™\- r ■ / ' ’ • i^ r -s-^..... jiJU=^-;;.,-...M.- -• — r, . - • • • - iJ P A G S - m X V l UdlTOAY^ MARCH 8, 1$B Afm m o -Dnily Wat Ptias Bnn ^BimilfrsW^TOrttigri|eralb jree U w W ^ '-^-irg - u . a.-We w ts s m _ Mra Florence Greenwky waa Ugh, «nct«d tha AijoutTow n honored with a farewell party Sat­ S o u ^ S c h o o i ------------ o« HArt- urday by the employes of Blair's Bengston-Morrison Nuptials hwraat of Mw fcf ef the AaiH la lew STa. MemlMn of Ui« cut of ■ the Women'a Apparel Shop, and was ...tha project noraM e( CtreohiMeaa Purim play, "South Persia,” to be presented with a gift of money. by the acting gaiiaral managar'a Mone^ofer-—4 City of Village Charm Mrs. Oreenway la leaving Blalr’a Fence office. Aaking |^ ca of tha auccaaa iraBMUR . -'V > given at the Temple Beth Sholom .‘S; on March 11, are reminded of the for employment In ainother stora. fill bidder waa gl,060. - i -------- ^---------------------- The presentation was made by Cha|fi>Litik BanfCT Be* Oonstnictloa of tho fanco w VOL. LXl^L No. 131 (OleeelHed AdVertWag ea rage M) reheartal thii e\*ening at the tem­ Jamea Blair, owner of Blair'a Inc. made a atipulatlon in tha oootract M A N C H E ^ R , CONN.* TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENtH ple at 7:30. It li. urgently requegt- ^ttg Elected/lo Keep tnumttniag-atHme an acra of land ed th at all memberg of the cast be Manchester Lodge-No.. 73r A.F. to the town for the ^vonaHSLOt hat's the easiest pcesenf~ait thfa rffieartl^^^ and A M., will hold a special com­ Childien —Poidjitho South School frbm Cboney Brothers, oh' whooo 4>ap«rty the Chief of Police Herman O. munication at the Maaonic Tempts tomorrow evening at 7:30. The En-. 'Work bn 2he construction of a pond ia loeatad. to wash and iron a =>r- OSes Attlee Wins N Schendel will speaK on dogg at the protective/fenc* along the recent­ TBettlng' Of the ■ Profeagto'nal Wom­ tered Apprentice degree.. .will..be. conferred by Junior Warden John ly exteqdM south and east boun­ T te r eejfhktg . en^ Club tomorrow night at 8 U Von Deck. At the conclusion-of" daries of the South School was be- Lose First In Vote on o'clock at the Center Church. the degree work there wffl' be a jgun .today. The fence le designed to prevent children from wender- Controls Until \S4 social hour and refreOTmenta. An open meeting of the Rotary l|iff too cloee to Globe Hollow poiid. SERVICES Club \nli be held tomorrow night House Test Regiiui'''''t)‘ltalia Society will The 52S feet of two-inch chaUi- That Interpret H m VHsIms Washington, March 4-^-(/P)'8’madelade possible, he said, because of Party Rule at 6:30 at the Mancheater Coun­ meet this evening at 7:30 at tha link fence which will be five feet th'q return ef surplus metal by the try Club. ' ■ ‘ . - Of The Fasiiljr —^Mobilisation chief Charles __"_____ ^_____ _________ _ 'ftalian-Ameiican Club. Washinirton, March 4—(/P) E. Wilson today urgad Con- military and because orders of “^^Backeraxjf Unhrersat _L(mdQn,-_ Match 4—(/P)— The Edgar Group of ^It^South Ward Krause, dlrectpr of music gress to extend price aind as expected. Clement R. Attlee beat off de- Methodiat WSCS ^dH-fTold a- rtgii- In Rockville public . sch<»l»i. ..will JOHN B. BURKE taiy TraininK won the fir*t wage controls for two years; The, MebUlsatfon bOM waa -the cisivriy today an-all-out at­ N orthern Japa 11 Ut' mfeting'M ^ p. tn. tomorrow. be the spesker at the PTA meet­ f i m test vote in the House today. *We cahnot hold back infla­ kickoff witness a* the Benate tack by Labor p^y left ing at the Maple Street School, CIGHTERS — WATCHES A standing vote of 194 to opened public hearings to decide . Gtbtona Agaembly, Catholic thV city,, this eveevening. „ His subject CLOCKS — WALLETS FUNERAL HOMI " tion unless we -hold down whether or not to extend the De­ wingers against his leader­ Ladieg of Columbug. will meet to­ will be ■■ ■ ■ ~ - ... 167 beat down an opposition prices,” Wilson told the ship on the issue of Britain’s ■'Music In Our Public S7 Eaat OeiMw St. TaLSSS Make it motion to strike out tjie bill’s fense Production act, which morrow night at 8 o'clock at the Srhoolg." I Artkvr Drag Sttnii I Senate Banking committee, authorises price and wage con­ national, defense policy. Knighta of Golumbiig Home. Mem- AMBULANCE SEKVICE enacting clause—a maneuver adding that "converseljt, we trols. Attlee’s victory; at a closed ses- berg are reminded that the collec­ Mrs. Edmund Kiely of 2.10 High ireliminary to trying to send Expires J obs S* rion of the 295 Laboritre in the Gen, DeGauUe^s Star Rises: Toll at 31; tion of need eyeglaaa framea and street, west, chartmsn of the [ cannot hold down prices un­ House of Oommona, was reliably of t back to the Armed Services less we hold the wage line." The act expires at Midnight lenses Is being continued. Daughters of Isabella committee committee. June 30. If Gongress doesn't ex­ reported to have bren by a vot­ for March, has called a meeting Wilson told the Senatorf there tend it before then, all price, and ing margin of around three to one. Mi.ng Valerie Mea*er. daughter of the committee tonight at 8 A later move to aend It back to ha* been "some easing” of short- Snow, Gold committee la expected, bringing a .ngra In such materials aj copprr wage controls would be ended. ShowdowB. Vote < French Cabinet Crisis Holds o'^Mr and .Mrs Raymond Johnson o'clock at her home. INDIAN HEAD new teat Wilson said “No preaent easing It waa the firat time the long “ ' ^ ' ■ ■■■ I.. I,. ........ (i. ■ - ■ ■■ i of’ PP Baldwin road, left .Saturday and aluminum but he said it Is of a shortage hers or there,, no Mystic Review, No. 2, Womanls If xiicceaaful, that probably still too early to know for certain standing leadership, challenge of for Miami Reach. Fla . where she would kill the measure as far as decrease in some prices, should Aneiirln Bevan' and his leftist Parin, March 4—<>P)—TJie SeiZe A rea w'lll spend the nionth of .March. , Benefit Association, will meet to­ whether this ''easing” will con­ make us throw away the keys to morrow ;aL 8, p. m. tn..Odd. Fellows the present House la concerned. tinue.. .............L-. .. ........ forces had come to a showdown Failure Seen lanky figure of Gen. Charlek ^anfo Change coHon ■ Rep, 'Vitishh '(D..'be.* chalmain’ our aectirity;; ' Vote 'eUk meeting.'ax'parly mitin- Girl Scout'leaders are reminded Hsil.' Mrs. Harriet Rlsley. Mrs. “ At the aame'tlme the defense "At least two more years of d^PfjauHe takf a liengthehing Ybkyo, MarcH. Alice Shannon and Mrs. .Ernestine of the committee and floor mana­ bere who hold seats In Commons. shadow over Prench politics; of the seeond training session at ger for the hill, prrillrted he could production administration an­ hard work are ahead of-us before Attlee has al^ady decided to powerful earthquake- aad the Girl Seoul office tonight at Merll will serve on the refresh­ nounced It will aUot SO million we reach our present goals of mili­ today as independent Antoine ' ment comnlittee. ' " " m .. head- off .Che -recommittal - maneu- move in Commons tomorrow that tidal waves 12 feet high killed 7:30. All leaders interested are in­ --■'Ver-.-.-- ----— -■..... ' 'morv'pouhda dU"alfimliium and up tary strength and productive pow­ Winston Churchill’s Conservative ^ina.v_ tried to patch, a new ; an estimated 31 ‘Japanese in - vited to attend" Suggestions for to 25 miUton additional pounds er.” government is "not capable of car­ cabinet of Experts from the j troop activities tn all the program The Young Ladies Friendship However, even the hlll'a aup- of copper to clvtlian industries northern Japan today and left Club of St, John's Church will porters were not claiming aiif- " Wilson endorsed President Tni- rying o\it adequately” the British ill-fitting jig-saw pieces of i flelda will be given. during the three-month period of noan'a appeal to wipe out the Cape- defense program. thousands homeless. meet tonight at '7:30. Hosteases ficient strength to pass the meas­ April through June. France’s non Communist | will he Mrs. Eleanor Masnickl and ure In its present form. hart amendment—which permits This program, originally calling Driving snowstorms and , The Brltish-Amertcan ' Club will i.aj NEW DPA boM Manly Fieischmann manufacturers to pass their post- for a three-year, 4,700.000,000 parties, .... Mrs. Ida Novak. L Their strategy la to open It to said the agency win decide thia Korea cost increase oh to the pub- bitter near-zeife cold hit the hold Its monthly meeting tomori amendments which, might pacify pounds ($13,160,000,000) arms out­ Few observers gave Pinsy— i area tonight. row night at B o’clock at the club Elite Studio week which Industries should get lay. waa drawn up by Attlee's transport minister In the lamej Sunset Rebekah I>>dge fnembera ■omc opponents and win over the metals. The allocation was (OoatlBned ob Page Ught) The quake, > centered deep house. are reminded that the meeting to^ MRS. JOHN B. BENGSTON tome ‘‘doubtful'* members. own Labor government before Its duck government of Edgar Faure ! .
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