Madison; Alvln woodturning. John Comstcok, tex­ P. Santord, Prank P. Sullivan of Tyrolean folk song, Mary Lou Mil­ fairs and for some time the lown Following a trip to Washington, kins, Mrs, Ralph Bolter, Mrs. Ora ler; "Ave Marin", Schubert, Botly tiles, metalwork, electricity, life- D. C, Private and Mrs. Purcell will LI, Eric G, Schoeiiing- East Haven. has appropriated $1300 yearly. Clement, Mrs. Arthur Halldcn, Mr.s. Mooney; "Hunting Song" and About $000 ot this goes Ip pay tor saving, civics, woodwork, machin­ stop in Branford, The bride­ Mable Hayward, Mrs. Victor Hutch­ Local people who attended the ery. ClilTord DeWolt, Pottery, pub­ Lieut, Schoenlng was graduated "Spring Song," D'Oui-vlilu, Nancy a carotakcr. groom's family expect to attend inson, Mrs, Herman Lehr, Mrs, from the Branford High School in 200th Rotary Spring Conference at Jaoocks and Ruth Harrison; "Anl- lic speaking. Carl Weller, music. the ceremony, the New Haven Lawn Club dinner Mr, Kinnoy gave credit to Dr. Paul Lehr, Mrs. Albert Poulton, 1941. In June, li)42, ho enlisted and nun," Grossinl, Fred Ghlroll; Con­ Charles W. Oaylord, health offi­ Troop 2: William Beatty, chemis­ Pvt. Purcell was one of five Mrs, Paul RInker, Also: Paul Rink- took his civilian pilot training at Saturday night, were Mr. and Mrs, certo," Williams, Mao Lindberg imd Branford. Battery-boys to return Bertram Barker, Jolrn E. Bralnard, cer, tor originally Infiuonclng the try, basketry, macliinery, dog care, er, Hayden Ryan, Victor Hutchin­ Renssalear Poly technical School In Emily Nygard. town to rid itself of the gorm wood carving, weather, electricity, from New Guinea. He arrived a son, Arthur Hallden, Mert Clement Troy, N. Y. Later he 'completed his Mr. and IWrs. Harry Cooke, Mr. and Mrs, George Dunbar, Prank J. "Minuet,' Bocchorlnl, Gertrude breeding awnmp. corn farming. Roger Fairchild, bird week ago today. and Eric Swanson. pre-night training at the Univer-. Daley, Alice Daley; "Storm's Echo" study, swimming, bugling, pioneer­ Kinney, Mr, and Mi'S. Meyer Le- The minstrel will bo repeated to­ Included in the specialty num­ sity of North Carolina, and In June. Sartao, Toddy Novak; "Czardls," night and is the first gesture to ing, woodwork, life saving. Edward bers win be Corney Minstroleers, 1943, was commissioned as a pilot shine, Ralph H. NIelson, Walter H. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nygard, Moult, Joyce Bean and Janloo establish a fiind tor Hammer Field Myers, pathfindlng, farm mechan­ State Official Mexican Trio, Marks and Conn, at Corpus Chrlstl, Texas, After fiy- Baldwin; Thome from Concerto I, ics, camping, life saving. Richard Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Osborn, Mrs. improvomonls. dancing and special arrangeinents Ing Wildcats at Melljourne, Fia., Tschalkowsky, Botly Mooney. The program Includes: Myers, first aid, art, fruit culture, by members of Good Fellowship he came home on a 3Q-day leave, Robert Osborn, John S. Rogers, wood carving, painting, textiles. Addresses GOP William Sangstcr, Mr. and Mrs. C. "Trolsiomo Ballade," Chopin. The program Is; Opejjlng; Chorus Dramatic Club. and assisted at the dedication o£ Belly Lou Lake; Connecticut Entire Company; /icc(K Anothor Russell Sperry, mechanical draw­ the Honor Roll on the Green, plac­ G. Woehrle. ing, woodwork, airplane structure, Mrs. Frances B. Redick, Secretary Prosldont or State Song, HotohklssJ Fred Ghlr-JDroam, Frank Ga(, A Ansol ing a wieath In momoiy of two lo- WlUlam Bangster, nesiuum. ui 'oi( l and Teddy Novn,K. Aocoraparv; child,,Lewis Knaut)e\ved F-O'^^f''"'^ George Miinson, electricity, ba.s- of State was guest of the Women's tlie Bfantord Rotary Club served ,Rep.ubllcaa Club .Monday atternopiv ,caUmcnvwho.hftd,^tVktBj4jr..*Slvon ists.f'Mrs.'juDivjii'4nhd.J^sMiJlnHUsigma#qhl^^sdWiin|*^^^ ketry,' meohanlcal-rr-drawinB;—first their-Uves, '^ ' 'rfs a mfimbei' QX'n^e'ConfdrefiSqT^^ borg. ' ' , tetto Melodies, WlBoBBiRor Fdqr: aid, rocks and minerals. Richard at the home of Mrs. C. Murray. Up- Meeting Friday- lowshlp commlttoB. Walter II,' Pal­ tetto Melodies, .son. She spoke on soldier vote arid' At the end of his leave, he 1o- mer was reelected to servo on a ih, ijcimalne Myers, pathfindlng, farm mechan­ pbrted to San Diego, Cal., and In ics.
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