^sm^i^im^mm^^ Volume 49, No. 1. Philadelphia, March 16, 1907. Price, Five Cents. SPORTING LIFE March 16, 1907. arso report and start right In to give fendants. The latter admitted owning looking better than he has for a long, the Phillies some needed work in real the ball grouAd itself, but ©having sold long time. He expressed himself as contests. all interests, rights and title in the feeling first class and said he weighed ©buildings and stock of the old clu©b to 172 pounds and had taken off fully The Athletics Hard at Work. the club organized toy James Potter, twenty-one pounds and was not which subsequently was sold out by through at that. Of course Jim got a The Athletics at Merlin, Texas, have the sheriff. Col. Rogers also testified warm greeting from the boys. He said put in a solid week of practice and that when the stands were built he he had no incoiweinience from his with the aid of trainer Lawler have left everything to the builder. When knee, but was inclined to favor it a already profited iby their work. The the testimony was all in Attorney little. Bob Unglau©b showed good most cheering bit of news is that Johnson asked that binding instructions sense in making the trip. He had a Eddie Plank©s pitching arm appears to for acquittal be given to the jury, and talk with President Taylor on the be all right again. The players have Judge Wilson complied with the re train and as a result succeeded in ar Owing to Infringement of His Pat been formed into two squads, the Reg quest. Lawyer Hassler then said that ranging matters to his satisfaction. ulars working under Captain Dayis, the case would be appealed. Half a He went to first base and put up such with Oldring in center field.and Cross dozen lawyers, representing other vic a game there from the start that it is ented Score Board by a Chicago and Nichols alternating at third base tims, sat through the trial. They will considered a cdnch he will play the and short field until Knight joins the take no action until the Cunningham bag when the season opens. He has team. Third baseman Jimmy Burke case has been finally disposed of. improved wonderfully in his bail toss Concern Browns Minus Stone has been returned to Kansas City, thus ing and is verifying the prediction of leaving Knight and Nicholls to fight it Henry Killilea that lie will make good and Spencer Owing to Protests. out for the third base position. The Local Jottings. on the bag. Killilea once told me that youngsters have been formed into the Mike Doolin persisted in calling the steamer Unglaub played the best first base he Tanigan team under the management which took the Phillies to Savannah the Murry- ever saw and Tim Murnane told me St. Louis, Mo., March 9. Edittor of Sam Erwin. Of the "kids" outfield- mac. here the other day that he never saw "Sporting Life." The Cardinals left er Lelivelt, the Copper Country League Charley Dooin proved himself an expert quoit it played any better than Bob has recruit, looks like the best man alike in player on shipboard when the, Phillies went played 1-t here. What will be done with on the 5th inst. for Houston, Texas, fielding and batting. Shortstop Foster, under Manager McClos- first baseman Netiring and pitcher South on the steamer Merrimac. Grimshaw remains to be seen. With key©s wing, shy only one Cahill look very promising, but all Pitcher Waddell weighs over 200 pounds, but Sullivan, Barrett and Stahl in the out player, catcher Marshall. appear to need more minor league sea claims he is hard as nails and that the added field it looks to me there will be no Before going Manager soning. The teams will remain at avoirdupois©contains very little fat. room for Grimshaw. He as a good McCloskey made an in Marlin until the time for the start to Manager Murray compels every man of his <batsman and too good a man to be teresting statement tc © New Orleans Friday next, making team to put on his uniform twice a day, re allowed to go© elsewhere. He can play the effect that he had short trips to Dallas and Fort Worth. gardless of soreness or lameness. He holds both in the infield and the outfield. invented and patente On Saturday the Regulars at Fort that even a mere walk in, a uniform© is PARENT IN GOOD SHAPE. an electric scoreboard Worth beat the locals 4 to 0, while beneficial. In the absence of Parent, who per which he had privatelj the Yanigans beat Fort Worth 9 to 1. According to the "Record" President Drey- sisted in holding out, although he offered for club use be fuss, through a commissioner, places many bets would have parted with none of his On Sunday the Regulars again beat on horse races with local hand bookmakers. Mr. fore the Chicago com Dallas 4 to 2 and the Yanigans trim Dreyfuss Is also credited with possessing such rights by reporting at the very start, party \vhich is makinj med Forth Worth 10 to 7. rare luck or judgment in picking winners that Wagner has been playing shorstop all contracts for the instal he has won $2(3,000 within a month. week and winning golden opinions J. J. McCloskey lation of electric score J<ocal Sporting Writers Organize. Ernest J. Lanigan, the well-known base ball by his work, and if it Came to the boards was heard of .As an outcome of the very success writer and statistician, has been appointed worst could fill that position to first- McCloskey is of opinion that the Chi ful dinner given Managers Murray and ba<e ball editor of the New York "Press." class advantage. A Boston "Herald" cago board is an infringement upor Mack by the Philadelphia Sporting Our esteemed contemporary is to be congratu reporter quoted Parent as saying he his system and he is going to Writers, the latter have formed a per lated upon the acquisition of so capable and would quit the game before he would about it. McCloskey©s board is a very manent social organization under the experienced a base ball writer as Mr. Lanigas. sign with the club on any other terms complete one operated by a keyboarc title "Philadelphia Sporting Writers© Stockholder Andrew Stevenson, of the Phillies. than his own. The times when a play In the press box. It indicates the bats Association." The organization was who has been at Palm Beach, is very enthusi er could say a thing like that and get man, and his standing jn the game, as effected after a dinner tendered the astic over the form displayed by inflelder Clyde awray with it are of the past and do not well as the status of the game. Some Sporting Writers by the managers of Engle. of the Newark team, in the Florida go now. Fred has no kick coming and thing like fifty-four keys are required the Hotel Majestic on the evening of League games, several of which Mr. Stevenson it will be up to him to show that he to work the machine and the main ob March 6. About twenty scribes sat witnessed. He considers Engle fast enough for can play ball with the best of them. jection to it from a business stand down to a splendidly-served dinner, the major leagues. THE PROBABLE1 LINE-UP. point is the fact that it w©ould make at the end of which upon m©otion of Manager Mack works three pitchers in each With the extensive force of battery a score book practically unnecessary Chairman Richter, the following reso game, the Yanigans having Cuhlll, Hartley and players on hand there must be some BROWNS MINUS STONE. Howard the last a left-hander from Danville. lutions were adopted: Va.. while Waddell. Coombs and Bygert do -the releases before long. It "is whispered When the Browns left night of Whereas. The dinner tendered Managers slabwork for *e veteran*. Owing to Schreck©s that Petersqn is destined for the Doe- ., March 5 for San Antondo, George Stone Mack and Murray by the Philadelphia sporting bad arm. Berry does the catching for the Regu Duffy Providence team and he will with "Nig" Clarke, the Nap catcher writers at the Hotel Majestic on the evening lars, while catcher Powers captains the Yani- doubtless make a very good man for the champion batter o: of February 28. lf>07. was voted a grand that aggregation. The club will line the country, was among by all who had the good fortune to participate up about this way: Criger1, Armbruster, the missing, and thi therein; and. Shaw, Carrigan, catchers; Young, Tan- means that Stone©s strike Whereas, the unquestionable artistic, social BOSTON BRIEFS* nehill, Winter, Dineen, Oberlin, Harris, has become a m©ore seri and physical success of the Murray-Mack dinner Glaze, pitchers; Unglau©b. Ferris, Col was due in a very large degree to the environ lins. Parent, infield; Sullivan, Barrett, ous one and that it may ment, the menu, the service and the pains The Americans at Work at Little Rock- require some time foi taking attention to every detail prior to, during Stahl, outfield; Wagner, Grimshaw, the player and club to and after said dinner: therefore, be it The Hold-Outs in Line The Team©s Freeman, utility twenty-one men. «It get together. President Resolved.
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