( Alfond vandalism sprockets Cops bust over 20 Colby students $42.34 each. The cost of this B y Sam Kane single weekend nearly matches Staff Writer the $45.53 billed to each resident for the entire Fall 2016 semes- With seven destroyed exit ter. Spring semester s charges are signs, and ceiling tile damages, currently up to $87.00 per per- three puddles of vomit, a bro- son - $9,132.36 total - accrued ken soap dispenser, shattered from 38 recorded instances of glass, a torn window screen, vandalism. Of the numerous of- and excessive untidiness in fenses, none have been credited common spaces, this weekend to a student. the Alfond Senior Apartments “The intentionality behind the were billed $809.59 for dam- damage is what sickens me the age repair and fined $3,650.00, most. There are so many incred- bringing vandalism expenses ible people here, but it's sad that to a total of $4,459.59 in the the community in which those •» apartments alone. people live is tainted by those Residence hall vandalism who don’t understand what it surged in the last weekend of means to be a part of some- February, an anomaly in the thing bigger than themselves,” downwards trend of the last Hawkins commented. Hawkins i\ few years. The $6,400.30 in commented that he believes it damage across campus was is only a small concentration of mostly due to damages in the students that engage in vandal- * Alfond Apartments. Expen- ism, which goes directly against ditures in previous weekends the Colby Affirmation every stu- S I of the Spring term have aver- dent promises to uphold. aged around $400. SGA Presi- Colby Director of Security dent Matt Hawkins ’17 deems Pete Cnenevert expressed frus- “any amount of vandalism” tration at the fact that innocent unacceptable. students are obliged to pay for Those responsible for the van- others’ heedlessness. Even when dalism have not admitted guilt, I nor have they been identified or Brandon Gunt | the Mu reported by oystanders. Because Bar night at Silver Street Tavern was interrupted and cut short by the Waterville Police Department Over 20 Colby students, who were under there are no individuals to hold See, VANDALISM. Page 2 the age of 21, were issued citations for posessing fake identifications and posessron of alcohol. accountable for the costs, all Al- RELATED COVERAGE: P ag e 3 I fond residents will be charged -( Professors debate partisanship in the classroom B y A lessandro M aol ione overextension of classroom politi- and professors can form and the or your views on any issues." teaching. He trusts that at Colby, & Liam S imes cal discussions was palpable when subsequent personal discussions However, Maisel is confident Government professors (includ- Contributing Writers he walked into a human sexuality on the subject material that arise that he can distinguish between his ing himself) structure their lec- class. When he felt discomforted out of them. personal value-based assessments tures on debates they find mean- The controversial presidential by his professor’s anti-Trump ti- For William R. Kenan, Jr., Pro- and objective political analysis. “I ingful while acknowledging that election of Donald Trump has rade that included labeling his fessor of Government L. Sandy don’t think that my partisan views, “Where you stand politically does sparked a vigorous backlash in election ‘an act of terrorism,’ he Maisel, espousing his personal which are based on values that I shape wnat debates you think are I the country, noticeably on college decided to record the lecture on meaningful." He personally struc- campuses, and in response, con- his phone. When the video was tures his classes So do justice to servative groups have been con- Eosted and went viral, O'Neil was the normative arguments on both demning what they see as an at- anded a semester suspension and sides.” While also explaining “In tack on freedom of speech. Colby a handful of other penalties which, “In general, I don’t want to talk about general, I don’t want to talk about College professor Aaron Halon, in in part due to some conservative current affairs unless there is a re- his New York Times op-ed “Advice backlash, have since been revoked. current affairs unless there is a clear ally clear connection to what is on for my Conservative Students”, ac- Regardless of whether or not the syllabus. Where there is I d a knowledges that, “exercising your the professor’s privacy rights sur- connection to what is on the syllabus” and where there isn’t I don’t." voice is not forbidden, but it does passed O’Neil’s level of displea- In his Introduction to Political take courage on a liberal campus. sure at what he felt was his voice Theory class, he did not mention It won't be easy and people will being silenced (and a fear that his Joseph Reisert the recent election, and in Modern *< not always like you for it. Halon opinions would negatively affect Harriet 5. Wiswell and George C. Wiswell Jr. Associate Professor of Ameri- Conservatism, he states “We did also adds, “You have a voice and his academic grades), the incident talk for ten minutes or so about ideas that people need to hear, highlights the importance and rel- can Constitutional Law what Trumps election means for the but don’t compare disagreement evance of this topic. evolution of the conservative party." with your ideas to suppression.” While the incident in California The nation's current political cal- As a former conservative student was notably extreme, it is easy to endar has proven to be unique in at Bucknell University. Hanlon see how the line between purely political beliefs in the classroom feel strongly about, affect my ana- many ways, and professors have may understand the outlying po- objective and opinion-based lec- is a vital aspect of his teaching lytical views on how political par- been left to figure out how to navi- sition held by some conservative turing, especially in college politi- that removes any ambiguity. More ties work or how the American ?ate their classrooms in light of this. students better than most, but cal courses, can be blurred. This specifically, he wants to do away government works," Maisel said. >n the uniqueness of this presi- in a post-Trump election world, delicate situation is evident here with students attempting to guess Harriet S. Wiswell and George dential election and his classroom many new variables have emerged. at Colby, where Government pro- and question him on nis parti- C. Wiswell Jr. Associate Professor values, Maisel said, “This year was The allegations concerning First fessors face this predicament on san leanings by being upfront of American Constitutional Law much more challenging for me be- Amendment abuses on predomi- a regular basis and have adopted with them: I don't want students Joseph R. Reisert, takes an alter- cause not only was I a Democrat, nantly liberal college campuses fundamental views on how they spending the entire semester native approach to that of Profes- not only did 1 favor Secretary Clin- have sparked debates questioning should balance their personal po- guessing what my partisanship is. sor Maisel, aligning himself closer ton, but I also felt for the first time the very fundamentals of our right litical opinions with their teach- so I lay it out right at the begin- to Mackenzie. When faced with in my entire life that the Republican to free speech by both sides. ings. Some professors note that ning,” Maisel said. the question of whether or not party candidate for president didn’t Trump’s views during his cam- the freshman students may be par- This viewpoint stands in he thinks government professors meet the basic levels that I thought a paign and some of his early policies ticularly malleable to their profes- stark contrast to that of his for- should keep their political bias out candidate should have.” as President have affected many sors’ beliefs and therefore deserve mer colleague, retired Goldfarb of the classroom Reisert promptly Maisel recognizes this dilemma and fields of study beyond government an unbiased atmosphere where Family Distinguished Professor answered: “of course I dor and political science stretching they can formulate their view- of American Government Cal On a fundamental level, Rei- to areas such as environmental points. At the same time, a unique Mackenzie who Maisel claims, sert believes that political bias in studies. For Orange Coast Col- aspect of a small liberal arts col- “M aintains] that you should classrooms is highly dependent See, CLASSROOM. Page 2 lege freshman Caleb O’Neil, the lege is the relationships students never reveal your partisanship on what class the professor is 'I Featured Article: * Track and Field a headed to Nationals p. 12 - * Vt'arervillc, Maine News thecolbyechacom | Page 2 Dorm vandalism persists Partisanship in the classroom all around campus every week­ end and incur the cost of some of the classroom. In some classes, espe­ noted that, “the [Government] From, VANDALISM. Page 1 their guests’ imprudence. Dispro­ cially in the Government department, professors handle themselves portionate economic burdens are From, CLASSROOM. Page I we discuss topics that connect to deep in a more professional manner placed on residents of such dorms. emotional and political issues. Re­ than what I ve seen in other de­ people know who committed the If the current term’s dorm vandal­ gardless of our personal feelings, we partments, but the recent elec­ damage, the “culture is to let it ism bill were split eaually among all is aware of times when he has person­ all have to try to keep an academic tion has been a challenge since diffuse into dorms, which con­ Colby students, each would have to ally made commanding remarks in the current administration has tinues to breed vandalism be­ pay about $10.00; yet.
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